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Seatwork #1 English

1.) Argumentum Ad Antiquetatem

Our family has always been a family of doctors, so you should be a doctor too.

2.) Argumentatum Ad Hominem

Are you sure we should ask that guy for directions? I mean, look at his face and tattoos!

3.) Ad Ignorantiam
Ghosts don’t exist because you cannot prove that ghosts exist.

4.) Ad Logicam
The government is not doing anything to combat climate change, so it must not be true.

5.) Ad Misericordiam
A: You didn’t do your part, so we removed your name from the paper.
B: I’m sorry, I was tired from all the schoolwork. My parents kept scolding me, and I had to do a
lot of chores. I have a rough time in life. Can you still include me?

6.) Ad Nauseam
A: How can you say that angels exist?
B: Because they exist! They exist! They exist! They exist! They exist! They exist! They exist!
They exist!

7.) Ad Numerum/Ad Populum

The majority of the people in our city are voting for him, so I’ll vote for him too.

8.) Ad Verecundiam
Liza Soberano recommends this shampoo. It must be of high quality.
9.) Circulus in Demonstrando
Manila is the best place to live because it’s better than other places.

10.) Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

My aunt, who loves eating fried chicken, had a stroke. Therefore, eating fried chicken must have
caused the stroke.

11.) Naturalistic Fallacy

Natural immunity is better, so I won’t let my family get vaccinated.

12.) Non Sequitur

Siblings have the same genes. Lucy is smart, so her sister Michelle must be smart too.

13.) Red Herring

A: Why were you with Wendy last night?
B: I’m starving. What food do you want to eat? I’ll treat you.

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