ICC 411 Modue 1 Lesson 1 Activity 1

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Activity no.

Instructions: After reading Module 1 Lesson 1, answer the following questions below (5-7
sentences only).

1. What your thoughts/comments in regards to the founding of the ASEAN?

2. In what ways do you think the formation of ASEAN has helped our country?
3. Are there any events in the founding of ASEAN that left an impression on you? What
and Why?

RUBRICS in Grading Essay (40 points)

0 10 20 30 40
Student is unable Student is able to Student is able to Student not only Student establish
to establish the establish the establish the establishes the the correct ideas
ideas and ideas and ideas and correct ideas and and concepts
concepts concepts concepts concepts prescribed by the
prescribed by the prescribed by the prescribed by the prescribed by the topic, shows
topic. topic but shows topic and shows topic, but also evidence by citing
erroneous correct shows evidence relevant
understanding. understanding. by citing relevant examples, and
examples. consistently
thoughts to the
core idea.

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