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Õpetaja Derbinova Ilona

Õppeaine: English language (Group A)

Periood 1/3 term (01.09-27.11)
Kogumaht õppetundides 34 hours (11 weeks +2 days)
By the end of the 1st term the students is able to….
-describe a person (clothes, appearance, using the studied material)
Õpetulemused -answer simple questions, if necessary, asks to repeat the question posed,
and give his opinion on the topic related to the lesson;
-Can describe the current situation (Present Continuous)
-Can talk about facts that occur regularly in life (Present Simple)
-Can introduce himself to new people;
-Able to write short texts within the studied topics (a message and an
-understands simple and clear instructions;
- Within the everyday situation, can communicate with a native speaker of
the language being studied (chats, instant messengers)
- read age-appropriate foreign literature, watches movies and TV shows
- Past Simple
- Be and can
Õppesisu - Regular verbs
-Can give direction
-Can retell the story
-Can make a phone call in English
-Can talk about people’s countries and nationalities
-Can talk about past events
- An email message
- Note
Topics and vocabulary
-Going places (Unit 6)
-Fame (Unit7)

Hindamine В течение периода оценивается выполнение проверочных работ:

тестов , словарных диктантов после каждой изученной темы, работа на
уроке( в паре, группах, индивидуально), выполнение домашних
заданий, выполнение заданий в рабочей тетради.
Unit 6
 Give at least three directions to the places on the map (oral presentation)
 Writing a note
 Test (Unit 6)
Unit 7
 Presentation about a famous person (artist, writer or musician)
 A note (written assignment)
 Test (Unit 7)
-Solutions (Oxford)
Дополнительные материалы
-Internet resources (Youtube channel, AZlearning)

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