Bergmann Estate P&L

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Estate of Robin Arlene Bergmann

Income from 1/1/18

to 9/28/18
706 E. Berkeley Proceeds 339,327.88
Garage Sale Proceeds 600.00
Rental Income 4,500.00
2001 Honda CRV Proceeds 1,400.00
Interest Earned 28.82
Lender Refund of Interest 24.52
Adjustment for wire fee -2.00
Stacey Mallery Rent Due 26,400.00
Total 372,279.22 100.00%

Home Depot Receipts 874.92
Fergusons 28.77
Dumpster Rental 1,050.00
Dump Fees 100.00
Pest Control 407.55
Plumbing Repair 270.00
House Payments (12 @ 771.45) 9,257.40
Attorney Fees 7,145.13
Total 19,133.77

Net Income 353,145.45

Stacey Mallery

Date Signed

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