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The importance of etiquette

Etiquette helps us to treat others respectifully and

appropriately in any context – good or bad.
It helps us to arrive at a deeper understanding of the local
culture – learn – exercise – prayer.
Helps us to put others before ourselves, it means being honest,
trustworthy and putting others at ease….. I am because you
are- you are because I am.
Good etiquette develops good manners and teaches us respect.
a) Saying thank you shows respect.
b) Saying ‘please’ shows thoughtfulness.
c) Saying sorry shows politeness.
Colossians 4 vs 5-6 ….. conduct yourself with wisdom towards
outsiders, make the most of the opportunities. Let your speech
always be with grace.
5. Etiquette is largely based on making people around you feel
comfortable - by treating people with kindness, courtesy and
respect, it makes ourselves more likeable and this allows us to
build stronger personal friendship and relationship – you stay
connected and will be linked to the whole world.
Romans 15 v 7 – therefore accept one another, just as Christ
also accepted us into the glory of God.

Good etiquette gives us confidence, allows our focus to be
productive, tells us what to do and what not to do – what
others should do in return – we won’t call for more/less from
others and ourselves.
Basic etiquette
a) Be yourself- and allow others to treat you with respect.
Matthew 27 v 54 – Jesus conducted himself well – he
knew he was good but he remained himself. The centurion
said, ‘Truly this was the son of God’.
b) Give genuine compliments – avoid mockery, satire, and
insults in your speech.
c) Don’t be boastful, arrogant and loud.
d) Listen before speaking – when you talk you are repeating
what you know but if you listen you may learn something
new. Dalai Lama.
e) Speak with kindness and caution. 1 cor 14 vs 40. But all
things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.
f) Do not criticize , complain – Proverbs 14 v 29 he who is
slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is
quick- tempered exalts folly.

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