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The positive emotion i felt that had nothing to do with gifts…

These vacations were very calm, for which I am very grateful, since I was able to
have time to rest and start this new year with new intentions and goals.

Last Christmas I had gone on a trip, which I enjoyed a lot, but I realized how much
i longed for a Christmas with all my family and just having dinner and spending
time with all of them.

This Christmas was probably one of the best, I was able to relive those memories
and I saw how much I needed to simply be with my family and loved ones all
together; see how my grandparents laugh while my little cousins eat Christmas
sweets and run around the house, or how my mother prepares the table and lights
the candles with all her love or how my sister, my father and I go to the kitchen
and eat almost all the pastelitos without mom noticing… But best of all is realizing
that no matter what happens, outside the country or not, those memories and that
happiness will always be embedded in my heart and that spark will never go out.
It's about realizing and learning how to live and enjoy the simplest moments, the
little minutes and the tiny seconds.

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