Makalah Introduction Into Business English

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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Introduction Into Business English” right in the calculated time.The
purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Asep Darojatul
Romli,S.Pd., M.Pd as lecturer in Structure major. In arranging this paper, me trully get lots
challenges and obstructions but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could
passed. Me also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Me
realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then me hope the
criticism from the readers can help me in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least
hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge.

PREFACE…………………………………………………………………………….. II

LIST OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………. III  





A. Exercise 1................................................................................................
B. Exercise 2................................................................................................
C. Exercise 4................................................................................................
D. Exercise 5................................................................................................
E. Exercise 6................................................................................................
F. Exercise 7................................................................................................
G. Exercise 8................................................................................................
H. Exercise 9................................................................................................
I. Excercis 10..............................................................................................



English is international language. If we can speak English well, we can communicate with all
people in the world. And then we also can get insight and science for our nation, we can read
English literature, listen international radio, and watch international movie. So, we can get
sciences for all category.

Not only to add skill international language, learn English make easier to get a job. Speak
international language give as many advantage for every one. Make us ready to stay

Therefore, very need to learn grammar or tenses in English. So that we can speak Englis more
easy. We also understand how to make sentence correctly

A. Exercise 1
1. to mind one’s own business
Pay attention to yourself only with what appeals to yourself and not
interfere in the business of others bussines. And in carrying out it’s
business there is no interference from other people.
2. bad business
Business is not going well. When someonestarts a business be it
individuals or groups rarely think of maturity. Usually that will not
take advantage. Automatically over time the business will experience
losses resulting in bankruptcy of the business.
3. dirty business
A business that is carried out in a dirty manner in the sense of an
action which includes breaking the law or blameworthy.
4. personal business
A matter known only to individuals.
5. business hours
The time set by the company to carry out it’s work or where business
or work is done.
6. monkey (funny) business
Business strategy that aims to harm others by increasing profits for
Themselves even with fraud.
7. annual business
Business is carried out every year by investing or making a business
and has a strategy in making business and writing books so that the
business runs smoothly.
8. to be in business
A company engaged in the business of operating and trading.
9. to be out of business
Enterpreneurs want to stop in the business world or business for
various reasons.
10.booming business
Business that is popular or a trend is extraordinary and quickly spreads
quickly and usually for a long period of time which is the main
attraction and attracts many audiences. build up business
Building a business or business clas requires a variety of strategic data
by conducting market research. competition
A competition between sellers who are bothtrying to get high market
share and high sales. corporation.
Companies or business entities that are very large or several
companies that are managed and run as on large company.

B. Excercis 2

Business money

Promotion customer

Challenge result

Respect profit

Prestige team spirit

Answer : Money, Promotion, Customer

Because in making a business requires money is initial capital. Then,

when the business is already there it is just a matter of making a promotion both
in the media and so on. With the promotion will produce customers.

C. Excercis 4
1. Give definition to the word ‘business’
Business is an organized approach to providing customers with the
goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an
organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses
seek to make a profit - that is, they aim to achieve revenues that
exceed the costs of operating the business.
2. What is the difference between for-profit and non-profit
organizations? Support your answer with relevant examples.
 Profit organization is an organization that operates with the
primary goal for pofit. Example a collection of young
entrepreneurs, cooperatives,clothing sales organizations.
 Nonprofit organization is organization that are not moving
with the purpose of making a profit. Example student
Environmental care organization, child care organization,
student association, etc.
3. What is production ?
Production includes those activities involved in
conceptualizing,designing,and creating products and services.
4. Specify the notion of ‘just-in-time inventory’.
The word inventory refers to the amount of goods a business
keeps available for wholesale or retail. In just-in-time inventory, the
firm stocks only what it needs for the next day or two. Many
businesses rely on fast, global computer communications to allow
them to respond quickly to changes in consumer demand.
Inventories are thus minimized and businesses can invest more in
product research, development, and marketing.
What is marketing?
5. Marketing is the process of identifying the goods and services that
consumers need and want and providing those goods and services at
the right price, place, and time.
6. Define such business operation as finance.
Finance involves the management of money. All businesses must
have enough capital on hand to pay their bills, and for-profit
businesses seek extra capital to expand their operations. In some
cases, they raise long-term capital by selling ownership in the
company. Other common financial activities include granting,
monitoring, and collecting on credit or loans and ensuring that
customers pay bills on time. The financial division of any business
must also establish a good working relationship with a bank. This is
particularly important when a business wants to obtain a loan.
7. What does the HRM involve?
Businesses rely on effective human resource management (HRM) to
ensure that they hire and keep good employees, and that they are able
to respond to conflicts between workers and management. HRM
specialists initially determine the number and type of employees that a
business will need over its first few years of operation. They are then
responsible for recruiting new employees to replace those who leave
and for filling newly created positions. A business’s HRM division
also trains or arranges for the training of its staff to encourage worker
productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction, and to promote the overall
success of the business.

D. Exercis 5
E. Excercis 6

1. B. If someone explains what to do, then I can continue from there.

2. A. I get on with almost everybody.
3. B. I’m good at giving orders when I know what to do.
4. B. I’ll take charge if I have to but I prefer someone else to be
5. B. I like to plan exactly what I’m going to do.
6. A. I’m willing to work hard for something I really want.
7. C. Before making a decision, I need time to think it over.
8. C. For me safety is the most important thing.
9. B. If I decide to do something, nothing will stop me.
10.B. Although money is important to me, I value other things just as much.
11.B. If people criticize me I always listen and may or may not reject what
they have to say.
12.A. I try to be honest, but it is sometimes difficult or too complicated
to explain things to other people.
13.C. Delegating is an important part of any job.
14.C. I try to avoid situations which lead to stress.
15.B. I know that everything depends on me and my abilities.
16.A . give up easily.

F. Excercis 7

1. The company you work for is well-known for its job security.
( Feel Happy )
2. You were suddenly made redundant.
( Unhappy )
3. You received a promotion.
( Feel Happy )
4. You were given an increment.
( Feel Happy )
5. You worked unsociable hours.
( Unhappy )
6. You had a steady job.
( Feel Happy )
7. You had adverse working conditions.
( Unhappy )
8. You suddenly found yourself unemployed.
( Unhappy )
9. You took time off work because of repetitive strain injury.
( Unhappy ).
10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome.
( Unhappy ).
11.You receive regular perks as part of your job.
( Feel happy )
12.Somebody called you a workaholic.
( Unhappy ).
13.Your company doesn’t give you many incentives.
( Unhappy ).
14.Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the
( Unhappy ).
15.Your work didn’t offer much job satisfaction.
( Unhappy ).
16.Your company has a generous incentive scheme.
( Feel Happy )
17.You receive a commission for the work you have done.
( Feel Happy )
18.You receive support from a union.
( Feel Happy ).
19.You were under stress.
( Unhappy ).
20.You were forced to resign.
( Unhappy ).
21.You received a cut in your salary.
( Unhappy ).
22.Your company gave you sickness benefit.
( Unhappy ).
23.You found your job very demanding.
( Fell Happy ).

G. Excercis 8

1. Samantha is the assistant manager of a bank and E

she works from 8.30 to 5.30 every day.
2. Tracy works on the production line of a factory A
which makes cars. She uses a machine to spray
paint onto the finished car parts.
3. Jane works for herself. She is a photographer. B
She works every day for about eight or
nine hours.
4. Jeanette is a cleaner for a company in F
Birmingham but she only works there for about
three or four hours a day.
5. Claire has a powerful job in the personnel office C
of a large multinational company. She is
responsible for employing new people and
getting rid of those that the company doesn’t
want to employ anymore.
6. Marie works in the finance department of an D
international college in Oxford.

H. Excercis 9

I. Excercis 10

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