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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107


Original Research

Examination of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine polymer

coated acrylic resin denture base material: surface characteristics
and Candida albicans adhesion
İrem Türkcan ●
A. Dilek Nalbant2 Erhan Bat3 Gülçin Akca4
● ●

Received: 21 November 2017 / Accepted: 5 June 2018

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer coating with
various concentrations onto acrylic resin denture base material on surface characteristics such as contact angle and surface
roughness and on Candida albicans adhesion which is the major factor of denture stomatitis. Specimens, prepared from heat-
polymerized acrylic denture base material, were divided into control and three test groups, randomly. Surfaces of the

specimens in test groups were coated with poly(MPC) (PMPC) by graft polymerization of MPC in different concentrations
(0.25 mol/L; 0.50 mol/L and 0.75 mol/L), while no surface treatment was applied to the control group. Contact angles and
surface roughness were examined, and chemical composition of the surfaces was analyzed by Attenuated Total Reflectance-
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to verify the presence of PMPC coatings. Then, specimens were incubated
with C. albicans for 18 h and the number of adhered cells was determined. Upon PMPC coating, the contact angle values
statistically decreased, but no difference was found in surface roughness values. A statistically significant decrease was
observed in C. albicans adhesion in parallel with the increase in the MPC polymer concentration. There was no significant
difference between 0.50 mol/L and 0.75 mol/L groups in terms of adhesion. These findings indicated that graft
polymerization of MPC on acrylic denture base material reduces the adhesion of C. albicans, and may be evaluated as a
coating for prevention of denture stomatitis.

1 Introduction

Acrylic resin based conventional or implant supported

removable dentures are frequently preferred when fixed
dentures are not indicated, particularly in elderly patients.
This report was presented as an “oral presentation” in 22nd BaSS
Although patients are mostly satisfied regarding esthetics
Congress that was held on 4–6 May 2017 in Makedonia Palace Hotel,
Thessaloniki, Greece. and function, denture plaque, formed by oral micro-
organisms on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) based
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
acrylic denture base, is one of the major problems. Den-
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. ture plaque is known to be a risk factor for opportunistic
infections especially in elderly or immune-suppressed
* İrem Türkcan patients. In clinical applications, non-polished surfaces of
dentures, also in contact with mucosa, are deprived of the
Özel Çankaya Hikmet Bozyel Oral and Dental Health Policlinic, washing effect of saliva resulting in a convenient envir-
Ankara, Turkey onment for the formation of denture plaque. Due to the
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Gazi overgrowth of yeast cells in the space between the denture
University, Ankara, Turkey and palatal mucosa, there is a high risk of denture sto-
Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical matitis in maxilla [1, 2].
University, Ankara, Turkey Chronic atrophic (erythematous) candidiasis, also known
Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Microbiology, Gazi as “denture stomatitis” or “denture sore mouth”, is char-
University, Ankara, Turkey acterized by localized chronic erythema and edema of the
107 Page 2 of 9 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107

mucosa in contact with the fitting surface of the denture. Its Despite the use of MPC polymer in medicine, there is no
primary etiology is the overgrowth of opportunistic Can- usage of MPC in dental practice yet. There are few dental
dida in the area between the palate and the denture surface studies [1, 36–42] regarding MPC, but no studies con-
where natural salivary flow is restricted [3, 4]. Poor oral cerning C. albicans adhesion on PMPC coated PMMA have
hygiene and poorly fitting dentures also promote the for- been found through the literature search. Based on the
mation of denture stomatitis [5], and it is usually observed medical studies which have proved MPC polymer to reduce
in patients using worn dentures and who do not remove microorganism and cell adhesion, this study was designed
their dentures at night [6]. Lesions usually occur on the to evaluate the effects of MPC polymer on C. albicans
palate and maxilla, and the mucosa beneath mandibular adhesion onto PMMA which is a commonly used dental
dentures is almost never involved [3, 4]. According to prosthetic material usually at 36.5–37 °C for oral use.
Akpan and Morgan [3] denture stomatitis is quite common The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of
with an incidence rate up to 65% reported. Treatment of this PMPC coating with various concentrations onto acrylic
clinical condition, which can lead to health problems and resin denture base material on surface characteristics such as
decrease the quality of life in elderly, is problematic because contact angle and surface roughness, and on C. albicans
of the patients’ inadequate disinfection of the surfaces, adhesion which is a common factor for denture stomatitis.
resulting in rapid recolonization [7]. Therefore, inhibition of
adhesion and accumulation of microorganisms is an effec-
tive method for suppression of the formation and maturation 2 Materials and methods
of denture plaque.
In order to prevent candidal colonization on denture base 2.1 Preparation of acrylic specimens
materials, many studies have been conducted using various
materials and methods. To benefit from the oligodynamic Using pink modelling wax (Berrwax Modelling Wax, Berr
effect silver nanoparticles had been incorporated into Dental, Turkey), heat polymerized acrylic resin (Meliodent
PMMA, and both promising results [8] and inefficient Heat Cure, Heraeus Kulzer, Germany) disks with a thick-
findings [9] regarding Candida albicans adhesion were ness of 2.0 mm and a diameter of 6.0 mm, were con-
reported. Physical or chemical surface modifications on ventionally fabricated following the manufacturer’s
PMMA like bonding of antifungal agents [7, 10–12], instructions. In order to standardize the surfaces, both sides
alteration of surface charge [13, 14], and increasing surface of each specimen were rubbed conventionally with no.
wettability and decreasing surface energy [15–18] were 600 silicon carbide abrasive paper (Waterproof Silicon
examined in several studies and significantly lower results Carbide Paper, English Abrasives Ltd., London, England)
were obtained in C. albicans adhesion. Recent studies have until the final thickness of the disks were 1.5 mm [10].
evaluated whether experimental photopolymerized coatings
containing zwitterionic or hydrophilic monomers would 2.2 Graft polymerization of MPC on the acrylic resin
reduce C. albicans adhesion on denture base acrylic resins specimens
and encouraging results were reported for further investi-
gations [15–17]. Specimen surfaces were cleaned with hexane and ethanol in
2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) is a an ultrasonic bath for 5 and 30 min, respectively, and dried
widely used biocompatible and hydrophilic biomedical at room temperature. Then, they were divided into four
polymer [1, 19]. Subsequent to the introduction of the groups randomly. One group was randomly chosen as
synthesis and purification processes of MPC in 1990 by control and no surface treatment was applied. Specimens to
Ishihara et al. [20] in a refined and complete manner, sig- be coated were immersed in an ethanol solution containing
nificant progress has been made in the development of the 10 mg/mL benzophenone for 30 s and were dried in the dark
MPC polymer (PMPC) as a biomaterial. It has been shown at room temperature to remove the ethanol [1].
to have substantial antithrombogenicity because of its high MPC, purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, USA,
resistance to cell adhesion and its reaction with endogenous was dissolved in degassed pure water to obtain aqueous
proteins and cells [21–24]. Coating of medical devices with solutions of the monomer at different concentrations:
PMPC has been reported to be very useful in reducing the 0.25 mol/L, 0.50 mol/L and 0.75 mol/L. Acrylic resin spe-
number of adherent bacteria [1, 25–29]. The efficacy and cimens that had been coated with benzophenone were
safety of MPC polymers as a biomaterial is well established immersed in the MPC solutions. Photo-induced graft
and approved by FDA [1, 30–34]. Several medical devices polymerization of MPC on acrylic resin specimens was
with PMPC coating, like intravascular stents and soft con- carried out at 70 °C for 90 min under ultraviolet-ray(UV)-
tact lenses, have been developed and are in clinical use [26, irradiation using an ultraviolet ray source (White/Ultraviolet
27, 32, 35]. Transilluminator TLW-20, UVP, CA, USA) with a
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107 Page 3 of 9 107

wavelength of 365 nm and power of 8 watts which was To control the viability of C. albicans suspensions, cul-
placed 20 cm away from the specimens. After polymeriza- tivation was performed from each sample into SDA med-
tion, PMPC-grafted PMMA specimens were removed, ium. Specimens were removed and washed with 1 mL
washed with pure water to remove residual monomers, and sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH = 7.4) (Oxoid
dried at room temperature [1, 25, 28, 32, 43]. Limited, Hampshire, England) twice. Except for two spe-
cimens from each group (in total 8 specimens which were
2.3 Surface analysis of the specimens examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)), each
specimen was placed into Eppendorf tubes containing 1 mL
To evaluate the wettability of the surfaces, static contact sterile PBS, and vortexed (Vortex V-1 plus, Biosan Ltd.,
angles were measured by sessile drop method using an Riga, Latvia) for 2 min to detach adhered yeast cells. 100 µL
optical tensiometer (KSV Attension Theta Lite, Biolin of yeast suspension of each detached specimen was culti-
Scientific AB, Stockholm, Sweden). Drops of pure water vated individually in SDA medium and incubated at 37 °C
(2 µL) were deposited on the surfaces and after 5 s the for 24 h. Proliferated colonies were counted, and by cal-
contact angles were measured with an optical camera. culating dilution ratio, values were recorded in terms of
Measurements were performed twice for each specimen (n colony forming unit per mL.
= 3), and the average values were recorded [9, 15]. C. albicans cells adhered onto the specimens which were
Surface roughness measurements were performed using reserved for SEM examination, were fixed with methanol.
a mobile roughness measuring instrument (MarSurf M After drying in vacuum, specimens were coated with gold
300C, Mahr GmbH, Göttingen, Germany) with a drive and examined with SEM (Zeiss GeminiSEM, Carl Zeiss
speed (Vt) of 0.2 mm/s and movement length (Lt) of Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany).
1.75 mm. After the calibration of the device, specimens
were fixed on a metal plate provided by the manufacturer, 2.5 Statistical analysis
and the measurements were performed under manu-
facturer’s instructions. Measurements were performed three The results were statistically analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for
times for each specimen (n = 3), and the average Ra (µm) Windows software. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to examine
values were recorded [44, 45]. the distribution of the continuous numeric variables, and
To confirm the MPC polymerization on specimens, the Levene test was used to determine the homogeneity of the
chemical compositions of the surfaces were examined by variances. Descriptive statistics for contact angles and C.
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with atte- albicans adhesion values were demonstrated as mean and
nuated total reflection (ATR) equipment. For two specimens standard deviation, and for surface roughness values median
randomly selected from each group, ATR-FTIR spectra (interquartile range) was used. Since C. albicans adhesion
were obtained in 10 scans over the range of 550–4000 cm−1 values were not normally distributed logarithmic transfor-
using an FTIR analyzer (FT-IR Spectrometer Spectrum mation was performed.
Two, PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) at a resolution In terms of mean contact angles and C. albicans adhesion
of 4.0 cm−1 [46]. values after logarithmic transformation, the significance of
the differences between groups were evaluated by One Way
2.4 Adhesion assay and analysis Variance Analysis (One-Way ANOVA). For surface
roughness, the significance of the differences between
C. albicans (ATCC #90028) was incubated at 37 °C for groups were compared with Kruskal-Wallis test. In con-
48 h in Sabourraud dextrose agar (SDA) (LabM, Lanca- sequence of significant One-Way ANOVA results, the
shire, England) medium. In Sabourraud dextrose broth condition(s) causing the differences were identified by post
(SDB) (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) medium, using 0.5 hoc Tukey test. A statistical significance level of p < 0.05
McFarland test standards, yeast cell concentration was was used.
adjusted to 1.5 × 108 cfu/mL, turbidometrically. One hun-
dred µL of this suspension was diluted to an optical density
of 600 (OD600) at 450 nm using an ELISA reader (ELx800 3 Results
Absorbance Reader, BioTek, USA). After being disinfected
by immersing in ethanol for 10 min, acrylic specimens (n = In this study, we investigated the surface characteristics of
12) were immersed individually in 2 mL of SDB medium in PMPC coated PMMA and the effects of PMPC coating with
sterile Eppendorf tubes. 100 µL of C. albicans suspension various concentrations on C. albicans adhesion. After graft
was added into each tube, and incubated at 37 °C for polymerization of MPC on PMMA had been completed,
overnight (18 h), representing the duration of daily pros- contact angle values for all groups were examined to
thesis usage, after shaking several times. determine the changes in surface hydrophilicity. According
107 Page 4 of 9 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107

Fig. 1 Mean (standard deviation) of contact angle values for non-

treated and PMPC coated specimens. Equal letters denote statistical
similarity between the factors evaluated (One-way ANOVA, p <
Fig. 3 ATR-FTIR spectra of non-treated and PMPC coated specimens.
B: benzophenone

in surface hydrophilicity. Transmission peaks were

observed for the test groups at 1595, 1577, 705 and 639 cm
which are attributed to aromatic C=C and C–H stretches
and refers to the presence of benzophenone on the surface.
As characteristic transmission peaks of the phosphate
group (P–O) in MPC at 1240 and 970 cm−1 were not
observed due to the overlaps of transmission peaks of the
groups in PMMA, peak at 1080 cm−1 was observed for 0.50
and 0.75 mol/L MPC groups slightly. Therefore, the inten-
Fig. 2 Median of mean surface roughness (Ra) values for non-treated sity of C=O and C–O bonds, which are found in different
and PMPC coated specimens. No significant differences were found ratios in MPC and PMMA, were compared and the intensity
between groups according to Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 0.190) of C–O peak was higher than C=O in PMPC-grafted
groups indicating the surface coating with PMPC.
to One-Way ANOVA, statistically significant differences Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for C. albicans
were determined between at least two of the groups with adhesion numbers. Since C. albicans adhesion numbers
regard to contact angle values (F = 7.229 and p < 0.001). were not normally distributed, logarithmic transformation
Compared to control group, a statistically significant was performed. According to the One-Way ANOVA, sta-
decrease was observed in 0.25 mol/L MPC and 0.75 mol/L tistically significant differences were determined between at
MPC groups (p < 0.001 and p = 0.026, respectively). No least two of the groups with regard to C. albicans adhesion
significant differences were found among other groups (Fig. numbers (F = 19.502 and p < 0.001). When all groups were
1). compared with one another, all groups were found to be
With the increase in the concentration of MPC grafting, a significantly different except 0.50 mol/L MPC and
slight increase in surface roughness was observed. How- 0.75 mol/mL MPC groups in terms of C. albicans adhesion
ever, the median Ra values were not statistically different (p = 0.999) (Fig. 4).
between the groups, according to Kruskal-Wallis test (p = An additional SEM imaging was performed on PMPC
0.190) (Fig. 2). grafted and non-incubated specimens. When comparing the
Figure 3 shows the ATR-FTIR spectra of untreated and incubated and non-incubated specimen surfaces, no marked
PMPC-grafted PMMA with different initial MPC con- difference in surface topography was observed between the
centrations in the polymerization solution. Different from specimens (Supplementary Fig. 1). SEM images of the C.
the control group, between 3624 and 3080 cm−1 wave albicans adhered specimens from each group are shown in
numbers a broad peak and then increase was observed in Fig. 5. For the surface coating, no differences were
direct proportion to the PMPC-graft concentration which is observed between control group and PMPC-grafted test
attributed to the OH group, and it refers to the water groups. In all groups, the rough surface of PMMA was
absorbed by the hydrophilic PMPC layer. With the increase observed and C. albicans cells were clearly identified. With
in PMPC concentration, it was observed that the intensity of the increase in MPC concentration, in parallel with loga-
the peaks also increased likely due to increase in the water rithmic C. albicans adhesion statistics, a relative decrease
absorbed on the surface, which is considered as an increase was observed in the number of adhered yeast cells. Due to
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107 Page 5 of 9 107

Table 1 Descriptive statistics

Groups n Meana Standard deviation Minimuma Maximuma
according to the groups for C.
albicans adhesion Control 10 7931 5435.0 3670 21,680
0.25 mol/mL MPC 10 3809 3877.9 330 12,340
0.50 mol/mL MPC 10 852 637.5 150 2190
0.75 mol/mL MPC 10 766 380.5 280 1520

In recent studies hydrophilic polymers were frequently

used in surface modification [16, 17]. Especially known for
its antithrombogenic effect, MPC polymer is one of the
most common biocompatible and hydrophilic polymers
which used in medical devices like contact lenses and
artificial joints, and FDA approves the biosafety of MPC
[21–24, 27, 34]. In many studies, MPC polymer coating has
been shown to be effective in decreasing adhesion of pro-
teins, platelets, fibroblasts, bacteria and fungi to the surface
Fig. 4 Mean (standard deviation) of adhered C. albicans numbers after [1, 21, 23, 24, 29, 30, 34, 47–50]. Since it is not used in
logarithmic transformation. Equal letters denote statistical similarity
dentistry yet, dental studies including MPC polymer are
between the factors evaluated (One-Way ANOVA, p < 0.001)
rare. Therefore, in this study it was aimed to evaluate the
effects of MPC polymer coating with various concentrations
the 18 h-incubation period, at 37 °C incubator, early stage of onto a commonly used acrylic resin denture base material
biofilm formation was examined, and yeast, any hyphae on C. albicans adhesion.
formation or three-dimensional biofilm structure was not Several MPC coating methods have been used in the
observed. studies with surface modification with MPC polymer.
Coating of substrate surfaces [24, 29, 30, 34, 49], plasma
treatment [48] and graft polymerization [21, 47, 50] are
4 Discussion most frequently used methods. Modified surfaces prepared
by graft polymerization were found to be quite stable due to
Especially in removable partial and total dentures, acrylic the covalent bonds between polymer and substrate [1, 51].
resins have a wide area of use in prosthodontics. Despite Graft polymerization is performed using one of these
being biocompatible for long-term oral usage, being sus- methods: (1) surface-initiated graft polymerization termed
ceptible to microbial adhesion is an important disadvantage the “grafting from” method in which poly-MPC (PMPC) is
of acrylic resins, compared to other dental materials. Den- grafted onto substrate via covalent bonds; (2) adsorption of
ture plaque is known to be a significant risk factor for the polymer to the substrate surface termed the “grafting to”
opportunistic infections particularly in elder patients with methods including dipping, cross-linking, or reaction of the
attenuated hand skills for denture maintenance, patients end groups of the ready-made polymers with the functional
with underlying systemic diseases or immunocompromised groups of the substrate. Since a high-density polymer brush
individuals. Denture stomatitis is the most common situa- interface with a multifunctional polymer is formed in
tion among denture plaque-related infections. With the “grafting from” method, it has an advantage over the
cofactors like poor oral hygiene, weakness in the immune “grafting to” method, resulting in an efficient function and
system, usage of incompatible old dentures, the most higher strength [1, 28]. Therefore, “grafting from” method
common etiology for denture stomatitis is the overgrowth of was preferred in this study.
C. albicans. Instead of treating infections induced by den- After surface modification with MPC, alterations in
ture plaque, inhibition of denture plaque formation is more surface characteristics of PMMA were examined. For the
efficient and long-termed. For the prevention of C. albicans evaluation of wettability, contact angle measurement is
adhesion on acrylic resins, physical or chemical surface frequently used in the literature [1, 15, 27, 43, 52, 53]. It
modification like increasing surface wettability and was reported that static contact angle values were sig-
decreasing surface energy [13, 16–18], and bonding of nificantly decreased with MPC grafting of PMMA surfaces
antifungal agents on PMMA [10, 11] were examined in [1]. The most important factor which led MPC polymer to
several studies and significantly lower results were obtained be used in biomedical devices is its high hydrophilic
in C. albicans adhesion. property. MPC polymer coating of materials such as
107 Page 6 of 9 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107

Fig. 5 SEM images of

specimens from each group
(arrows are indicating adhered
yeast cells); a control, b
0.25 mol/L MPC, c 0.50 mol/L
MPC, d 0.75 mol/L MPC

PMMA, PEEK cross-linked polyethylene (CLPE) and Investigating the usage of MPC polymers in dentistry is
polyethylene (PE) has resulted in significantly decreased still very new, and studies are mostly about dental com-
static contact angle [1, 25–28, 32, 36]. Results of our study posite resins, adhesives and cements. Based on the results of
also indicate that MPC polymer increases surface wett- the studies including the incorporation of MPC into dental
ability of PMMA, similar to previous studies. composite resins or coating the surface of composite with
To prevent C. albicans adhesion, Park et al. [13] mod- MPC incorporated adhesive, MPC polymer significantly
ified the surface of PMMA by copolymerization of methyl decreased protein adsorption and microorganism adhesion
methacrylate acid with various concentrations resulted in a onto materials [36–40]. As a result of MPC polymer
negative charge and increased the hydrophilicity of the incorporation into resin-modified glass ionomer cement
surface. As a result, it was reported that C. albicans adhe- (RMGIC) a reduction in biofilm formation was indicated
sion decreased with the increase in the incorporated [41, 42].
methacrylic acid ratio. Similar to this result, as the con- Except for dental composite resins and cements, one
centration of MPC increased, C. albicans adhesion sig- study was found about PMMA among dental literature.
nificantly decreased in our study. Takahashi et al. [1], modified PMMA surfaces by coating
Yodmongol et al. [18] coated PMMA with silane-SiO2 and grafting methods of MPC polymer with various con-
nanocomposite films and examined the effects on the sur- centrations (0.125 mol/L; 0.25 mol/L; 0.50 mol/L; 0.75 mol/
face characteristics and C. albicans adhesion. An alteration L) and evaluated S. mutans biofilm formation before and
in surface chemical composition was shown by FTIR, while after 500 brushing cycles. It has been reported that S.
no significant change in surface roughness or surface free mutans biofilm formation was increased five times in coated
energy was reported. Nanocomposite film coating led to a group after brushing, and there was no significant difference
significant decrease in C. albicans adhesion while the sur- in biofilm formation in the grafted group. Consequently, it
face free energy was insignificantly reduced. In our study, was indicated that grafting method is more durable than
an alteration was observed in surface chemical composition, coating method. In addition, S. mutans biofilm formation
but differences in surface roughness were not statistically decreased about one-tenth of the control group in both
significant. Although contact angle values of 0.50 mol/L coated and grafted groups. Similar to these results, a decline
MPC group were not significantly lower, a quite sharp about one-tenth of the C. albicans adhesion values of the
decrease in C. albicans adhesion was observed when control group in 0.50 mol/L and 0.75 mol/L MPC groups
compared to the control group. was observed in our study.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107 Page 7 of 9 107

Some studies associate the surface roughness and adhe- Mayahara et al. [55] reported that surface roughness
sion [54–56]. In a study investigating surface roughness of increased the adhesion of mycelial C. albicans but it had no
dental composite resins coated with dental adhesive, in apparent effect on the adhesion of yeast-form C. albicans.
which MPC was incorporated with various concentrations, a In SEM examinations, adhesion of yeast-form C. albicans
significant decrease in Ra values was reported parallel to was observed in the 9-h-culture group while adhesion of
increased MPC concentration [36]. In other studies, MPC mycelia-form C. albicans was found in the 24-h-culture
was incorporated into dental adhesives or composite resins, group. In our SEM analyses, strong adhesion of C. albicans
and the bonding strength or flexural strength of materials cells was observed in control group, and a significant
were evaluated, not the surface properties [37–40]. In reduction in C. albicans adhesion was observed in test
another research, the contact angle of PMMA-grafted with groups in parallel with the increase in MPC concentration.
MPC-was evaluated but surface roughness was not exam- Although it was reported that expression of hyphae could be
ined [1]. observed in short periods of time depending on the culture
According to the results obtained in our study, a slight medium and incubation temperature [61], candidal hyphae
increase was observed in surface roughness with the were not observed under the experimental conditions of this
increase in MPC polymer concentration. However, differ- study.
ences between groups were not statistically significant, In our study, a decrease was observed in C. albicans
consequently it is considered that the PMPC layer may be adhesion with the MPC coating, inversely proportional to
very thin when compared to the surface roughness of the concentration. The differences between control group
PMMA. Surface roughness values for all groups (surface (8.82 ± 0.55) and test groups (7.73 ± 1.13 for 0.25 mol/L
roughness median values were 0.51; 0.50; 0.57 and 0.61 µm MPC; 6.47 ± 0.83 for 0.50 mol/L MPC; and 6.52 ± 0.54 for
for control; 0.25 mol/L MPC; 0.50 mol/L MPC and 0.75 mol/L MPC) were statistically significant. Since the
0.75 mol/L MPC groups, respectively) were quite lower groups concerning surface roughness were slightly different
than Zissis et al. [45] (3.4 and 3.8 µm) and Ulusoy et al. [57] but the difference is not statistically significant, this
(2.53 µm) reported for heat-polymerized acrylic denture decrease in adhesion was considered to be related to the
base resins without any surface treatment, and similar with increase in surface hydrophilicity of test groups. The C.
the results of Azevedo et al. [44] (0.40–0.70 µm) who albicans adhesion differences between test groups were
applied abrasive paper to the acrylic surfaces. statistically significant except 0.50 mol/L MPC and
In many studies conducted by Kyomoto et al. [28, 32, 35, 0.75 mol/L MPC groups. Based on these results, graft
43, 46, 58], FTIR analysis with ATR was utilized for the polymerization of MPC onto PMMA surface was deter-
surface analysis of various materials, such as CLPE and mined to decrease C. albicans adhesion significantly at all
PEEK, coated with graft polymerization of MPC. At 1240, tested concentrations of MPC when compared to the control
1080 and 970 cm−1 absorption peaks were observed which group. We concluded that to reduce C. albicans adhesion, a
correspond to the phosphate group (P–O) in the MPC unit. monomer density of 0.50 mol/L would be enough for
Absorption peaks were reported at 1460 and 1720 cm−1 PMMA surface modification with MPC.
which were attributed to the methylene (CH2) and carbonyl MPC polymer usage in dentistry is quite recent and
(C=O) groups, respectively. In our study, distinct peaks studies on this subject are limited. Within the limitations of
were not observed at values mentioned above. This situation our study, modification of PMMA surface with graft poly-
is thought to have occurred due to the difference in the merization of MPC is found to have an inhibitory effect on
materials coated with MPC, between the studies. No other C. albicans adhesion due to the significant increase in
study performed ATR-FTIR analysis on PMMA coated surface hydrophilicity and may be evaluated as a coating for
with graft polymerization of MPC, was found in the prevention of denture stomatitis. However, to bring MPC
literature. polymer into use in dental applications, further studies
It has been proven that surface roughness of acrylic should be performed with various methods evaluating its
denture base resins has a significant effect on C. albicans mechanical and biological characteristics, and its durability
adhesion rather than surface free energy [54, 59, 60]. To on PMMA surface.
prevent yeast adhesion, acrylic resin surfaces were coated
using various methods, resulting in the reduction of surface
roughness and C. albicans adhesion [55, 56]. Although 5 Conclusion
there was no statistically significant difference between
control and test groups regarding surface roughness, a Within the limitations of this study, the following conclu-
reduction in C. albicans adhesion was determined in our sions can be drawn:
107 Page 8 of 9 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (2018)29:107

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study. Gerodontology. 2014;31:25–33.
Acknowledgements Special thanks to Professor Hatice Mehtap Kutlu 16. Lazarin AA, Machado AL, Zamperini CA, Wady AF, Spolidorio
and Assistant Professor Nesil Ertorun from Department of Biology, DMP, Vergani CE. Effect of experimental photopolymerized
Faculty of Science, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey and Öznur coatings on the hydrophobicity of a denture base acrylic resin and
Doğan from Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East on Candida albicans adhesion. Arch Oral Biol. 2013;58:1–9.
Technical University for their kindness and valuable assistance in 17. Izumida FE, Moffa EB, Vergani CE, Machado AL, Jorge JH,
scanning electron microscopy imaging. This research did not receive Giampaolo ET. In vitro evaluation of adherence of Candida
any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or albicans, Candida glabrata, and Streptococcus mutans to an acrylic
not-for-profit sectors. resin modified by experimental coatings. Biofouling.
Compliance with ethical standards 18. Yodmongkol S, Chantarachindawong R, Thaweboon S, Thawe-
boon B, Amornsakchai T, Srikhirin T. The effects of silane-SiO2
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of nanocomposite films on Candida albicans adhesion and the sur-
interest. face and physical properties of acrylic resin denture base material.
J Prosthet Dent. 2014;112:1530–8.
19. Iwasaki Y, Aiba Y, Morimoto N, Nakabayashi N, Ishihara K.
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