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1. A. There are two forms of auxiliary future tense in the story, namely will and going.

simple future is a verb tense that's used to talk about things that haven't happened yet.
Function of simple future is to tell someone about an activity that relates with future
action. Example given is she will study tomorrow (dia akan belajar besok). Function of
future continuous is to tell someone about an activity that relates with future action and is
about to be in progress, example given is she will be cooking tomorrow (dia akan sedang
masak besok). Function of future perfect is to tell someone about an activity that relates
with future action and is about to complete/finish at a certain time, example given she
will have come (dia akan sudah datang/akan hampir datang) 

b. Example : we will see what we can do to help you and i think i will have a holiday
next year.

2. Aji: goodafter noon

Dina: good afternoon who is speaking please
Aji: i am aji can i talk to riyani ?
Dina: i'm sorry that riyani is not at home now
Aji: could you take my message for her
Dina: sure
Aji: please tell her that se has to come to the meeting this evening. This is a verry important
Dina: anything else?
Aji: no,thanks. Good
Dina: good afternoon
3. a.
b. Much is used to describe mass nouns or noncount nouns like juice, rice, patience, and
happiness. When using much, the noun will always be singular; it cannot be plural. Many
is used to describe count nouns or nouns that can be counted like books, ideas, leaves, and

4. a. Exercise is important for the for our health. If you have indoor facilities, you can work
out using the treadmill and the pool. And if you prefer outdoor activities, you can jog, bike
or run. Well, if you are outside the house, you must wear a mask. Also, you need to wash
your hand wash your hands and don't forget to keep your distance, not everyone likes
sports. This should be prepared with reference to the preferences of each individual
especially for children who tend to play a lot. For example, children like to play bicycles
or kites, that's okay. They move and don't forget to wear masks. The important thing is
that children have to like first, the sport, in apart from exercising, he said, people also have
to maintain their diet, consume vitamins c, e and b1 and have adequate rest so that their
bodies are fresh and healthy.
b. Exercise is important for our health. Especially for children. This must be prepared
with reference to the preferences of each individual, especially for children wh
tend to play a lot.

5. in one room there were five children gathered. it could be seen that they were

discussing something. there is a book / picture on the table which is surrounded by

them. Some of them explain, write and listen.

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