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Abdul, Jamaine Jones E.

UNIT V. Agenda, Minutes of Meeting and Memorandum;
1. What are a minutes of meeting? How is this prepared? What are included in a minutes
of meeting?

A meeting is when two or more people come together to discuss one or more topics,
often in a formal or business setting, but meetings also occur in a variety of other
environments. Meetings can be used as form of group decision making. In a meeting
there are minutes, where minutes is an official record of actions the board or committee
took at a meeting, not a record of everything that was said. Minutes are written in the
same tense throughout. Avoid using names other than to record motions and seconds
also avoid personal observations, the minutes should be solely fact-based. If you need
to refer to other documents, don't try to summarize them. Under the minutes are date
and time, name of attendees as well as absent participants, acceptance of or
amendments to, the previous minutes of the meeting. Adding to these are decisions
made regarding each item on the agenda such as; Activities undertaken or agreed upon
and more under the agenda of the meeting. They also serve as a historical purpose, but
just as important, they serve a legal purpose, documenting the group's adherence to the
proper procedures and the association's bylaws.

2. What is an agenda? What are the things written in an agenda?

An agenda is a list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up,
beginning with the call to order and ending with adjournment. It usually includes one or
more specific items of business to be acted upon. It may, but is not required to, include
specific times for one or more activities. Under the agenda are; It consists of a list of
topics, action items, and activities you want to discuss during the meeting. A simple
meeting agenda could be a short-bulleted list, more detailed agendas include
descriptions for each agenda item, reference material, and expected outcomes for each
discussion topic. It also includes the name of the meeting to take place, the date and
time of the meeting, specific agenda items, amount of time for each agenda item, name
next to each agenda item, meeting introduction and lastly Meeting wrap-up.

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