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General Instructions

• Each row is equivalent to one People entry

• Each row of data must contain First Name, Last Name, EmpID, Email Address,
Mobile Number,DOB, Joining Date, People Type and Gender
• Only the "Import Data" tab in this Excel file will be imported.
• Do not change the sheet name.
• Do not change/add column and column headers.
• The size of the file should be less than 20 MB.

© This spreadsheet is copyrighted under LifeHope Technologies LLC

FirstName LastName Empld Email Mobile Number
John Wildflower 233 9999999999
Jack Williams A212 9999999998
Arya Thomas 220 2489340913
Sansa Stark 221 4132135672
DOB JoiningDate PeopleType Gender
01/28/1990 04/25/2017 Executive Chef Male
12/07/1990 03/27/2018 General Manager Male
07/18/1998 01/11/2019 Cashier Female
04/30/2000 01/11/2020 Hostess Female
FirstName LastName Empld Email Mobile Number
John Wildflower 233 4845101226
Jack Williams A212 5852826549
Arya Thomas 220 6102347409
Sansa Stark 221 8143008054
DOB JoiningDate PeopleType Gender
01/28/1990 04/25/2017 Executive Chef Male
12/07/1987 03/27/2018 General Manager Male
07/18/1998 01/11/2019 Cashier Female
04/30/2000 01/11/2019 Hostess Female

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