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Test 2 part 1 1-14 You will hear people talking in eight different situations.

For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a woman and a man talking about taking up sailing What does the woman say about it?
A it's too expensive B it's too difficult C it's too dangerous
2 You overhear a man talking on the phone in a hospital. Who is he?
A a doctor B a visitor C a patient
3 You hear a young person talking about an interest she has. Where is she?
A a bookshop B a museum C a library
4 You hear a teacher talking to a student. Why is she talking to him?
A to warn him not to do something B to offer to help him do something C to suggest he should do
5 You overhear a man and a woman talking about meeting two other people. Where are these people going to meet
their friends? A at a restaurant B at a hotel C in the street
6 You overhear a woman speaking on the phone about her apartment. Why is she talking to the other person?
A to deny an accusation B to make a complaint C to refuse to do something
7 You hear two young people talking about going to the coast for the day. What do they agree about?
A the disadvantages of the bus B the need to set off early C the best route to take
8 You hear a woman being interviewed on the radio. Why did she decide to become a lawyer?
A to help people in need B to do the same job as her sister C to earn a large salary

Test 2 part 2 1-15 You will hear part of an interview with a woman called Sophie Doyle, who organises adventure holidays in
Australia for teenagers. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.


The Australian Adventure Holiday is usually in the month of ____________9

In each group there are ____________10 teenagers plus four leaders.
The price covers everything except____________11
When they visit the islands, they will sleep in a____________12
They will first meet the other young people at the____________13
They will visit the largest ____________14 island in the world.
They will sleep next to a____________15 when they are in the outback.
At the Great Barrier Reef, ____________16 will be available for those who need them.
From the boat on the river, you will see____________17 on the banks.
Teenagers normally stay in touch with people at home by ___________18

Test 2 part 3 1-16 You will hear five people talking about why they decided to live in another country. For questions 19-23, choose
which of the reasons (A-F) each speaker is giving. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A She had lost her job.

19__ Speaker 1
B She wanted to earn more money.
20__ Speaker 2
C A relative had already moved to the same country.
21__ Speaker 3
D She was bored in her home town.
22__ Speaker 4
E Her new country had a more pleasant climate.
23__ Speaker 5
F She wanted to learn another language.
Test 2 part 4 2-02 You will hear a radio interview with Greg Manolis, an Australian who collects menus. For questions 24-30,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 What kind of menus does Greg collect?

A mainly valuable ones B only those of historical interest C any that he finds attractive
25 Greg first became interested in menus when
A he went on a sea voyage with his family. B he needed material for his homework.
C relatives of his came to live in the country.
26 How, according to Greg, do restaurant owners feel about people taking menus?
A They sometimes get a little angry. B They see it as free advertising. C They want to charge for them.
27 Restaurants sometimes contact Greg in order to
A offer him a copy of their latest menu. B ask about menus at other restaurants. C invite his
family to eat a special meal.
28 Greg talks particularly about a meal he had in an overseas restaurant which served
A Indian food. B Scottish food. C Mexican food.
29 His favourite way of buying menus is
A on internet auction sites. B through collectors' magazines. C in small specialist shops.
30 Which of Greg's menus is worth the most money?
A one from a restaurant owned by a famous singer B one specially made to celebrate a sporting event
C one signed by famous Hollywood actors in 1928

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