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Kathleen T.

Manuel UP-FC1-BSA1-10
GEN 001: Purposive Communication

Traditional Education vs. Active Learning

One should never underestimate the value of education in their lives. It is a tool that aids in a person's
mental illumination and knowledge acquisition. Whether you are a toddler or an adult, education makes you
aware of everything that is going on around you. Education is a lifelong process that comes to an end with
death. Since education allows us to gain information, talents, and many other things, it aids in an individual's
entire development. Education has a significant impact on a person's attitude and personality. Additionally, it is
essential to a person's success in life.
Year 2020, traditional education is slowly vanishing, and active learning is born. Everyone started to
adjust to the new normal, students shift from the usual face-to-face class at school inside a classroom to online
learning modality where students attend online class through different social media platforms or apps.
We grew up in a traditional education. This relied in long lectures, a professor stands in front of the class
and instructs the pupils according to their methods. Lessons are mostly focused on the teacher. Some students
digest knowledge differently, whether they comprehend immediately or require more in-depth explanations.
The similar practice is followed in the classroom when the teacher assumes all authority and the students remain
seated during the lesson whether they comprehend it or not. Active learning is more student-centered than
standard lectures. Professors can provide opportunities for equal discussion among their students. Instead of
being forced to only hear what the lecturer has to say, students are encouraged to collaborate and interact with
one another.
In lectures, professors speak most of the time. It's crucial for students to learn how to communicate and
work together with their classmates and lecturer since they aren't heard or allowed to engage with one another
during class. Some students can easily identify the crucial elements to jot down while they listen to a lecture
while others find it difficult to identify what is pertinent and significant. Students can benefit from PowerPoints
during lectures, but they are less useful when the professor is speaking while presenting the slides. Students
sometimes focus more on what they are writing from the board when copying notes from a ppt than they do on
listening. In active learning, student interaction is crucial. Professors can enhance their students' readiness to use
active learning techniques to train them to be problem solvers by creating an open, communicative
environment. Instead of just listening, teachers should encourage their pupils to talk so they may interact with
others, voice their opinions, and even educate the professor.
To sum up everything, active learning is better because it gives students the opportunity to speak their
voice. Also, when professors begin to use more active learning methods, students will be able to speak up and
share their ideas and thoughts. On the topic, professors and students interact equally.

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