Project - Topics and Guidelines - CC Sem 1 2021-2022

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Computation & Complexity Project

Semester 1 2021/2022

Choose ONE topic:

1) Halting problem
2) P vs NP problems
3) Backtracking algorithm
4) Branch & Bound algorithm
5) Approximation algorithm
6) Randomized algorithm

• 10% simple group slides/notes

• 10% simple group video (forum/discussion meet/presentation etc)

Guidelines for topic 1 & 2:

1. Why it’s important in real life/research field

2. Explain what is it
3. Example/analogy
4. Relation with Turing machine/algorithm or other subtopics

Guidelines for topic 3 & 4:

1. Why it’s important in real life/research field

2. How it works (in general for all problems)
3. Example (choose one problem)
4. Limitation of this algorithm
5. When should we use this algorithm & when we should not use it?

Guidelines for topic 5 & 6:

1. Why it’s important in real life/research field

2. How it works in general, or with an example (choose one problem)
3. Limitation of this algorithm
4. When should we use this algorithm & when we should not use it?
Marking scheme:
Your submission must contain everything mentioned above.
For each element:

• Not included: 0
• Poor: 1 mark
• Okay but something missing: 2 marks
• Good: 3 marks
• Exemplary: 4 marks

Example of problems/subtopics:

1 Limits of Algorithmic Computation

▪ Unsolvable Problems
▪ Halting Problem, Reduction
▪ Undecidable Problems
2 NP-Completeness
▪ P and NP
▪ NP-Completeness
▪ NP-Complete Problems
3 Backtracking
▪ Backtracking Technique
▪ The N-Queen’s Problem
▪ Graph Colouring Problem
▪ The Hamiltonian Cycle Problem
4 Branch-and-Bound
▪ Branch-and-Bound Technique
▪ 0-1 Knapsack Problem
▪ The Traveling Salesman Problem
5 Approximation Algorithms
▪ The Metric Traveling Salesman Problem
▪ Approximation of Covering Problems
▪ Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes
6 Randomized Algorithms
▪ Stable Marriages and Coupon Collecting
▪ Minimum Cuts
▪ Finding Prime Numbers
▪ Skip Lists

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