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4 More Practice Name

1 Match A to B to form sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. The child misbehaved at dinner,
2. The court decided that
3. The intercity bus is often faster
4. It’s unbelievable that
5. Paul has a very positive approach
6. Many people had to rebuild
7. The roof leaked badly

 a. to life.
 b. than the train.
 c. the thief was guilty.
 d. he survived the tsunami.
 e. so he was sent to his room.
 f. and we had a flood in the kitchen.
 g. their homes after the hurricane.

2 Choose the correct answer.

1. The teacher reduced / threatened to tell my parents about my bad behaviour.

2. We don’t go to that restaurant because it’s always overcrowded / overpopulated.
3. The national park near our city has interesting wildlife / urbanisation.
4. Martin looked for a new job because he was underweight / underpaid.
5. Do you destroy /disapprove of my appearance?

3 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.

1. The research paper is incomplete. We have to start / finish it.

2. Father wants to cut down the big tree / pavement in front of the house.
3. Inactive people often get thin / fat.
4. My gym banned the use of mobile phones because they help / distract people.
5. The driver was charged with parking / speeding.
6. The factory polluted the river / mountains with poisonous materials.

4 More Practice Name

4 Replace the words and phrases in bold with the words below.

dishonest • treasures • shocked • litter • damaged • impolite

1. My parents were unpleasantly surprised by my decision to leave university. ……………………
2. Most of the furniture was badly harmed in the fire. ……………………
3. I never trust Anna because she’s not truthful. ……………………
4. Eating with your fingers instead of using a fork is rude. ……………………
5. The museum has many valuable objects that are rarely shown to the public. ……………………
6. There is almost no rubbish in our city centre because of the strict laws. ……………………

5 Choose the correct answer.

Our neighbours are environmental 1. auctions / activists who have a “green” lifestyle. Their house uses
only 2. solar power / global warming. There is no 3. waste / wilderness in their home. They 4. regret /
reuse glass bottles and paper. They supplied / replaced their old light bulbs with eco-friendly ones.
Last year, there was a 5. water shortage / deforestation because there wasn’t enough rain. My
neighbours asked everyone to 6. exploit / avoid using extra water in their gardens. Since then, I have
always felt 7. guilty / illegal when I water my plants.

6 Complete the sentences with the words below.

fuel • international • dump • misunderstood • face • trial • source

1. The children always …………………… their muddy boots on the rug.
2. Sheila …………………… your message and arrived late for the meeting.
3. Daniel forgot to order the …………………… , so we couldn’t heat the house.
4. Reporters always keep the …………………… of their information secret.
5. I work for a well-known …………………… company that has offices all over the world.
6. Professional athletes …………………… many challenges during their careers.
7. The lawyer called four witnesses during the …………………… .

4 More Practice Name

1 Choose the correct answer.

1. Jack will consider selling his car if you offer / offered / will offer him a good price.
2. If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone / had gone / went jogging in the park.
3. If you see John, will tell / told / tell him to call me.
4. I won’t bother / wouldn’t bother / didn’t bother her if I were you.
5. Mother will agree to give us the car as long as we paid / will pay / pay for the petrol.
6. If you found €100 in the street, what did you do / would you do / will you do?

2 Match A to B to form sentences.

1. As soon as the meal is ready,
2. If she had more time,
3. If the shop assistant hadn’t shown me this shirt,
4. The bus driver will stop at the corner
5. He wouldn’t have fallen asleep at school
6. My brother wishes
7. Ethan would learn how to drive a car

 a. if we ask her to.
 b. we will eat.
 c. if he hadn’t stayed up late.
 d. I wouldn’t have bought it.
 e. she would finish the painting.
 f. if he had enough money for lessons.
 g. his favourite team hadn’t lost the game.

4 More Practice Name

3 Choose the correct continuation.

1. We would have left our umbrellas at home … .

a. if we hear the weather forecast
b. if we had heard the weather forecast
2. We must leave now … .
a. unless there’s a later bus
b. unless there was a later bus
3. The house won’t be so warm … .
a. if you turn on the air conditioning
b. if you had turned on the air conditioning
4. The office worker would file the papers … .
a. if he has the time
b. if he had the time

4 Write sentences with the words below according to the form in brackets.

1. they / see / their friends / if they / visit / London (third conditional)

2. Luke / lend / you / some money / if / you / ask (first conditional)
3. if I / be / you / I / never believe / her stories (second conditional)
4. Father / drive / the children / to school / before / he / go / to work (time clause)

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. The customers wish the shop ……………………………… (stay) open later in the evening.
2. If you had watered the garden, the grass ……………………………… (not turn) brown.
3. No one will see your new dress if you ……………………………… (not remove) your coat.
4. ……………………………… the hotel room ……………………………… (be) ready if we
arrive early?
5. If the dog ……………………………… (not bark) at the burglar, Tony wouldn’t have woken up.
6. I wish you ……………………………… (not cancel) the picnic last weekend.
7. The school ……………………………… (not allow) students to go on the trip unless their
parents agree.
8. If I were a good runner, I ……………………………… (participate) in the marathon.

4 More Practice Name

6 Choose the correct answer.

It’s the end of the school year and Natalie doesn’t know what to do. If she 1. worked / works /
had worked during the summer holiday, she 2. would have saved / would save / will save a lot of
money. However, she volunteered at the hospital all year and if she 3. doesn’t continue /
didn’t continue / hadn’t continued, she 4. would miss / will miss / would have missed helping the
patients. She wishes she 5. could do / is doing / will be able to do both, but she can’t. If I 6. had been /
am / were Natalie, I 7. will take / would have taken / would take a summer job. She can always
volunteer in September.

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