Self Introduction

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✦ Self-introduction:

Good morning/afternoon teachers, my name is Ngoc. I’m 15 years old, and I’m currently studying my last
year at Chu Van An secondary school, which is ninth grade. And today, I’m going to talk about....
✦ Table of contents:
1. Do you prefer city life or countryside life? Why?.............................................................................................. 1
2. What you should do to protect the environment................................................................................................. 2
3. The advantages of the Internet............................................................................................................................ 2
4. Benefits of learning English................................................................................................................................ 3
5. What do you do to improve your English?......................................................................................................... 3
6. Benefits of watching TV......................................................................................................................................
7. What is your favorite TV program?.................................................................................................................... 4
8. Your best/close friend(s)......................................................................................................................................
9. Your favorite clothes........................................................................................................................................... 5
10. Your activities on Tet holiday............................................................................................................................
11. Last picnic with your classmates....................................................................................................................... 6
12. Your last vacation (summer holiday)................................................................................................................ 7
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1. Do you prefer city life or countryside life? Why?
Depending on the person's cup of tea and lifestyle, each person can have different opinions on whether they
want to live in the city or not. Personally, I believe that city life is a better choice for me. There are many
reasons behind my answer.
       Firstly, there is a saying that knowledge is power, so a good education is needed for humans to develop.
Since there are many high-quality schools in the city, the education we receive there will give us the best chance
to succeed in life.
       Secondly, very few jobs are available in the suburbs due to the low population and lack of services. But this
is the opposite in the cities. Cities offer a wide range of jobs, so finding a career and having a stable life is not
difficult at all. 
      Thirdly, you don't even have to own a car or bike since public transportation is everywhere. Cars are
expensive and you need a driving license to use them, whereas public transportation doesn't, and it is safer and
more affordable than cars.
       Fourthly, thanks to the booming business in the city, shops, and stores popped up everywhere. For this
reason, we can buy absolutely anything in the city, including delicious foods, the trendiest clothing, the newest
electronics, and so on.
       In conclusion, living in a big city is beneficial in multiple ways. I'd like to experience city life myself one

2. What you should do to protect the environment.
The current state of the human world has resulted in numerous negative changes to the environment. For
this reason, many ways to protect the earth have shown up. Here are a few methods that are the most effective.
    Firstly, recycling bottles, cans, and paper to reduce the amount of trash will make the environment a better
place to live. Another good strategy is to limit the use of plastic bags by replacing them with paper bags. Plastic
takes ages to dissolve, so this replacement will help the planet a lot.
    Secondly, taking public transportation is also an effective way to reduce air pollution. Cars are major
polluters, they emit tons of carbon everyday, which is very harmful to humans. Therefore, limiting the use of
vehicles can reduce carbon emissions, leading to a healthier environment for humans.
    Thirdly, planting trees improves air quality. The more trees we plant, the more fresh air we will receive.
Additionally, they attract wildlife and even protect humans from natural disasters.
    Lastly, we should provide a healthy place for aquatic animals to live by picking up the trash that takes up
their habitat. Animals play an important role in both the environment and people's daily lives, so it’s crucial to
protect them. 
In conclusion, saving the environment is also saving ourselves. We must take more responsible actions if
we want to live a healthy life.

3. The advantages of the Internet.

In this day and age, the Internet plays a very important role in our lives. We rely on the Internet for various
Firstly, it is known for being a large source of information. The Internet provides you with the latest news
around the world, the events that are currently taking place, and even information about how the weather will
be. You can always stay up-to-date with everything just by using the internet.
    Secondly, online education is very popular on the Internet. It helps you study a lot more faster by providing
you with trustworthy sources on many subjects. Some websites even give you lectures on many topics for free.
Additionally, there are lots of people on the Internet who are willing to help you out if you have any questions.
    Thirdly, the Internet contains vast sources of entertainment that can help you relax after a long day. You
can always use the Internet to access a wide variety of interesting films and stories. Thanks to the Internet, you
can enjoy your favorite music and play online games with your friends at any time.
    In conclusion, the Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life. It brings our world closer together.

4. Benefits of learning English.
English is now the world's most widely spoken language. As a result, learning English is important since it
provides many benefits.
Firstly, studying English gives students access to tons of information and knowledge. For instance, students
can get information efficiently by using the internet. Most of the websites on the Internet are in English, so
students will be able to gain a massive amount of knowledge easily.
    Secondly, the English language is also a tool for communication. We can use it to interact with people from
all around the world and make friends from other countries. 
Thirdly, knowing English fluently raises your chances of getting a job. To illustrate this, when two people
have the same qualifications, the one who is better at English could be paid more and have a higher chance of
promotion. This shows that English is a required skill if you want a high-paying job.
In conclusion, as the most spoken language in the world, English holds a huge part in communication, and
it is really advantageous.

5. What do you do to improve your English?

English is now the world's most widely spoken language. As a result, it is important to learn English. There
are times when I struggled with this subject, but after trying numerous ways to improve, I found the best ways
to learn English.
Firstly, we must know how to understand words spoken in English, so increasing our listening skills is
vital. The best options are listening to music and watching television shows in English. They will have a
massive impact on your skills.
Secondly, for my speaking skills, I often talk to my friends on many occasions and never shy away from
any hard words to pronounce. Remember that we shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes. We would never learn
anything if we kept hiding away from them.
Thirdly, I frequently read English books to improve my vocabulary and grammar. Reading will make it
easier to remember the new words we come across.
Finally, writing diary entries is a super effective way to practice writing skills. I suggest you try it out.
In conclusion, globalization has made English the most common language on earth. You should learn and
practice it daily if you want to keep up with the changing world.

6. Benefits of watching TV.
Television is one of the greatest human inventions. When done in moderation, watching TV can be
beneficial for both adults and children.
Firstly, television is the most effective medium to deliver information to large numbers of people quickly.
Through television, we can be informed about the latest news and current affairs around the world with just one
Secondly, it can provide us with educational opportunities for all ages, ranging from children to adults. For
example, shows that focusing on history, sciences, and other topics with the help of professionals can help us
expand our knowledge in multiple areas.
Thirdly, TV also offers a form of entertainment, helping us to take our minds off of our worries and relax
with some laughter. With all the different kinds of shows available, there's something for everyone. And of
course, if you're into sports, there's no better way to keep up with your favorite teams and athletes than tuning in
to the game.
In conclusion, television is a wonderful invention of our wolrd. It makes our daily lives a little easier with
the information that it provides.

7. What is your favorite TV program?

I don’t spend much time watching TV programs, mainly because I’m more of a book person. But
sometimes, I enjoy watching different kinds of shows. Today, I would like to talk about a movie that I stumbled
upon on TV and fell in love with, Harry Potter.
       On the surface, the Harry Potter films are incredibly well-made. It’s one of my favorite films because of the
details they put into the plot. The young protagonist, an eleven-year-old boy named Harry, is an orphan brought
up by his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was a baby.
He is unloved by his aunt’s family, but everything changes when he finds out he's a wizard and joins a
magical school. There, Harry realizes he's special, and his adventures begin with his new friends by his side
       The thrilling journey of Harry made viewers, especially kids, sympathize with him. But what makes it
amazing is that it’s nostalgic and is a perfect combination of friendship, love, and significant stories. It inspires
me and taught me a handful of things about life. Even now, I’m still glad that I watched it.
In conclusion, Harry Potter is an amazing show; I suggest you give it a try if you haven’t.

8. Your best/close friend(s).
       When it comes to my closest friend, off the top of my head, I would say it’s Lan. We have been together for
as long as I can remember.
    We live in the same neighborhood, so we grow closer even after school. She and I are the same ages. Lan
always wears her hair nicely pulled back. She has a pair of black eyes that are strikingly beautiful.
    I still vaguely remember the time her family moved next to ours. When I first met Lan, she seemed to be
very quiet and reserved. But as time passes, she eventually opens up to me. I was surprised to learn that she was
a very thoughtful and humorous girl.
Everybody always says Lan has a heart of gold and I totally agree. She is the sweetest person I have ever
met. When someone needs to vent their emotions, she is always there to lend them an ear. Lan offers the best
advice whenever anyone is in need of it. 
    I'm thankful to have such a caring and understanding friend like her. I hope our friendship will last forever.

 9. Your favorite clothes.

Jeans are my go-to clothing item among all the things I have in my wardrobe. There are so many reasons
why I fancy these jeans so much.
Firstly, jeans are easy to style and they create a fashionable look for the wearer. I can dress them up or
down depending on the occasion, making them incredibly versatile. Plus, they come in so many different styles
and colors, and with the endless options available, I can always find the perfect pair to my liking.
Secondly, what I love most about jeans is that they're always in fashion. It doesn't matter if it's the 70s or
the 20s, jeans are always in style and never seem to go out of fashion, no matter what the trends are. I think
that's why I love them so much—they are timeless when it comes to fashion.
And lastly, the comfort factor of jeans is in their material, denim. Denim is so sturdy and long-lasting,
which makes jeans stick around for a long time and save me a great deal of money. Despite their hard material,
they’re really comfortable to wear after you get used to them.
       Overall, jeans are the best piece of clothing that you can find. If you're looking for an item of clothing that's
comfortable, easy to style, and fashionable, look no further than jeans.

10. Your activities on Tet holiday.
Tet is the biggest holiday in Vietnam, and it has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I always
look forward to Tet since there are many things I could do, here is some of them.
    Before Tet, people believed that cleaning the house would create a clean and positive environment for the
new year, so I often helped my parents tidy up the house so we could celebrate the holiday comfortably. It's also
the time my parents buy me new clothes and decorations to spice up the house.
    On the day of Tet, people usually gather with their families to have a big feast and indulge in delicious
traditional Vietnamese food. Tet wouldn't be complete without the amazing flavors and aromas of Banh Chung
and Banh Tet.
    My favorite part of family gatherings is that children like me could receive lucky money from the adults in
exchange for new year wishes. Another thing I like about Tet is the fireworks shows. I love watching the vibrant
colors and the beautiful shapes as they light up the night sky.
    Tet is a time for celebration, reflection, and bonding with loved ones. It is an amazing time of the year and
I'm always excited for it to come around.

11. Last picnic with your classmates.

People often choose to have a picnic as a method to relieve stress. Not long ago, I had a picnic with my
friends as a reward for finishing a long semester. Since then, it has been one of the most memorable days of my
The picnic was organized by my classmates, and after spending a long time choosing a place to visit, we
decided to pick the countryside as our destination. All of us went there by bus.
After the ride, we walked for a short amount of time to the picnic spot. We spread a blanket under a shady
tree and sat on it. Then, my friends laid down a lot of food and drinks. We filled the blanket with all sorts of
delicious treats to share. such as sandwiches, fruits, cakes, and snacks, as well as drinks to wash it all down.
After the eating was done, my friends and I started playing games like tag and hide and seek; some even
challenged each other to some kind of competition, and we were all having a blast.
As the day winds down, we all settle down on the blankets and watch the sunset. The sky was turning dark,
so we started packing up. By the time we finished gathering our stuff, it was nearly 6 p.m. We ran to the bus
stop as fast as we could, hoping to make it in time. I was really glad that we managed to catch the last bus.
At the end of the day, all of us came back feeling very happy. We had a long day, but it was the best day
we’ve ever had.

 12. Your last vacation (summer holiday).
Last summer vacation, to take a break from a hard-working year, my parents decided to take our whole
family to visit Nha Trang. I was so excited to explore what the famous beach city had to offer.
Since it was far from my home, my family and I had to travel there by plane. Sitting in one spot for hours
on a plane is boring, but getting to my destination makes the wait worthwhile. Our family quickly head to our
hotel room to relax before continuing our trip.
Our first stop was the beaches of Nha Trang. It was exactly what the rumors said, they were breathtaking
with crystal clear water and golden sand. I spent days lounging on the beach and admiring the views. Not only
that, I was able to enjoy some water sports, including diving and snorkeling. 
While I was there, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to try some delicious seafood, they were
flavorful and fresh. I also visited the famous Tri Nguyen Aquarium and got to see some colorful and gorgeous
sea creatures that I had never seen before.
    On the last day of my trip, I found a shop that sells handcrafted goods and souvenirs made from seashells.
Since they were affordable and eye-catching, I bought a lot of them as souvenirs for my friends and me.
Overall, Nha Trang is an amazing place to relax throughout your vacation. If I had the chance to revisit it, I
would take it without a doubt.

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