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Área Básica Profesional y Formación General Universitaria

Metodología aplicada al proyecto de investigación


Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza y Traducción del Inglés. 5to. semestre

Team 14:
Jair Isaac Barcenas Gómez 1947220
Lenny Margarita Montoya Rivera 2078232
Graciela De La Luz Ardón Pulido
Group: i56

San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, November 27th, 20




Background of the Study………………………………………………..………………..7

Problem Statement………………………………………………………12


Research Questions…………………………………………………………….15


Literature Review………………………………………………………………...18




The most general and fundamental character of studental culture in

Preparatories of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, is that it must be learned,

that is, transmitted in some form. As without its culture a human group cannot

survive, it is in interest of the group that this culture not to disperse itself nor forgets,

but that is transmitted of the adult generations to youngest in order that these

become equally capable to handle the educational instruments and thus make

possible that it continues the life of the group. This transmission is the education.

The education is because a phenomenon that can assume the diverse forms

and modalities, according to the differents ways to learn of each estudent in this

Highschool, which is a too big school and with so many students that could be

verydificult to standardize a way of teaching for them; but in essence it is always the

same thing, this is, the transmission of the culture of a group of studiants from a

generation to the other, thanks to which the new generations acquire the ability

necessary to handle the techniques that condition the survival of the group.

Another one of the determining factors in the social development is the

educative quality. With the results of the last test PISA (Program the International for

the Evaluation of Students), we observed the high challenges that Mexico has, with

a score below the minimum in all areas (mathematical, sciences and reading

understanding) and one of the worse puntajes of all the members of the OCDE. Here

some important numbers:


In primary education 3 of each 10 professors it does not have title of superior


On national scale 40% of the educational ones did not conclude the

qualification programs.

From the professors of preparatory or equivalent, the 59.8% no obtained the

ideal level in the official tests.

The professors of primary education receive a wage 33% under which the

average of the OCDE.

In the schools of the Mexico City is destined only the 10% to the debate or

discussion between students.

Only the 2% of the total time of classes in the Mexico City take care the

Technologies of the Information and Communications.

Only 2 of each 10 students of superior average education have satisfactory

or excellent level in mathematics.

In all the levels, only 33.9% of the students has insufficient knowledge in

reading and communication.

This proposal is of a practical utility, support in the course of English of

Highschool of the UANL, made with the intention to help the teachers who teach

English like second language, and designed to develop in the students the practice

in the effective use of English used in the hall, as well as to at the same time increase

in the teachers the capacities of education of the language, helping to its students to

learn how to communicate successful in the English language, used in the military

preparatory school.

The present work is divided in several sections, which are: Exposition of the

problem, in which is the problem to study, its antecedents, the justification that it

deserves the elaboration of the present work and the objectives that set out for this.

The second chapter, is focused on the programs of English that at the moment take

in the Preparatory ones of the UANL, towards which is directed the present material.

Later, the main types and concepts of learning study, as well as the factors

that have influence on this one and on the learning of one second language, without

ignoring history of the learning of second languages, the theories that throughout the

time has been used for this, and the approaches to which east learning has been


In he himself chapter, one analyzes the concept of self-study and its main

representatives; as well as the different strategies from learning, and the importance

that they have in he himself. Finally, we will focus to the didactic proposal that are

suggested to manage to improve the level of approval of the students of the area of

English of Preparatory of the UANL, as well as to the expectations that of her are


This raises a doubt: Which is the paper that the student must play in the

learning process? Traditionally masterful and students we thought that the student

must be the heir of the process, with the teacher like administrator. But also, we can

think that the students can and must have the option to take the responsibility from

this process, or to be put under him totally, directing its learning or leaving another

one he does it by them.


Background of the Study


1. The didactic techniques in educative model of Tec of Monterrey.

(September, 2000) is an educative model an requires the use of more new

technologies, methodology and techniques and there are global strategies and not

only free activities or easily.

The objectives are:

o The student needs to be responsible of its own learning.

o Be participative and collaborative in the process.

o Take contact with its environment.

o Make reflection in what he does.

o Be independent.

o Use the technology as a resource to make its learning better.

2. Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a methodology that breaks with the traditional one, in

which the student goes from being a passive learner to an active one. Thanks to

group work, the teacher can obtain valuable information about each of his students.

3. Critical thinking

The objective of critical thinking is to get the student to develop his or her

vision on a topic that is being discussed in class.

To develop its critical and analytical capacity, it is necessary to move it away

from other factors that may influence, so that each one has a unique position.

4. Case study

Taking real examples to class invites the student to reflect and a direct

approach on the issues to be addressed in the classroom.


1. Learning strategies in education.

This summary presents, teaching strategies that teacher at all educational

levels can be performed in their educational practice. The teacher should choose it

according to the theme, as well as considering the subject they teach skill and

content learning purposes to develop.

2. Mexico. Ayala, M. at (2019).

The objective of the article is to make an analysis of the didactic strategies to

amplify the interest of the students in the learning of a second language trough auto-

learning. This was an investigation based off of personal experiences, The

importance of resolving a lack of teaching and auto-learning is severe, to know the

origin of this phenomenon and which strategies would work to minimize this issue.

After resolving this problem, the students will become more competitive in their

working area.

3. “Loss of learning”

This national study demonstrates learning loss during pandemics and how it

affects student development.

This term has gained new resonance in the context of the current pandemic.

Today, it could be defined as stagnation or decline in school performance relative to

expected performance, attributed to interruption of face-to-face schooling due to

seasonal factors - e.g., summer vacations - emergencies - such as the COVID-19

pandemic - or prolonged absenteeism.

4. The ethnographic method

Applied to educational research in ethnography, from a historical context we

can study educational problems. Here learning is involved in a process of

negotiations of meanings between students and teacher, which is known as face-to-

face relationship.


1. As qualitative methodology, the teacher and candidates to teacher it

proposed a continue research in their practices based in reflection and it

determinates itself as a investigation topic.


The purpose is to help to readers to make a connection between study and

their own worlds and imagine the context of the study in their minds and get

experiences and lessons.

2. Vivas et al (2010) - Colombia

The objective of this article is to show the function of auto-study applied on a

virtual environment to describe strength and weakness and to expose the founding

of the function of the material of auto-study. The type of investigation is: descriptive

a study of the case through surveys, interviews, etc. The problem is that the teaching

of a second language is through curses with a defined schedule making it difficult for

the students to attend. Which ends up with them finding solution through auto-

learning by e-learning, blended learning using CD´s, Internet, portative mechanism,

like cellphones, laptops, etc.

3. Veliz, F. et at (2022) - Ecuador

The objective is to analyze the techniques of auto-study in the learning of a

second language like English in students during the pandemic. The method of

research was through a bibliographic revision of documental sources specified in

investigation of study these techniques are mostly based in the linguistic aspect

when they should be focusing in others like visual, non-verbal, etc. The conclusion

of the research is that each student depends on their individual differences like their

beliefs, affective states and personal experiences of their previous learnings.

4. España. Fernández (2015).


The purpose is to present a review of the current state of second language

learning strategies. In relation to the methodology, a conceptual analysis was carried

out on the notion of learning strategy, its typologies, and its possibilities of

classification, descriptive and conceptual analysis of the two recognized categories

of learning strategies. The problem lies in the learning strategies involved in the

acquisition of a second language. As a result, the specific training of learning

strategies is associated with the fact that students incorporate them effectively and

efficiently into their work system throughout the acquisition of a second language,

with greater social use, and even in natural contexts.


Problem statement

The election of this subject of research is due to the preoccupation that has

provoked us the low scholastic advantage of the English of the students of superior

level in the Highschool. This inquiry is inserted in the line of research: “Processes in

the classroom”, established by the Committee of Masters of the Division of Studies

of Postgraduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UANL.

The students of preparatory of the UANL, arrive at the end of the English

course of with a low level of knowledge and a little use and application of this foreign

language, which is reflected in the results of the indicative examinations that are

made at the end of the course. Regularly two partial exams are applied in this course,

each of the exams having a value of 30% and an indicative or final exam, which is

prepared by the English Committee of the UANL, and has a value of 40%. These

percentages are set by the Academy in High School.

Due to the index of reproval of students in this matter (with 31,19 of reproval

in the area of English in Module VIII in the course during the semestral February-

August of the 2000) and to that the students of Preparatory of the UANL after passing

a period of learning of the English language of three years (consecutive) in average

basic level (Middle School) during the present curriculum, and in the plan of

Preparatory, in which, during first and the second semester the student does not

take any course from English, and to that until the moment for entering ai third

semester of preparatory, student retakes the learning of the English language, he is

considered that the students need a reinforcing the necessary characteristics and

the basic knowledge of the English language so that they can get satisfactorily to

complete the profit of the programmatic objectives.

For the 2015 the 5% of Mexicans speak, understand or have dominion of the

English. (El Financiero Newspaper)

In the levels of English, Mexico is in a very low average, most of the population

that handles the language has a level between the A1 - A2, which represents a very

basic level, and B1, being the first intermediate level. (El Financiero Newspaper)

For the 2021, Mexico is in the position number 92 between the 112 countries

that participated in the EF Profiency Index. A fall of 69 points from 2011. (Education


As far as the data of the Ranking of Latin America, Mexico is one of the last

positions, being the 19 of 20. With a score of 436, one is below Ecuador and over

Haiti. (Education first)

The lack of continuity of the learning of the English between Middle School

and the High School one cause that the student must retake the matter in the courses

of translation and understanding of the English, having to still less occur a process

of reset in the learning of the English language, because importance to the continuity

in the use of the language in the modular system has not occurred, and, to the

practical use of the content of the matter of English.

A high index of reproval, which had among other causes to the lack of

additional material exists that supports the course of English and promotes the self-

study. Another factor is, the nonexistence of courses of support or reaffirmation of

contents, that are directed towards the students.



Know that learn a second language is more than have a good teacher or a

good book in base of the English module course of High School of the UANL.

-Being able to recognize what types of self-studies exist.

-Knowing all the learning theories that exist today and if they are effective.

-Difference what are the crucial factors in learning and in self-education.

Research Questions

On the base of the previous thing, we considered the following question:

What type of strategies and didactic resources of self-study must be used to elevate

the academic advantage of the students of High School of the UANL in the courses


Additionally, we may consider: What factors does successful learning depend on?

What learning theories are used today? What are the crucial factors in learning?


The lack of a suitable academic formation, is reflected in scholastic desertion,

on the part of the student, demotivation and/or lack of interest, low academic results,

and uncertainty in the future.

A consistent education with the reality, can obtain great repercussions in the

economic aspect, for example: to lower costs in the scope of the institution when

diminishing the reprobation level, in the application of examinations of second

opportunity, and when avoiding the costs of the wages of teachers who distribute

the courses of support for students in third opportunity.

The student, when withdrawing with a suitable educative level, becomes one

more a safer and successful person, with a greater adaptation within the society in

which he lives.

The great changes that are generated daily in all the technological levels,

social and educative in the world order and the increasing interrelation between the

countries, make of the English language a tool necessary, but not only essential for

the update of knowledge.

Since at the moment these great changes are generating different demands

completely caused by technological, social, cultural and economic the changes in

the society made to teachers and students, as well as a valuation of knowledge,

ideas and abilities developed to short term in the world. This situation has increased

the demands by a high degree of flexibility and highly sophisticated abilities of


This not only takes to “an increasing scientific interest in gaining more vision

on the learning directed and intentional car (Konrad and Wosnitza, 1995: 1), but also

that at the same time tries to equip to the students with a high rank of abilities that

enables them to act like independent apprentices, both abilities during its schooling

and still more there, so that the learning motivated car becomes a process that lasts

all the life.

For this vision of the learning an education form is required that has the

following characteristics: opened, democratic, liberating, cradle in pairs and works

of excellent group and for the real world. This type of education has some

associations with the ideas supported by proposals of modern methods which at the

moment are examined in the search of new approaches, for example, in methods of

active learning based on communicative, interactive approaches and of experiences.


Literature Review

It is learned by one same one, in an own individual and particular form.

Learning depends on several factors, some of them personal.

In order to get to be a better student, the individual, it needs to learn about its

favorite modalities of learning. Armed with this knowledge, the student will be more

able to prepare situations of learning that accommodate to him, including teaching

to the teachers how to guide to him better. In this age of information, our lives depend

more and more on being adept students, our educational goals must include

transforming us into effective lifelong learners.

Including in the learning modalities they are socioeconomic, physical,

environmental, cognitive and affective the factors (emotional).

In order to improve the performance in the learning, it is valuable to think

about how these factors hit on the person:

- To understand and to learn must be seen like active processes of

construction that involve the entrance of perceptual stimuli to them and the current

state of the knowledge of the student.

- The learning is an independent process taken by the same apprentices in

an independent form.

- To learn is a process organized by the student who acts on his own initiative,

but with the result from which the independent responsibility and the organization

emerge from the inherent logic and the senses within a specific subject that it

belongs to the learning process.

- To learn is an exploratory process planned by the student who acts within a

paradigm based on the formation and test of hypothesis.

- To learn is a process controlled by the student, who makes use of strategies.

- To learn is a process that works particularly well in groups

- Learning is a process that benefits widely from a varied and authentic

learning environment.

- The achievement of any particular learning process varies from student to

student, because knowledge is always subjective and takes different forms for each



Studies on learning theories have not followed in their development an

evolution parallel to those of learning. Both the term learning and that of theory are

difficult to define; hence the authors do not agree on the definitions of learning

(formulated according to the psychological approach on which they are based) or on

those of theory (also with different formulations according to the conception that

serves as a basis). Thus, when speech of theory of the learning actually has been

an attempt to integrate in systematic formulations the ample range of interpretations

of the learning without a rigorous preoccupation to be put under the scientific

exigencies that the term theory tolerates as it indicates the fact that in the

bibliography on the matter they appear indifferently the words theory, system and


Initially preoccupation did not exist to elaborate theory on the learning. It

serves as sample the fact that, from the first laboratory of experimental psychology

in Leipzig (1879) to the end of World War I, the investigations were centered in

obtaining the possible most exact control of the learning by means of the collection

of experimental data, without theoretical preoccupation some on the learning.

Towards 1940 a theoretical preoccupation characterized by the effort in

constructing systematic applications arises that gave unit to the phenomena of the

learning, and thus began to appear 'systems and theories of the learning, although

the term theory was used with little rigor in the book of E. HILGARD Theories of

Learning (1948) appears an examination of the more important systematic positions

of this stage of learning.

In the first years of decade 1950-1960 a change in the studies arises on the

theories of the learning, before the fact that great part of the systems of the previous

stage did not fulfill one of the important functions of all theory, as is the one to totalize

and to conclude laws, before the difficulty to put under empirical verification the

theoretical principles of the same ones.

With the purpose of offering a solid empirical base, the present studies on the

learning are centered, more than in elaborating theories, obtaining detailed

descriptions of the conduct in concrete situations whose design carefully has been

prepared (mathematical theories) in forming micro models of behavior in a very


concrete and specific field or area (theories centered in the phenomena) or in

applying to the practice of the processes of learning to therapies and techniques of

modification of the conduct.

Without intention of exhaustive, since the investigating activity in this field is

very fecund at the moment, and making the reservation of which the divisions that

appear do not constitute something definitive nor they are suspended

compartments, but that exist mutual land invasions between and others, the

following scheme of the present situation of the theories of the learning can be tried:

1) Associative, associationism or conditioning theories. Stimulus-answer

and contiguity-reinforcement are based on the scheme.

2) Cognitive theories. Resigning to the physiological thing and being

centered in the mental thing, they try the elaboration of a holistic conception.

3) Functionalist theories. They conceive the learning like the adaptive

process of the organism to means by means of a series of psychic activities or

dynamic functions.

4) Structuralist theories. They explain learning as a chain of international

processes aimed at the formation of mental structures.

5) Psychoanalytic theories. Cradles in the Freudian psychology, have

influenced in the theories of the learning elaborated by some behaviorists.

6) Behavioral theories. They interpret the human conduct with base in the

animal psychology.

7) Non-directive theories. They center the learning in own I and the

experiences that the individual has. Influenced by the psychoanalysis.

8) Mathematical, stochastic theories. They are based fundamentally on

the use of the statistic for the analysis of the different stimuli (mainly social) that take

part in the learning. The studies in this field are very numerous.

9) Theories centered in the phenomena or areas and particular classes

of behavior, such as: verbal curiosity, reinforcement, punishment, processes, etc.

This tendency, along with the mathematical one, has acquired a great impulse at the

present time.



The psychologists accept the singularity of the individual thing, but they

recognize that the activities depend on regular conducts, that allow them to make

proposals general and to establish, if not “laws”, directives to at least help the

teachers to include/understand and, consequently, to promote an effective learning.

The individual characteristic used most frequently to explain differences in the

scholastic learning has been “intelligence”.

a) Intelligence

It is a fact that some students learn more quickly than others. The simplest

explanation in fact is based on the idea of the intellectual differences. The students

differ widely in their levels of aptitude. The concept that was introduced to explain

the similarity of yield in an ample educational and psychological phantom of test,

was “intelligence".

The first test of intelligence was elaborated by Binet in France, and consisted

of a series of tasks graduated chosen for their adjustment to a certain age. Resisting

the mental age with the chronological one, it was possible to evaluate the relative

intelligence of an individual by means of its “intellectual quotient” or CI.

Intelligence is one of the many factors that, taken as a whole, help us to

include/understand the yield differences.

Although intelligence is a concept important to explain the learning, only

reflected a form of differentiation between the people.

b) The personality

Although their terminology and its methodology differ, the main identified

characteristics to define the personality are superposed of surprising form. In

appearance, five of the most outstanding characteristics of the personality are:

extraversion, anxiety or emotional instability, radicalism, affective inclination and

conscientiousness. Both first they represent characteristics in the daily language to

describe differences between people. The scientists offer typical images of

extraspills and introverts: the typical extraspill it is sociable, like the celebrations, has

many friends, needs to have with whom to speak, it does not like to study single.

Anxiety emotions, runs risks, often gives the face, acts without thinking and, in a

general sense, it is an impulsive individual. The typical introvert, on the other hand,

is a type of calm and dissuaded, introspective person, fan to books more than to

people; it is reserved and distant except with the intimate friends. Usually it glides

ahead of time, “it watches before jumping” and it distrusts of the momentary impulse.

One is not due to hope that the profiles of the personality totally offer a suitable

description of the human personality, nor it would be possible to be accepted that

the conduct of a person must be totally coherent through an ample variety of different

situations, but seems that the investigation directed to inventories of the personality

has something to add to our understanding of the differences in the learning of the

classroom. Without a doubt, it has been demonstrated that the extraversion and the

anxiety affect the scholastic yield, although is not clear how and by means of what

mechanisms that influence takes place.

In the primary schools, in a general sense, the extraspills seem to render

more. In secondary education it goes to the extraspilled girls and the men introverts

well to them. In the university levels the introverts have a small general advantage,

but it seems to be due mainly to that their habits of study are better. The extraspills.

that also they have effective methods of study and well are motivated, obtain equally

good results. In appearance, the anxiety does not follow the relation predicted.

c) Interaction aptitude-treatment

In the Fifties two traditions of psychological investigation existed very

differentiated. First, represented by Skinner, it establishes experimental tasks to

investigate the learning; the other investigates individual differences by means of

studies and psychometric tests. It experiences lists examined general processes of


learning, leaving of side the individual variations, whereas that they explored the

individual differences did not consider the processes identified in the other tradition.

The methods of discussion, or activities of simulation, without a doubt favor

to the extraspill, whereas the independent work in the writing desk goes to him better

to the introvert. But it is difficult to demonstrate clearly these effects, because the

effectiveness of any method of education depends fundamentally on the teacher,

and because the students vary simultaneously in diverse important aptitudes.

However, research suggests that we cannot hope to find any teaching method

equally suitable for all learners.

d) Motivation and Learning

While studying the effects of personality on school performance, pedagogical

researchers examined the effects of motivation. In this case the findings were much

more logical that those of the personality. To the students with greater motivation, it

goes to them logically better that to less the most motivated, all the levels of age and

aptitude and, in a general sense, as much in the formal primary schools like

unreliable people.

At the outset, the scholastic motivation considered a singular characteristic,

but gradually it went away recognizing that were different forms from motivation. One

of the first distinctions became between extrinsic motivation, in which they looked for

you compensate in notes or qualifications, and intrinsic motivation, been born of the

interest in the subject that was desired to learn. Soon the competition motivation was

gotten up: the derived satisfaction to do something well. The yield motivation

described you compensate from competitive successes: the stimulus to the

confidence in itself to make something better than the others. But next to naming

yield motivation - or the success hope came to the light the fear to the failure, the

fear to make the things bad and to be criticized, that they push some students to

work more. This form of motivation rooted in the general restlessness and is

expressed with greater force in the situations of competitive yield.

The motivation concept is used to explain the applied dose of effort to different

activities. Different types from motivations that reflect the different emphasis from

you compensate and punishments exist experimented by the children in the home.

Perhaps it is very easy to use concepts like “motivation” to explain different

levels from scholastic yield, and supposition that a strong motivation “produces” high

notes. To a certain extent it is truth, but it is necessary to indicate two important

considerations. In the first place, most of the teachers they will have experienced the

motivator effect of high notes. If to a student a work with an unexpectedly high note,

accompanied by stimulating commentaries of the teacher is given back to him, the

effect on the motivation of that student can be, sometimes, spectacular. So high

notes can cause an increased motivation: the explanation does not flow in a single

direction. Secondly, it is possible that the level of motivation like a stable

characteristic of the student is not seen. The motivation and, perhaps in smaller

degree, the other individual differences, depend on the teacher and the learning

atmosphere because the students usually feel motivated by a teacher and not by

another one, and the general levels of motivation are often a reflection of the

distinguishing characteristics of the school as a whole.


e) Individuality in the learning

The success and the failure have been explained by means of the application

of suitable or inadequate principles of the learning by means of the resource to the

individual differences of intelligence, personality or motivation of the students

However, there was a group of “experimental” psychologists that also

criticized the inhumanity of the behavioral explanation and of the individual

differences, that reduced to the human being to a handful of reactions stimulate-

answer or a set of scores in test or inventories. And the latest which anyone of both

groups of psychologists would have done was to ask, not to the “experimental

subject” but to the person: What felt learning? Which were the emotional

experiences of the learning? Which were their reasons to learn? Nevertheless, that

set of questions would give back to the explanations of success and failure in the

learning to the most normal speech of the daily life, in which the psychologists

experience lists considered that these explanations could be expressed of more

fruitful and realistic way.

The essence of most of the experimental descriptions of the learning is that

the teachers only communicate effectively when they are able to give the imaginative

jump that allows them to feel what is to be educating. Then the teacher recognizes

in itself the limitations of knowledge, experience and confidence of the student, and

begins to teach consequently.



The number of students to whom it has been socialized so that they accept

the passive approach of the learning is diminishing. And, which is more important,

the level of skills and necessary technical knowledge for an adult in the world of

nowadays is sensibly more demanding complex and then the one that was only 25

years ago. To know things is no longer enough. To understand because and how it

is much more important, like for the students it is more important to develop its

potential that to adapt to dysfunctional marks.

The politicians, civil employees, the public in general and the learners ignore

the works that are carried out on the education centered in the person, whom had,

partly, to the fact that the investigation in the learning centered in the person is first,

a process, and, second, a result. This learning centers the attention in the person

like a whole - individual values, opinions and attitudes, instead of making it in few

skills or actions. When we concentrated our interest in changing actions, without

offering the individual opportunities so that they reflect on its own values, opinions

and attitudes we will run the risk of constructing our own habitat of learning on

moving sands.

The necessary time so that the ideas are developed and progressed in the

direction of useful programs trims in the person requires to have patience and to

persist in it.

If good part of the investigation, carried out is analyzed during last the 25

years, on which really it works in the learning, a this one reflected in most of the

Research Literature direct approach of the learning.


The Self-study is a process of learning that is made without concealed direct

aid, indirect or deliberate, of the educational one and that produces a relatively stable

conduct. This means literally, instruction of the men by itself. Without entering the

connotations that the term takes, it agrees to indicate that, if there is education since

the educational “sample”, the instruction supposes in addition “deliberate effort” so

that the student “apprehends” what he is to him; this determines a preoccupation by

the content, the subject and the form to present/display it. When he is the student

who makes that effort and works according to his individual dispositions, the Dalton

plan is self-instruction and the Winnetka Schools postulate the self-instruction, within

their system of education; in these systems, the individual work is the essential form

of work; the instruction that the student receives from others is overshadowed by the

instruction that it acquires by itself. (Sciences of the Education, p. 159)

Only the idealists have maintained the possibility of the self-education in

absolute sense. Although the student cannot teach itself to itself, if that he can learn

by itself, following the process natural of unfolding and human development. The

personal activity of the student mainly in the first courses is directly proportional to

the intelligent and intentional activity of the teacher, and thus, as much more

independent assets and are at the most active student and competent he is the

teacher. Therefore, the fundamental thing is the work of learning of the student and

not the one of education of the teacher. In that case. Learning and heteroeducation

are not against radically, since it is two aspects of the same reality, and thus can

affirm that the education is a process that provides to the individual the average ones

for its own configuration.


Contemporary pedagogy tends to value the personality of the student who

adopts a critical attitude and reasons the teacher's explanations. That is to say, the

student transforms what he teaches the teacher, he selects to him and he clarifies,

making, therefore, an heteronomous-independent process.

This is then, a set of didactic systems not graduated that adapt the learner

work to the attitudes and the unfolding of the aptitudes, allowing to advance to

personal rate and “tempo” and to suddenly reach successively or the diverse levels

of learning under its learner ceiling. It does not force isolated work nor it transfers all

the educational responsibility to the didactic resources. It is a denomination modern

of the ‘clapaderiana’ (education custom-made) or fit to disposition and present

aptitude of each apprentice. So that it works correctly has to create, to construct and

to prepare suitable material of easy use and to train to educational and learners in

its new paper.

Since the pure “adaptation and learner adjustment” are utopian than real, not

even in individual education perfect adaptive situations can be obtained, since the

attitudinal unfolding and emergency are continuous, whereas the normative-

educational decisions discreet or are staggered. Only that proposes individualized

education is a serial material, more or less micro graduated, that stimulates learner’s

acts, to make adaptively by that learn at moments and diverse durations until

reaching the knowledge of dominion like waiting room of the cultured knowledge.

The set of determining tests of the requirements before, contents and prepared and

tried, of oriented instructive sequences to greater or the carefully smaller material


distance, and the tactics of incentive and feedback control increase the cost of the

most technological systems.



Qualitative research study includes gathering and evaluating non-numerical

information (e.g., text, video clip, or sound) to know ideas, viewpoints, or

experiences. It can be utilized to collect extensive understandings into an issue or

produce originalities for research study.

Qualitative research study is the contrary of quantitative research study,

which includes gathering and evaluating numerical information for analytical


Qualitative research study is typically utilized in the humanities and social

sciences, in topics such as sociology, sociology, education and learning, health and

wellness sciences, background, and so on.

Qualitative research study includes gathering and evaluating non-numerical

information (e.g., text, video clip, or sound) to know ideas, viewpoints, or

experiences. It can be utilized to collect extensive understandings into an issue or

produce originalities for research study.

Qualitative research study is the contrary of quantitative research study,

which includes gathering and evaluating numerical information for analytical


Qualitative research study is typically utilized in the humanities and social

sciences, in topics such as sociology, sociology, education and learning, health and

wellness sciences, background, and so on.


Each of the research approaches involve using one or more data collection

methods. These are some of the most common qualitative methods:

Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in

detailed field notes.

Interviews: personally, asking people questions in one-on-one conversations.

Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among a group of


Surveys: distributing questionnaires with open-ended questions.

Secondary research: collecting existing data in the form of texts, images,

audio or video recordings, etc.



Allwright, Dick. (1988). Observation in the language classroom London; New

York: Longman.

Benson, P., & Voller, P. (1997) Autonomy and Independence in Language

Learning. London: Longman

Bley-Vroman, R. (1988). The fundamental character of foreign language

learning. In W. Rutherford & M. Sharwood-Smith (Eds.), Grammar and second

language teaching, (pp. 19-30). New York: Newbury House.

Carroll, J. (1965). The contributions of psychological theory and educational

research to the teaching of foreign languages. Modern Language Journal, 49, 273-


Chomsky, N. (1988). El lenguaie v los problemas del conocimiento. Madrid:


Cohen, A. (1990). Language Learning: Insights for Learners, Teachers, and

Researchers. New York: Newbury House

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