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Peralta, Glendel L.

The Contemporary World

PSY III – 01 Prof. Jose Lester Duria

Caricature Analysis

The preceding image illustrates how the United Nations manipulates the entire globe. At
the United Nations, numerous articles and issues circulated. We are all aware that the United
Nations is an indispensable international organization because it ensures the peace and safety of
all nations and their members. However, it also has other issues concerning the humanitarian
response, it appears they are not acting as a global organization. The absence of preventive
measures during a conflict or war is the second factor. Many individuals have criticized the
organization for its inability to prevent recent wars, such as those in Afghanistan, Israel, and the
ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The image reveals that only large nations such as
China, the United States, and France manage or even control the United Nations as a whole. It
also suggests to me that these large nations are dragging down the economies of smaller nations
such as the Philippines, and that their opinions are the only valid ones because they are the
largest. In addition to this, we found that it is unfair because it favors only those nations over the
others. This makes it unbalanced. To put it another way, these countries have the ability to start a
war pretty much anywhere in the world and at any time. They have access to all of the required
equipment as well as ammunition. They do not let their desires in this world control them. If we
look at the picture once more, we will notice that the boat symbolizes the world, and the reason
why the countries are depicted as animals is because they are acting in an inhumane manner by
taking territory from one another. This behavior is similar to how animals behave when they
urinate in certain areas to mark them as their own territory.

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