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A Position Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Kapatagan National High School (KNHS) - SHS

Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of Grade 12-SHS

Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand


Almira Jae Albarracin

Jean Arangote

Jairrah Nicole Asparin

Nasib Hadji Gafur

Rica Ella Montibon

Morail Tabaquero

January 2023

Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is
usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. Section 18, Article VII of the
1987 Constitution states: “In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it,
he may, for a period not exceeding sixty days, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus or place the Philippines or any part thereof under martial law.” An army officer can
arrest and detain a person without court order on the grounds above, but he should make sure
that the person is judicially charged within 3 days, otherwise, he or she shall be set free.
Section 134 defines rebellion as “a crime committed by rising publicly and taking arms
against the Government for the purpose of removing from the allegiance to said Government
or its laws, the territory of the Philippine Islands or any part thereof, of any body of land,
naval or other armed forces, depriving the Chief Executive or the Legislature, wholly or
partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives.” The habeas corpus is a law stating that an
individual cannot be imprisoned or held in custody inside a prison cell unless he/she has first
been brought before a court of law, which decided whether or not it is legal for the person to
be kept in prison.

According to Ferdinand Hernandez (2018), it can be easily remembered that the proclamation
of martial law in Mindanao was triggered by a series of lawless and violent attacks
highlighted by the infamous Marawi Siege wherein the Maute Group, along with other rebel
groups, took up arms and committed public uprising in an attempt to remove Mindanao –
starting with Marawi City – from its allegiance to the duly constituted government of the
Philippines and deprive the President of his power, authority, and prerogatives over the land.
The proclamation allowed our armed forces to conduct swift and effective operations which
ultimately led to the liberation of the City of Marawi in a few months’ time. Since then, peace
has been relatively restored. Trade and commerce resumed; and investors regained their
confidence in conducting business in the island. The military has been performing its
mandate of upholding our sovereignty and protecting the people while respecting civilian
authority and human rights. Contrary to the fears of its detractors, there are no abuses, and the
implementation of martial law has been generally peaceful.


Argument A: Improve peace

Few crimes, less terrorism and a safe country can be achieved through martial law because of
the privilege to execute their position as security personnel. Police and military can establish
mandatory check points and curfew within the region to create more security and boundaries
for the people. Boundaries are crucial because most teenagers are rebellious and they really
need some restrictions to their behavior because they are prone to accident and crime like
rape, murder and assault. It can also prevent those criminal to commit more heinous crime.
Declaring martial law is necessary if terrorism is rampant in your community.

Argument B: Promotes equality and equity

In every society, one must apply equality, which provides equal rights that aim to protect the
dignity as well as the image of all individual, group, and organization. As for equity, it seeks
to promote privilege and justifies any rights of every member of the society for the purpose of
providing them with the opportunity to become productive in their lives. Any suspicious
activities or attempts to take advantage towards others will be apprehended by the law.

Argument C: Absolute authority over power

In times of chaos and emergencies, martial law offers a way for the government to take
control of the situation and restore stability. While it may seem extreme, martial law re-
establishes order and can allow response teams to better help those who most need aid. In the
current pandemic, martial law could ensure people to follow the regulations. This could
minimize the spread of the disease and increase hospital productivity to better treat infected


The improvement of peace is the main goal so that society can live in peace. Promotes
equality and equality provides equal rights aimed at protecting the dignity and image of all
individuals, groups and organizations. For justice, it seeks to promote privilege and justify all
the rights of every member of society, giving them the opportunity to be productive in their
lives. Absolute power could minimize the spread of the disease and increase hospital
productivity to better treat infected individuals. In this advent of a new administration,
politicians are concerned and even the citizens are concerned about the possibility that
martial law is imminent. This is because they are not sure about the real plans of the
incumbent president of their nations who was just elected as their leader. They are still having
doubt since the time of Ferdinand Marcos didn’t go well. However, it depends on the
president on how they govern. If you’re a great leader, then the martial law will be
successful, like how Rodrigo Duterte handled the martial law in Mindanao back 207 to 2019.
A good leader makes a country successful. When times of chaos will occur in our country.
We should always consider our safety in times of chaos. When the government declares
something, we must simply follow and obey. It is for our own good. A good government will
not impose rules and laws that are harmful to its citizens; instead, they will consider ways to
keep the country peaceful.


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