ПРЗ-2 Ганжала К. ДО-2 21-22

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Підготувала Ганжала Карина студентка ДО-2 групи



Fortunately, there is such a person in my life. My friend's name is Oksana. I can't

say that we have been friends since our earliest childhood, but despite that, we
have a lot of common interests and hobbies.

For example, we read books of one genre, we like to spend time together, we
enjoy dancing and sports. It should also be noted that Oksana and I are very

But it's not about appearance, but rather about character. We are united by such
qualities as kindness, sensitivity, honesty. These traits are manifested in relation
to each other.

Personally, I respect the opinion of my girlfriend, I often listen to him.

I can be firmly convinced of Oksana. She is not capable of meanness, she will
never betray me. I believe that the most important thing in friendship is to tell the
truth, not to be deceitful in any case. Oksana also follows this rule, and always
reveals to me the truth, no matter how bitter it may be at times.

My friend points out my mistakes, tries to correct me for the better. Of course,
sometimes it's not very nice to hear, but I understand that Oksana is right.


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