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Jahangir Question and Answer – Source Study

Q1) List 4 observations about this painting. What can you see
that could be important?
4 things I feel are important are
1) Probably the most prominent item in this scene. is the
weighing scale on which Jahangir's son Khurram is resting.
This might be to weigh the goods on the carpet and thus
this might be called a weighing or distributing ceremony,
which could have been taken from Islam or Hinduism.
2) There are some guests gathered around Jahangir and the
weighing scale under some sort of canopy. Since there are
many guests, this might be an occasional ritual performed
on auspicious hours. These guests might also receive the
items arranged on the carpet.
3) In the middle of the carpet canopy there is a carpet that
contains opulent items that might be distributed to the
greats after they are
4) The items could be exclusive brought by traders weighed
against something or some be exclusive, fabrics,
jewels/gems or dagger from Persia or Europe.
Q2. Decide what you think is going on based on the above
This scene depicts a ritual performed by Mughal, emperors. In
this ritual someone or something is weight, against opulent items
such as exclusive fabrics, jewels, gems, and daggers which are
then distributed to the many people attending + this ceremony.
This ritual might be a blend off Hindu and Islamic cute and night
occur occasionally or on auspicious has These guests could be
Nobles, officials, Fakirs, Sheikh or people from the royal family.
The goods obtained and gathered under the canopy may be from
distance lands such as Europe and Persia or lands that the
emperor was in touch with. The events or stages of the ritual
might be noted down by a scribe or a patronized artist such as
Abu Hassar might paint the scene to add to the Tuzuki-i-Jahangiri
or the Autobiography of Jahangir. Lastly this scene might be
representing Jahangir’s religious tolerance as some guests might
be following Hinduism but were still invited.
Q4 Based on both sources, why might have Jahangir have
wanted this event recorded in an image. well as text?
The 4th, Mughal emperor, Jahangir used images as well as text in
his memoirs and autobiography ( Tuzuk-i- Jahangiri) for many
reasons. Jahangir was a highly articulate as well as conscientious
man who incorporated images as well as text to provide a more
accurate representation of his life and himself while making his
autobiography, engaging and alluring. Secondly the use of
images, helped to communicate details, thoughts, and feelings,
more effectively and assisted in connecting himself to the reader.
Lastly, involving text as well as Images allowed Jahangir to
preserve his legacy and create complete account of his personal
life. In the image given above Jahangir uses an image, to describe
the people, place, items, and a title that summarizes the event.
Since Jahangir has used an image and some tent, the actions
occurring in the event! become clear.
Q5) What information does an image give tout that would be
harder to communicate in writing?
Images process and convey meanings and emotion quickly and
effectively through imagery. Images are open to interpretation as
they can appeal to many viewers and can be used in many
contexts. The connect the author to the reader on a personal
level and bring out the main idea of the event without boring the
reader. Images also depict minute details, such as facial
expressions and the clothes worn by the people which can be
shown rather than being written down, this saves place as well as
makes your piece of work more engaging. Pictures also add a
universal language for scholar.

Q6. The illustration was created by the emperor’s artist for the
emperor. What is the emperor communicating about himself?
The weighing ceremony depicts many qualities that Jahangir
could have portrayed at that time. Jahangir was a heretic man
who followed his father’s footsteps and continued the idea of the
weighing ceremonies and states that his father Akbar started.
Jahangir can be deemed as generous since he distributed the
items weighed in the ceremony to people in need he can also be
called altruistic since he used the wealth to fund
building projects.
Q7) Why should we be cautious about using the painting as a
historical source?
Paintings are often not are often not a good historical source
because they are often inaccurate. This is because the artist is
paid extra or take liberties to distort the truth in order to make
their work aesthetically pleasing, or to meet the expectations of
their respective patrons. For example, a painter king look
handsome and can the scene look more dramatic. This means
that paintings can give us a false impression of the past. Another
reason why paintings are not a reliable source of history is that
artist may have not signed their composition, or the date could
have gotten lost through time which can make it difficult to place
the event in the correct historical context.

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