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Task 3: Making a Hamburger Style Paragraph (Informative Paragraph)

Task 3:
1. Based on your infographic, create a paragraph using readable font, double-space line,
and font size 12.
2. Study the paragraph below and make sure your paragraph has:
a. Title
b. Introductory sentence
c. Supporting sentences
d. Concluding sentence

My Employability Skills

I am proud of my three compelling qualities. I have strong organizational

skills, including the ability to multi-task and prioritize my workload. In
addition, I always make sure to finish my tasks ahead before the
deadlines. I am detail-oriented since I am driven to achieve results and I
make sure all works accordingly to meet the expectations. I can think
analytically, creatively, and independently. I never run out of ideas and
can think outside of the box. These efficacious skills will help me land my
dream job, someday.
(8 lines; 7 sentences; 88 words)
Orange : Title
Purple : Topic sentence
Blue : Supporting sentence (example)
Green : Supporting sentence (details of the example)
Magenta : Concluding sentence

3. You paragraph should have 5-7 sentences with no more than 10 lines.
4. The word count of your paragraph should be 50-100 words.
5. Submit your paragraph via the LMS.
6. The file name: Your Class_Your Full Name_Task (SI-44-01_Nabitha Putri
Sultoni_Task 1_Informative Paragraph 1)
Rubric for Informative Paragraph

Element 80 - 100 70 - 79 60-69 40-59 0-39

Ideas & Content Exceptionally clear, Clear, focused, Evident main idea Main idea may Purpose and main
focused, engaging engaging with with some support be cloudy idea maybe
with relevant strong appropriate which may be because unclear and
supporting details supporting details general or limited supporting contain some
detail is too irrelevant detail
general or even

Organization Strong topic Appropriate topic Appropriate topic Weak topic Weak topic
sentence. All body sentences. All sentence. One of sentence. Two sentence. The
supporting sentences supporting the supporting of the supporting
closely relate to the sentences sentences does not supporting sentences do not
topic sentence. adequately relate relate to the topic sentences do relate to the topic
Conclusion clearly to the topic sentence. not relate to the sentence.
sum up the sentence. Conclusion topic sentence. Conclusion does
discussions provided Conclusion adequately sum up Conclusion not adequately
in the supporting clearly sum up the discussions adequately sum sum up the
sentences. the discussions provided in up the discussions
provided in the supporting discussions provided in the
supporting sentences. provided in the supporting
sentences. supporting sentences

Linguistic Word choice is Word choice is Language is Monotonous Limited range of

Elements precise and carefully descriptive, use functional and often contain words. More than
chosen. 1-5 errors in broad range or appropriate. 11-15 repetition 20 errors in
spelling, grammar, or words. 6-10 errors errors in spelling, sometimes spelling,
the mechanics of in spelling, grammar, or the inappropriate grammar, or the
writing grammar, or the mechanics of words. 16-20 mechanics of
mechanics of writing errors in writing.
writing spelling,
grammar, or the
mechanics of

Total Max: 300/3 = 100

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