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Administrative Of School


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➢ This theory is known by various name such as: Traditional

Theory, Structural Theory,Formal Organization
Theory,Mechanistic Theory,& Management Process School
➢ Administration is Administration irrespective of nature or type
of work i.e. Administration is the same everywhere
➢ Certain fundamental principles can help in increasing the
efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation
➢ These principles could be applied to all kinds of
organizations (universally valid )
Few Facts About Henry Fayol
● Born in ISTANBUL in 1841
● Graduated in Mining Engineering
● Started his careers as an Engineer in 1860
● In 1888, he rose to the position of Managing Director of the company
● Retired in 1918 and remained Director of the company until his death
in December, 1925
● Contribution:
1. Book-Administration Industrielle et Generale-1916
2. Paper -The Theory Of Administration in the state-1923
● Founder of Managerial approach(Management Process School)
● Father of Classical Theory
Who is a School Administrator
1. A responsible staff member
2. Overseas administrative tasks
3. Ensure smooth functioning of the institutions
4. Developing , Implementing ,and evaluating policies
5. Manage all school operations
Process of School Management
Major Responsibilities of a School Administrator

1. Fee Management
2. Admission Management
3. Maintaining Database
4. Document Collection
5. Hostel Management
6. Ensuring Time to Time Audits
Characteristics of school management

1. The best use of Resources

2. Professional growth
3. Efficiency and improvement
4. Continuous process
5. Quality of education
Issues and Problems Of School Administration

1. Standard of affiliated colleges

2. Political Difficulties
3. Faulty administration of school
4. Establishment of School Buildings
5. Natural Obstacles
6. Lack of Physical Facilities
School organization and Management is simply the way
of managing whole task of school properly so that better
results could be obtained and ultimately goodwill of
school enhanced .

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