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Name: Miguel Angel Arroniz De La Torre. I.D: 2933503.

Course: Contemporary World. Teacher: Angel Alfredo Badillo Badillo.

Module: 3. Activity: Evidence 3.

Date: Wednesday, November 25th,2020.


1. List and briefly describe important events of the last decades (from the crisis of the socialist

bloc until today, the digital era).

2. Describe the following terms:

a. Globalization

b. Terrorism

c. Unipolar World

d. Digital Era

3. Think deeply about each concept, make a description that allows you to connect each term

with the list of events provident previously (Number 2), and then answer the following

a. Why did the globalization emerge?

b. In most cases, what caused the terrorist´s attacks of XX Century?

c. How does the end of the Cold War relate with the Unipolar World?

d. How has the Digital Era influenced today's society?

4. Base all the information reflected in your presentation with at least three bibliographic

sources in APA format.

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