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Object Oriented Software

Engineering Project Documentation


Project Guidelines

Part One: Project Proposal

(Assignment Description)

Part Two: Software Requirement

Specification (SRS)

Part Three: Software Design

Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

Table of Contents
Part One: Project Proposal ............................................................................................................ 3

1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3

2 Problem Definition.................................................................................................................. 3

3 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3

3.1 General Objective ................................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Specific Objective.................................................................................................................. 3

4 Vision to Problem Definition and Objective ........................................................................... 3

5 Significant of the System ......................................................................................................... 4

6 Target Beneficiaries of the System .......................................................................................... 4

7 Planning .................................................................................................................................. 4

7.1 Deliverable: are project results delivered to customers ....................................................... 4

7.2 Activities ................................................................................................................................ 5

7.3 Milestone: Milestones are the end-point of a process activity. ............................................ 5

8 Overall Plan ........................................................................................................................... 6

Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

Part One: Project Proposal

1 Introduction
In this section of the Project Proposal, you should provide an overview of the entire project or
system what you have done. The thing to keep in mind as you write this document is that you are
telling the background of the existing working area and the environment, what the proposed system
must do.
2 Problem Definition
This is the second section for Assignment Description Document. In this document you also
identifying the problems of the existing system that you want to be solve for. The problem is being
identify clearly with respect to environmental, internal and external as well as individual. a brief
statement of the problem or need your agency has recognized and is prepared to address (one or
two paragraphs);
3 Objective
Objectives are the measurable outcomes of the program. They define your methods. Your
objectives must be tangible, specific, concrete, measurable, and achievable in a specified time
period. “Objective of the project should be clearly determined” which is identified by General and
specific objectives. The objectives can be changed or concretized during the project execution
depending on the resources available, on the progress of the project, etc.

3.1 General Objective

3.2 Specific Objective

Specific objective of the systems is……
 Specific objective List one
 Specific objective List two
 Specific objective List three
 Specific objective List four

4 Vision to Problem Definition and Objective

Before initiating a software project, a clear vision about the project’s main goal should be
formulated. This should be ambitious and realistic. The worse that can happen is that the project
team realizes that the main goal is not realistic and their motivation becomes very low.
Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

After delivering and implementing of this system the proposed system of the organization you
should designed for will be improved. In this section the vision at the end of the project or system
should be visualized.

5 Project Scope

<Provide a short description of the software being specified and its purpose, including relevant
benefits, objectives, and goals. Relate the software to corporate goals or business strategies. If
a separate vision and scope document is available, refer to it rather than duplicating its contents
here. An SRS that specifies the next release of an evolving product should contain its own
scope statement as a subset of the long-term strategic product vision.>

6 Significant of the System

Put the general and specific significance of the system after the accomplishment of
the system.

7 Target Beneficiaries of the System

Put the target beneficiaries of this system. Who are beneficial and what? Should be
answered in this section.

8 Planning
Project planning defines the project activities and end products that will be performed and
describes how the activities will be accomplished. The purpose of project planning is to define
each major task, estimate the time and resources required, and provide a framework for
management review and control. The project planning activities and goals include defining:
Planning is the main concept in the software development process. It consists of deliverables
activity and milestone in the software development process.

8.1 Deliverable: are project results delivered to customers

Throughout the development of the proposed system there are deliverable documents which are
listed below:
 Assignment description document
 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document
 Software Design Document (SDD)
 Testing Analysis Document
Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

 User Manual

8.2 Activities
There are many activities that will be performed throughout the project. The main activities
performed are Planning, requirement gathering and analysis, designing, implementation and
testing which includes many sub activities in each of them.
 Planning
 Feasibility study
 Requirement Gathering and Analysis
 Requirements elicitation and analysis
 Requirements specification documenting
 Requirements validation
 Designing
 Architectural design
 Component design
 Interface design
 Database design  Implementation
 Interface Implementing
 Component Implementing
 Database Implementing
 Testing
 Development testing
 System testing
 Acceptance testing

8.3 Milestone: Milestones are the end-point of a process activity.

Milestones can occur at the end of each work package in the WBS and serve as a measurable item
upon which to base success of a task. Major project milestones should be summarized and included
in the summary project plan. For contracted work, milestones are often used as a point in the
Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

project where interim payments might be made. If this approach is used, mutual agreement is
necessary on the content of each milestone and the cost associated with that milestone.

While milestones are unique to each project, some example project milestones are
shown below:
 1st Milestone: Requirement Gathering and Analysis
 2nd Milestone: Designing
 3rd Milestone: Implementation
 4th Milestone: Testing
 5th Milestone: Unit Test Complete
 6th Milestone: Integration Test Complete
 Acceptance Test Complete
 System Acceptance by User
 Customer Shipment
 Documentation Delivery

9 Overall Plan
The project schedule provides a graphical representation of predicted tasks, milestones,
dependencies, resource requirements, task duration, and deadlines. The project’s master schedule
interrelates all tasks on a common time scale. The project schedule should be detailed enough to
show each WBS task to be performed, the name of the person responsible for completing the task,
the start and end date of each task, and the expected duration of the task. There are numerous tools
that support the development of project schedules. Many of these tools prepare either a GANTT
or PERT chart. Program evaluation and review technique (PERT) charts depict task, duration,
and dependency information. Each chart starts with an initiation node from which the first task, or
tasks, originates.
Gantt chart is common in reporting status and in defining the schedule for small, simple projects
with few interrelationships. A Gantt chart is a matrix which lists on the vertical axis all the tasks
to be performed. Each row contains a single task identification which usually consists of a number
and name. The horizontal axis is headed by columns indicating estimated task duration, skill level
needed to perform the task, and the name of the person assigned to the task, followed by one
column for each period in the project’s duration. Each period may be expressed in hours, days,
Project Proposal Guidelines for Object Oriented Software Engineering Page

weeks, months, and other time units. In some cases, it may be necessary to label the period columns
as period 1, period 2, and so on. “Draw the Gant Chart for the each of the Millstone”

Part Two: Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Loading…….

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