Essai Kontribusi Dan Prestasi

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My “contribution and Achievements for PLN”

My name is Ruly Fanuel Tonapa, I am 27 Years old, Graduated from Sekolah Tinggi
Teknik PLN Jakarta with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering. Currently, I work as
Supervisor Pemeliharaan Proteksi, Kontrol, dan Catu daya at PT PLN (Persero) ULTG
Maros. In my division, we have responsibilities to implement routine and corrective
maintenance of Protection, control, and power supplies. We also Carry out investigations
for system disturbances and replacement of the equipment. Over time, my team and I
have made significant changes by replacing many broken and obsolete protection
devices. We believe this action will improve the reliability of equipment protection.
Previously, I also work as Pejabat Pelaksana Kesehatan, Keselamatan kerja, Lingkungan,
dan Keamanan at PT PLN (Persero) ULTG Sidrap for 2 years. With the Cultivation of
safety culture as my main focus and as the agent of change, our division managed to
maintain zero Accident both internally and externally. One of the most effective programs
we did is outreach to employees, partners, and the community. This has an impact on
increasing public trust in PLN.

I am interested to apply for the Master of Engineering in Energy Policy and

Engineering with specialisation in Robotics and Mechatronics at the University of Twente
as I believe that this particular programme is the best step for preparing my long-term
journey to be a robotics professor.

In today’s most dynamic & emergent field of Information Technology. Computer

Science is becoming a defining technology and provides a vast integration of various
applications with tools, methods, economics and organizational issues.


I am highly motivated to play an active role in the advancement of Energy field in our
country and putting my country into new era equipped with most modern Computer
Science methods, tools and techniques. In our country, will be a very good source for
implementation of my knowledge and skills after the completion of Master of Energy
Policy and Engineering degree.

Studying in Korea will also help to fulfil my personal career ambitions as I wish to
study internationally to improve my language capabilities and my career prospects as the
energy development in my country will continue to be strongly influenced by the energy

And finally for me it’s been a wonderful experience to meet new people and to know
about the cultural diversity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

addition to that, it plays a vital role in the advancement of today’s Research &
Development sector by introducing the concepts of Quantum Computers, Parallel
Computing, Grid Computing, Real Time Systems, Bioinformatics and Neural Networks

Despite the blessings of Computer Science are ubiquitous, a lot of work has to be
done and software development standards are in its immaturity. This fact also encourages
people having IT awareness to turn their directions in this relatively new field.

My favourite areas of interest in CS are Computer Security and Human Computer

Interaction. In Computer Communication, Optical & Wireless Communication fields are
quite attractive for me. I am looking for an environment where there exists a real balance
between theory and practice and I hope, by joining your community I’ll have my desired

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