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Semester 2 of 2022

Information regarding the assignments

and examination for this semester

Table of Contents
1. General HFL1501 assignment and examination information 2
2. Information on and instructions for ASSIGNMENT 1 5
3. Information on and QUESTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT 2 7
4. Information on scope and format of the take-home examination 12
5. Information on the supplementary examination 18

Very Important:

The module HFL1501 requires you to submit two online

assignments and one online take-home exam.

Please read all the information below very carefully to make

sure you understand the assessment policy for this module.

1. General HFL1501 assignment and examination information

Assessment criteria

It is essential that you are able to master all the learning outcomes for this module.
These are provided in the Study Guide at the start of each learning unit.

Assessment plan

Please take note of the following regarding the calculation of your year mark for
HFL1501, as well as your admission to the module’s take-home examination.

To pass the module HFL1501, you must obtain at least 50% for your final mark. Your
FINAL MARK for this module consists of your YEAR MARK (20%) and your EXAM
MARK (80%). However, your year mark is only considered if you obtain a minimum
of 40% in your exam.

To be allowed to submit the HFL1501 exam, you must submit any ONE of the two
assignments (either Assignment 1 OR Assignment 2). This means that you will be
admitted to the examination if you submit one or both assignments before their
respective due dates. If you submit no (zero) assignments, you will not be allowed
to submit the HFL1501 examination, and you will have to reregister for and repeat
the module at a later time.

However, BOTH assignment marks will count towards the calculation of your year
mark. If you submit only one assignment, this will seriously impact your year mark.
How will this work in practice?

• Your YEAR MARK counts 20% (Assignment 1 counts 10% and Assignment 2
counts 10%) of your final mark.
• Your EXAMINATION MARK counts 80% of your final mark. The take-home
question paper is for 80 marks.
• Your FINAL MARK for the module will thus be calculated as follows: 20% (year
mark) + 80% (examination mark) = 100% (final mark).

Look at the following examples to better understand how this works in practice:

• Lucy submits Assignment 1 and Assignment 2. She will be admitted to the take-
home examination, regardless of her assignment results. Her assignment marks
are 50% and 85% respectively. This means that her year mark is 68% (50% + 85%
divided by 2). To calculate her final mark, her year mark of 68% will be converted
to a mark out of 20, which will ultimately be added to her exam mark (which is out

of 80 marks) if she meets the 40% subminimum requirement for the exam. If
Lucy gets a mark of 48/80 for the exam, her final mark will be 13.6 (which is 20%
of her year mark) + 48 (exam mark) = 61.6 = 62%
• Jane submits Assignment 2, but not Assignment 1. She will be admitted to the
examination, regardless of her assignment results. She receives a mark of 50% for
Assignment 2. Her year mark is 25% (0% + 50% divided by 2). If Jane also obtains
48/80 for the portfolio, her final mark will be 5 (which is 20% of her year mark) +
48 (exam mark) = 53%
• Matt submits both Assignments 1 and 2 and receives very good results for both
(80% and 90% respectively). His year mark is therefore 85% (80% + 90% divided
by 2). However, Matt decides that his year mark is so good that he doesn’t need to
prepare for the HFL1501 exam and that he will rather use the time to prepare for
his other modules. He underestimates the HFL1501 exam and does very poorly,
scoring only 36%. Because Matt has not met the 40% subminimum requirement
for the exam, his year mark cannot be taken into account. His final mark is 36%
and he fails the module. He has to reregister for HFL1501 again the next semester.
• Susan does not submit Assignment 01 or Assignment 2 before the prescribed due
dates. She is not allowed to sit for the HFL1501 exam and will have to reregister for
the module at a later time.

To summarise: If, for whatever reason, you are only able to submit one assignment,
you will still be allowed to submit the HFL1501 examination. However, we strongly
advise you to submit both assignments, as this gives you a better year mark and
improves your chances of passing the module.

Take note:

You need to obtain at least 40% in the examination before your year mark will be
considered. This means that if you obtain a mark of 39% or lower for the examination,
your year mark will not count towards your final mark, even if your year mark is 95%!

Assessment numbers and due dates

The module HFL1501 offers four assessment opportunities. The term “assessment” is
an umbrella term that refers to all the formative (assignments) and summative (exam)
opportunities relevant to a module. Please study the table below very carefully. Most
students will not be required to do Assessment 4. If you want to pass the module
HFL1501, you must submit Assessments (Assignments) 1 AND/OR 2, AND you must
submit Assessment (take-home exam) 3:

Nr Type How to Submission Due date Who should

submit opens submit
1 Compulsory Online on 10h00 AM on 10h00 AM on 24 Students registered for
assignment: the 10 August 2022 August 2022 HFL1501 for semester 2
Randomised HFL1501 of 2022
MCQs (10 module site
marks) on Part
1 of the Study
2 Compulsory Online on 10h00 AM on 10h00 AM on 8 Students registered for
assignment: the 25 August 2022 September 2022 HFL1501 for semester 2
Written HFL1501 of 2022
assignment (20 module site
marks) on Part
2 of the Study
3 Exam: Take- Online on 10h00 AM on 4 10h00 AM on 10 Students with admission
home written the October 2022 October 2022 to the HFL1501 October
examination (80 HFL1501 Please note that 2022 exam
marks) on the module site this is the
entire contents preliminary
of the Study examination date.
4 Supplementary Online on 10h00 AM on 4 10h00 AM on 10 Students who FAILED
/ aegrotat exam the May 2023 May 2023 the HFL1501
(80 marks) on HFL1501 Please note that October/November
the entire module site this is the 2022 exam AND who
contents of the preliminary qualify for a
Study Guide examination date. supplementary /
aegrotat exam.**
This means that not all
students registered for
HFL1501 in the second
semester of 2022 will
have to complete this

** Please note: You do not automatically qualify for a supplementary or aegrotat

examination if you fail a module. Please read the University’s policy regarding
supplementary and aegrotat examinations, which is available on the Unisa website. In short,

a supplementary exam is granted to a student who fails the module, but who obtains more
than 40% for their final mark. Students don’t have to apply for a supplementary exam.
Aegrotat examinations are only granted to students who were unable to sit for the first
exam due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Students must apply to the
Department of Examinations online on the My Admin platform on myUnisa and motivate
their application with supporting documents. For more information in this regard, please visit:

2. Information on and instructions for ASSIGNMENT 1

Please note that Assignment 1 is an MCQ assignment, and will test your knowledge
only of Part 1 of the Study Guide (namely from pages v to 66).

As already stated above, Assignment 1 is a compulsory assignment for the module

HFL1501. It takes the form of randomised multiple-choice questions and is submitted
online via the HFL1501 module site. You will have a two-week window to complete
Assignment 1, but you have to complete all ten questions within two hours. This
means that you can complete your two-hour quiz session at any time within the two-
week window while the portal is open for submission.

Please note that you will be granted three attempts to submit this assignment
successfully. The purpose of this is to support students who experience technical
challenges during their submission. All students are not entitled to three successful
submissions. If you are able to submit the assignment more than once, your highest
mark will count as your mark for this assignment. If you have used all three your
allocated attempts and you were able to submit successfully at least once, you will
not be granted another attempt to try to improve your marks.

The portal for submission will open and close at the following times and dates:

Portal opens: 10h00 (AM) on Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Portal closes: 10h00 (AM) on Wednesday, 24 August 2022


What are “randomised multiple-choice questions”?

A multiple-choice question (MCQ or “monkey puzzle” question) provides you with a

question and four possible answers, and then requires you to select only ONE correct

answer. “Randomised” means that the system will select different questions for
different students at random. There are more than a hundred questions uploaded to
the system, but each student will receive only ten randomly selected questions of
these for answering. In other words, no two students will receive the same questions.
This means that you cannot work with a friend or your fellow students when answering
your own questions, because each student will be required to complete different

Because Assignment 1 is an online MCQ assignment, you will only see the questions
for the first time when you start the assignment. Therefore, you will not have access
to the questions beforehand. This further means that you have to prepare for this
assignment in advance, and be familiar with the study material BEFORE the
assignment commences if you want to pass or do well in this assignment.


Please note that although you have a two-week window within which you may submit
your Assignment 1, you will only have a limited time online (2 hours) to complete your
assignment. In other words, you can choose when you want to submit your
Assignment 1 (anytime between 10h00 on 10 August 2022 and 10h00 on 24 August
2022), but once you start answering your assignment questions, you will only have 2
hours to submit your answers. If you do not manage to submit all ten your answers
before the portal closes, the system will mark those answers that you have submitted
and calculate your result accordingly.

We strongly advise you to submit your Assignment 1 as early as possible. Every

semester we have students who wait until the last day, hour or minute to submit their
answers and then miss the due date. Remember, if you don’t submit your answers
before the due date, you will be marked as absent from the assignment, and this will
impact on your year mark. As indicated above, no late submissions will be accepted.

How to submit Assignment 1:

On the HFL1501 module site’s home page, under the welcome message, you will see
links to the assignments. Please click on the link for Assessment 1 and follow the
onscreen instructions that follow:

You will then complete the ten questions randomly selected for you by clicking the
correct options on the screen. Make sure to complete the submission process after
answering all the questions. No documentation can be uploaded for this assignment,
as the answers are selected and submitted onscreen and online.

3. Information on and QUESTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT 2

Please note that Assignment 2 is a written assignment, and will test your knowledge
only of Part 2 of the Study Guide (namely from pages 67 to 153).

As already stated above, Assignment 2 is a compulsory 20-mark assignment for the

module HFL1501. It takes the form of written questions and is submitted online via
the HFL1501 module site by uploading a document containing your answers to the
questions posed. You will have a two-week window to complete Assignment 2. The
portal for submission will open and close at the following times and dates:

Portal opens: 10h00 (AM) on Thursday, 25 August 2022

Portal closes: 10h00 (AM) on Thursday, 8 September 2022

If you submit the incorrect assignment, your assignment will not be marked and a mark
of zero (0%) will be recorded for that assignment. The commentary and feedback on
Assignment 2 will be made available electronically on the HFL1501 module site under
the link “Additional Resources” two weeks after the due date, namely on 22
September 2022. As soon as you have received the commentary, please compare
your answers to our feedback. Doing the assignment, and then carefully studying the
commentary on it, constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to
be better prepared for the take-home examination.

How to submit Assignment 2:

On the HFL1501 module site’s home page, under the welcome message, you will see
links to the assignments. Please click on the link for Assessment 2 and follow the
onscreen instructions that follow:

For this assignment, you will not be typing your answers onscreen on the myUnisa
system. Assignment 2 should be completed by answering the questions (see para
3.2.1 below for the questions) offline in your own time, converting the document
containing your answers to a PDF document, and by uploading this file to the
myUnisa system. Please note that no other file type will be accepted. Please also
note that this file should not be password-protected or purposefully corrupted.

Please read the following carefully:

• Written assignments must contain all the relevant pages in one PDF document,
which will be uploaded as your submission. We will only mark what we receive
– make sure that you submit a complete document.
• Make sure that you submit the correct document (that is, the correct assignment
for the correct module).


Once you have uploaded a document as your assignment submission, please

click on the document, download and open it, and confirm that you have in
fact submitted the correct document. Please also confirm that the document
you have uploaded opens normally and is legible. If a corrupt file is submitted,
you will be awarded a mark of ZERO (0%).

Please note that if you see the words “Submitted for grading” after you have
uploaded your submission, your submission has been successful:

You will be allowed to resubmit your answers by deleting your existing submission
and uploading another file in its place. This means that you may replace your
submission with the correct document if you see that you have submitted an
incorrect file. You will be allowed to delete and replace your submitted file up
until the deadline of the assignment. The file submitted at the time of the deadline
will be the file accepted from marking. No changes may be made to submissions
once the deadline has passed.

Referencing and plagiarism in Assignment 2

All written assignments submitted to Unisa require that you should reference the
sources used to complete the assignment. This means that you should include
references (also known as citations) in your document, next to the information you
obtained from a source. The HFL1501 Study Guide is an example of such a source. If
you do not include references in your assignment, you will be guilty of plagiarism. It is,
however, also important to note that you may also be guilty of plagiarism (even if you
have included references in your assignment) if you have copied word-for-word from
a source. To safeguard yourself against being found guilty of academic dishonesty
(such as plagiarism), you need to paraphrase the information you have obtained from
a source used when completing an assignment. For more information on plagiarism
and paraphrasing, please see the Assignment Information folder under Additional
Resources on the module’s myUnisa site.

In the field of law, references are inserted in footnotes.1 The School of Law makes use
of a specific prescribed referencing style, namely OSCOLA. Tutorial Letter 302
provides the requirements for and examples of how to apply this style. Please note
that you will not be penalised for not including references in the Assignment 2.
However, you will be marked on referencing in the take-home examination. It is
therefore a good idea to start practicing how to apply the OSCOLA referencing style.
For more information on how to insert a footnote in a typed document, please see the

1 This is an example of what a footnote looks like.

Assignment Information folder under Additional Resources on the module’s myUnisa

When completing Assignment 2, it is not necessary to include an academic honesty

declaration with your submission. The online submission process requires that you
accept an online acknowledgement of the Unisa plagiarism policy before your
submission may be completed.

Please also visit the HFL1501 module site, where you will find various other helpful
documents available under “Additional Resources” to assist you when completing your
Assignment 2. These documents include information on how to convert a document
to PDF; the College of Law’s policy on plagiarism; the formal requirements for written
submissions; the referencing style of the College of Law and other relevant matters.

Assignment 2: QUESTIONS

Follow the instructions above to submit your answers to the following questions:

QUESTION 1: Learning unit 1

Describe transformative constitutionalism in your own words. Your description should

refer to the two most essential aspects of this concept. (2)

QUESTION 2: Learning unit 2

2.1 With specific reference to the objects of each of these rights, briefly explain the
difference between real rights and personal rights? (2)

2.2 Indicate whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, by writing
down only “True” or “False” as your answer in each instance:

(a) “Ownership” and “possession” are synonyms (meaning they refer to the
same concept) in the field of property law. (1)
(b) The intent to control a thing is a key aspect of establishing possession
thereof. (1)
(c) The legal remedies available to protect possession classify as legal actions.

2.3 Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 protects
property and tenure rights and promotes access to property for all. Does this
section only apply to land? Motivate your answer fully. (3)

QUESTION 3: Learning unit 3

3.1 Study the following scenario carefully and answer the questions that follow:

In 2021, Tulelo, a farmer, buys a horse from Simphiwe, who works as an

investment banker. After the horse has been delivered and the purchase price
has been paid, it is discovered that the horse has foot-and-mouth disease and
that it needs to be put down. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, neither
Tulelo nor Simphiwe knew about the disease.

(a) Which legal principle from the law on purchase and sale will allow Tulelo to
claim back the purchase price from Simphiwe? (1)

(b) Which legal remedy that originated in Roman law will Tulelo have at her
disposal to claim back the purchase price from Simphiwe? (1)

(c) Does this contract of purchase and sale qualify as a consumer agreement
(transaction) in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008? Provide
reasons for your answer. (2)

3.2 Consider the case of Everfresh Market Virginia (Pty) Ltd v Shoprite Checkers
(Pty) Ltd 2012 (1) SA 256 (CC). Did the decision in this case have a significant
impact on the role of the principle of good faith in South African contract law?
Explain your answer. (2)

QUESTION 4: Learning unit 4

Briefly explain the historical development of the legal remedy available to the victim of
damnum iniuria datum under Roman law. (4)

TOTAL [20]

4 Information on scope and format of the take-home examination

Please note that Assessment 3 (the examination) will test your knowledge of the
ENTIRE Study Guide (namely from pages v to 177).

You will only be allowed to submit Assessment 3 if you have been granted exam
admission by the University, in other words, if you have submitted either Assignment
1, Assignment 2, or both, before their respective due dates.

Please note that exam admission is ONLY granted by DSAA (the Department of
Student Assessment Administration). Your lecturers are not involved in that
process at all and we cannot assist you in this regard. Therefore, if you have queries
regarding whether you have exam admission, please contact DSAA directly. You
should be able to see whether you qualify for an exam by checking your individual
exam timetable that reflects your name and student number.

Please note that the exam date listed on your official timetable will be
indicated as “Module arrangement” or “Module requirement”. This
module’s exam date is provided directly by your lecturers and not by
DSAA. The preliminary exam date (4-10 October 2022) will be verified
and communicated in an announcement on the HFL1501 module site
later in the semester.

As already stated above, Assessment 3 takes the form of a take-home written exam
that consists of longer and shorter questions and is submitted online via the HFL1501
module site. You will have a one-week window to complete Assessment 3. The portal
for submission will open and close at the following times and dates:

Portal opens: 10h00 (AM) on Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Portal closes: 10h00 (AM) on Monday, 10 October 2022

What is a take-home written exam?

As already indicated, you will not write a conventional venue-based or timed online
examination for the module HFL1501. Your summative assessment (or exam) will be
in the form of an online take-home exam. This means that you will not prepare for a
two-hour venue-based or online exam, but that you will upload your written submission
in the same way that you uploaded Assignment 2. You must complete your written
answers at home, and without the assistance of anyone else. The examination
consists of various questions, which are based on all parts of the Study Guide, as

well as any additional information communicated to you via the HFL1501
module site.

This type of assessment (online or non-venue-based assessment) replaces the formal

examination in this module. The non-venue-based assessment is referred to as a take-
home exam and takes the form of an open-book examination. It represents the final
assessment in this module. For this reason, the same rules and policies that apply
to venue-based and timed online examinations also apply to the take-home
exam. Therefore, please do not contact any of the lecturers for assistance when
completing the examination. Also, please make sure that you understand the
plagiarism policy (available on the HFL1501 module site under “Additional
Resources”) before starting on your answers. Please be warned that all instances of
plagiarism will be penalised; this means that you could lose marks or even be subject
to the University’s disciplinary procedures.

The HFL1501 exam question paper will be available on the HFL1501 module site
under “Additional Resources” on the morning that the portal opens (4 October 2022).
It will contain not only the questions for the HFL1501 examination, but also detailed
information on the requirements for the submission, as well as instructions on how
to submit your answers online. As soon as the document becomes available, your
lecturers will also post an Announcement drawing your attention to where you will
find the exam question paper. It is your responsibility to visit the HFL1501
module site regularly and to read all Announcements posted there to stay up
to date with any administrative arrangements that may affect your studies.

Please note that the HFL1501 module does not make use of any
proctoring applications for the examination.

How to submit your answers to the HFL1501 take-home written examination:

On the HFL1501 module site’s home page, under the welcome message, you will see
links to the assessments. Please click on the link for Assessment 3: Examination
and follow the onscreen instructions that follow:

For this assessment, you will not be typing your answers onscreen on the myUnisa
system. It should be completed by answering the questions offline in your own time,
converting the document containing your answers to a PDF document, and by
uploading this file to the myUnisa system. Please note that no other file type will be
accepted. Please also note that this file should not be password-protected or
purposefully corrupted.

Please read the following carefully:

• Your examination submission must contain all the relevant pages in one PDF
document, which will be uploaded as your submission. We will only mark what
we receive – make sure that you submit a complete document.
• Make sure that you submit the correct document (that is, the correct examination
answers for the correct module). DO NOT submit the portfolio QUESTIONS as
your submission for marking.


Once you have uploaded a document as your examination submission, please

click on the document, download and open it, and confirm that you have in
fact submitted the correct document. Please also confirm that the document
you have uploaded opens normally and is legible. If a corrupt file is submitted,
you will be awarded a mark of ZERO (0%).

Please note that if you see the words “Submitted for grading” after you have
uploaded your submission, your submission has been successful:

You will be allowed to resubmit your answers by deleting your existing submission
and uploading another file in its place. This means that you may replace your
submission with the correct document if you see that you have submitted an
incorrect file. You will be allowed to delete and replace your submitted file up
until the deadline of the examination. The file submitted at the time of the deadline
will be the file accepted from marking. No changes may be made to submissions
once the deadline has passed.

Your exam answers may only be submitted online via the HFL1501 module site;
lecturers cannot and will not accept any submissions via e-mail. The myUnisa
system will close at 10h00 in the morning on the due date. After 10h00 on the due
date, the system will close and you will no longer be able to submit your

Important: Please do not wait until the last minute to submit. The system may be
down and you will fail your examination if you are unable to submit on

Since this assessment counts as your examination for this module, no late
submissions will be accepted, regardless of the reason for failure to submit on time.
Life happens: you get sick, your employer gives you a project that takes up all your
time, you have a personal crisis at home, your laptop is stolen, you experience poor
network connection on your side or you experience loadshedding in your area.
Whatever the reason for not being able to submit in time, no late submissions can be
accepted and you will either have to apply for an aegrotat exam (if you meet the
requirements of the Unisa policy), or register for the module again in future. Please
plan ahead and rather submit early. We advise you to submit your examination
answers as early as possible.

You must submit your examination answers as a single document in PDF-format. The
document may not be submitted with security restrictions under the “protect
document/secured” option. Security restrictions interfere with the electronic marking
program that is used and prevent the electronic marking of assignments. Also, please
do not include an electronic signature in the document as this also affects the ability
to mark it online. If a document is submitted in the incorrect format and cannot be
accessed or opened by the lecturers, you will be awarded zero (0%) for the exam.

Please keep a copy of your exam answers. Also, follow all the steps required for
submission. If you fail to do so, the system will show that you did not submit the exam
answers and reflect as you being “absent from examination”. Your lecturers cannot
assist you with any technical problems that you might experience during the online
submission process. You have to make sure to submit on time, since you are the
student and you are responsible for your own learning and assessments.

Referencing and plagiarism in the examination

All written assignments and examinations submitted to Unisa require that you should
reference the sources used to complete the assignment. This means that you should
include references (also known as citations) in your document, next to the information
you obtained from a source. The HFL1501 Study Guide is an example of such a
source. If you do not include references in your assignment, you will be guilty of
plagiarism. It is, however, also important to note that you may also be guilty of
plagiarism (even if you have included references in your assignment) if you have
copied word-for-word from a source. To safeguard yourself against being found guilty
of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism), you need to paraphrase the information
you have obtained from a source used when completing an assignment. For more
information on plagiarism and paraphrasing, please see the Assignment Information
folder under Additional Resources on the module’s myUnisa site.

In the field of law, references are inserted in footnotes.2 The School of Law makes use
of a specific prescribed referencing style, namely OSCOLA. Tutorial Letter 302
provides the requirements for and examples of how to apply this style. You will be
marked on referencing in the take-home examination. For more information on
how to insert a footnote in a typed document, please see the Examination folder, under
Additional Resources on the module’s myUnisa site.

When compiling the examination, it is not necessary to include an academic honesty

declaration with your submission. The online submission process requires that you
accept an online acknowledgement of the Unisa plagiarism policy before your
submission may be completed.

Please also visit the HFL1501 module site, where you will find various other helpful
documents available under “Additional Resources” to assist you when completing your
examination. These documents include information on how to convert a document to
PDF; the College of Law’s policy on plagiarism; the formal requirements for written
submissions; the referencing style of the College of Law and other relevant matters

2 This is an example of what a footnote looks like.

To summarise:

You will be viewed as absent from the examination / receive a mark of 0% / be

penalised in the following circumstances:

• If you do not submit your examination before the due date;

• If you do not submit the correct document (eg if you submit for the wrong module
or the wrong assessment);
• If you do not submit online via myUnisa;
• If you do not submit your examination answers in PDF format;
• If the submitted file cannot be opened (because it is a corrupted file), or is
secured with a password; or
• If you plagiarised, copied from the study material, or copied from a fellow

Remember that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they submit the
correct and complete document in the correct file format before the due date.

All queries regarding problems with myUnisa must be addressed to the Assignment
Department or the ICT Department and not to the lecturers. We cannot provide any
technical assistance. Please address all complaints and requests for assistance to or

Your examination submission: Required information

The cover page of your examination submission must contain your full name(s),
student number and module code. You do not have to include an honesty
declaration when you submit your HFL1501 exam answers. Simply by being a
registered student of Unisa, you are subject to all the University’s policies and rules,
including the plagiarism policy.

Please note that you will lose marks if your answers indicate copying, plagiarism or
collaboration with other parties. Also, if plagiarism is suspected, your submission could
be referred for possible disciplinary proceedings.

Format of the take-home examination

The take-home examination counts EIGHTY (80) marks.

The examination consists of three different parts, each one focussing on a different
part of the study material, as well as a marking rubric evaluating your compliance with

the formal requirements set by the College of Law for any written submissions. Before
you attempt to answer the questions, you must familiarise yourself with the contents
of the Study Guide as some questions may require you to refer to various learning
units from different parts of in the study material.

Take-home examination due date

This module is offered in a semester period of fifteen weeks. This means that if you
are registered for the second semester, you will write the take-home examination
(Assessment 3) in October/November 2022. Only if you qualify for a supplementary or
aegrotat examination (Assessment 4), will you be required to sit for that additional
exam opportunity in May/June 2023 (see para 3.4 below). No other dates will be
scheduled for supplementary or aegrotat examinations.

Students who registered for HFL1501 in the second semester should submit their
Assessment 3 examination answers on or before 10h00 on 10 October 2022.
Absolutely no exceptions will be made in this regard. Rather submit early if at all

The scope of the take-home examination

All the study material must be studied in its entirety before you attempt the HFL1501
exam. No part of the study material should be omitted when you prepare for the exam.
You must see the contents of the Study Guide as well as any additional information
communicated to you via the HFL1501 module site as an integrated whole. This
means that you must be aware that content from one part of the study material is
related to contents from other parts. Some exam questions will have to be answered
by referring to content from more than one learning unit or by referring to more than
one part of the study material.

5. Information on the supplementary examination

Assessment 4 is only applicable to the following categories of students:

• Students who have failed Assessment 3, but who have obtained the subminimum
in terms of the University’s exam policy to qualify for a supplementary exam. If
you qualify for a supplementary exam, you will automatically be notified by DSAA.
Please do not contact your lecturers in this regard, as we don’t know which
students qualify for the supplementary exam.
• Students who were unable to submit Assessment 3 due to ill health or other
personal reasons and who qualify for an aegrotat exam. If you think that you

qualify for an aegrotat exam, please send an e-mail to
Please note that your lecturers are not involved in granting you an aegrotat exam.

Please note that Assessment 4 will test your knowledge of the ENTIRE contents of
the Study Guide and other additional information communicated to you via the
HFL1501 module site. Also, Assessment 4 will be in exactly the same format as that
of Assessment 3, but will contain entirely different questions. In other words,
Assessment 4 takes the form of written questions and is submitted online via the
HFL1501 module site. You will have a one-week window to complete Assessment 4.
The preliminary dates for this examination are as follows:

Portal opens: 10h00 on 4 May 2023

Portal closes: 10h00 on 10 May 2023

Any questions?

Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions and the Announcements
forum on the HFL1501 module site. Most of your questions have already been
answered there. If, however, you have any further questions, please post it in the
Discussions forum where your lecturers will respond to you.


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