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English Language Orals

Q) All teens need a pet. Express your views on this statement.

-> Do you really think a pet is necessary? In my opinion, yes, it is necessary for a
teen to have a pet only if possible and if they can take up complete
responsibility for it. Statistics say that there has also been an increase in the
number of Indian families opting for pets. There are many advantages to having
pets at home, so if you're one of the people who has always desired to get one,
allow us to persuade you to do so.

Pets can enhance your mood

Whether you think so or not, having a pet may do wonders for your disposition and
attitude. According to research, persons who maintain pets and have one or more
chronic illnesses had a lower risk of developing depression than those who don't keep
pets but have one or more chronic illnesses.

An antidote for loneliness

A pet will always be at your side, no matter how depressed or lonely you may feel.
Whether you want to share your deepest secrets or open up to them, you know it will
all be kept private. Pets are devoted and unconditionally adore you.

Reduce stress

Are you anxious? The tension and anxiety levels can be decreased by having a pet.
According to experts, spending time with dogs might help individuals overcome
sadness and stress.

Better social skills

Do you want to develop your social abilities? People who own dogs are reputed to be
adept at maintaining relationships with others. Children who are raised in homes with
pets always show respect for all living things. Being a dog owner is advantageous since
they serve as caregivers as well. A dog at home is always a better burglar alarm.

Everyone should have a pet in their lives. They are the only ones who genuinely
adore us. Animal companions always give us everything they have without
expecting anything in return. Any pet's primary goal in life is to fulfill its
owner's wishes. Even the word "owner" is evolving in the modern day. People
prefer themselves as parents and their pets over themselves as children. This is
how pet relationships are developing. They receive the same treatment as
humans. Children may learn important life skills from pets, like responsibility,
trust, compassion, respect, and patience. While having a pet in the home has
many advantages for children, children also have a lot to give the pet. The
majority of animals only require a warm, secure, and protected area to live in
addition to enough food, drink, and exercise. They will give you their undying
love, fidelity, and company in exchange. Cats might be a little more reserved,
whereas dogs are renowned to show unconditional affection. But a person
would find happiness in their life with any pet that suits them. Did you know
that pet therapy has been scientifically shown to significantly lower stress
levels? Your body will release the "feel good" chemicals oxytocin, prolactin,
and serotonin if you spend around 15 minutes caressing your beloved cat or
dog. Cortisol, the body's natural stress hormone, is also decreased by it.

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