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Test 1 part 1 1-03 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For
questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C),

1 You hear a man talking about his work. What is his job?
A journalist B office manager C salesman
2 You hear part of a radio discussion about a TV nature programme. What did the speaker find
disappointing about it?
A the quality of the photography B the choice of place to film in
C the amount of information given
3 You hear a woman and a man talking. Who are they?
A wife and husband B employer and employee C teacher and student
4 You hear two people talking about air pollution in the city. What do they agree about?
A the effects of high population density in the city centre
B the need to reduce the amount of traffic in the city centre
C the amount of pollution caused by factories on the outskirts
5 You hear a woman talking on the phone to an airline. What is the purpose of her call?
A to complain about something B to ask them for information C to ask them to do something
6 You hear a young man talking on a cellphone to a friend. Where does he want his friend to meet him?
A inside the football stadium B at the railway station C at a cafe near the stadium
7 You switch on the radio in the middle of a programme. What kind of programme is it?
A a quiz show B an interview C a news programme
8 You hear a woman talking about a camping holiday she went on as a teenager. How did she feel during
the holiday?
A annoyed by the behaviour of others B miserable because of the bad weather
C disappointed with where they stayed

Test 1 part 2 1-05 You will hear part of an interview with a man called Ewan Richardson, who is trying to
persuade people to use less paper. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.

Every year, the average UK citizen uses about _______________9 of paper.

Most of the world's paper comes from very_____________10 forests.
The production of paper causes terrible_____________11 in some places.
The destruction of the forests is a much bigger cause of global warming than_______________12.
Ewan says that there are already paper recycling bins in many_________________13 .
You can use less paper by avoiding unnecessary______________14 when you are studying or
You can often reuse_________________15 that you have received.
To receive less junk mail, don't ask for________________16 when you buy something.
Stop receiving any magazines you don't always read, or_______________17 them with others.
Most______________18 published in Britain are now printed on recycled paper.

Test 1 part 3 1-07 You will hear five different young people talking about renting homes. Choose from the
list (A-F) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need
to use.

A Something dangerous needed to be repaired.

Speaker 1
B It was often cold indoors.
Speaker 2
C There was a pleasant view from the window.
Speaker 3
D The neighbours were very noisy.
Speaker 4
E The rent was too high.
Speaker 5
F The furniture was good quality.

Test 1 part 4 1-09 You will hear a radio interview with Louise Graham, who works as a group leader at
Ravensfield Outdoor Adventure Centre. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 How long has Louise been working at Ravensfield?

A about six months B about one year C about two years
25 When she started working at the centre, she felt
A a little afraid of being injured doing her job. B rather nervous in case she did her job badly.
C more confident than she thought she would.
26 What does she most enjoy about working with children?
A thinking of new things for them to do B helping the less able ones achieve more
C ensuring that they behave well at all times
27 How does she feel about working at night?
A It's a necessary part of the job. B It's unfair that she has to do it. C It's something that she enjoys.
28 At the end of a course, the children
A get on much better with each other. B thank the staff for all they've done.
C have gained useful qualifications.
29 An added advantage of working at Ravensfield is that
A she has made some new friends. B she can now afford to run a car.
C she has long summer holidays.
30 What does she want to do in the future?
A work in a bigger centre B get promotion at Ravensfield C go into a different kind of work

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