Using &amp Customizing The Autodesk Inventor® Frame Generator 401 - MA31-2

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11/30/2006 - 8:00 am - 9:30 am Room:Lando - 4303 (MSD Campus)

The Big Frame Up: Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator
Sean Dotson - RND Automation & Engineering and Walter Jaquith (Co-Speaker)

MA31-2 When building complex welded frames, the skeletal modeling method cannot be beat for power,

flexibility, and versatility. The introduction of the Frame Generator in Autodesk Inventor R11 offers these advantages in a simple point and click interface. In this class, well learn how to use the Frame Generator to build simple frames and then delve deeper into the application to learn how to add your own frame members and custom profiles to the Frame Generator library.

About the Speaker: Based in Sarasota, Florida, Sean is the president of RND Automation & Engineering L.L.C. He has worked in the custom machinery industry for over 10 years building industrial automation and material handling machinery. An Autodesk Inventor Certified Expert, he is perhaps best known for his numerous tutorials on advanced Autodesk Inventor subjects, which he offers free-of-charge at his website; Sean also owns and moderates, an online discussion group for CAD professionals.

Walter has 27 years of experience in fabrication, mechanics, tooling, and product design including fixture, mold, and jig design. He has over 12 years of experience in 3D CAD work and was involved in the beta program for the first release of Autodesk Inventor. Walter is a veteran of the transition from 2D to 3D mechanical design, having guided several companies through the process. Currently, he works as a designer in the aerospace industry. Stay Connect to AU all year at

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator INTRODUCTION Introduced as a new feature in R11, Frame Generator is an automation tool designed to simplify the creation of structural frameworks in Autodesk Inventor. Based on the time-tested and reliable Derived Part functionality, Frame Generator allows the control of a frame assemblys layout through the manipulation of a single master part file. As such, Frame Generator is another tool in Inventors increasingly comprehensive arsenal of adaptive technologies.

Figure 1 Frame Generator Truss Assembly and Skeleton ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN INVENTOR: A QUICK REVIEW Autodesk Inventor offers a number of tools for centralizing control of a project: Part Adaptivity:Part configuration is controlled using 3D constraints in the Assembly. Skeletal Modeling: Assembly and part configuration are controlled using a master part file via Inventors derived part functionality. Frame Generator: Skeletal modeling techniques with automation routines and profile libraries added to simplify the process. Spreadsheet-Driven Projects: Part/Assembly configuration is controlled externally by linking parameters to an MS Excel spreadsheet.

Note that these various technologies are not mutually exclusive, and may often be combined in ways that accentuate the strengths of each technique. We can see that Frame Generator is a skeletal modeling tool at its core. Although Frame Generator simplifies many of the more complex processes inherent to the skeletal modeling technique, it is still necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of skeletal modeling in order to reap the maximum benefits from Frame Generator. SKELETAL MODELING BASICS Skeletal modeling begins with a part file containing geometry which represents an entire assembly. The various objects in the skeleton file that represent the assemblys individual parts are created in

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

their correct relationship to each other, and constraint relationships are established so that the entire assembly behaves as expected during updates. This master file is then inserted into other part files using the derived part tool. The parts geometry is created by extruding the derived sketch objects. When the assembly is created, the parts can simply be grounded in place because their relationships are managed by the skeleton file.

A) The Skeleton File: The skeleton file is the master file that drives all the parts in the skeletal assembly. Sketches and other objects are created in the skeleton to represent the various parts in their proper relationships. The layout of the assembly is driven by specific design priorities rather than necessarily following either a Figure 2 - Platform Skeleton, Note Browser Names top down or bottom up strategy. This simply means that the most important and driving design parameters are represented first, and dependant parameters are added according to order of importance until the layout is complete. Skeleton files often contain only a few simple sketches. However, more complex skeletons may contain many sketches, as well as work geometry, surfaces and even solids. Any geometric object in a part fileand parameters as well--may be used as referenced objects in a skeletal assembly. This extreme versatility makes the concept of the skeletal master very powerful. However, it does mean that careful management is needed to keep the master file manageable as complexity increases. For working with Frame Generator, the skeleton file is somewhat simplified, because it is not necessary to create any profiles for extrusion. This means that a Frame Generator skeleton is typically comprised of a series or paths, similar to what would be used with the Sweep command. B) The derived relationship: Once the master file is created, that file is derived into the individual part files, where the geometry can be extruded to form the part. In a skeletal assembly, every part is often derived from the same skeleton. The derived part feature allows control of various elements of the process, allowing a complex master file to be simplified in each part file so that just the essential elements must be dealt with. The derived part functionality is the backbone of the entire skeletal modeling concept, and as such, is also the backbone of Frame Generator. This is fortunate, as derived part functionality is a very mature, stable and long-standing feature in Inventor. With Frame Generator, the derived part process is managed automatically, and is largely transparent to the user. C) Assembling the skeletal assembly: Because all the parts in a skeletal assembly are derived from a common master, they all share common reference points in their origin geometry. This means that a skeletal assembly need not be 3

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator assembled using assembly constraints in the conventional manner. Many skeletal assemblies have no assembly constraints at all; the parts are simply grounded in place. They keep their proper relationships because they are modeled in position according to the skeleton file rather than each being modeled independently. In Frame Generator, the parts are placed and grounded automatically. No assembly constraints are used, and the user need not bother with part placement at all. SKELETAL MODELING THE FRAME GENERATOR WAY This section briefly lists the steps in creating a Frame Generator project. Compare the procedures below to the steps listed in the previous section to gain a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between conventional skeletal modeling and Frame Generator modeling. A) The Frame Generator Skeleton: As with any skeletal project, a Frame Generator frame begins with a skeleton file. Careful planning during the initial stages of laying out this master file is essential to a stable and predictable Frame Generator assembly. As noted above, the technique of laying out a Frame Generator skeleton is very similar to any other skeletal master. The process is normally simplified somewhat because it is not necessary to create part profiles. C) The Frame Generator Assembly: Once the skeleton file has been created, it is inserted as the first part into an empty assembly. The creation and placement of parts occurs concurrently, with much of the work handled automatically by the Frame Generator tools: A part file that is used as a skeleton file in a Frame Generator assembly is automatically tagged as a reference file in the BOM so it will not appear in the parts list. Parts are created in-place within the assembly (this differs from the conventional skeletal modeling procedure, where parts are typically created individually, and placed manually). The derived part functionality is handled by Frame Generator. The designer need not invoke the derived part tool, or even leave the assembly environment. A sub-directory is created in the folder that contains the assembly file. All individual part files for the frame are automatically named and placed in this folder. The user is given the opportunity to change the name and location of the part files if desired.

D) End Treatments: When structural members are created in Frame Generator, they are automatically extruded according to the paths, or simply between two picked end points in the master file. Their ends must be subsequently treated to mate them correctly to joining members. Frame Generator offers an array of end treatment tools for mating steel members.


Generator Panel Bar

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

E) Component Editing: After the structural members are created it is sometimes necessary to change their configuration in some way. Frame Generator tools are provided for editing the members. Both the end treatment and the overall size and orientation or the frame member can be edited. F) Query Tools: A set of query tools are provided for gathering general information on a frame member, and also for running beam/column calculations on the various members. The completed Frame Generator frame will consist of an assembly or series of assemblies that can be used as the basis of a complete project. Adaptivity is maintained to the skeleton file, allowing updates to the master to cascade through the project, updating each frame member as needed.

A SURVEY OF FRAME GENERATOR FUNCTIONALITY The Frame Generator tools are not invoked until the skeleton file has been created, and placed within an assembly. At that point, the assembly browser can be changed to show the Frame Generator palate. A) Adding Frame Members Frame members are added to the assembly via the Insert Frame Members tool, and using the geometry from the skeleton file to dictate component placement. Frame Generators Insert dialog box offers a number of options for controlling the profile, orientation and general configuration of the new frame member(s).

Figure 4 - The Frame Generator Frame Member Dialog

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator From the Frame Member section, the following choices can be made: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Governing standard for the profile. Profile Type. Common steel types are represented. Size of the profile. Industry-standard steel sizes are available. Material style, selected from Inventors material style list. Color Style.

As with any Inventor part, the material and color styles can also be modified after the frame members are placed. Placement of the new member can be made in one of two ways: 6. By Edge. Any straight, continuous line from the skeleton may be selected. 7. By End Point. Any two points or corners may be selected, and the new member will be placed between them. This method allows one member at a time to be placed. Orientation of the new member can be controlled in a variety of ways: 8. Insert Point. This will determine the profiles attitude to the path. 9. Offset. Both vertical and horizontal offset may be altered to position the new member away from the path. 10. Mirror Component. This is useful when placing asymmetrical profiles such as C-channels. 11. Rotation. The profile may be rotated as required to align the member correctly. 12. Prompt for File Name. When this box is checked, a dialog box comes up when the new members are created. Default file names are generated, and may be changed if desired. When the box is unchecked, the file is automatically created using the default file name. A skeleton path may be used more than once. For instance, a hand rail kick-panel might follow the same path as a supporting channel. The kick panel would be created using offset values to place it correctly. As long as the orientation and configuration are the same, multiple members can be placed at once by choosing more than one path from the skeleton. If members are placed using the point method, they must be placed one at a time.

B) Adding End Treatments Five end treatment tools are available for trimming, notching and extending the ends of Frame Generator members. The tools are used singly for simple joints, or may be combined for more complex connections. Trim to Frame Members. This tool will modify two joining frame members at once, creating an overlapping butt-joint. Notch Frame Members. One member will be notched to fit the profile of the frame member it joins. Useful for welded C and W-beam joints. Lengthen Frame Member. Simply adds additional length to a member beyond the path of the skeleton. Using a negative value will shorten the member. Material may be added to one or both ends. Miter Corners. This tool will create a miter on the ends of two frame members on a plane bisecting the angle between them. The path of the member dictates the resolution of the miter. Trim and Extend to Face. Adjusts the end of any frame member to a nonparallel face. Multiple members can be treated at once.

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

More points on end treatments: Care is required when end-treating complex frame joints to avoid cyclic dependencies among the frame members. The Trim and Extend to Face tool is particularly susceptible to this if used too many times on one joint. Consider using the Trim to Frame Member tool instead. When creating complex joints, the order of application of the various end treatments can influence the success of the joint. For instance, a mitered corner should be placed before other end treatments in the same joint. Members need not be touching for end treatments base on faces to be successful.

Figure 5 - Various End Treatments for a Truss

C) Frame Member Editing Tools Two tools are available for editing frame members after they are created and end-treated. Change Frame Members. This tool takes the user back to the Frame Member dialog that was used to create the frame member. All parameters with the exception of the Standard and Type can be modified to update the part. Rebuild to Original. This tool removes all end treatments from selected frame members, allowing the end treatments to be re-applied in a different fashion.

TIPS AND TRICKS FOR CREATING SKELETON FILES Remember that skeleton files are not restricted to sketch geometry. Solids, surfaces, work geometry and even components derived from another assembly can be used to create a skeleton file. 3D sketches are often particularly useful in reducing the work associated with creating skeleton files. Once the basic overall geometry of the frame is established, a single 3D sketch might hold dozens of secondary paths, created as 3D lines without the need to place individual sketches on various planes. Remember to observe the correct path orientation for members that you are planning on mitering. Add any desired global parameters to the skeleton file. Check the Export Parameter option in the Parameter dialog box to make the parameter available in all parts and assemblies that reference the skeleton by linking to that file in the parameter dialog. For ease in navigating the skeleton files various sketches and features, give them unique names in the browser. These names will carry through to the dependant parts, making it much easier to quickly find a needed feature.

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator TIPS AND TRICKS FOR WORKING WITH FRAME GENERATOR FRAMES Conventional Inventor part features such as holes, chamfers and extrusions can be added to any Frame Generator member after they are created. Frame Generator skeletons can be used to create regular part as well as Frame Generator members. Normal skeletal techniques are used to create a derived part from the skeleton file. A skeleton file may be used as the basis for more than one assembly. This is useful when a frame has more than one weldments or frame, and motion studies are required. Each subframe can be created from the same skeleton, with their relationship to each other correctly defined.

Figure 6 - A Multi-Level Tower Frame

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

CUSTOMIZING THE FRAME GENERATOR While the Frame Generator has a lot of sizes an shapes it might be missing a few that you regularry use. There is a way to edit the database and add new shapes and sizes. However it is not an easy process. Autodesk does not officially endorse or support editing the Frame Generator database. The following techniques have been developed through experimentation and trial and error. They may not be 100% correct. There is a chance that files created using these methods may not be usable in future releases. You may need to make changes to the DB in future releases for your new files to work with the Frame Generator.

If you are not comfortable with these methods please do not attempt to edit the databse. And of course, make backups of ALL files before you begin.

The procedure to customize the frame generator is rather complex. Detailed tutorials on how to customize the Frame Generator are available here:

In this handout we will outline the steps for each process. Most of the files we will deal with are located in the following (and sub) directories: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 11\Frame Generator\SHARED\Profilesystems A) Adding Profile Sizes to A Family 1. Open the family database file (e.g. ANSI.mdb) and see what sub-family database you need to edit (e.g. ANSI_L_EQUAL.mdb). See Figure 7. 2. Determine what IPT template files controls the profiles shape. 3. Open the template IPT file and make a note of what dimensions control what aspects of the profile. 4. Open the sub-family database (e.g. ANSI_L_EQUAL.mdb) and find a row close to the size you want to add. See Figure 8. 5. Copy the row and paste in a new row. 6. Change the RID column to a unique number (this is the row index number and must be unique). 7. Edit the dimensional entries (e.g. GEO_B or GEO_H) in the database for your new entry. 8. Open the Localization.XML file. Find the family and sub-family section that corresponds to the database table you just edited. See Figure 9. 9. Copy an existing Designation entry and edit it to match the information you just entered in the database. The Internal Designation entry should match the CODE column in the database. 10. Save all files, close all files and then restart Inventor. Your new profile size should be available in the Frame Generator.

The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

Figure 7 - ANSI Database Tables

Figure 8 - ANSI_L_EQUAL Table


The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

Figure 9 - Editing the Localization.xml File

B) Adding a New Shape to the Frame Generator Database 1. Create a new directory in the Profilesystems folder named the same as your profile family name (e.g. CustomTube). This is the PROFILE STANDARD. 2. Create a new IPT in the folder. In the IPT you should create3 sketches a. AFG_Detailed b. AFG_Medium c. AFG_Simplified 3. In each sketch, create the desired geometry. The Detailed sketch should contain the actually profile geometry. The Simplified sketch should only contain a bounding box shape of the profile. The Medium sketch should contain a modified bounding box shape (bounding shape without fillets etc.) Be sure that at a minimum that each sketch contains dimension named GEO_H and GEO_B (height and base). 4. Make a copy of the ANSI database and delete all tables except for one profile table (e.g. ANSI_ASIC_FLAT) and the Profiles table. 5. Rename the ANSI_ASCI_FLAT table to whatever name you want (e.g. SQ_TUBE). This is the PROFILE_ YPE. PROFILE STANDARD CustomTube



6. Open the Profiles table and delete all but one row. Edit the row pointing to the new Template IPT file and new Profile table. Edit the other columns as you see fit. A few things to note about this table: a. TemplateFilename: The IPT file you created in step 2. b. DisplayName: What the FG displays in the dialogue box (pulldown B) c. ProfileTable: Tell the FG what table to use for this STANDARD d. ProfileType: This MUST be set to CUSTOM e. Units: Set to in, cm, mm etc


The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator 7. Rename the profile table to what you set it in step 6c (e.g. SQ_TUBE). Delete the existing data and entre your data as required. A few notes about the columns: a. Code: This will be the Internal Name in the Localization.xml file b. Designation: What will be used as the base file name of the members c. Article: This will be used as the Stock Number as well as in pulldown C d. RID: The record entry, must be a unique integer e. MAS: No idea, still trying to figure that one out f. GEO_B: The value of this parameter g. GEO_H: The value of this parameter h. Note that you may continue to add additional parameters as required

Figure 10 - The Frame Generator Dialogue

8. Now open the Localization.xml file and copy a ProfileStandard branch and all sub branches. Paste it into the file. 9. Edit the data you copied as follows: a. Profile Standard Internal Name = PROFILE STANDARD (CustomTube) b. Profile Standard Display Name: What is displayed in pulldown A (Standard) c. ProfileType Internal Name = PROFILE TABLE (SQ_Tube) d. ProfileType Display Name: What is displayed in pulldown B (Type) e. Designation InternalName: Same as what is in the CODE column f. Designation CommaVersion: What is displayed in pulldown C (Size) if using the comma as designator system (European) g. Designation PeriodVersion: What is displayed in pulldown C (Size) if using the comma as designator system (US)


The Big Frame Up Using & Customizing the Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator

Figure 11 - Editing the Localization.xml file

In the R11 ProfileSystems folder there is a folder named Custom. It has a custom profile template and access table already filled out. Its good practice to see if you can add this into the Localization.xml file without errors.

CLOSING NOTES Be sure to stop by to get any updates we might make to this document. Also be sure to check out for a video session of this class.

Thank you for your time and happy modeling!

Sean & Walt


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