My First Guided Tour Was in 2013

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My first guided tour was in 2013, when I was in fifth grade.

I've been on vacation with my family

in many places before, but this is obviously different. Our German teacher organizes a German
camp every year, always somewhere else. When I was the first time, we were in Tyrol, Germany.
Even here, I really liked the teacher's vast knowledge and confidence in another country and
culture. There was also a camp the following year, but unfortunately I couldn't find any pictures
of it. However, in the seventh grade, the teacher did not organize a camp, but a trip to the
Christmas market in Vienna. This is where I met a real tour guide for the first time. And here
came the point when I realized that this is what I want to do.
I loved German in elementary school, I was one of the best in the group, because the teacher
taught me very well. Thanks to this, I was admitted to the Török Ignác High School in Gödöllő,
where I really didn't want to go. It is considered one of the best schools in the county, and
perhaps even in the country. I honestly don't know why. Our class teacher was also a German
teacher, but since she alone was not a tough enough teacher, in order to teach a special
language class, they put another teacher in next to her. I made me hate German.( half of our
class was in math, the other in German)
My second language was English. Our teacher wasn't even a real English teacher, he was a
literature and geography major. He once told me not to go to graduate in English because I can't
speak English. Well, here I am.
During my high school years, I studied purposefully, I knew where I wanted to go next. Although I
tried advanced history, I stayed with geography, which I also always excelled at and was always
interested in. Actually, history too, but geography and languages are better.
Unfortunately, when I graduated, covid first broke out, so it was quite difficult to prepare for
graduation and everything. Because of this, I was not even accepted for tourism at first, which
really hurt me. Then, mustering all my strength, I stood up and said that I would do a separate
course for tour guiding anyway, I would do it before university.
At first it was quite difficult, as learning kitchen technology on Skype is not easy, how to cook,
bake, make a cocktail etc. But our teacher was the best. He tried everything to pass on his
Our second year was already much better. We went to school, there were also external
exercises, where we pretended that someone was the tour guide and the other members of the
group were tourists and we led the group. We passed the exam in June.
It looks so simple when written this way. I have to say it wasn't. My sister and her partner are
both lawyers and they kept telling me not to choose this, it's not good, etc. Apparently, my
parents were also on their side. But I persevered all the way, and since my mother chose the
secondary school, saying that it was close, etc., I said that I was interested in that and that's
what I was going to study. To this day, I hear that I don't have enough language skills to be a tour
guide. But i already am, so.. Regardless, I am extremely grateful to my parents, because I have
been to many countries, either with them, in camps or with friends. As well as in innumerable
cities in the country. After all, they support me in my journey.
And why I’m here now? This year I would have been admitted to Szeged, for tourism, as I would
have had plenty of points. But I think that it is never a problem if a person has several types of
knowledge. After all, another virus, or war, or anything else could come in at any time. That's
why I'm here and this is one of my stories.

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