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1. Câu số 1: PHONOLOGY (10ms)

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. vehicle B. exhaustive C. hallucinate D. honorable
2. A. charisma B. chemise C. characteristic D. chemotherapy
3. A. pamper B. tabloid C. applicable D. acoustic
4. A. ginger B. goggles C. glamorous D. gibbon
5. A. worthy B. southern C. clothing D. asthma

B. Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others.

1. A. obesity B. contributor C. collocation D. professionally
2. A. ecotourism B. depletion C. dioxide D. safari
3. A. beneficial B. preparatory C. influential D. manifesto
4. A. therapeutic B. conscientious C. intellectual D. respiratory
5. A. mischievous B. authority C. apartheid D. ambassador

Đáp án câu số 1: PHONOLOGY

A. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D
B. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
Số Phách

2. Câu số 2: WORD CHOICE (10ms)

Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences. Số Phách

1. Our plan to start our own business seem ______ to failure.

A. doomed B. fated C. compelled D. designed
2. A meeting was held immediately so that the medical staff could ______ their views freely.
A. divulge B. vent C. utter D. air
3. I worked for a local paper but gave in my notice because it turned out to be a _______ end
A. final B. last C. dead D. blank
4. Last night, we saw a meteor _____ through the sky.
A. streak B. fly C. strike D. appear
5. The noise of the heavy traffic is a real _____ when I am trying to concentrate my attention.
A. harassment B. worry C. nuisance D. annoying
6. All his hard work _______ in great success.
A. accounted B. culminated C. merged D. succumbed
7. My decision to drop out of university after a year is one I now _____ regret.
A. painfully B. harshly C. heavily D. keenly
8. After the accident, two seamen were slightly injured in the ______ explosion.
A. following B. ensuing C. aftermath D. consequential
9. I am sure your husband-to-be will lend you a ______ ear when you explain the situation to
A. merciful B. compassionate C. pitiful D. sympathetic
10. After hearing news of the attack, the general made plans for an immediate ____ against
the enemy.
A. reverberation B. retaliation C. resurrection D. repulsion

Đáp án câu số 2: WORD CHOICE

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
Số Phách

3. Câu số 3: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (10ms) Số Phách

Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.

1. The automobile had its windows _________ in the collision yesterday.

A. smash B. to be smashed C. smashed D. smashing
2. There was no one downstairs; so he turned off the lights again and decided that she_______
imagined things.
A. must have B. should have C. can’t have D. needn’t have
3. I was told the scheme for manufacturing paper from straw yesterday. I appreciate
_________ the news.
A. having told B. having been told C. telling D. to being told
4. If he _______ in the end-of-term examination, he’ll have to be punished.
A. has cheated B. is cheated C. has been cheated D. is being cheated
5. I’d rather you _______ all our business affairs before going on holiday but you didn’t.
A. had arranged B. arrange C. arranged D. would have
6. Nobody could have predicted that the show would arouse so much interest and that over
two hundred people _______ away.
A. would turn B. would have turned C. had been turned D. would have to
be turned
7. __________ my buying tuna if you detest eating fish.
A. Is it any good B. As well as C. It’s not much use D. There is nothing
8. On the stairs _________ a small dark- haired girl.
A. was sitting B. was to sit C. sitting D. having sat
9. I won’t __________ my neighbours parking their cars in front of my house.
A. facilitate B. sympathize C. advocate D. have
10. Not until the Triassic Period _________.
A. that the first primitive mammals did develop B. did the first primitive mammals
C. did develop the first primitive mammals D. the first primitive mammals developed


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B
Số Phách


Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.

1. Diana is going to take extra lessons to_______ what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on C. take up with D. put up with
2. She works very hard and finds it difficult to ________ when she gets home.
A. give in B. switch off C. let out D. wind up
3. He was very upset when the boss passed him ______and promoted a newcomer to the
assistant’s job.
A. by B. up C. over D. aside
4. The prices of some kinds of electronics have been ________by increases in production.
A. sized up B. set down C. tied up D. brought down
5. As they come under the heavy fire, the captain ordered his men to _______.
A. fall away B. fall back C. fall over D. fall out
6. I don’t really _________ adventure sports like rock climbing very much.
A. deal with B. face up to C. go in for D. get round to
7. I’m afraid we have _______a great deal of criticism over our decision to fire hundreds of
A. come in for B. come round C. come out with D. come up with
8. We ___________ up a friendship the very first time we met.
A. struck B. launched C. cropped D. settled
9. Despite all the interruptions, he _______ with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed ahead
10. When the funds finally ________, they had to abandon the scheme for building more
houses for the poor.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C
Số Phách

5. Câu số 5: READING COMPREHENSION. (20ms) Số Phách


Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Subversive Art

Subversive political and social messages are a mainstay of the art community. In most modern
democratic nations, where free speech is considered an inalienable right, such subversive art
is easily found. American film is a fine example of this. Many American films are openly
critical of American society and its values. Apocalypse Now, a film about the Vietnam War, is
a withering attack on America's involvement and conduct in that conflict. In a more modern
setting, African-American film director
Spike Lee makes films which depict America as a racist and unjust society. Other arts are
filled with examples of subversive art as well. There are countless paintings and sculptures
which openly attack Christianity and other values which are considered to be core aspects of
America's identity. Punk Rock, which originated in England derided many of England's most
sacred of social values. Most famously, the 1970s punk band The Sex Pistols frequently sang
songs about overthrowing the government, even going so far as to describe the Queen of
England as subhuman.

Not all subversive art is as upfront in its social criticism. Much of subversive art is quietly
subversive. There are a number of reasons for this. The first is, of course, economics. An artist
who is too open or too vehement in his or her criticism of society may find it hard to find an
audience willing to pay for such art. In some societies there may be a fear of retribution,
either by the government or by individual society members offended by the artist's message.
Nor are such fears unfounded. Author Salman Rushdie was forced to go into hiding after he
wrote a book that Muslims took to be critical of their religion. Therefore, the subversive
messages in art are often hidden.

One common method of hiding subversive messages in one's art is through the use of an
unreliable or untenable viewpoint. In this method, the artist actually presents a viewpoint that
is in opposition to his or her own, but does so in such a way as to render that viewpoint
unbelievable in the eyes of the audience. American author Mark Twain was a master at this.
The narrator in his most famous novel is a young
boy named Huck Finn. Huck supports the values of his society. For example, one of the
justifications used by Americans to keep Africans enslaved was that they were somehow less
human than whites. There is a scene in which Huck finds his friend Jim, a runaway slave,
crying to himself because he misses his children whom he has left behind in slavery. Huck is
surprised by this, and comments that it seems remarkable that Jim, a slave, could feel sadness
for the loss of his children in the same way a white person would. This observation is so
absurd that it discredits the entire notion of slaves somehow being less human than their

Mark Twain was not the only artist to hide the subversive nature of his work. In earlier times,
prior to the printing press and the mass production of posters, artists depended on the support
of wealthy individuals to make their living. A rich noble who appreciated the work of an artist
would become his or her patron and support the artist. In return the artist was generally
expected to create art that the patron approved
of, and herein was the problem.

These wealthy nobles represented the social elite, which in most cases was exactly the
element of society which artists wished to criticize. One could hardly expect a patron to pay
for art that was openly critical of his social class, so artists became experts in concealing the
subversive message in their art. A close look at any of the great artists of history, da Vinci,
Shakespeare, Milton, etc. will reveal many hidden elements of social subversion.

1. In paragraph 1, all of the following are mentioned as examples of subversive art EXCEPT -
A. anti-war films B. songs of rebellion C. highly sexual poetry D.
blasphemous sculpture
2. According to paragraph 2, what is the role of economics in subversive art?
A. It limits the candor with which artists express themselves.
B. It creates a market for increasingly shocking art.
C. It encourages people not to buy subversive art.
D. It encourages artists to be upfront in their social criticism.
3. Based on the information in paragraph 2, it can be inferred that subversive art ________.
A. is often highly profitable for the artist B. often evokes strong emotional
C. is often banned by many governments D. is mostly focused on religious topics
4. The word "retribution" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. criticism B. rejection C. revenge D. anger
5. The word "untenable" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.
A. complex B. untrustworthy C. obscure D.
6. According to paragraph 3, how did Mark Twain seek to subvert the values of his society?
A. He used a highly unpopular narrator to discuss the topic of slavery.
B. He presented the views of his opponents in a ridiculous fashion.
C. He argued that slaves also held emotional attachments to their families.
D. He described much of American society as evil and bitter.
7. Based on the information in paragraph 3, what can be inferred about Mark Twain?
A. He feared retribution from American society. B. He was the first author to practice
subversive art.
C. He opposed the American practice of slavery. D. He was forced into hiding for his
political views.
8. The word "this" in the passage refers to ________.
A. the fact that Jim misses his family
B. the fact that Jim would leave his family in slavery
C. the fact that slaves are considered less human than whites
D. the fact that Mark Twain opposed the values of his society
9. Based on the information in paragraph 4, the term "patron" can best be explained as -
A. a person who loves art B. the target of subversive art
C. a person who supports artists D. a noble who represents the social elite
10. According to paragraph 4, why was it especially important for early artists to hide the
subversive nature of their art?
A. The governments of that time were far less tolerant of criticism.
B. The people they criticized were their sole source of income.
C. They were unable to mass produce their art.
D. There were very few patrons who approved of subversive art.

Đáp án câu số 5: READING 1

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B
Số Phách

READING 2: Số Phách
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.

The history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the
body takes in and utilizes food substances, can be divided into four distinct eras: the first
began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century when it was
recognized for the first time that food contained constituents that were essential for human
function and that different foods provided different amounts of these essential agents. Near
the end of this era, research studies demonstrated that rapid weight loss was associated with
nitrogen imbalance and could only be rectified by providing adequate dietary protein
associated with certain foods.

The second era was initiated in the early decades of the twentieth century and might be called
"the vitamin period." Vitamins came to be recognized in foods, and deficiency syndromes
were described. As vitamins became recognized as essential food constituents necessary for
health, it became tempting to suggest that every disease and condition for which there had
been no previous effective treatment might be responsive to vitamin therapy. At that point in
time, medical schools started to become more interested in having their curricula integrate
nutritional concepts into the basic sciences. Much of the focus of this education was on the
recognition of deficiency symptoms. Herein lay the beginning of what ultimately turned from
ignorance to denial of the value of nutritional therapies in medicine. Reckless claims were
made for effects of vitamins that went far beyond what could actually be achieved from the
use of them.

In the third era of nutritional history in the early 1950s to mid-1960s, vitamin therapy began
to fall into disrepute. Concomitant with this, nutrition education in medical schools also
became less popular. It was just a decade before this that many drug companies had found
their vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supply practicing physicians with
generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of supplementation for a
variety of health-related conditions. Expectations as to the success of vitamins in disease
control were exaggerated. As is known in retrospect, vitamin and mineral therapies are much
less effective when applied to health-crisis conditions than when applied to long-term
problems of under nutrition that lead to chronic health problems.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The effects of vitamins on the human body
B. The history of food preferences from the nineteenth century to the present
C. The stages of development of clinical nutrition as a field of study
D. Nutritional practices of the nineteenth century
2. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following discoveries was made
during the first era in the history of nutrition?
A. Protein was recognized as an essential component of diet.
B. Vitamins were synthesized from foods.
C. Effective techniques of weight loss were determined.
D. Certain foods were found to be harmful to good health.
3. The word "tempting" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to……….
A. necessary B. attractive C. realistic D. correct
4. It can be inferred from the passage that medical schools began to teach concepts of
nutrition in
order to ………..
A. convince medical doctors to participate in research studies on nutrition
B. encourage medical doctors to apply concepts of nutrition in the treatment of disease
C. convince doctors to conduct experimental vitamin therapies on their patients
D. support the creation of artificial vitamins
5. The word "reckless" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to……….
A. recorded B. irresponsible C. informative D. urgent
6. The word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to…………..
A. therapies B. claims C. effects D. vitamins
7. Why did vitamin therapy begin losing favor in the 1950s?
A. The public lost interest in vitamins.
B. Medical schools stopped teaching nutritional concepts.
C. Nutritional research was of poor quality
D. Claims for the effectiveness of vitamin therapy were seen to be exaggerated.
8. The phrase "concomitant with" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to…………
A. prior to B. in dispute with C. in regard to D. in conjunction with
9. The word "skyrocketing" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to……………
A. acceptable B. surprising C. increasing rapidly D. internationally popular
10. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses………..
A. The fourth era of nutrition history B. Problems associated with under nutrition
C. Why nutrition education lost its appeal D. How drug companies became successful

Đáp án câu số 2: READING 2

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B
6. D 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A
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6. Câu số 6: CLOSE TEST (20ms)
Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.
Write your answer in the numbered box. (0) has been done as an example.
0. A before B. early C. previous D. old
Parents spending more quality time

Working parents are devoting more quality time to their children than (0) _________
generations, despite time-consuming (1) _________, research has shown. The findings of this
study go against the (2) _________ that modern parents, especially working mothers, spend
less time with their children. The study found that parents devote more than twice as much
time on the (3) _________ of their children than they did 30 years ago. Full-time working
parents were found to spend more time with their children
than their part-time and non-working counterparts. This time is spent talking to children and
enjoying planned leisure activities, such as swimming and trips to museums together.
The results of the research (4) _________ that parents devote an average of 85
minutes a day to each child. This compares with 25 minutes a day in the (5) _________
1970s. And it is predicted that the figure will rise to 100 minutes a day by 2010.
The study highlighted a new concept of "positive parenting", where mothers and
fathers are (6) _________ committed to working hard to be good parents and providing the
best material and emotional support for their children. The findings suggest that the "new
man" is not a myth. Today's fathers were found to be more involved in their children's lives
than their own fathers or grandfathers were. More fathers are said to be equal (7) _________
in parenting.
During the study, three generations of families were (8) __________on their attitudes
to parenting. What is clear is that parents desire an increase in creative involvement with
children, and for family democracy. (9)__________, this increase in parental involvement
also suggests an increase in the stress (10) __________ being a parent. In the future, parenting
classes could become as commonplace as antenatal classes are today.
1. A. jobs B. work C. positions D. occupations
2. A. saying B. thought C. statement D. claim
3. A. education B. upbringing C. training D. instruction
4. A. show B. say C. display D. appear
5. A. medium B. middle C. mid D. halfway
6. A. nearly B. hardly C. similar D. equally
7. A. couples B. partners C. colleagues D. mates
8. A. asked B. answered C. questioned D. requested
9. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
10. A. for B. of C. in D. to

Đáp án câu số 6: CLOSE TEST 1

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
Số Phách


Read the following passage and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Iconic Symbol Lost to Galapagos Forever

The news of the demise of Lonesome George, (1) ……….. to be the last-surviving member of
his species, Geochelone abingdoni, is unlikely to come as a shock to those who (2) ………..
the fortunes of Galapagos, the habitat that inspired the Darwinian theory of evolution, and one
that is now genuinely under real threat and in danger of being (3) ………….. harmed by
human activity, with the main source of damage being tourism.

Early visitors to the archipelago were what could be (4) ……….. true nature-loving tourists, a
group which did little collective or individual harm to the islands and did not interfere with
the fragile balance of the ecosystem. However, in more recent times, eco-tourism has grown
to enjoy almost cult-like popularity. Eco-tourists are a very different beast though and are
rather more (5) ……….. in their tastes. Therefore, while, on the (6) ………….. of it, they
come to marvel at the natural splendours the archipelago (7) ………….. , they do so only on
the understanding that their comfort will not be sacrificed, requiring tour providers to take
special measures to accommodate their more discerning tastes.

Large companies are best positioned to offer these eco-tourists the luxuries they have come to
expect, but their popularity (8) ………….. visitors is sidelining local operator, a proportion of
whose revenue goes towards the upkeep and conservation of the precious ecosystem. Sadly,
the large international tour companies are far less benevolent with the (9) ………….. of their
activities, which results in a double-edged sword situation whereby, due to larger numbers of
tourists, more and more of the islands’ habitat is being disturbed while, at the same time, less
funding is being made available to conserve the ecosystem.

If the situation continues to (10) ………….. , Lonesome George may be but the first of many
rare and endangered creatures to disappear.

1. A. thought B. expected C. predicted D. objected

2. A. track B. pursue C. observe D. grasp
3. A. irrespectively B. irreversibly C. irrelevantly D. irreverently
4. A. coined B. termed C. stated D. shared
5. A. delineating B. deliberating C. discriminating D. debilitating
6. A. front B. face C. cusp D. side
7. A. hosts B. lends C. boasts D. homes
8. A. with B. to C. for D. by
9. A. results B. proceeds C. finances D. costs
10. A. deteriorate B. disrepair C. decompose D. distress

Đáp án câu số 6: CLOSE TEST 2

1. A. 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
Số Phách


Câu số 1: OPEN CLOZE TEST (20ms)


Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each
When telephoning friends in Australia, would you like to see picture of the (1)
…………………at the same time? When calling a (2) ………………… about a broken car,
would you like to look at diagrams in a part of the catalogue? When discussing financial
figures, would you like to have (3)………..…… transferred into your own desk-top
If this can be done now - by big businesses with the money and expertise required. But
in a (4) ……………… years ordinary people should be able to do the same. This became
clear at the Telecom Fair, a trade exhibition and conference for the world's
telecommunications community in Geneva earlier this month. There are facsimile machines
able (5)………………… transmit a document in six seconds (compared with the present 60
seconds), and one that can transmit in color. There are picture phones (6)…………………
send and display a series of still photographs of the people talking on the line. And there are
drawing pads which allow your doodles to appear on another pad at the receiving end. The
technology for integrating communication services over a digital network is available now.
But the telecommunications world has not (7) …………………… defined all the standards
necessary or (8) …………….. truly global network to emerge. This could take up to ten years.
In the future, terminals will look very different from normal telephone handsets. They
will (9) ……………… screens typewriter keyboards, drawing pads or printing devices.
It is possible to have an intelligent terminal which could read a credit card, send data
automatically to the computer centre, and then have the person say a few words in the
telephone for the computer to recognize the voice pattern before
authorization. It should work well (10) ……………………you have a heavy cold.

Đáp án câu số 1: OPEN CLOSE TEST 1

1. others 2. garage 3. them 4. few 5.

6. which / that 7. yet 8. a 9. have 10.
Số Phách


For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits in each space.
Use only one word in each space.

There is no (1)……………..… at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives.
However, most parents worry that their children spend too much time browsing the Internet or
playing computer games, hardly (2)…………….…..… doing anything else in their spare
time. Naturally, parents want to know if these activities are (3)……………......… to their
children. What should they do if their children spend hours staring at a computer screen?

Obviously, if children spend too much time (4)…………………..… in some game instead of
doing their homework, then something is wrong. It is a good idea if parents and children
decide together how much use should be (5)……………….... of the Internet, and the child
should promise that it won’t interfere (6)………… homework. If the child does not stick to
this arrangement, parents can take more drastic (7)…………..……

Any parent who is (8)…………….……… alarmed about a child’s behavior should make an
appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of a computer screen
does not necessarily (9)……..…….… a child’s performance at school. Even if a youngster
seems obsessed with the computer, he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in a
few months parents will have (10)……….….…. else to worry about!

Đáp án câu số 1: OPEN CLOSE TEST 2

1. doubt 2. ever
3. harmful 4. absorbed/ engrossed/ involved
5. made 6. with
7. steps/ measures/ action 8. seriously
9. affect/ influence 10. something
Số Phách

Câu số 2: WORD FORMS. (20ms) Số Phách

Use the correct form of each of the words given in parentheses to fill in the blank in each
1. People used to suffer from their life-time physical (normal)
2. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, …………………… (tide) power , our
fossil fuels will run out.
3. In my opinion, this book is just (intellect) ………………………..…….…… rubbish.
4. The alpine (land)…………………………… is very dramatic.
5. The slight (form) ……………………….. in his left hand was corrected by surgery.
6. It may be (produce)……………………….………….. to force them into making a
decision, and if you upset them they're quite likely to overact.
7. Like oil, gas is a fossil fuel and is thus a (renew)……………..……………… source of
8. Various (practice)…………………….……… by police officers were brought to light by
the enquiry.
9. Tourists forget their (conceive)………………..……………. ideas as soon as they visit our
10. They won the case because of the (appear)……………..……………. in court of the

Đáp án câu số 2: WORD FORMS 1

1. abnormalities 2. tidal 3. pseudo-intellectual

4. landscape 5. deformity 6. counter-productive
7. non-renewable 8. malpractices 9. preconceived
10. non-appearance
Số Phách

Số Phách

Choose and write the correct form of the words in the box to finish the following passage.

alarm protect industry number poach

danger gratify act extinct callous

Since the world has become (1) ……………………, there has been an increase in the number
of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared (2)………………… Bengal
tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now (3)………………
only about 2,300 and by the year 2025 their
population is estimated to be down to zero. What is (4) …………………. about the case of
the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by (5)
…………….. who, according to some sources, are not interested in material gain but in
personal (6) ………………..This is an example of the (7) ………………that is part of what is
causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other (8)
………………….. species, are a valuable part of the world's ecosystem. International laws (9)
…………………. these animals must be (10)………………….. to ensure their survival, and
the survival of our planet.

Đáp án câu số 2: WORD FORMS 2

1. industrialized 2. extinction 3. number 4. alarming 5.

6. gratification 7. callousness 8. endangered 9. protecting 10.
Số Phách

Số Phách
The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct them.

History books recorded that the first film with sound was The Jazz Singer in 1927. But
sound films, or talkies, did not suddenly appear after years of silence screenings. From the
earliest public performances in 1896, films were accompanying by music and sound effects.
These were produced by a single pianist, a small band, or a full-scale orchestra; large movie
theatres could buy sound-effect machine. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly
the same time as the pictures - called "synchronized sound" – began soon after the very first
films were shown. With synchronized sound, characters on the movie screen could sing and
speak. As early as 1896, the new invented gramophone, which played a large disc carrying
music and dialogue, was used for a sound system. The big disadvantage was that the sound
and pictures could become synchronized if, for example, the gramophone needle jumped or if
the speed of the projector changed. This system was only effectively for a single song or
dialogue sequence.
In the "sound-on-film" system, sound was recorded as a series of marks on celluloid
which could be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside
the image, guaranteeing synchronization. Short feature films were produced by this way as
early as 1922. This system eventually brought us "talk pictures".


1. silence- silent (line 2) 2. accompanying- accompanied (line 3)
3. machine- machines (line 4) 4. new- newly (line 7)
5. for- as (line 8) 6. big- biggest (line 8)
7. synchronized- unsynchronized (line 8) 8. effectively- effective (line 10)
9. by- in (line 13 ) 10. talk- talking (line 13 )
Số Phách

Số Phách
Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second
sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in
1. Only when it got dark did Paolo decide to make his way back home. (FELL)
à It was not……………………………………………………………….. mind to make his
way back home.
2. There is a rumour that the company lost over 20 million dollars during the price war.
à The company …………………………………………………………… over 20 million
dollars during the price war.
3. The role played by the PR company in securing the government contract was never
acknowledged officially. (OFFICIAL)
à At………………………………………….……………………… the PR company played
securing the government contract.
4. Don’t let Sarah’s carefree attitude deceive you; she is an extremely conscientious worker.
à Don’t let ………………………………………… Sarah’s carefree attitude; she is an
extremely conscientious worker.
5. Joe would only to agree to continue the trip if he could drive instead of Paul. (TAKING)
à Joe insisted on …………………………………………………… as the driver before he
would agree to continue the trip.
6. He surprised me very much when he said he loved me. (BREATH)
à He …………………………………………………… when he said he loved me.
7. He didn’t hesitate to recommend me for the job. (BONES)
à He ……………………………………..…………………… me for the job.
8. The local council has considered mass tourism the cause of the environmental problems.
à The local council has put…………………………………………………………… for the
cause of environmental problems.
9. It is quite urgent that he hold this meeting.
à The meeting should be held as a ………………………………………………….
10. Albert’s wife said that he had to start being interested in their kids’lives.
à Albert’s wife said that it ……………………………………………….……… interest in
their kids’lives.


1. It was not until darkness fell that Paolo made up his mind to make his way back home.
2. The company is rumoured to have sustained a loss/ losses of over 20 million dollars
during the price war.
3. At no time was there (any/ an) official acknowledgement of the role the PR company
played securing the government contract.
4. Don’t let yourself be taken in by Sarah’s carefree attitude; she is an extremely
conscientious worker.
5. Joe insisted on taking over from Paul as the driver before he would agree to continue the

6. He took my breath away when he said he loved me.

7. He made no bones about recommending me for the job.
8. The local council has put the blame on mass tourism for the cause of environmental
9. The meeting should be held as a matter of urgency.
10. Albert’s wife said that it was (about/ high) time he took/ had/ showed/ expressed an
interest in their kids’ lives.

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