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Child Development and


Collected & Edited By

Aru Sharma

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Sep. 15
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Child Development and Pedagogy

1. The best method to study growth and development of the child is–
(A) Psychoanalytic Method (B) Comparative Method

Ar (C) Developmental Method (D) Statistical Method (Ans : C)

2. Socialization is a process by which children and adults learn from

(A) Family (B) School (C) Peers (D) All of these (Ans : D)

3. Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding to
Cephalocaudal Principle of Child's Development?

to head ma
(A) Development is from head to foot (B) Development is from foot

(C) Development is from middle to periphery (D) None of these

(Ans : A)

4. Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to–

(A) Differences in Environment (B) Differences in Heredity
(C) Interaction between Heredity and Environment
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(D) Both Heredity and Environment interacting separately (Ans : C)

5. Term PSRN in development implies–

(A) Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy (B) Problem solving

Ar relationship and numeracy

(C) Perceptual skill, reasoning and numeracy (D) Perceptual skill,

relationship and numbers (Ans : C)

6. Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is–
(A) Due to genetic components of a culture (B) A product of social

(C) A product of formal education (D) A product of assimilation and
accommodation (Ans : B)

7. Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligencies, which among the
following is not one of them?
(A) Spatial Intelligence (B) Emotional Intelligence
(C) Interpersonal Intelligence (D) Linguistic Intelligence (Ans : B)

8. Which of the following is the true statement in reference to

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(A) Intelligence is the ability to adjust (B) Intelligence is the ability
to learn
(C) Intelligence is the ability of Abstract Reasoning (D) All of these
(Ans : D)

Ar 9. "A Child can think logically about objects and events" This is the
characteristic given by Piaget of stage–

(A) Sensory Motor (B) Pre Operational
(C) Concrete Operational (D) Formal Operation (Ans : C)

10. Which of the following does not belong to the categories of

Coping strategies that women commonly engaged in–
(A) Acceptance (B) Resistance (C) Revolution (D) Adaptation (Ans :

11. What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual
(A) Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals
(B) Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these (Ans : C)
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12. If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4
years than what will be the IQ of child?
(A) 125 (B) 80 (C) 120 (D) 100 (Ans : A)

Ar 13. Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment
in sholastic domain?

(A) Conversation Skill (B) Multiple Choice Question
(C) Projects (D) Oral Questions (Ans : C)

14. A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will
teach them–

(A) Along with the class (B) Along with higher classes

(C) By using Enriched programmes (D) Only when they want (Ans :

15. The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying–

(A) The General area of weakness in class performance (B) Specific
nature of remedial Programme needed
(C) The causes underlying academic difficulties (D) The specific
nature of pupil difficulties (Ans : C)
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16. Special education is related to–
(A) Educational for talented students (B) Educational programmes
for disabled
(C) Training programmes for Teachers (D) Training programme for
retarded (Ans : B)

17. In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment totals to–
(A) 40% and 60% respectively (B) 60% and 40% respectively

(C) 50% and 50% respectively (D) None of the above (Ans : A)

18. Frobel's most important contribution to education was his
development of the–

school (Ans : B)
(A) Vocational school (B) Kindergarten (C) Public school (D) Latin

19. Which article enjoins that "All minorities whether based on

religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer
education institutions of their choice" ?
(A) Article 29 (1) (B) Article 29 (2)
(C) Article 30 (1) (D) Article 30 (2) (Ans : C)
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20. If a child writes 16 as 61 and gets confused between Band D, this
is case of–
(A) Visual Impairment (B) Learning Disability (C) Mental
Impairment (D) Mental Retardation (Ans : B)

Ar 21. As a teacher what techniques you would follow to motivate

students of your class–

1. By setting induction 2. Use of black board 3. By illustration 4. By
active participation of students

(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 4 (C) 2 and 4 (D) All of these (Ans : D)

22. What are the factors related to learner that effects the learning?
(A) Physical and Mental health of the learner (B) Level of aspiration
and achievement motivation
(C) Readiness and Willpower (D) All of these (Ans : D) ma
23. Cognitive Development means–
(A) Development of intelligence (B) Development of child
(C) Development of Physical Skills (D) Development of individual
(Ans : A)
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24. Creative writing should be an activity planned for–
(A) Only those children reading on grade level (B) Only those
children spell and write cohesive sentences
(C) Only those children who want to write for newspaper (D) All
children (Ans : A)

25. Which of the following are the External Factors affecting the
interest of students in classroom?
(A) Emotions and Sentiments (B) Culture and Training

(C) Attitudes of students (D) Goals and motives (Ans : D)

26. An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the
best course of the action for the teacher?

achievement ma
(A) Wait till he performs better (B) Find out reason for his under

(C) Give him grace marks in the examination (D) Ask his parents to
withdraw from school (Ans : B)

27. The term Identical Elements is closely associated with–

(A) Similar test questions (B) Jealousy between peers
(C) Transfer of learning (D) Group Instructions (Ans : C)
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28. Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?
(A) Skinner (B) Pavlov (C) Watson (D) Thorndike (Ans : B)

Ar 29. It is said that teacher should be resourceful, This means that–

(A) He should have enough money and property so that he may not

have to take up tuitions
(B) He should have contacts with high authorities so that he may not
be harmed

(C) He should have adequate knowledge so that he may be able to
solve the problems of students

(D) He should have good reputation among students so that
authorities may not be able to take any punitive measure against
him (Ans : C)

30. Which of the following Motives are considered as primary
(A) Physiological Motives (B) Psychological Motives
(C) Social Motives (D) Educational Motives (Ans : A)

31. A creative learner refers to one who is

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(1) very talented in drawing and painting (2) highly intelligent
(3) capable of scoring consistently good marks in tests
(4) good at lateral thinking and problem solving(Answer)

Ar 32. Individual learners differ from each other in

(1) principles of growth and development

(2) rate of development(Answer)
(3) sequence of development

(4) general capacity for development

33. Every learner is unique means that

(1) No two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and
(2) Learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share
common goals
(3) A common curriculum for all learners is not possible
(4) It is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a
heterogeneous class

34. Constructivism as a theory

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(1) focuses on the role of imitation
(2) emphasises the role of the learner in constructing his own view
of the world(Answer)
(3) emphasises on memorising information and testing through

Ar (4) emphasises on the dominant role of the teacher

35. Development of concepts is primarily a part of

(1) emotional development (2) intellectual development(Answer)
(3) physical development (4) social development

36. Heredity is considered as a _________ social structure.
(1) primary (2) secondary
(3) dynamic (4) static(Answer) ma
37. The most intense and crucial socialization takes place
(1) throughout the life of a person (2) during adolescence(Answer)
(3) during early childhood (4) during adulthood
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38. Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already
learnt is important because
(1) it is a convenient beginning for any classroom instruction
(2) relating new information to prior knowledge enhances

Ar (3) it is an effective way of revising old lessons

(4) it enhances the memory of learners thereby strengthening

39. According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth
to about 2 years age), a child learns best

(1) by using the senses(Answer) (2) by comprehending neutral

acquired knowledge of language

40. Theory of learning which totally and only depends on

(3) by thinking in an abstract fashion (4) by applying newly

‘observable behaviour’ is associated with

_________ theory of learning.
(1) Cognitivist (2) Developmental
(3) Behaviourist(Answer) (4) Constructivist
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41. Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as
(1) a hindrance in teaching-learning process (2) a resource for
enrichment of school life(Answer)
(3) a challenge to teacher’s capacity to motivate students to learn

Ar (4) a factor that makes school life a complex experience for the

42. Creative answers require

(1) direct teaching and direct questions (2) content-based questions
(3) open-ended questions(Answer) (4) a highly disciplined

followed by
43. Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of students should be

(1) appropriate remedial measures(Answer) (2) intensive drill and

(3) systematic revision of all lessons (4) reporting the findings to
learners and parents

44. Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a

feature of ‘learning’ ?
(1) Learning is a process that mediates behaviour
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(2) Learning is something that occurs as a result of certain
(3) Study of behaviour is learning(Answer)
(4) Unlearning is also a part of learning

Ar 45. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to

(1) their ability to monitor their own learning (2) creating
regulations for student behaviour

(3) rules and regulations made by the student body (4) self-
discipline and control(Answer)

46. Which of the following does not reflect ‘teaching for
understanding’ ?

words ma
(1) Ask students to explain a phenomenon or a concept in their own

(2) Teach students to provide examples to illustrate how a law

(3) Help students see similarities and differences and generate
(4) Enable students to memorize isolated facts and
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47. Which of the following statements is true about ‘learning’ ?
(1) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken
(2) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally
positive and satisfying for the

Ar learners.(Answer)

(3) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at any stage of

(4) Learning is fundamentally a mental activity.

48. Human development is based on certain principles. Which of the
following is not a principle of
human development ? ar
(1) Continuity (2) Sequentiality
(3) General to Specific (4) Reversible(Answer) ma
49. The main purpose of assessment should be
(1) to point out the errors of the learners (2) to measure the
achievement of learners
(3) to decide if a student should be promoted to the next class
(4) to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning(Answer)
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50. Centrally sponsored scheme of Integrated Education for disabled
children aims at providing educational opportunities to children
with disabilities in
(1) regular schools(Answer) (2) special schools

Ar (3) open schools (4) Blind Relief Association schools

51. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among
young learners ? Difficulty in

(1) letter and word recognition (2) reading speed and fluency
(3) understanding words and ideas(Answer) (4) spelling
52. A teacher wants the gifted children of her class to achieve their
potential. Which of the following should she not do to achieve her
objective ?
(1) Teach them to enjoy non-academic activities (2) Teach them to
manage stress
(3) Segregate them from their peers for special attention(Answer)
(4) Challenge them to enhance their creativity
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53. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of
intrinsically motivated children ?
(1) They always succeed(Answer) (2) They enjoy doing their work
(3) They display a high level of energy while working (4) They like
challenging tasks

54. Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for Formative
Assessment ?
(1) Assignment (2) Oral questions

(3) Term test(Answer) (4) Quiz and games

55. Learners should not be encouraged to

(2) actively interact with other learners in group work ma
(1) ask as many questions as possible both inside and outside the

(3) participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible

(4) memorize all the answers to questions which the teacher may

56. Irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their

components. What would you do ?
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(1) Never let Irfan play with toys (2) Always keep a close watch
(3) Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelise his
(4) Make him understand that toys should not be broken

Ar 57. The statement ‘Men are generally more intelligent than women’

(1) is true (2) may be true
(3) shows gender bias(Answer) (4) is true for different domains of

58. Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a
teacher in

economic background of the learner

(3) rationalizing why the learner ought to be taught ma
(1) identifying the social status of the learner (2) identifying the

(4) effectively catering to the different learning styles of


59. Christina took her class for a field trip and after coming back, she
discussed the trip with her students. It may be connotated as
(1) Assessment of Learning (2) Assessment for Learning(Answer)
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(3) Learning for Assessment (4) Learning of Assessment

60. The statement : ‘An important precondition for the proper

development of a child is ensuring her/his healthy physical

Ar (1) is untrue as physical development does not affect other domains

of development in any way

(2) may be incorrect as development varies from individual to

(3) is true because physical development occupies the topmost
place in the sequence of

(4) is true because physical development is interrelated with other
domains of development(Answer)

61. ‘‘Development is a never ending process.’’ This idea is associated
(1) Principle of integration (2) Principle of interaction
(3) Principle of interrelation (4) Principle of continuity (Answer)

62. Four distinct stages of children’s intellectual development are

identified by
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(1) Skinner (2) Piaget(Answer)
(3) Kohlberg (4) Erikson

63. Parents should play a ___________ role in the learning process of

Ar young children.
(1) sympathetic (2) neutral

(3) negative (4) proactive(Answer)

64. The ‘insight theory of learning’ is promoted by
(1) Jean Piaget (2) Vygotsky
(3) ‘Gestalt’ theorists(Answer) (4) Pavlov
65. Motivation, in the process of learning,
(1) makes learners think unidirectionally ma
(2) creates interest for learning among young learners(Answer)
(3) sharpens the memory of learners
(4) differentiates new learning from old learning

66. Which of the following is not a sign of an intelligent young child ?

(1) One who carries on thinking in an abstract manner
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(2) One who can adjust oneself in a new environment
(3) One who has the ability to cram long essays very
(4) One who has the ability to communicate fluently and

67. Which is the place where the child’s ‘cognitive’ development is
defined in the best way ?
(1) Auditorium (2) Home

(3) Playground (4) School and classroom environment(Answer)

68. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects
and events is known as
(1) Pre-operational stage (2) Concrete operational stage
(3) Sensori-motor stage (4) Formal operational stage(Answer)

69. Which of the following is not related to the socio-psychological

needs of the child ?
(1) Regular elimination of waste products from the body(Answer)
(2) Need for company (3) Need for appreciation or social approval
(4) Need for emotional security
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70. Which of the following will foster creativity among learners ?
(1) Emphasizing achievement goals from the beginning of school life
(2) Coaching students for good marks in examination

Ar (3) Teaching the students the practical value of good education

(4) Providing opportunities to question and to nurture the innate

talents of every learner(Answer)

71. ‘Mind mapping’ refers to
(1) drawing the picture of a mind (2) researching the functioning of
the mind(Answer)

(3) a technique to enhance comprehension (4) a plan of action for
an adventure

72. ‘‘A young child responds to a new situation on the basis of the
response made by him/her in a similar situation as in the past.’’ This
is related to
(1) ‘Law of Attitude’ of learning process (2) ‘Law of Readiness’ of
(3) ‘Law of Analogy’ of learning (4) ‘Law of Effect’ of
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73. The best way, specially at primary level, to address the learning
difficulties of students is to use
(1) easy and interesting textbooks (2) story-telling
(3) a variety of teaching methods suited to the disability

Ar (4) expensive and glossy support material

74. Education of children with special needs should be provided

(1) in special schools (2) by special teachers in special schools
(3) along with other normal children(Answer) (4) by methods
developed for special
children in special schools
75. ‘Dyslexia’ is associated with
(1) Reading disorder(Answer) (2) Behavioural disorder
(3) Mental disorder (4) Mathematical disorder
76. ___________ is not considered a sign of ‘being gifted’.
(1) Novelty in expression (2) Curiosity
(3) Creative ideas (4) Fighting with others(Answer)
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77. A student of V-grade with ‘visual deficiency’ should be
(1) treated normally in the classroom and provided support through
Audio CDs(Answer)

Ar (2) given special treatment in the classroom

(3) excused to do a lower level of work

(4) helped with his/her routine-work by parents and friends

78. Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a
feature of the process of learning ?

(1) Learning is goal-oriented (2) Unlearning is also a learning

(4) Learning is a comprehensive process ma
(3) Educational institutions are the only place where learning takes

79. Learning can be enriched if

(1) teachers use different types of lectures and explanation
(2) due attention is paid to periodic tests in the class
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(3) situations from the real world are brought into the class in
which students interact with each other and the teacher
(4) more and more teaching aids are used in the class

Ar 80. To make assessment a ‘useful and interesting’ process, one

should be careful about

(1) using a variety of ways to collect information about the student’s
learning across the scholastic and coscholastic boundaries(Answer)

(2) using technical language to give feedback
(3) making comparisons between different students

(4) labelling students as intelligent or average learners

81. A teacher, because of his/her democratic nature, allows students
to sit all over the class. Some sit together and discuss or do group
reading. Some sit quietly and read themselves. A parent does not
like it. Which of the following may be the best way to handle the
situation ?
(1) Parents should show trust in the teacher and discuss the
problem with the teacher(Answer)
(2) Parents should take away the child from that school
(3) Parents should complain against the teacher to the principal
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(4) Parents should request the principal to change the section of
their ward

82. Which of the following should be considered the most important

quality of a teacher at primary level ?

Ar (1) Competence in methods of teaching and knowledge of subjects

(2) Competence to teach in highly standardised language
(3) Eagerness to teach

(4) Patience and perseverance(Answer)

83. ___________ is considered a sign of motivated teaching.
(1) Questioning by students(Answer) (2) Pin drop silence in the

(3) Maximum attendance in the class (4) Remedial work given by
the teacher

84. At lower classes, play-way method of teaching is based on

(1) psychological principles of development and growth
(2) sociological principles of teaching(Answer)
(3) theory of physical education programmes
(4) principles of methods of teaching
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85. The term ‘curriculum’ in the field of education refers to
(1) evaluation process (2) text-material to be used in the class
(3) methods of teaching and the content to be taught

Ar (4) overall programme of the school which students experience on a

day-to-day basis(Answer)

86. According to Piaget, at which of the following stages does a child

begin to think logically about abstract propositions ?
(1) Sensori-motor stage (Birth – 02 years)
(2) Pre-operational stage (02 – 07 years)

(3) Concrete operational stage (07 – 11 years)
(4) Formal operational stage (11 years and up)(Answer)

87. A teacher should make an attempt to understand the

potentialities of her/his students. Which of the following fields is
related to this objective ?
(1) Media – Psychology (2) Educational Psychology(Answer)
(3) Educational Sociology (4) Social Philosophy
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88. Kritika who does not talk much at home, talks a lot at school. It
shows that
(1) she does not like her home at all
(2) her thoughts get acknowledged at school(Answer)

Ar (3) the school provides opportunities to children to talk a lot

(4) teachers demand that children should talk a lot at school

89. ‘‘Children actively construct their understanding of the world’’ is
a statement attributed to
(1) Kohlberg (2) Skinner
(3) Piaget(Answer) (4) Pavlov

members of their peer group ?
(1) Early childhood (2) Childhood
(3) Adolescence(Answer) (4) Adulthood
90. In which of the following stages do children become active

91. A teacher will become an effective communicator if

A. he uses instructional aids
B. he helps students get meaning out of what he teaches(Answer)
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C. he asks questions between teachings
D. he helps students get correct answers to the questions on the

Ar 92. A good teacher is one who is capable of

A. finishing the course in time

B. inducing the students to learn (Answer)
C. giving a good result

D. Helping students in preparing good notes.

93. Which of the following combination of subjects would help a
teacher to develop good pedagogical methods?
A. Sociology and Philosophy
B. Philosophy and Psychology
C. Psychology and Sociology (Answer)
D. None of these .

94. To gain popularity among students, teacher should

A. personally helps them in their studies (Answer)
B. frequently organize tours
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C. dictates notes while teaching
D. maintains good social relations.

95. A student tries to solve a problem without any help from a

Ar teacher. The teacher should

A. advise him/her to take help from his/her colleagues

B. pays no attention to him/her
C. scolds him/her for foolishness

D. appraises his/her individual effort (Answer)

96. Which of the following is/are true about Modern Annual
Examination System?
A. It encourages attaining knowledge by cramming
B. It does not encourage the habit of regular study ma
C. It does not encourage students to attend their classes regularly
D. All of the above (Answer)

97. Which one of the following is an indicative of the quality of

A. Period of maintaining peace in the classroom -
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B. Standard of questions raised by students in the classroom
C. Standard of answers replied by students in the classroom.
D. Pass percentage of the students (Answer)

Ar 98. The main purpose of teaching is:

A. Development of thinking power

B. Development of reasoning power
C. Both A & B (Answer)
D. Giving information only
A. Essential Education
99. Basic education or the new education is also known as
B. New Education Policy

C. Wardha education Plan (Answer) D. Drive for education for all
100. A teacher needs to study philosophy of education because of—
(A) Understanding theory inherited in philosophy (Answer)
(B) Being acquainted with abstract knowledge
(C) Setting aims and objectives of curriculum
(D) Getting ideas to control teaching behaviour

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