L ACP 2023: March 2023 Volume 29 Issue 8

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Volume 29 Issue 8 https://www.cgs.com.bd/newsletter.php?

GID=5&MID=38 March 2023

Dear Parents,
It’s often seen that one of the biggest challenges in
our lives is arriving somewhere on time. It is espe-
cially difficult during the winter mornings or dur-
ing busy hours. However, as parents and educa-
tors, it is vital that we teach children the value of
punctuality. Not only is it polite and respectful of
others, but it is a critical life lesson for children to
understand how much time they need to success-
fully meet their responsibilities.
Arriving at school on time is an important way
that we can show our children the importance of
timeliness. In CGS we stress the need for students
to get to school before lockout for good reasons. CGS RS CONFERENCE LOWER ACP 2023
The most crucial learning hours of a school day are The Annual Conference was a huge Our youngest students (pictured above and below)
the morning hours because that’s when students success with 1381 students getting took great joy in entertaining us wit their per-
are most attentive. Students benefit from the social together after the pandemic. formances in mid February.
time before lessons begin which does not exist when See conference supplement link below:
they are late. As other students develop morning h t t p s : / / w a k e l e t . c o m / w a k e / H C 1 p u -
routines and relationships, chronically tardy stu- S4csYx8ZBv6wYNE
dents miss out on those opportunities. Late students
are also typically rushed, thus their entry to school CGS ATTENDS CUMUN
is accompanied by anxiety and stress – not a great
way to begin anyone’s day. From experience, we
have seen that tardiness is also directly connected
to school success and student behaviour.
At CGS Lower, we have purposefully designed our
class routines to facilitate and encourage early ANNUAL ATHLETICS 2022/23
drop-off so that students have time to transition Once again Courage, with 333 points, was
49 Upper and Middle students attended the an- Champion House, Generosity with 319 points,
from home to school life and actively participate in
nual CUMUN at Chittagong University. was in 2nd place, and Service, was in last place,
the morning circle time.
Mishaal (10C) received best campus ambassador, with 296 points.
These days, often students are arriving late, but we Individual results were as follows:
Azneef (10G) received special mention .
are hoping that with parents’ support and coop- Victrix Ludorum: Mehjabin (11C), 9 points
eration, children will be able to overcome this Victor Ludorum: Tahsin (10C), 18 points
struggle easily. Inter. Girls Champion: Lashini (9C), 15 points
Ramadan Mubarak and Happy Independence Day. Inter. Boys Champion: Zafir (8M), Ibrahim
Rasha Tariq (8K), Jibran (9S), Nabidul (9K) tied with 6
points each
Jr. Girls Champion: Naaz (7S), 14 points
Jr. Boys Champion: Iktidar (7C), 15 points.
This year the PT display was a dance to a popular
CGS TECHNOVATION 2023 African beat, in readiness for the upcoming inter-
3 student societies from CGS, the Programming national conference in Kenya in October.
Club, the eSports Club, and the Recreational LOWER MARCH FAIR
Club hosted a new event titled ‘CGS Technova- Watch this space for an exciting
Lower teams at Ekushey pictured above and below: tion.’ It brought together the fields of Business fair planned in March!
and recreation, STEM, e-Sports, resulting in a
fabulous multi disciplinary 3-day event in 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE
segments, attended by 16 schools and 201 stu- Summer Term Commences 5.3.2023
dents. It gave students a chance to express their Shab-e-Barat* 8.3.2023
tech acumen and competitive side. For more de- Bangabandu Birthday 17.3.2023
tails visit the Facebook link for the event: Ramadan Commences 22.3.2023
https://www.facebook.com/cgs.technovation Independence Day 26.3.2023
Volume 29 Issue 8 https://www.cgs.com.bd/newsletter.php?GID=5&MID=38 March 2023
Dear Reader,
Last week I received a text from a former CGS par-
ent who migrated to the US recently. Her son left
at the start of Class 9. He was allowed to get ad-
mitted to Class 10 in Florida. The authorities per-
mitted this due to the advanced subjects taught at
an early age and also due to the study load he en-
dured at CGS. The parent expressed her gratitude
and appreciation for such a structured and worthy
curriculum at CGS.
I often run into our former students and some of
them frequently get in touch. It is heartening to see
that they have all emerged as successful individuals
settled in different professions scattered across the
globe. They all express their gratitude to the school CGS RS CONFERENCE ANNUAL ATHLETICS 2022/23
for giving them a good foundation in their early The Annual Conference (above) Once again Courage, with 333 points, was
years. While reminiscing about their school days was a huge success with students Champion House, Generosity with 319 points,
they talk about the challenging and hectic life at getting together post pandemic. was in 2nd place, and Service, was in last place,
CGS and how they used to struggle and how those See conference supplement link below: with 296 points.
hurdles helped them later on in life. h t t p s : / / w a k e l e t . c o m / w a k e / H C 1 p u - Individual results were as follows:
If you are currently tense about your child’s stress, S4csYx8ZBv6wYNE Victrix Ludorum: Mehjabin (11C), 9 points
or performance, I would advise you to stop think- Victor Ludorum: Tahsin (10C), 18 points
ing about removing their easily manageable work- CGS ATTENDS CUMUN Inter. Girls Champion: Lashini (9C), 15 points
loads and rather equip them with skills or the Inter. Boys Champion: Zafir (8M), Ibrahim
mechanisms on dealing and overcoming them. This (8K), Jibran (9S), Nabidul (9K) tied with 6
will make them stronger, build resilience and en- points each
rich their lives for a successful future. Jr. Girls Champion: Naaz (7S), 14 points
At times things may seem unfair, school may seem Jr. Boys Champion: Iktidar (7C), 15 points.
like a burden but in the long run all will work out This year the PT display was a dance to a popu-
for the best. 49 Upper and Middle students attended the an- lar African beat, in readiness for the upcoming
Ramadan Mubarak and Happy Independence Day. nual CUMUN at Chittagong University. international conference in Kenya in October.
Hector Fernandez Mishaal (10C) received best campus ambassador,
Azneef (10G) received special mention .
Local and international study tours and confer-
ences have been revived with full vigor after the
long lock downs. Pictured below is a class group
visiting St. Benedict Crèche in early February.
Overseas tours to the United Kingdom, UAE and
India are in the pipeline and students will be in-
vited to sign up for them.


Our culture is so rich - on the one hand we cele- student societies from CGS, the Programming
brate nature with joy and on the other we com- Club, the eSports Club, and the Recreational
memorate the sacrifices of our Ekushey martyrs. Club hosted a new event titled ‘CGS Technova-
tion.’ It brought together the fields of Business
and recreation, STEM, e-Sports, resulting in a
fabulous multi disciplinary 3-day event in 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE
segments, attended by 16 schools and 201 stu- Summer Term Commences 5.3.2023
dents. It gave students a chance to express their Shab-e-Barat* 8.3.2023
tech acumen and competitive side. For more de- Bangabandu Birthday 17.3.2023
tails visit the Facebook link for the event: Ramadan Commences 22.3.2023
https://www.facebook.com/cgs.technovation Independence Day 26.3.2023
Volume 29 Issue 8 https://www.cgs.com.bd/newsletter.php?GID=5&MID=38 March 2023
Dear Parents,
After having an eventful month, filled with activi-
ties, our students are stepping into March. In Feb-
ruary they participated in the in-house Round
Square Conference, annual athletics, and went on
adventure trips to Mati-ta. Most school activities
will now be taking a backseat as our students will
gear up to sit for their second round of mock ex-
aminations. It is imperative that they learn to
manage their time between school, self-studying,
and relaxing. As the students will already be under
tremendous pressure, I would like to implore you
all to ensure that your children are eating properly
and getting enough sleep. Physical and mental
health is of utmost importance during stressful
times. Encourage your children to take breaks be- CGS RS CONFERENCE ANNUAL ATHLETICS 2022/23
tween studying to listen to music, do mindfulness, The Annual Conference (above) Once again Courage, with 333 points, was
exercise or spend time with family to unwind. was a huge success with students Champion House, Generosity with 319 points,
Ramadan is right around the corner. This blessed getting together post pandemic. was in 2nd place, and Service, was in last place,
month is a great opportunity for spiritual reflec- See conference supplement link below: with 296 points.
tion, celebrating community, and prayer. It is a h t t p s : / / w a k e l e t . c o m / w a k e / H C 1 p u - Individual results were as follows:
good time to take care of your mind and body, as S4csYx8ZBv6wYNE Victrix Ludorum: Mehjabin (11C), 9 points
well as rejuvenate the soul. The 26th of March Victor Ludorum: Tahsin (10C), 18 points
marks the 52nd Independence Day of Bangladesh. CGS ATTENDS CUMUN Inter. Girls Champion: Lashini (9C), 15 points
Pinning flags to uniforms, watching the national Inter. Boys Champion: Zafir (8M), Ibrahim
flag hoisting and singing the national anthem - (8K), Jibran (9S), Nabidul (9K) tied with 6
Independence day celebration in school is always points each
going to be a treasured memory for many. This In- Jr. Girls Champion: Naaz (7S), 14 points
dependence Day, let us take a pledge to protect the Jr. Boys Champion: Iktidar (7C), 15 points.
peace and diversity of our great nation. This year the PT display was a dance to a popu-
CGS wishes everyone a blessed Ramadan Kareem 49 Upper and Middle students attended the an- lar African beat, in readiness for the upcoming
and a joyous Independence Day! nual CUMUN at Chittagong University. international conference in Kenya in October.
Faiza Chowdhury Mishaal (10C) received best campus ambassador,
Azneef (10G) received special mention . EKUSHEY 2023
Upper Students pictured below on Ekushey in front
of the Shaheed Minar.


3 student societies from CGS, the Programming
Club, the eSports Club, and the Recreational
CGS EXCHANGE STUDENT Club hosted a new event titled ‘CGS Technova-
Camille Madelung, (above) from Herlufsholm tion.’ It brought together the fields of Business
School in Denmark, participated in the CGS En- and recreation, STEM, e-Sports, resulting in a
riched Student Exchange Programme for 2 weeks. fabulous multi disciplinary 3-day event in 10 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE
She was hosted by a student and participated in segments, attended by 16 schools and 201 stu- Summer Term Commences 5.3.2023
the CGS conference, camped at Mati-ta, took part dents. It gave students a chance to express their Shab-e-Barat* 8.3.2023
in athletics, attended a wedding, taught at CGS tech acumen and competitive side. For more de-
Community School, visited Neptune Tea Estate Bangabandu Birthday 17.3.2023
tails visit the Facebook link for the event: Ramadan Commences* 22.3.2023
and attended regular school classes with class 11. https://www.facebook.com/cgs.technovation Independence Day 26.3.2023

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