CHAPTER 1 E Commerce and Internet Marketing

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E-Commerce and Internet Marketing • More formally, e-commerce can be

defined as digitally enabled

Chapter # 1 commercial transactions between and
Introduction to E-Commerce among organizations and individuals.
Each of these components of our
LESSON OVERVIEW working definition of e-commerce is
• Introduction to E-Commerce important.

• Unique Features of E-Commerce • Digitally enabled transactions include

Technology all transactions mediated by digital
• Types of E-Commerce
• Commercial transactions involve the
• Academic Disciplines Concerned with exchange of value (e.g., money) across
E-Commerce organizational or individual
boundaries in return for products and
• Carriers in E-Commerce
• Exchange of value is important for
understanding the limits of e-
commerce. Without an exchange of
• E-commerce involves the use of the value, no commerce occurs.
Internet, the World Wide Web (Web),
Difference between E-Commerce and E-
and mobile apps and browsers running
on mobile devices to transact business.
• e-business to refer primarily to the
• The Internet is a worldwide network of
digital enabling of transactions and
computer networks.
processes within a firm, involving
• Web is one of the Internet’s most information systems under the control
popular services, providing access to of the firm.
billions of web pages.
• e-business does not include
• App (shorthand for application) is a commercial transactions involving an
software application. The term is exchange of value across
typically used when referring to organizational boundaries.
mobile applications, although it is also
sometimes used to refer to desktop
computer applications as well.

• A mobile browser is a version of web

browser software accessed via a
mobile device.

Technological Building Blocks Underlying E-


• The Internet is a worldwide network of

computer networks built on common
standards. Created in the late 1960s to
connect a small number of mainframe Unique Features of E-Commerce
computers and their users, the
• Figure 1.4 illustrates eight unique
Internet has since grown into the
features of e-commerce technology
world’s largest network
that both challenge traditional
• The World Wide Web (the Web) is an business thinking and help explain why
information system that runs on the we have so much interest in e-
Internet infrastructure. The Web was commerce.
the original “killer app” that made the
• E-commerce technologies make it
Internet commercially interesting and
possible for merchants to know much
extraordinarily popular.
more about consumers and to be able
to use this information more
effectively than was ever true in the

• The mobile platform has become a

significant part of Internet
infrastructure. The mobile platform
provides the ability to access the
Internet from a variety of mobile
devices such as smartphones and
tablets via wireless networks or cell Ubiquity
phone service. • E-commerce, in contrast, is
• The mobile platform is not just a characterized by its ubiquity: it is
hardware phenomenon. The available just about everywhere, at all
introduction of the Apple iPhone in times. It liberates the market from
2007, followed by the Apple iPad in being restricted to a physical space
2010, has also ushered in a sea-change and makes it possible to shop from
in the way people interact with the your desktop, at home, at work, or
Internet from a software perspective. even from your car, using mobile e-

• The result is called a marketspace a

marketplace extended beyond
traditional boundaries and removed
from a temporal and geographic

• Ubiquity reduces the transaction costs

and Cognitive energy of customers

• One strikingly unusual feature of e-

commerce technologies is that the
technical standards of the Internet,
and therefore the technical standards
for conducting e-commerce, are
universal standards they are shared
by all nations around the world.

• The universal technical standards of e-

commerce greatly lower market entry
cost the cost merchants must pay just
to bring their goods to market. At the
same time, for consumers, universal
standards reduce search costs the
effort required to find suitable


• Information richness refers to the

complexity and content of a message

• E-commerce technologies have the

potential for offering considerably
more information richness than
traditional media such as printing
presses, radio, and television because
they are interactive and can adjust the
message to individual users.
Interactivity COMMERCE
• Interactivity means enabling two-way The phenomenon of e-commerce is so broad
communication between merchant that a multidisciplinary perspective is required.
and consumer and among consumers There are two primary approaches to e-
commerce: technical and behavioral.
• Interactivity allows an online
merchant to engage a consumer in TECHNICAL APPROACHES
ways similar to a face-to-face
experience. Computer scientists are interested in e-
commerce as an exemplary application of
• Comment features, community Internet technology. They are concerned with
forums, and social networks with the development of computer hardware,
social sharing functionality such as Like software, and telecommunications systems, as
and Share buttons all enable well as standards, encryption, and database
consumers to actively interact with design and operation.
merchants and other users.

Management scholars have focused on

entrepreneurial behavior and the challenges
faced by young firms who are required to management, and supply chain
develop organizational structures in short time management to execute initiatives to
spans. Finance and accounting scholars have optimize category performance.
focused on e-commerce firm valuation and
accounting practices. Sociologists—and to a
lesser extent, psychologists—have focused on Bachelor’s degree with a strong academic
general population studies of Internet usage, background
the role of social inequality.
• An entrepreneurial attitude
CAREERS IN E-COMMERCE • Strong attention to detail
THE COMPANY • Strong communication and teamwork
The company is a large global retailer • Strong analytical and critical thinking
that is rapidly expanding its online and mobile skills
operations. The company is seeking to develop • Ability to work in an ambiguous
omni-channel e-commerce capabilities based environment, face challenges, and
on world-class pricing technology, automated solve problems
warehouses, and an advanced fulfillment • Negotiation and persuasion skills
program that combines its retail stores with • Fast learner, with an ability to absorb
online and mobile sales. The company has information and experiences and
hundreds of different product categories and apply them
operates multiple branded websites



You will manage the performance of

your category of products across the firm’s
websites and apps. More specifically, you will:

• Manage and monitor the introduction

of new products and establish
processes to ensure they are available
at stores and online.
• Improve the online user experience
browsing and searching for products.
• Manage item and category pages
including graphics, customer reviews,
and content. Find new ways in which
our customers can discover products
• Optimize pricing of our products and
benchmark competitor prices.
• Analyze product performance, identify
key trends, and suggest how the firm
can improve its revenues, customer
service, and margins.
• Work with cross-functional teams in
marketing, customer relationship

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