Resident Import

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General Instructions

• Each row is equivalent to one Resident entry

• Each row of data must contain
• Only the "Import Data" tab in this Excel file will be imported.
• Do not change the sheet name.
• Do not change/add column and column headers.
• The size of the file should be less than 20 MB.

© This spreadsheet is copyrighted under LifeHope Technologies LLC

FirstName LastName ResidentId DOB Gender Blood Group MobileNumber
Thomas Keller 233 04/25/2017 Male A- 9009009002
Jessica Smith A212 03/27/2018 Female A1B+ 9009009001
Email Unit No City 1 cbe 2 cbe
FirstName LastName ResidentId DOB Gender Blood Group MobileNumber
John Wildflower 233 04/25/2017 Male A- 1234506789
Jack Williams A212 03/27/2018 Female A1B+ 1234056799
Email Unit No City 1 cbe 2 cbe

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