Hrm-Essay Questions

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Learning 1:

1. Fundamental Management Functions

2. Essentials of Management and Organizational Behavior: Linking Concepts to Practice
3. Organizational Behavior as a field of study
4. Interpersonal Skills: Failure and Success in the Job
5. Organizational Behavior: Other Disciplines and the Origin of OB
6. Applying OB Concepts in the Workplace: Advantages, challenges, opportunities and
7. The OB Model of Analysis: OB as an Evidence base discipline

Learning 2:
1. Workplace Diversity
2. Levels of Diversity
3. Perspective of Diversity
4. Diversity Management

Find and view a documentary film (Philippine context-Filipino reality) about

discrimination in workplace. Write a reaction/reflection paper about the material.

Gather at least three national/local laws (Philippine legislation/local ordinance) that

address issue on discrimination at work in particular and in the society in general.
Describe the degree of effectiveness in terms of its implementation based on your
personal observation.
Write your recommendation.

Learning 3:
Attitudes and Behavior
1. Attitudes
2. Components of Attitudes
3. Attitudes vs. Behavior
4. Job Attitudes
5. Job Satisfaction
6. Causes and outcomes of Job Satisfaction Research one new study on attitudes and job
satisfaction from scientific journals, books, or HR Journal/Magazines.
Conduct a interview:
1. At least 3 respondents: Rank-and-file employees
2. Supervisors vs Managers
3. Ask the following questions:
a. Are you happy with your job?Why?Tips to succeed and avoid failure: Personal
experience and insights
b. Do you think and observe that loyalty is still very much TRUE in the workplace
today? In your organization? Why
c. How do you handle dissatisfied employees? (managers/supervisor)

4. Reflection

Learning 4:
Read,explore and learn the following concepts and exercises;
1. The basic of economics
2. The basic Moods
3. Moral Emotion
4. The Reality of Experiencing Human Emotions and Moods
5. Functions and sources of emotions: Understanding work attitudes and performance
6. Emotions and play in the workplace: The affective events theory
7. Emotional Intelligence:Selection and Hiring Find and view the film: Inside Out
a. Describe each character and explain their individual roles
b. What were your thoughts and feelings while viewing the film?
c. How can you help yourself with your situation? Recall an incident that challenged
your emotions. How did you handle your feelings? Do you think you are now
emotionally mature?Why?
8. What are the 5 quotients?Discuss its relevance to organizational reality.
9.Interview: 1 manager, 1 subordinate/employee. Ask question related to the topic.
10. Reflection

Learning 5:
Define and understand the following items:
1. Personality
2. Determinants of personality
3. Personality type indicators and frameworks
4. Values and personality
5. Individual Personality and values v. Job performance and organizational values
6. Cultural values
Find an excellent source of free online personality tests. Take the following test:
a. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
b. Big five personality model
c. Dark Triad
Submit the result of your tests and write a brief reflection for each test result.

Learning 6:
Perception-DM Linkage
1. What is perception?
2. What are the factors that influence perception?
3. Define and explain attribution theory.
4. Discuss the different models of decision making in the organization.
5. What are the common biases and errors in judging others? Explain each item.
6. Is workplace heroism an ethical imperative in the workplace?
7. How can organizations participate in the peace-making and peace-building efforts in
society especially in Mindanao?
8. Reflection

Learning 7:
1. What is motivation? Describe and explain the three elements of motivation.
2. Discuss the different theories of motivation
3. Explain motivation-performance linkage.
4. Integrate the different concepts of motivation and explain how it can be useful in
achieving organizational effectiveness.
5. Drawing out from your personal experience (roles) write a short essay about how the key
elements of motivation (intensity, direction, and persistence) played (influenced) in the
said situation or experience.
6. Reflection

Learning 8:
Motivation:Practice and Outcomes
1. Describe and explain the job characteristics model
2. What is job design? Job redesign?
3. What is job relational design?
4. What is an employee involvement program?
5. What are some of the alternative work arrangements? Why should employers consider
6. Interview: 2-Managers and 2 rank-and-file:Work from home: Challenges and Strategies
7. Reflection

Learning 9:
Define and explain the following concepts:
1. Group
2. Formal group v. informal group
3. Social identity theory
4. Ingroup v outgroup
5. Social identity threat
6. Punctuated equilibrium model
7. What are the different group properties? Discuss each element.
8. Decision Making: Group v. Individual
9. Asch Study, Hawthorne studies, Zimbardo Prison
10. Experiment
11. Reflection
Learning 10:
1. Differentiate group and team
2. What are the types of teams
3. Illustrate and explain the team effectiveness model
4. HRM: Hiring for teamwork: Strategy, Processes, and Outcomes
5. Interview: Working with teams: Issues and concern
6. Reflection

Leaning 11:
1. What is communication?
2. Describe the communication process.
3. What are the functions of communication?
4. Describe the flow of communication in the organization.
5. What are the modes of communication?
6. What is effective communication
7. What are the barriers to effective communication?
8. How do Filipino communicate
9. Gather basic sign language (deaf mute) for Filipinos. (with illustrations)
10. Create/Compose a slogan relevant to society today using sign language.
11. Film viewing: Screened out: A documentary
12. Describe and relate your social media experience.
13. Interview: SocialMedia and Employees at work 1 Manager, 2 employees
14. Song : The sound of Silence
15. Reflection

Learning 12:
1. What are the different theories of leadership?
2. Discuss the major contributions of each theory to organizational management.
3. Discuss leadership effectiveness
4. Are leaders born or made?
5. Relate personality, motivation, communication,perception and group behavior to
6. Make a brief proposal on the qualifications for President in the country (read the 1987
Philippine Constitution re:Presidency)
7. What are the qualities of a leader sui generis?
8. Do you think forming Ateneans to become leaders sui generis is relevant today? Why?
9. Reflection

Learning 13:
1. What is authority?power?
2. What are the bases of power? Explain
3. What is organizational politics
4. Describe the factors that influence political behavior
5. What is impression management?
6. Is power necessary in a managerial position?
7. Why do workers engage in politics? Is it beneficial to the organization?
8. Do you think that being political is also ethical? Why?
9. Reflection

Learning 14:
1. What is conflict?
2. What are the types of conflict?
3. Describe the stages of the conflict process.
4. What are the dimensions of conflict handling intentions?
5. What are the conflict management techniques?
6. What is a labor union?
7. What is labor relations?
8. What is bargaining?
9. What are the types of bargaining?
10. Describe the negotiation process.
11. What is the catholic social teaching on the dignity of the laborers?
12. Write a short reflection on the plight of ordinary employees today in general, and in the
midst of the pandemic in particular.
13. Interview: Unionism: Management and labor: Attitudes, Motivation, and Perception (1
Manager, 1 Labor Union Leader/Member)
14. Reflection

Learning 15: (NO COPY)

Learning 16:
1. What is organizational culture?
2. What are the elements or characteristics of an organizational culture?
3. What are the functions of culture?
4. What is the organizational climate?
5. What is an ethical work climate?
6. What are the factors that influence the emergence or creation of a culture?
7. What is person-job fit v. person-organization fit?
8. Describe how culture impacts on employees performance and organizational outcomes.
9. How do you appropriate the value of Magis in your becoming a man or woman for
10. Reflection

Learning 17:
1. What is Human resource management?
2. What are the basic functions of HRM?
3. Describe the relationship of HRM and organizational behavior.
4. Interview: HR Manager: Challenges and Innovations
5. Reflection
Learning 18:
1. What is organizational change?
2. What is change management?
3. Describe the different forces of change
4. What is a planned change?
5. Why do people resist change?
6. What are the ways to overcome resistance to change?
7. What are the approaches to managing organizational change?
8. What is stress?
9. What are the sources and consequences of stress?
10. What are the methods of managing stress?
11. Reflection

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