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I. THE ENCOUNTER BY NEBABILEM JUSTIN AMBEBI ........................................... 1

II. SALVATION WORD TV VISION .................................................................................... 3

III. DELIVERANCE MANDATE ............................................................................................ 3

IV. PROPHETIC MANDATE ................................................................................................. 4

V. SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE (SAWOT) ......................................................... 5

SECTION 1 – CONSTITUTION ............................................................................................. 5

SECTION 2 – THE TABERNACLE....................................................................................... 9

SECTION 3 - DOCTRINAL MATTERS .............................................................................. 18


COVENANT STONES).......................................................................................................... 33

SECTION 5 - CHURCH POLICY STATEMENT ............................................................... 43

SECTION 6 - PASTORAL MATTERS................................................................................ 58


SECTION 8 - SALVATION WORD ACADEMY(SWA) .................................................... 93




It had always been our tradition as the Resident and Admin istrative Pastors of the church
where we served that my wife (Beh Bilem) and I will engage on 40-day midnight prayers
and fasting for the church in preparation to kick start the new year in January and in June
to prepare for the second half of the year. These 40-day prayers and fasting would always
be followed by powerful testimonies, revelations and directions for the first and second
halves of the year. Something significant happened immediately after we concluded that
of June 2022. We were faced with persecutions and very serious issues with the chain of
administration in the church then. Every effort we made to remedy the situation, yielded
no fruits. The situation aggravated to an unbearable point and prompted us to seek the
face of God on the matter and the Lord led us to resign.

Prior to this whole issue, The Lord had ministered twice to me in a dream where my wife
and I had been leading a large congregation with an unending crowd. The second
revelation came sometime in February 2022, on a Saturday after praying on the altar in
preparation for the church service the next day. I laid with my stomach on the altar and
entered a trance where I saw my wife and I again holding a white jar of water each, serving
the water to a multitude who from their faces, you could tell that they were dying of thirst.
Anytime they drank of the water we served, their faces were enlightened with joy and
fulfillment and they happily entered through a door in front of us.

God had also spoken to my wife, in June 2022 during one of our routine prayers in church.
The Lord said to her “Your time in this place will soon be over. If he (the leader) doesn’t
do what I want him to do, I will take you somewhere else where it will be done” So we
knew already that we were going to leave someday. What we did not know was that our
exit was going to be that soon. So, we did not hesitate but hand our resignation
subsequently when God asked us to do.

One thing my wife and I have always stood on as our driving force has always been to
never make a move on anything without seeking the face of God. After handing our
resignation letters on the 8 th July 2022, we immediately engaged on a retreat to seek the
face of God on what was the next step for us. On the 12 of July 2022, I headed straight
to the mountain and embarked on a seven -day dry fasting program. On the 14 th of July
2022, the second day of the fasting program, while I was meditating and praying on the
mountain, I saw the heavens open and a crown of thorns slightly laying on a Bible came
out of it and was descending. I could see fresh blood dripping from seven of the thorns
and anytime the blood dripped from the thorns, there was a light like lightning that struck
and everywhere became clear as blood kept dripping. As I watched the crown of thorns
on the bible come down in the vision, suddenly I noticed that I lifted up my hands as the
image came down closer and the side with the crown landed in my hands such that the
thorns in the crown pierced my hands but I was not feeling pain. When I looked, I noticed
that another set of hands were holding the side with the Bible as we brought it down. Out
of curiosity to know who was holding the other end with me, I saw that it was Pst Beh
Bilem, my wife holding the Bible. When I looked again, I saw a giant man. His feet stood
from the ground, far up to his chest in the heaven and I could only see from his feet right
up to his hands and chest. From His chest upwards was deep in the clouds so much so
that I could not see his face but from His voice, I could know in the vision that He was our
Lord Jesus Christ Himself, because I could not hear him with my ears when He spoke but
I could clearly hear Him in my heart. And from His voice in my heart, I knew that it was
Jesus. He explained to me that: “the Bible in your wife’s hand is the rock and the
foundation upon which the ship that I’m entrusting in your hands shall sail” (Psalm 62:7).
Then the crown of thorns is the sacrifice in the blood of Jesus that gives authority and
power over Satan and over the kingdoms of the world. Then I heard him say “Upon that
which has been handed to you, go forth, build a tabernacle and bring my people to me”
then He stretched His hands towards me and opened His palm and I saw Revelations 12
verse 10 and 11 written with blood flowing out from a spot from a hole(wound) in His palm.
Then I heard in my heart “SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE’. He then showed me a
woman sitting in a river, half fish and half human. I also saw a cemetery with many tombs
and a beast like creature sitting on it. Again, I saw something under a big building that

looked like an occult temple with skulls and bones of dead people piled in it. Then our
Lord Jesus commanded me: “Destroy all those things”. Then I woke up in the forest where
I went to pray.

I had a mixed feeling at that point in the forest because I was excited about the clarity of
our next assignment but on the other hand, I did not really have clarity on how to go about
destroying the altars He had shown me. Therefore, I had to continue my fasting program,
asking Him for direction on how to engage on the destruction of the altars because from
the instructions, I could tell that it was supposed to be immediate.


On the 4th day of my fasting and prayer program on the mountain, my entire focus and
energy at this moment was to get directions on how to go about the assignment of
destroying the altars, when God started talking to me again about the Tabernacle. And
He said, “the first step of the ladder for the Tabernacle is by building a foundation by the
word in the hearts of the people worldwide. Reaching out through a TV channel called
SALVATION WORD TV. Starting by creating handles on all social media platforms and
causing a revival through these media. From there, I, Th e Lord will lift it on air. This
channel will announce and launch the mission I’m entrusting to you.” And He said: “your
wife, Pst. Beh shall be the mouthpiece of the revival by the word.”

In this same vision, the Lord showed me Mr. Fopa Charlie and said “I have instructed him
to stand with you throughout this revival. I have told him through his total submission and
loyalty I will make him great. Other pillars are on the way but he (Mr. Fopa) has a
significant role.”


He continued: “Through you, I, The Lord will deliver my people from all sorts of
oppressions and captivity for my sake. The dead will be raised to life and dry bones shall
come back to life” Then I saw Revelation 12:11 again. “And they overcame him by the
blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony” He went on: “If you and your wife
continue being faithful to me, I will put you on top of the world.”


On the 6th day of the fasting program, I had lost a lot of physical energy and after praying
at midnight, I got so weak and slept off. I saw myself in the wilderness somewhere, in a
vision. The Lord said to me: “You are my prophet, Moses. Speak and my people shall be
delivered and you shall lead them unto me. Only My voice shall you speak. I am sending
my servant to baptize and commission you into your assignment.”

The following morning, which was the 7 th day of my fast, I met one man praying on the
mountain and when I saw him, the Holy Spirit immediately ministered to me that he is the
one God was sending for my baptism and commissioning. When I greeted him he walked
up to me and introduced himself as Prophet Elvis. I immediately told him that the Lord
has sent me to him and he responded: “Anything the Lord wants, I will do, just say it”. I
told him The Lord had asked that I be baptized and commissioned by him. Immediately,
he went and prepared himself, dressed in his prophetic robe and we headed for the
baptism in a river at the mountain. After my baptism, he made some profound
declarations. He said “The Lord has put a sword in your hand. Go and conquer. Don’t
look at the people, focus on Him who sent you”




This body shall be known as SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE a.k.a SAWOT, and
hereby declare and submit ourselves to the leadership of Jesus Christ, who shall be the
Head of this mission and to the following constitution.


1.2.1 This Mission shall be known and called SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE,
(hereinafter called the “Mission”) a.k.a. SAWOT

1.2.2 The Logo: the emblem of the Tabernacle shall be a crown of thorns with blood on 7
of the thorns sitting on a bible and a Tabernacle in the middle of the crown of thorns.

1.2.3 The official colors of the Tabernacle shall be white, gold, blue, purple and red


The Registered Office of the mission shall be situated in Douala, Cameroon and other
foreign mission locations if/where the mission operates.


The aims and objectives for which the Tabernacle is established are to:

1.4.1 Embark on evangelical missions, revival programs and a worldwide outreach

with the word of salvation to win souls for the Kingdom of God.
1.4.2 Organize prayer meetings, establish prayer camps and conduct prayer
sessions on any matter at any place and for any adequate period.

1.4.3 Organize Bible Studies, teachings, seminars, discussions and any other
programs to facilitate the study of the Bible.

1.4.4 Confer or permit to be conferred on the ministers (male or female) or staf f (male
or female) of the Tabernacle such titles, honor, names, awards, rights, or privileges
if and when earned or due in accordance with biblical and ecclesiastical order or in
line with the provisions of this Constitution for both men and women.

1.4.5 Publish or cause to be published in any place and at any time Christian literature,
including tracts, magazines, periodicals, circulars, books, stickers or make such other
publications, publicity and expressions as may be conducive with its aims and
objectives herein.

1.4.6 Make broadcasts, announcements, advertisements or otherwise. Make

publications of its programs through any medium including social media, radio and
television, in connection with Christian teachings, witnessing, doctrines and Bible
knowledge for the purpose of evangelization and promotion of the Christian Faith
and making known the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world.

1.4.7 Hold crusades, camp meetings, gatherings, conventions, fellowships,

conferences and any other meetings by whatever name it is called for the
pursuance of its objectives.

1.4.8 Organize Christian counseling, follow-up, teachings, trainings, seminars,

symposia, and any other similar programs for the benefit of its members and any
other persons.

1.4.9 Encourage the study, understanding and practical application of Bible truth in
everyday life.

1.4.10 Promote mutual understanding, love, peace and unity among men.

1.4.11 Promote and propagate or, cause the same to be done, to the growth of
Christians and Christianity.

1.4.12 Co-operate with anybody or bodies whose aims and objectives are identical
with or complementary to the Tabernacle’s.

1.4.13 Acquire, own, possess or otherwise hold interest in any properties, including
land, and have rights, title, license and interests in any properties whatsoever.

1.4.14 Engage and participate in and encourage charitable, benevolent, and other
merciful activities towards all men and especially those of the household of faith, in
any part of the world.

1.4.15 Undertake, promote, develop an d carry out charitable, educational, Christian

religious and scientific programs in line with our objectives to enhance the quality of
life and wellbeing of individuals and communities in Cameroon and the world at large.

1.4.16 Adopt all such means as the mission may think fit to generate funds for its
objects and to accept donations, subscriptions, gifts, collections, offerings, tithes, aids,
allowances and to sell and dispose of all real or personal property of the mission or
any part thereof for the purpose of the objects.

1.4.17 Purchase or take on lease or under lease or otherwise acquire any land,
warehouses, mills, houses or other buildings or any other real or personal property of
any kind whatsoever and to erect, equip, maintain, manage, alter, pull down, enlarge,
develop, and improve the same, and to acquire rights and privileges in relation to any
land or buildings for the purpose of its objects.

1.4.18 Secure any legislative or governmental authority or any license or franchise

that is conducive to the interest of the Tabernacle and to enter into any contract with
persons, partners, company or authority of government which is beneficial to the

1.4.19 All such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of
the above objectives or any of them.


- Our altar is called The Sanctuary

- Tabernacle

- Levitical Order


As received by the Visioner on the 14 July 2022, The Lord God almighty said “I am
sending you to deliver my people from captivity and lead them unto salvation.”

1.6 OUR VISION – Revelations 12:10

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and
the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is
cast down, which accused them before our God, day and night.”


" And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

1.7.1 Bringing the word of God to manifestation in salvation, deliverance, healing

and restoration in the lives of people.

1.7.2 Preaching the word of salvation and administering the mysteries of the
kingdom through Christ Jesus.

1.7.3 Establishing the dominion and authority of the people of God through prayer.

1.7.4 Building an army for Christ marching unto salvation.

1.7.5 Through Salvation Word TV, ensure a global outreach and revival by
preaching and publishing of the word of salvation

1.7.6 Promoting the well-being of humanity through charity endeavors globally

1.7.7 Training the saints in manifesting the strength and power of our God and his
Christ thereby establishing his kingdom on the earth.

1.7.8 To establish a lifestyle of righteousness and holiness in the people that will
portray their true identity as Christians.


“ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt (pitched His tent or tabernacled) among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and

The Tabernacle is both spiritual and physical. It becomes a physical entity in the practical
manifestation of the effects of spiritual virtues in the lives of members, the conduct in the
ministry of the word and ordinances, in external organization and government. The
spiritual phase of The Tabernacle is in the fact that it unites the believer and God who is
Spirit. That communion transcends the physical eyes or mind. However, the benefits that
come from salvation such as deliverance, holiness, peace, joy, faith and divine guidance
are spiritual virtues, yet the impact of these often manifest in the physical transformation
of the believer.

The Tabernacle is not only a house of fellowship with God, it is a place of meeting with
God from where the believer goes along with that abiding presence of God wherever they

ARTICLE 2.1 The Tabernacle shall be the place where Gods glory shall be revealed.

2.1.1 It is a replica of heavenly and spiritual realities.

2.1.2 It is a foreshadow of Christ himself. It represents Christ and His work on the

2.1.3 The plan is simple, functional yet filled with prophetic promises.

2.1.4 The Tabernacle is anointed as Christ is the anointed one. In the same way
that Christ is the Way to redemption, it shall be a gateway for the salvation of many.

2.1.5 The Tabernacle is built on covenants

2.1.6 The Tabernacle is the altar of prayer

2.1.7 It is guided by prophetic signals.

2.1.8 The Tabernacle is a place of worship

2.1.9 The Tabernacle is a holy place. It is platform from which righteousness and
true holiness are imparted.


The Tabernacle will be the Mission Station from where the global commission shall be
executed. It shall be the base of SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE from where the word
of salvation will be projected all around the world through the satellite reach of Salvation
Word TV.

The Tabernacle in Douala, Cameroon, for the time being shall be the lone assembly of
SAWOT unless The Lord releases a mandate to expand. In the event of such, the
Founder shall retain the right to update this present constitution with respect thereof.



a. To create a conducive atmosphere that ensures the believer accesses the full
presence of God and a revelation of His glory.
b. All services and programs will be geared towards the accomplishment of our
c. To establish a pattern and conduct that permits the free move of The Holy Spirit
d. In each service, God releases 12 different blessings


a. Weekly Services
b. Special Services


a. Prayers: There shall be Opening Prayer and General Prayer segments. Prayer
should stem from the word of God. Therefore, every prayer point should be
backed by a relevant scripture.

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i. Opening Prayer should be short and not exceed 10 minutes
ii. General Prayer shall be proportional to the service program.

b. The WORD: The word of Salvation is the core of our mission. Everything we
will do stems from The Word of God. Therefore, the word must be an integral
part of every service or program. There shall be:
i. Adjurations: This shall be short and should not exceed 15minutes. The
purpose shall be to prepare the minds of the people to receive from God.
ii. Word Ministrations/Message: This shall be the main word that brings
revelation for the day. It can lead to every other ministration with respect to
the purpose of the service. It shall be proportional to the service time.

c. Praise & Worship /Song Ministration: The purpose shall be to prepare the
hearts of the people and create a conducive atmosphere for the move of God.
All ministrations must be spiritual. They must stem from a place of communion
with God.
d. Deliverance and healing Ministrations: These are major hall marks of our
mission according to Rev 12:10
e. Prophetic Ministration: Our mission is primarily a prophetic mission and God,
through His prophets uses prophetic directions to lead His people.
f. Testimonies: Testimonies are one of our covenant weapons against the devil
and should feature in every service. (Rev 12:11) All testimonies should be to
glorify God ONLY. The time for testimonies shall be proportional to the service
g. Worship Offerings: The Lord God urges us not to come into His presence
empty handed. Therefore, offerings shall be collected during services but they
are not a main focus of our mission. So little time should be allocated for that.

h. Call To Salvation: Everything God does for His children is for the salvation of
their souls. Therefore, every service shall have the intention of winning people

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into the Kingdom of God. A general Call to salvation will be the avenue to
achieve that.
i. Periodic Thanksgiving/ Special Thanksgiving: Upon divine direction, there
will be periodic and special thanksgiving services to give God thanks for his
amazing work in our midst.



a. Prayer Warriors/ Intercessors (The Army): They stand in the gap in prayers for
the Tabernacle and members. They instruct in the word and ensure the culture of
the mission is being followed. (Deut 33:10, 2 Timothy 2:3) They shall keep guard
over the Tabernacle and all its belongings to avoid desecration of the Tabernacle.
b. Armor Bearers: Personal attendants to the Prophet. They build themselves up by
constantly studying the word and taking part in prayers. They carry the shield and
weapons of the Prophet and are to be ready to assist in times of need. They relay
messages from the Prayer Warriors to the Prophet. They have to be very loyal and
trustworthy to the Prophet.( 2 Samuel 8:7, 1 Chronicles 18:7, )
c. Levitical Singers (2 Chronicles 5:12-13, EX 32) They shall be responsible for
creating a charged and conducive atmosphere for the move of God during the
services. They shall be guided in their service by a set of bylaws, rules and


. All operational arms will have the privilege of pastoral oversight for spiritual enhancement

a. Outreach/Missions Arm: they have the responsibility to go into the world and win
souls. They are charged with the responsibility of reaching out to the communities
with the Great Commission.
b. Counselors: The Special Guest Follow Up team are always ready to receive the
Altar Call respondents, explain the salvation message to them, pray with them and
introduce them to the kingdom of God and The Tabernacle. They take their

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particulars, visit them at home, encourage them with the Word of God and help
them grow in Christ.
c. Protocol: They take care of guest ministers and the Pastors. Working with outside
vendor to make all guest ministers feel at home. Making hotel reservations and
picking up all invited guests from the airport until their departure.
d. Translation/Interpretation: They shall have the responsibility of interpreting
ministers and translating documents and other materials of the mission into various
languages as required.
e. Security: They shall be in charge of ensuring general safety for all members,
visitors and their properties. They also ensure peace and order during services
and traffic control around the premises.
f. Sanctuary Servants: They shall be in charge of the general cleanliness of the
Tabernacle and premises except sacred parts of the Tabernacle. (Joshua 9:27)
g. Multimedia Arm: They shall be in charge of capturing and projecting the
messages and activities of the mission both within the Tabernacle and around the
world. They shall work hand in hand with Salvation Word TV.
h. Technical Arm: To ensure effective functioning of the Audio-visual and electrical
equipment during church services. In charge of repairs, general maintenance and
upgrade of appliances and other technical requirements in the Tabernacle.
i. Hospitality Arm: In charge of the welfare of church members. They create
resources for members who just arrive town without knowing their way around, to
settle down and familiarize them with the environment. They identify, report to the
leadership and provide assistance to the welfare needs of church members and
organize charitable events in hospitals, prisons and needy communities etc.
j. Decoration Arm: to ensure the beautification of the Tabernacle and other mission
k. Medical Team: They are medical personnel who provide general medical services
to members. They handle emergency cases during services, facilitate medically
oriented programs, screen, educate and advise the members on health issues

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l. Service Attendants: The role is to ensure our guests (first timers and visitors) are
warmly received, guided, informed and generally made to feel at home. (2
Chronicles 9:3-4)
m. Cash Team: They have the responsibility of counting and accounting for Gods
money collected during services.
n. Elders Board: Elders are Tabernacle advisers on administrative matters who
assist in ministries of mercy, benevolence, physical needs of people, the bu ilding
and grounds of the Tabernacle, as well as carrying out the work and administration
of the tabernacle. They do not have ruling authority and are not required to be
qualified to teach. Serving as an elder is a noble task, reflecting the ministry of
Jesus as he washed his disciples’ feet and pronounced blessing on those who
follow his example of humble service to other believers. Those who serve well as
elders can be assured that they “will gain an excellent standing and great
assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 3:13). As with Elders, it is important
that they be people of love and integrity because they represent Christ and his


Each arm shall be coordinated by a leadership that shall comprise of:

a. Coordinator
b. Secretary

In a situation where more leaders and roles may be needed, approval should be obtained
from the Administrative Pastor. (AP)


i. Minimum of one-year membership in the Tabernacle with proof of commitment and

dedication to the mission.
ii. Active participation in the Arm or other related services.
iii. Where membership is less than one year, a letter of approval must be obtained and
duly signed by the Administrative Pastor after consultation.

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v. Must have imbibed the doctrines of righteousness and holiness with proof in their
conduct and behavior both within and outside the Tabernacle.
vi. Stability of family life, if married
vii. Must have proven to have integrity in financial matters.
viii. Ordination is an added advantage.
ix. They shall be appointed by the Senior Pastor or his delegate from the
recommendation of the Administrative Pastor.


i. A proper follow up of service arms by the Administrative Pastor is necessary.

ii. There shall be an approved selected day of the week or month for each service
arm to have their meeting depending on their mode of activities. This is because
some arms function in every service in the Tabernacle while some function only
iii. There shall be proper keeping of attendance record of members of the service
arms and records of activities both weekly, monthly or as the case may be.
iv. Members of each service arm should be encouraged by its leadership to forward
observations and recommendations towards the enhancement of the service arm’s
goals and objectives to the Administrative Pastor/leadership of the arm.
v. Each service arm should be equipped to function effectively.
vi. It is recommended that any service arm which is deemed not to be contributive to
the healthy growth of the mission sh all be discontinued.
vii. Free-will donations can be taken in service arm meetings, but all such offerings
must be duly accounted for through necessary accounting processes.
I. Approval should be obtained from the Administrative Bench before any project of
the Service arm is declared to the members.


Article 2.6.1 Qualifications

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ACTS 6:3

“Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the
Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.”

1 TIM. 3:10

“These men must also first be tested; Let them serve as deacons if they are beyond

1 TIM. 3:8-13

“Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine
or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.
These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond
reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate,
faithful I all things. Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of
their children and their own households. For those who have served well as deacons
obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ

Article 2.6.2 Responsibilities

i. Meet on a regular basis to discuss needs of the Tabernacle. A monthly meeting

with a chairman, who makes a definite agenda, has a prayer time and leads the
meeting with a view to assess in each of the areas of priority.
ii. Regular attendance at worship services. Spending time in the Word.
iii. Helping ministry- should be cognizant of the needs of families especially the
elderly. Keep contact with the congregation on a regular basis to see what needs
they have and meet them.
iv. Exterior maintenance of the Tabernacle structure and grounds. Governance of
usage of the Tabernacle building including reviewing and updating policies for
building use and communicating the policies.
v. Meeting the needs of the needy, visiting the sick, caring for the elderly and looking
after the physical and social welfare of members

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vi. Serve as advisers and ensure discipline and upholding the culture of the mission.
vii. They will be led by a Chairman of the Elders Board and a secretary who will be
appointed by the Senior Pastor or his representative

viii. It shall engage in conflict resolution and watch out against any form of anti -mission
activities and excesses.

ix. It shall coordinate and actively participate in conducting home-going services of

members of the mission who have slept in the Lord.

x. It shall resolve matters between members, husband and wife for better testimonies
of such

xi. It shall serve as a feedback system for the Tabernacle.

xii. It shall articulate observations and make recommendations that will enhance
stability of the Tabernacle.

xiii. It shall report to the Administrative Pastor.

It shall have a membership of 10 maximum and minimum of 3. Tenure – Two (2) year tenure renewable once per time. Meeting – Once a Month


“In all labor there is profit....” Proverbs 14:23. Every labor in the kingdom entitles the
laborer to returns. Spiritual labors such as:

II. Praying for the Tabernacle and her membership

iii. Praying for the leadership and pastorate
iv. Soul winning endeavors
v. Engagement in operational/service arms
vi. Engagement in stewardship at the leadership council and pastoral level.
vii. Financial investments and professional service investment of all sorts.

a. To be eligible for rewards, one’s input must be done:

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a. In love - 1 Corinthians 13:1-3,1 Corinthians 2:9-10
b. In Faith - Heb. 11:1&2, Romans 14:22, 1 Corinthians 9:10
c. Willingly - 2 Corinthians 8:12, 1 Corinthians 9:17
d. Cheerfully - 2 Corinthians 9:6, Deuteronomy 28:47&48
e. Diligently - Hebrews 6:10, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Corinthians 15:58,
Proverbs 22:29
f. Faithfully - 1 Corinthians 4:1&2, Proverbs 28:27,
g. Sacrificially - Psalm 126:1-6, Philippians 2:5-9, Philippians 3:7-
9, And
h. Tirelessly - Matthew 24:13, Galatians 6:9.

In conclusion:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in

the work of the Lord, for as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord – I
Corinthians 15:58.



We believe in the Holy Trinity—one God, eternally existing in Three Persons: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in one God, the Father, creator of heaven and earth, of all things seen and

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the
Father. All things were made through Him and for Him. (John 1:1-3,14) He is true God
and true man. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and was born of the
virgin, Mary. He suffered, died, was buried, and on the third day He rose from the dead.
He ascended to the right hand of the Father, and He will return to judge the living and the
dead. His kingdom will have no end.

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We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord an d giver of life, who eternally proceeds from the
Father. He is Teacher, Comforter, Helper, and Giver of spiritual gifts. (John 14:16-17)
Through Him the saving and sanctifying works of Jesus Christ are applied to the life of
believers. He is the empowering presence of God in the life of the Christian and the
church. The Father has sent His Son to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues
and bearing the fruit of the Spirit are New Testament signs of being filled with the Holy
Spirit. (Acts 2:4) The Holy Spirit produces rivers of life, joy, love, peace and power to flow
out of your spirit for the needs of others (John 7:37-38).

We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ
on the cross and that He died in our place. The believer’s sins are forgiven by the
shedding of His blood. We believe that deliverance and healing of mind, body, soul, and
spirit is available to the believer through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the
Holy Spirit. We believe in one baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the grace of God brings forgiveness and reconciliation to those who
repent, as well as transformation in righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24; Titus
2:12). enabling them to live a Christ-like life. Sanctification is both a definite work of grace
and a lifelong process of change in the believer brought by the blood of Jesus, the Word
of God, and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans12:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:23;
Hebrews 13:12)

We believe in The Lord’s Supper as was celebrated by Jesus Christ and His disciples in
Matthew 26:26-28,” While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it,
and gave it to His disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup,
gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of
the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’” As the disciples
of old were instructed to partake of the Lord’s Supper by Jesus Christ, we also partake of
the Lord’s Supper (2 Peter 1:4), upon the instruction of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10;

19 | P a g e
We believe in one holy, universal church, composed of all true believers in Jesus Christ,
offering fellowship and calling for service to men and women of all peoples, nations,
cultures, and languages. We believe in the spiritual and ultimate visible unity of the church
which is the body of Christ.

We believe that the Bible—both Old and New Testaments—is the inspired Word of God.
The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His will to humankind, sufficient for instruction
and direction in salvation and daily Christian living. The Bible is the Christian’s rule of faith
and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21).

We believe in the rapture of the church and that Jesus Christ will return the same way
he left the earth. (Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians. 4:16-17) Through Him, God will ultimately
reconcile all things in heaven and earth to Himself. (Colossians 1:20) Therefore, we look
forward to new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.



“See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” Exodus

“Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught,
whether by word, or our Epistle” – 2 Thessalonians 2:15

Tradition in the above context connotes:

i. Established ways of doing things

j. Codes of conducts of the members of The Tabernacle
k. Acceptable approach to issues and our outlook on matters
l. Regulations that have become the ethics of a system

Our culture and traditions are the lifestyle of members of SALVATION WORD
TABERNACLE. It connotes our system of beliefs, values and behaviors. Those things
that have become a part of our way of life and are responsible for our success. These
include the following:

20 | P a g e
a. Righteousness and True Holiness: Righteousness is the nature of the
new creation in Christ. Righteousness and true holiness are what confirm
our identity in Christ. We uphold righteousness and true holiness as a
lifestyle both within the Tabernacle and in our relationships with the outside
world. (1 John 2:29, Romans 6:18, Proverbs 14:34, Romans 14:17)
b. Dependence on the Word: We believe the Word of God is God’s will for
us and our manual for daily living. It is the bread of life that we need to live
on. The word of God is like the air we breathe. It is what produces everything
we have and may ever need. Therefore, we have a 100 percent
dependence policy on the Word. (Isaiah 55:11; John 1:1-3,14; Ephesians
c. Commitment to Prayer and Fasting: Fasting and prayers is what restores
and strengthens our intimacy with God. It brings us to humble ourselves at
His feet. (Matthew 17:21, Acts 14:23)
d. Wholly submitted to Divine Direction: Divine direction is a vital necessity
not only for the Christian but for life as a whole. The Christian life can only
be lived well through divine direction. We believe divine direction is the
backbone of spiritual conquerors. Therefore, every move in this mission
shall be guided by direction from the Spirit of God. (Numbers 9:23, Isaiah
e. Discipline: We believe the Christian life is a disciplined life. (Daniel 1:8-16)
Nothing of significance can ever be accomplished without discipline. We
therefore stress personal (self) discipline and strict adherence to discipline
in every service or program. (1 Corinthians 9:27, Proverbs 12:1)
f. Champions of Faith: Our core belief is that the spiritual realm controls the
physical realm and for anything to manifest physically, it first has to manifest
in the spirit. Through faith, we bring those realities from the spiritual realm
into physical manifestation in our lives. (Hebrews 11:1, Romans 1:17,
Galatians 3:11)
g. Punctuality and Timeliness: Our God is an orderly God who operates by
times and seasons. He is never late on any of His programs. (Ecclesiastics

21 | P a g e
3:1, 2 Peter 3:9) We respect time and punctuality in all services and
h. Open Accountability: Our policy is that of integrity at all levels especially
in financial matters and we insist on open accountability. Detailed financial
records must be kept for proper accountability. (Romans 14:12, 2 Kings
i. Decency In Dressing: We believe in the practice of modesty and decency
in dressing. This applies to both official and private life. (I Tim. 2:9)
j. Preserving the Sacredness of The Tabernacle (The Sanctuary): We
believe in preaching or teaching according to the leading of The Holy Spirit,
without faking or amplifying any acts or doings of God. Declaring only those
things that are pleasing to God. We believe in the utterance of the Spirit.
The sanctuary is not to be used to attack or castigate other churches.
(Hebrews 9:1,)


3.3.1 Immodest Dressing

a. Christians at all times and in all circumstances are bound to practice modesty in
dressing. This is because modesty is the badge of chastity. The virtue of chastity is rarely
preached unless modesty has first been abandoned. Dressing in a sensually provocative
manner produces inclinations to evil desires.

b. Social occasions call for attractive and dignified attire. On such occasions, one
should always be mindful of the scripture that admonishes dressing in modest apparel (I
Tim. 2:9).

c. Public swimming and sunbathing are not occasions for abandoning modesty.

d. Parents should instruct their children from early years on the principles that govern
modesty in dressing. Parents should also be examples of modesty in dressing.

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e. Attendance at religious services calls for neat and dignified clothing. We therefore
admonish our members to make or purchase clothing they wear as a sign of their
reverence and love for God (I Tim. 2:9-10; 1 Pet. 3:3).

3.3.2 Illegally Soliciting for Funds

i. It is illegal, unchristian and unethical for Levites or members to solicit for funds by letter
or other means without authorization from appropriate authorities.

ii. Levites or Missionaries should have the authorization of the Senior Pastor, and a copy
of such authorization should accompany the request.

iii. In case of members, they should be authorized by the Senior Pastor

iv. Anyone (ministers or members) found guilty of fraud or improper soliciting for funds
shall be subject to disciplinary actions as deemed necessary.

3.3.3 Alcohol-Related Problems

i. The SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE believes in the total abstinence from

alcoholic drinks for all of its members (Prov. 20:1; Isaiah1:11, 22; Eph. 5:18; Titus 2:3
Prov. 23:29-32; Rom. 14:21).

ii. We state our position concerning manufacturing and sale of liquors and alcoholic
drinks which we believe to be contrary to Christian morals, injurious to personal piety and
a hindrance to the gospel.

iii. Therefore, we urge our members with alcohol related problems to do the following:

a) To abstain totally from the use of intoxicating drinks;

b) To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept His redemptive work.

c) In doing so, we firmly believe that the power of Christ will take away the craving
for alcoholic drinks and restore such one to perfect health;

d) To engage themselves in positive programs that enhance solutions to alcoholic-

related problems and necessary rehabilitation steps.

23 | P a g e
3.3.4 Use of Cigarettes and Related Substances

i. Levites and members must abstain from the use of tobacco, hard drugs and related

ii. We believe that the use of tobacco and related substances such as oral ingestion,
sniffing, inhaling, injecting or by any mode or form; any mind-altering drug including
psychotropic substances, narcotics (either natural or synthetic) or any substance
whatsoever, which is capable of impairing human reasoning or sound judgment, amounts
to uncleanliness and defiling of the temple of God based on the following Bible passages:

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If
any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy,
which temple ye are " (1 Cor.3: 16-17).

I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have
yielded your members servants to uncleanness and unto iniquity; even so now yield your
members servants to righteousness unto holiness (Rom. 6:19).

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all
filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor. 7: 1).

3.3.5 Gambling (1 Tim. 3:3, Pro. 1:19)

We believe that;

i. Gambling feeds upon human weaknesses and contributes to the desire to get
something for nothing.

ii. This attitude encourages faith in chance, damages character, breeds crime,
promotes dishonesty and fraud. It also promotes apathetic attitudes toward petty
gambling, which aids crime throughout our communities and nation.

iii. Gambling is entirely parasitic and exists for the sole purpose of exploiting a human

iv. Gambling is therefore not scriptural and should not be engaged in.

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3.3.6 Sex Outside Marriage (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

We believe that:

i. Sex is permitted only within the context of a legally constituted and spiritually
consummated church marriage between husband and wife of opposite sex.

ii. Sex outside of legal marriage is sinful and an act of disobedience to God.

iii. Sex within marriage is a sacred privilege for the purpose of companionship and

iv. Husband and wife owe themselves the responsibility of sexual satisfaction within
the context of their marital relationship as commanded by the Holy Scriptures.

3.3.7 Fraudulent Business Deals

Every Business deal between brethren must be legally contracted. The Tabernacle will
never take responsibility for business fallouts. While the mission disciplinary system will
intervene in the conflict, it will never take responsibility for any busi ness fallout.

3.3.8 Pornography (Ephesians 5:3-6)

a. Movies and any form of videos that portray pornography or lustful desires are
unchristian and lead to filthiness, perverse behavior and sexual immorality.
b. All Levites and members must abstain from watching any form of pornographic
content or listening to music that is worldly and that does not glorify God.

3.3.9 Position Against Levies at All Levels

a. Levy in any form is an anti-covenant act.

b. It disconnects people from heavenly blessings.

c. The one and only financial obligation is tithing. Every other form of giving is as
each one purposes in his heart.

d. Levying demoralizes those who do not have.

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e. People should be allowed to give according to what they purpose in their hearts.
We are not permitted to purpose for the people what they should give (2 Cor.

f. Every giving must be done willingly (Ex. 35:4-6; 21-22)

g. When it is done willingly, the blessings flow freely and giving increases
supernaturally (Ex. 36:6).

h. When it is not done willingly, the reward is lost (1 Cor. 9:17).


According to the Great Commission that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples and us in
extension (Matthew 28:19-20), we are a mission actively engaged in winning souls into
the Kingdom of God. Even though the numerical growth of the mission is important, our
focus is on the impact which the word of salvation brings in the lives of the people. We
measure growth by the positive impact and change in lifestyle of the people we are sent

To ensure the growth of the church, the following strategies are necessary:

a. Prayer and fasting: Only praying and fasting churches grow.

b. Evangelism - That is the engagement of outreach events and publicity of the tabernacle

Evangelism here includes:

i. Personal and group soul winning endeavors.

ii. Advertising the acts of the lord in the Tabernacle to the lost.

iii. Engaging in social and print media publicity in terms of tracts and fliers for special

iv. Engaging in electronic media adverts etc.

c. The Transformative Word: The word that is applicable and has power to transform
lives is the most effective form of evangelism. Where there are tangible results, the
multitudes will come. Nothing interests the sheep like the pasture. Getting someone to a

26 | P a g e
restaurant is one thing, to keep him coming is yet another thing altogether. The quality of
what is served in a restaurant is what determines the comeback of any visitor. This is
why praying and bringing them is not enough there must be pasture made ready for them.

d. Robust Follow Up System

Keeping track of new converts and first timers; ensuring a conducive atmosphere for
their establishment will also encourage growth.


"For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou should set in order the things that are wanting
and ordain elders in every city… " (Titus 1:5)

3.5.1 Requirements for Enrollment

i. Must be born again, baptized in water and filled with the Holy Ghost.

ii. Spouse being born again and active member of the Tabernacle would be an

iii. Must be Husband of one wife, or 1st wife of her husband.

iv. If married, the man must rule his house well or if a woman, must live in submission
to her husband.

v. Where a woman is considered for ordination and the husband is not a member or
yet to be ordained, a written consent from the husband will be required.

viii. Must have attended a course in Salvation Word Academy (SWA)

ix. Must not be involved in a business whose nature is contrary to Christian ethics or
working in a place where unchristian products are manufactured or traded.

x. Must be an active member of the Tabernacle.

xi. Must show proven evidence of kingdom investments. (Faithful in tithing and
kingdom advancement)

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xii. Must be medically and physically fit.

xiii. For exceptional cases, any candidate outside any of the above criteria must be vetted
by The Executive Council upon recommendation of the Administrative Pastor. Additional Requirements for Eldership

i. Shall not be less than 40 years of age.

ii. Must be free from financial encumbrances.

iii. Must be physically fit and available to serve.

3.5.2 The Selection Process

i. The CMB to ascertain need for ordained hands.

ii. Operation Arms Coordinators to recommend capable and qualified hands

iii. Induction to be conducted for selected candidates

ix. Ordination service to be conducted by the Senior Pastor or any other Priestly authority
as may be approved.

3.5.4 Renewal of Stewardship Covenant

The Stewardship Covenant shall be renewed annually by the administration at the

beginning of every year for all serving workers (Pastors, Elders, Levitical Order, and
Operational Arms).

It is their acceptance of the terms and condition s for continuous service.

This shall involve the following:

i. Fresh administration of the Stewardship Renewal Covenant (sh own below) at the
first workers meeting for the year

ii. Reissuance of Identification Card

28 | P a g e
Failure to partake in this exercise without due permission will result in being
excused from duty for the year.


“To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The
oath which he swore to our father Abraham.” – Luke 1:72-73.

Having received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and upon my acceptance to serve
as an ordained worker in the Tabernacle, I hereby make the following covenant and
commitments in my annual kingdom stewardship:

1. That I shall serve God faithfully and with total commitment through this Tabernacle
as I strive diligently towards the fulfillment of my ministry on earth.

2. That I shall be a responsible worker in words and indeed being an example to my

family and to other members,

3. That I shall not engage in any activity both spiritual and physical with any other
ministry without the consent and endorsement of th e Administrative Pastor or other
authorities of the Tabernacle.

3. That I shall abide with total commitment by official directives an d instructions from
the Administrative Pastor or any other designated leader seeing instructions as tools for
successful operation.

4. That I shall uphold the biblical demands of righteousness, integrity, dedication,

accountability, seriousness and good control over my family.

5. That my faithful service in the Tabernacle shall include and cover all areas of
financial faithfulness, giving myself fully to strict adherence and observance of the
covenant demands, such as tithing, offering, sacrificial giving, etc.

6. That I shall keep to the time and schedule of services and any other meetings that
may be conveyed at the directive of the Administrative Pastor or the leader of my
operating arm. I shall not willfully exempt myself from such services or meetings.

29 | P a g e
7. That I acknowledge the fact that this is not a political, cultural or racially influenced
placement. I therefore divorce myself totally from any form of political sentiments, tribal
preferences or any other negative preferences in the discharge of my duties and

8. That I shall project and protect the unity in the Tabernacle by acting in love towards
my fellow workers in the vineyard as well as other members.

9. That I am fully ready to work or function in any operational arm of the Tabernacle
or any other duties as I shall be directed to perform without resentment.

10. Finally, any act of disobedience or breach of this commitment that I hitherto consented
to shall earn me an outright sanction from the authority of the Tabernacle.

So, help me God.



PHONE NUMBER………………………………

DATED THIS…………. DAY OF………………20…………



30 | P a g e
This is the withdrawal of the rights, privileges and titles associated with an
ordained worker.

Tabernacle workers are ordained as Pastors, Levites, Elders, members of operational

arms to enable them function in higher capacity and as leaders in the Tabernacle.
However, if an ordained worker no longer maintains the purpose of ordination or is found
wanting in his/her commitment or character as a believer, the ordination rights can be
withdrawn in which case he/she is said to be de-ordained.

When such de-ordination occurs, the following shall apply:

i. Withdrawal of Identification Card.

ii. Shall no longer be recognized or addressed by his /her ordination title.

iii. Shall no longer be permitted to serve the table of the Lord, minister on the altar or
function in any capacity as delegated to his/her ordination status.

iv. Shall lose all the rights and privileges of his/her ordination status. Conditions That May Lead to De-Ordination

i. Persistent acts of indiscipline.

ii. Consistent violation of the rules and regulations of the Tabernacle.

iii. Committing offences outside the Tabernacle that bring the mission and the name
of Christ to disrepute, such as thuggery, drug addiction, armed robbery, drug trafficking,
alcoholism, tobacco usage, promiscu ity, occultism, cultism, etc.

iv. Proven cases of family neglect and violence.

v. Inconsistent Tabernacle attendance and non-attendance of other meetings.

vi. Failure to partake of the annual stewardship renewal covenant for two (2)
consecutive years

vii. Discovery of an undisclosed negative fact during ordination process

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viii. Proven cases of criminal involvement, e.g., financial impropriety, fraudulent practices,

ix. Rebellion against constituted authority

x. Behaviors contradicting the Tenets of Faith of the Tabernacle. De-Ordination Procedures

i. Any reported or discovered misdemeanor shall be thoroughly investigated.

ii. The worker shall be called to question by the Disciplinary Committee and be given
a fair hearing.

iii. If proven guilty, he/she shall be warned and observed for a period of one (1) month by
the Disciplinary Committee.

iv. If no tangible change is noticed, he/she shall be issued a written warning letter by the
Administrative Pastor and observed for another one (1) month.

ii. If misbehavior persists or conditions remain the same, such ordained worker shall
be suspended from duty for three (3) months and be under observation.

iii. If all the above do not yield the expected result, the ordained worker shall be
recommended to the Executive Council for de-ordination.

iv. He/she shall be given a written notice of de-ordination by the AP stating reasons
and applicable conditions.

v. The de-ordination shall be brought to the notice of all Tabernacle servants in their
general meetings.

vi. Where necessary, depending on the gravity of the offence, a disclaimer may be
placed on the Tabernacle notice board with pictures displayed. RE-ORDINATION CONDITIONS

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Re-ordination may occur if the de-ordained worker shows proof of repentance after the
order of Galatians chapter six verse one following the procedure listed below.

i. Re-ordination privilege shall not be available until a minimum of 12 months after


ii. Shall re-attend SWA (a rehabilitation course)

iii. Shall be investigated to ensure repentance is genuine.

iv. Shall be required to undergo a re-ordination process either individually or alongside a

new set proposed for ordination.

v. Shall be expected to provide 3 references within the Tabernacle who shall be an Elder,
a Pastor and a reputable member to attest to this change of character.



The 12 Tribes of Salvation Word Tabernacle (SAWOT) represent the 12 foundational

covenant stones upon which the Tabernacle is built.

The 12 stones each represent the 12 Covenant Blessings of God in full manifestation in
the Tabernacle. It should be clearly emphasized here that the Tabernacle in this case is
not limited to the building but the people(worshippers). These are 12 visible covenant
blessings that identify the worshippers in Salvation Word Tabernacle.

Like in the days of old, the twelve tribes of the tabernacle of Moses represented the
covenant blessings God had made with Abraham.

“… By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing,
and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the
stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed
shall possess the gate of his enemies;

33 | P a g e
18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast
obeyed my voice. “

Genesis 22:16-18


” All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2Timothy

“Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth
forever.” Psalm 119:160

The word of God is the source of every manifestation you see in the Tabernacle.
Therefore, it is the sure foundation of everything we do or say. Every member of SAWOT
must lead a word based life. The prescriptions of scripture must become the working
guide for all we do.

I. The bible is the standard by which all teachings and experiences must be tested.
It is the final authority on everything we are and have in God.(John 1:1-3, Hebrews
II. In Salvation Word Tabernacle, we enjoy deep revelational knowledge
III. This covenant empowers us with mastery of the word and supernatural


The spirit of grace and supplication is active in the lives of members of SAWOT.
Prayer is a lifestyle and is the fuel to our existence. We maintain deep inner
reverence and adoration for God.

(Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:6)

34 | P a g e
i. Prayer. There must be continuous communion and fellowship with God on the altar
of prayer for a glorious Christian life. The priests were required to burn the incense
continually before God. (Exodus 30:7-10)

In the Tabernacle, we live a life of continuous prayer. We are men and women given to
prayer. Our lives are lived in total adoration through prayer and fasting, intense praise
and worship. Prayer to us is the breath that we need to sustain our Christian lives.

ii. Intensive praise and worship: (Psalm 71:8, Psalm 113:3, Psalm 29:2) Our praise
and worship are born out of a place of encounter and total awe of God’s
iii. Fasting: (Isaiah 58, Mt 17:20-21) through fasting we are brought to the feet of
Jesus in total surrender and humility.


Righteousness is the hallmark of our salvation. It is the evidence of Christ living in

the Tabernacle.

Hebrew 12:14, 1 John 3:7, 1 John 2:9

i. Transformation by the Holy Spirit

ii. The fear of the Lord
iii. Holiness
iv. Self-Discipline

We believe that we have been imputed with righteousness through faith in Christ and
righteousness is the fruit of our submission to being changed by the Holy Spirit. Every
true child of God must bear the fruits of righteousness and true holiness. The Holy Spirit
changes us and gives us the dominion over sin (Phil 1:11, Prov 12:28, 1 Timothy 6:11,
Prov 21:3) We are a people who operate upon the covenant of righteousness as
empowered by the Holy Spirit.


35 | P a g e
Proverbs 3:9, Ephesians 2:8-10

Sacrifice is our breastplate.

i. Total surrender to God

ii. Full time engagements both material and spiritual.
iii. Diligence

We are a people of extraordinarily sacrificial lives. We live for God and are given to
sacrifice. Sacrifice means giving to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly
possessions, and our energies to further His work. The Lord commanded, “Seek ye first
the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Our willingness to sacrifice
is an indication of our devotion to God.

Mark 10:45 “For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give
his life as a ransom for many.”

Rom 12:1 “therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies
a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”

Sacrifice is when you stretch yourself beyond reasonable standard, you end up
sacrificing for yourself. (Luke 9:24) Sacrifice is not talking about convenience but rather
about inconvenience. When sacrifice is released, there’s always a miraculous release.
Whatever you do, it must be by faith. The only way you can tap in faith is by hearing.
Therefore, Sacrifice is by revelation and communication.

Sacrifice entails giving your most precious and most costly to God. It is determined by the
value to you of what you let go for God.

Serving God is an enlistment for a life of sacrifice and the willingness to let go of anything
at the demand of God. We understand that the rewards of sacrifice are usually

Power in the kingdom is triggered by sacrifice. Sacrifice is done in tears and in pain but
the person engaging in it reaps in joy and bountifully. The returns are normally fearful

36 | P a g e
because they are beyond what can be explained by the human mind. It is God’s ordained
gateway to a new dawn, glorious beginnings and series of breakthroughs


i. Depends entirely on prophetic signals for instructions, guidance, direction and

correction. (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:14-21; Hebrews 1:1-3, Rev 12:17, Rev 19:10)

SAWOT is a prophetic mission. Therefore, God’s voice is our command and our
instructor. We operate strictly by His leading.

Everything about the Tabernacle, both the pattern and the spiritual order are prophetically
prescribed. Everything about it carries a prophetic significance.

- We are 100 percent led and directed by God through prophetic direction. We move
when God says and stop when he does. (Exodus 13:21-22: The Holy Spirit is our master
and director. We submit to His leading and enjoy the blessings of being led by God.
(Psalm 23:1, Prov 3:5-6) We do not lean on our own understanding when God instructs.

- We are totally dependent on God for every step we take, thereby securing for
ourselves His full supply and protection.


Deut 28:11, Psalm 35:27,

“If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, And their
years in pleasures.”

Job 36:11

We have a covenant with God that by our service and sacrifice, we don’t struggle for
supply. We are open to a flow of both material and spiritual prosperity.

Another glaring identity of a SAWOT member, is the visible prosperity in every sphere of
their lives.

37 | P a g e
Our dedication to the practice of the word, adoration and sacrifice empower us for spiritual
and material blessings. The word brings light which equips us to operate by divine
principles. Our worship and sacrifice are driven from a place of revelation and
understanding which activate open heavens for su pernatural prosperity.

Your dedicated service to God makes Him interested in your overall wellbeing (Exodus

The covenant of prosperity with Abraham came from his service to God (Gen 22:16-18)
We therefore enjoy the following:

i. Spiritual and material benefits

ii. Blessings
iii. Results
iv. Fruitfulness


“ And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their
testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”

Revelation 12:11

Our testimony is a weapon to overcome the wiles of the enemy.

Through our testimonies, we acknowledge Christ and His redemptive power over our

Our lives are a testament(evidence) that Jesus is alive and still changes lives. We not
only give our personal accounts of God’s manifestation in our lives but we are living
witnesses of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Our word and our lives both testify of the
saving power of Jesus. That is why in every of our services, we dedicate a portion for
testimonies of what God has done and is still doing in our lives.

Testimony to us is not limited to declaring God’s goodness. It involves the following:

i. Thanksgiving

38 | P a g e
ii. Acknowledgement of Christ
iii. Witnesses of Christ
iv. Victory in Christ


Prov 3:13-14, Prov 9:6,

“For wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.
“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion. The fear of the
LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I
hate. I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength. By me kings
reign, and rulers decree what is just; by me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.
I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Riches and honor
are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, even fine
gold, and my yield than choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of
justice, granting an inheritance to those who love me, and filling their treasuries.”

Wisdom is said to be the principal thing in the book of proverbs (Prov. 4:7-11). We
understand that wisdom is a fundamental requirement for every believer. It is one of the
basic graces that every SAWOT member must seek and receive from God.

Wisdom to us engulfs the visible manifestation of the following attributes:

i. Sound judgment
ii. Moral excellence
iii. Self-control
iv. Spiritual intelligence/perceptive knowledge about times and seasons.

In our place of prayers and meditations, we are endowed with a high capacity to assess
situations, command circumstances and times shrewdly; and to draw sound conclusions.
We are distinguished by our high capacity of sound judgement.

So, we uphold the qualities of doing what is right and avoiding what does not reflect our
Christian values.

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Our deep revelational knowledge of the word opens us up to outstanding spiritual
understanding and perception. As a result of divine wisdom, we enjoy outstanding
success and unprecedented prosperity.


We all understand that:

- Faith is what determines the quality of life of a believer (Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb
- Faith is the gateway to a world of triumph (Heb. 11:33, 1 John 5:4).

- Faith is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities (Matt. 17:20).

- Faith is an unstoppable force in the world of the spirit (Eph. 6:16).

- Faith is the force that rules over the world of impossibilities (Jer. 11:40).

- Faith is the force behind all supernatural manifestations (Dan. 3:28; 6:23, Acts
3:16; 14:8-11).

Our faith in God is our unshakeable trust in Him for solution and direction. Our faith is
expressed by joy, peace, happiness, obedience, boldness and courage which stem from
a place of total trust in God. Faith is the drive to our spiritual manifestation

i. Total trust in God for solution and direction

ii. Joy
iii. Peace
iv. Happiness
v. Boldness and courage


In the Tabernacle, we see the power of God manifesting in miracles, signs and

By our faith in the Lord Jesus and in the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross of
Calvary, we experience miracles in deliverances, healings, and breakthroughs. We also

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believe that Jesus is the miracle worker and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Therefore, signs and wonders are very operational in Salvation Word Tabernacle.

We uphold that because of the price that Jesus paid on the cross, we should not be under
any sort of bondage or affliction.

“Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above
every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth
and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of
God the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11)

(Acts 3:16, Acts 14:3, Exodus 4:17)

i. Deliverance
ii. Healing
iii. Breakthrough
iv. The Supernatural


“And when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all
that you have is multiplied,” Deuteronomy 8:13

The Bible clearly states God’s mind in relation to growth. It says, the path of the just
man is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day (Proverbs.

We understand from the above scriptures that our salvation provides us access to a
realm of unending progress.

God hates that we go in cycles. That is why he charged the Israelites’ saying, Ye have
gone around this mountain long enough, turn ye northwards… (Deut. 2:3)

“I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven
and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his
enemies, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you
have obeyed my voice.” Gen.22: 17-18

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Growth is one of the most effective covenants we have with God because it has to do
with expansion and multiplication which gives us the mandate to reach the ends of the
world. Physical growth in the Tabernacle is a fruit that confirms our salvation mandate.
(Deuteronomy 8:1)

Every day, there shall be a visible positive change in structure and in capacity. No service
shall resemble the other. This grace is very visible in the lives of members.

These attributes are glaring characteristics of our mandate:

i. Visible increase
ii. Expansion/Multiplication
iii. Progression
iv. Evolution

It is time to press to the next level.

It is time to break the failure and stagnation syndrome.

It is time to break new frontiers in all our endeavors.

12. LOVE

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does
not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for
tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is one of the fruits of our salvation. We believe we are the love of Christ; therefore,
it flows from Him unto us. We manifest that love to God and to others. We love because
God first loved us.

Love stands out as a rule that guides our relationship with one another both in the
Tabernacle and beyond. Love unites us in one body, the body of Christ. (Matthew 22:36-

42 | P a g e
Love is the symbol of our salvation in Christ Jesus. Above all, it is the greatest virtue in
the world. It is the basis upon which anything is done in the kingdom.

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1
Corinthians 13:13

i. Patience and Kindness

ii. Long suffering
iii. Forgiving one another
iv. Unity


“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with
mine eye.” Psalm 32:8


5.1.1 Introduction

Marriage is a God-ordained, covenant relationship between a man and a

woman. (Gen. 2:18).

We believe, based on the teaching of the Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments,
that marriage is an institution ordained by God from the foundation of the world, and
intended as a lifelong union of one man and one woman. This idea is supported by the
account of creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Genesis 1:26-28 provides that God
created man in His own image, both male and female. The passage implies that a unity
of one man and one woman is in some way necessary to fully represent the image of God
in mankind.

Jesus Christ reaffirmed the teaching of the Old Testament when He said, as recorded in
Matthew 19:4-6, “Haven’t you read, he replied, that at the beginning the creator made
them male and female and said for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and

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be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but
one. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

5.1.2 Marriage Vetting Preamble

i. Everything concerning marriage and the regulations shall be handled by the senior
Pastor or his delegated committee. Terms of Reference

i. To screen the intending couple in accordance with biblical standards for marriage.

ii. To organize marriage seminars and counseling sessions an d where necessary co-
opt other mature couples as may be required.

iii. To check the health status of the intending couples.

iv. To receive written consent from the intending couples’ families.

v. To receive any objection from within and outside the Tabern acle in writing and
follow it up accordingly.

vi. To give and receive references in a situation where one of the parties involved is not
a member of the Tabernacle.

5.1.3 Procedure for Marriage

i. Intending couples must be in courtship for at least six mon ths prior to notifying the
Marriage Committee.

ii. Intending couples shall notify the Tabernacle in writing through the marriage
committee at least three months to the proposed date of Marriage.

iii. Intending couple shall complete the marriage questionnaire form accompanied by
the following;

a. Three passport photographs each

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b. Pre-marriage medical test results

c. Fiancé’s marriage proposal testimony

d. Fiancée’s marriage proposal testimony

e. Fiancé’s parental consent

f. Fiancée’s parental consent

i. Reference letter from Senior Pastor/ Pastor In -Charge (for non-members)

v. Attendance of counseling session and marriage seminar

vi. Marriage invitation should not be printed until clearance is obtained from the
Marriage Committee.

vii. Attendance of a marriage registry (civil marriage certificate)

ix. Blood Pregnancy test (a week to the Marriage)

5.1.4 Standard Marriage Preparation

Marriage is a holy institution; therefore, it is important that all activities geared towards it
be done decently and orderly in line with biblical standards (I Cor. 14:40).

The following shall therefore apply for all Marriage preparations:

i. Intending couples are encouraged to have regular moments of prayer/fasting

towards the success of the Marriage ceremony and married life.

ii. Intending couple shall not perform the Traditional/Engagement ceremony without
the prior approval of the Marriage Committee.

iii. Any activity or presentation during the engagement, marriage and reception that is
capable of misrepresenting the Christian faith, the Tabernacle and the future of the
intending couple shall not be allowed.

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iv. Dressing for all Marriage events i.e., engagement, marriage and reception
programs must be modest and decent to reflect Ch ristian virtues (I Pet. 3:3-4).

x. The intending couple shall physically present the dresses to be used for the event
to the Marriage Committee for sighting at least a week to the Marriage.

vii. The intending couple shall also participate in a Marriage rehearsal which shall be
organized by the Marriage Committee two (2) days to the Marriage Day.

viii. The intending couple is advised to plan within their means and avoid anything that
will lead to borrowing (Deut. 15:6, 28:12).

ix. The intending couple must have a modest accommodation in readiness for their
marriage life.

x. The intending couple must abstain from any form of sexual activity until formall y
declared married in the Tabernacle.

Note: This guideline shall be made available to the intending couple by the Marriage
Committee upon submission of their intention.

5.1.5 Procedure for Marriage Counseling Preamble:

Following a review of the marriage application forms submitted to the marriage

committee, each couple will be assigned to a specific counselor for a process of pre-
marital counseling. This could be carried out by the Administrative Pastor or any ordained
Pastor within the Tabernacle with an outstanding or proven family testimony.

The need for this pre-marital counseling is rooted in the fact that the principles and the
skills which make for successful family life have to be learned (Titus 2:1-8). Purpose of Marriage Counseling:

i. To help intending couples access sufficient readiness for marriage.

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Issues like backgrounds, socio-economic level, maturity, character and
Communication among several others would be addressed.

ii. To teach the biblical guidelines for marriage.

Every marriage should reflect the influence of Christ in the home.1 C or 13; Eph.
5:21 – 64; Col 3:16 – 21; 1 Cor. 7)

iii. To ensure effective communication skills

The couple to be must be taught the value of spontaneous, honest and sensitive
communication. They should be taught to listen carefully as they try to understand each
other and to talk through problems without it degenerating to quarrel.

iv. To anticipate and discuss potential areas of stress, tension and deadlocks.

The challenges of adjustment when two people of different sex, family backgrounds come
together in a relationship like marriage are real and must be addressed.

v. To discover areas of deficiencies and assumptions and help provide lasting solutions.

Watch out for knowledge deficiencies and never assume that the couple knows
what they ought to. Provide adequate and relevant information, recommended books,
tapes, etc. for their consumption or link them with others e.g. professionals like medical
doctors, lawyers, etc. who can provide accurate and more detailed and professional
advice, if there is need for it.

vi. To help provide answers for cost effective, Christian and healthy Marriage plans.

Encourage the intending couple to be prudent on expenses for the actual

ceremony and to desist from borrowing and planning beyond the realities of their financial

vii. To ensure that the marriage bed remains undefiled before marriage.

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The Bible states clearly that pre – marital sex is a sin and it must not be condoned. Talk
about the negative consequences of premarital sex and offer practical advice on how to
keep themselves chaste prior to marriage.

Counseling sessions:

The content of the counseling sessions shall include the following:

i. Effective preparation of couples for Marriage and successful marriage life.

ii. For encouragement and enlightenment.

iii. To handle areas of confusions and deadlock.

iv. To answer troubling questions.

v. To give direction and guidance on courtship ethics.

vi. To provide productive advice on any area of observation.

vii.To advice on handling parental issues and cultural differences Duration

Counseling should start at least three months prior to the proposed Marriage date.

There should be at least three two hour’s sessions prior to the Marriage.

5.1.6 Recommendation/Report

At the end of the pre–marital counseling sessions with each couple, a letter of
recommendation for the Marriage should be written to the Senior Pastor. The letter should
be a kind of report and should include such details as how many counseling sessions
were done for the couple, area of emphasis of the counseling, observations made about
the couple and how they were helped along those lines.

5.1.7 Marriage Seminar Topics

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The basic marriage seminar topics shall include, but not limited to, the following as may
be approved;

i. God’s Concept of Marriage

ii. Child Bearing and Up-bringing

iii. Communication in the Home

iv. Family Management

v. Finance in the Home

vi. Relationship With In-Laws

vii. Sex in Marriage

viii. The Place of Service and Fellowship

5.1.8 Conditions under Which Marriage Will Not Be Allowed In the Church

i. If the bed has been defiled – proven case of fornication.

ii. If the bride is pregnant.

iii. If either of the parties is found to be currently in another relationship.

iv. If there is no parental consent.

v. If the parties are medically incompatible.

vi. If the practical courtship is less than six months.

vii. If intending couple engages in any other activity that misrepresents the Tabernacle in
any way and contrary to Christian ethics.

5.1.9 Conditions under Which Marriage May Be Allowed In the Tabernacle.

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In spite of the provisions of 5.1.8(v) above where both parties are medically incompatible
but after counseling, they insist that their faith will see them through, then marriage can
be conducted. However, a written undertaking must be obtained from the intending couple
of their intention to continue with the Marriage.

5.1.10 Marriage Rehearsal

A couple of days before the wedding, the proposed couple(s) should be taken through a
session of Marriage rehearsal which should include briefings by a member of the
committee on aspects of the ceremony such as where to sit before and after the joining,
unveiling the bride, repeating the marriage vows, parents handing over daughter to
groom, etc.

5.1.11 Marriage Solemnization

1. Giving of the Bride:

[The minister instructs the father of the bride or his representative to stand beside his

To the father[s] of the bride[s]: Who gives this bride in marriage?

Response: I do

Minister to the Father of the Bride: Please take the bride, your daughter by the
right hand and hand her over to the groom.

To the father: Please go back to your seat.

To the congregation:

May I request the congregation to stand up as we go before the Lord in prayer:

Our most gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for all the privileges of being in the
body of Christ. We have come together to watch the miracle of Your love and the power
of Your Spirit work in the lives of these people. We give You the praise, the honor and
the glory for the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to bring us into a place of union with

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the Holy Spirit and union with one anoth er. We thank You for it, in Jesus mighty name.

[The congregation may please take their seats]

2] Charge to the Bride[s] and Groom[s]

As I read the Scripture from the book of Ephesians 5:22-32, I want you both [all of you] to
pay very close attention to the words stated there.

They are God’s word that the Holy Spirit will honor as we stand on them in faith. The world
has the idea that marriage is simply a legal contract [we do not make light of that]; but at
the same time, it is a spiritual contract. When the word of God between two born again
believers is spoken, the power of God goes into operation. There is an actual miracle that
takes place when the faith of these two [precious] people is released in God’s power. God
honors their faith and brings them into union together.

With these thoughts in mind, listen very carefully to these words:

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church:
and he is the savior of the body.

Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own
husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself
for it;

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle,
or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

So, ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth

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For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as
the Lord the church:

For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his
wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

3] Charge to the Congregation

In the eyes of Almighty God, these [two] precious people are washed by the blood of the
Lamb – Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They have prayed and before the Lord God Himself,
they believe with all their hearts that it is the perfect will of God for them to be joined in
marriage. They have made their decision, so from now until the end of this age, I charge
you to do everything in your power to see that this union remains solid, strong, happy and

4] Profession of Vows

To Groom[s]: Do you take the bride as your wife, as your own flesh, to love her even as
Christ loves the church, to protect her, care for her the rest of your lives? [If you do, say
Yes, I do]

Response: Yes, I do

[Then turn to her, take her by the right hand and make this profession of your faith]

To Groom[s]: I,…………………………….according to the word of God, leave my

father and my mother and I join myself to you, to love you and to be husband to you, from
this moment forward, we shall be one.

To Bride[s]: Do you take the groom as your husband, submitting yourself to him as unto
the Lord, showing reverence to h im as the head of this union for the rest of your lives? [If
you do, say Yes, I do]

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Response: Yes, I do

[Then turn to him and make this profession of your faith]

To Bride[s]: I……………………………………..according to the word of God,

submit myself to you, to be wife to you. From this moment forward, we shall be one.

5] Exchange of Rings

[The minister requests for the rings and offers the following prayer:] Heavenly Father I
sanctify these rings in your holy name and declare Your blessing upon them for endless
experience of love between this couple in Jesus’ name.

This ring stands as a symbol of marital identity. May this ring therefore link you to the
covenant blessings of holy matrimony.

To be said by the Bride and Groom one after the other while the ring is placed at
the tip of the fourth finger of the left hand:

This is a token of my love and the sign of the vows we have made today in the name of
God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

[Now slide the ring fully into the finger]

6] Pronouncement

To Bride[s] & Groom[s]: [Join your right hands, please]

As a representative of God, the Father, His Son Jesus and of the Holy Spirit of God, I
now pronounce you ONE – together, as husband and wife.

You can now remove your wife’s veil.

7] Communion

[At this point, the minister stands by the communion table and blesses the communion]

It is important that in these first moments together you honor the Lord at His table, Jesus
said, this is my body, broken for you, eat of it.

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His precious body bore your sickness and carried your disease. Each of you in the name
of Jesus Christ has the God-given faith and power to ward-off sickness, disease, the
storm of life and everything that hell would offer any marriage. Through His broken body,
you have received into your life the awesome power of the Almighty God.

[Give the bread to couple(s)]

Jesus also said ‘this is my blood that ratifies the covenant. Drink of my blood and as often
as you drink it, do it in remembrance of me.’

[Give the cup to the couple(s)]

8] Pastoral Blessing of the Union

The Pastor steps forward and pronounces the covenant blessings of Deuteronomy
Chapter 28:1-14 on the couple(s) and he lays his right hand on them without any further

9] Presentation to the Congregation

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the newly wedded couple(s). Mr. &

5.1.12 Wedding in other Churches

i. If due to parental instructions or other acceptable reasons both parties, who are
members, are requested to wed in another Church or denomination, they will still be
required to pass through the counseling procedure of the Tabernacle.

ii. Where an intending couple is to be wedded in a different church, if so desired, provision

will be made for participation of our pastors in the Marriage.

NB These conditions are applicable only to lay Tabernacle members. Priests, Levites and
Arm Coordinators/members will be expected to wed in the Tabernacle.

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5.1.13 Marriage to Unbelievers

We encourage our members who may be seeking marriage, courting or engaged to be

married to an unbeliever (one who has not accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, rejects the
Tabernacle and its teachings on sanctification, the Holy Ghost, and the values of
SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE) to reconsider and seek to marry one who is;

ii. A member of our faith

iii. Not antagonistic to our Pentecostal belief

iv. One who will not hinder or handicap the SAWOT partner, and children, if involved,
from adhering to the tenets of our faith.

5.1.14 Divorce in Christian Marriage

i. SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE does not approve of divorce in Christian

marriage under any circumstance whatsoever because it is not the perfect will of God for
believers in Jesus Christ.

ii. We therefore enjoin parties in a troubled marriage relationship to seek all scriptural
means to secure amicable settlement in the home.

iii. In view of scripturally approved available circumstances, a remarriage is

encouraged in the following situations;

a. The saved spouse who has been deserted and divorced against his or her will by
the unsaved spouse because of their belief in holiness and faith in Christ (I Cor. 7:15).

b. The survivor of a marriage, that is, at the death of the husband or wife.

iv. Consequent upon Article 5.1.14(iiib) above, our widows and widowers are
encouraged to trust in the Lord, pick up their lives again and remarry.

5.1.15 Same Sex Marriage

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We do not consent to same sex marriage as we believe that it is absolutely contrary to
the word of God and outright disobedience to God; therefore, a sin against God (Gen.
2:18; Pro. 18:22; Rom. 1:20).

ARTICLE 5.2 CHILD COVENANT (Naming and Dedication)

5.2.1 Preamble

Scripturally, a child is to be covenantly named on the eighth day after birth (John 1:59-

Names are very important in the life of everyone. They are not only a means of
identification but also a pathfinder to one’s destiny. There is a spirit behind every name
and each time a name is pronounced, that spirit is released into action. Parents are
therefore advised not to be sentimental but prayerful when selecting names for their
children (Gen. 2:19, Gen. 49:1-28, Gen. 17:5, I Sam. 25:25, I Chr. 4:9-10, Luke 1:59-63).

Note should be taken of the following:

i. Names that are linked to ancestral deities and covenants should be avoided.

ii. Avoid coining names that do not have meanings

iii. Avoid naming children after men of the world

iv. It is recommended that Biblical names be given to your children

v. Names in local dialects with covenant meanings are also recommended

5.2.2 Procedure

i. The parents of the child shall notify the Tabernacle of the birth through the
Administrative Pastor.

ii. A designated Tabernacle official who is an ordained Priest or Levite is assigned to

conduct the naming

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iv. During the covenant naming ceremony at home, the parents of the new baby shall
be required to be seated at a specific section along with relations. Movement in and out
during the ceremony by the parents should be avoided.

v. The mother or any relation carries the baby during the ceremony.

vi. Either of the parents is expected to share a testimony of the help of God throughout
the period of pregnancy up until delivery in a bid to thank God foremost and build the faith
of others.

vii. After the conclusion of the charge, the Priest or Levite in-charge receives the baby
and the written names from the parents.

viii. The priest/Levite in-charge then invites the father to declare the names.

ix. The priest/Levite in-charge announces the names which shall be repeated by the
attendees, anoints the child with oil after which covenant blessings are declared in the
name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

x. Offerings collected at the naming ceremony is presented as a love seed to the new
born baby

xi Maximum time for the program is 45mins.

5.2.3 Child Dedication

i. Child dedication is done on a scheduled Sunday upon an official request to the

Administrative Pastor by the parents of the child.

ii. Parents are encouraged to resume attendance in the Tabernacle immediately after the
covenant naming provided mother and child are physically and medically fit to do so.

iii. In like manner, child dedication can be done any time after the child naming.

iv. Parents of children to be dedicated must be members of the Tabernacle.

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v. A list of the names of the Parents and God Parents of the child are required to be
provided to the Administrative Pastor the earliest possible time before the dedication

vi. It must be understood that we do not believe in baptizing infants or little children
because the condition of salvation hinges on one’s ability to believe in the saving grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ and make the choice.


The act of dedicating a building, a business, cars and other properties is a way of handing
the structure (property) over to God, the builder, for preservation .

Procedure: The main dedication of the building (or property) shall be carried out by the
designated Priest or Levite who pronounces blessings on the building as he an oints with
oil the main entrance of the building and the main gate of the premises (where it exists).

Also, where equipment’s are installed, such could be anointed if accessible and if so


“ And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge
and understanding”. - Jeremiah 3:15

“… feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by
constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being lords over
God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.” - I Peter 5:1-5.


"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost
hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his
own blood." - Acts 20:28.

58 | P a g e
The Pastor is God’s representative to the people and stands as one who directs the
people to Jesus Christ, The Great High Priest. They are shepherds who have been given
the privilege of leading God’s flock. They must watch over the sheep and rescue them
from the devil.

The Pastor is a custodian of the word of God. Not only to preach but also to be examples
in abiding by the word and leading others to do same.

Pastors are those who have access to the spiritual realm

They are to nurture the church through their spiritual gifts and offices, thereby building up
God’s people. Ephesians 4:11-13

A Pastor is one who must stand in the gap for the sheep, lead a sacrificial life and be
ready to lay down their lives to do the will of God.

They should win souls into the kingdom of God. John 10:16, Luke 10:2

A pastor is a living sacrifice who is meant to endure the burdens of the priestly office.

The pastor must exercise a saving faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (1 Thess. 1:9;
Heb. 9:11-14).

The Pastor is expected to be holy in lifestyle:

1. By leading a life of prayer.

2. By spending time devotionally in God’s Word.

3. By setting an example of the Christian life within the church and community.

The qualifications for Pastor will be those found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, which
are the same for elders and pastors.

Our God is God of order and patterns. From scriptures we know and recognize the

59 | P a g e
a. That the pastor is called by God and God alone remains his real source of the
supplies mainly via impactful ministry.

‘And he said unto them, when I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes,
lacked ye anything? And they said nothing.’ Luke 22:35

b. He shall not therefore lord it over the members to whom he is a shepherd.

‘And he said unto them, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and
they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but
he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that
doth serve. For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he
that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth.’ Luke 22:25-27

c. All who are called, male and female alike, shall serve the Lord with their lives. Deut.
10:12; Deut. 11:13; Josh 22:5

d. By the principle of separation of powers, pastors shall oversee the altar(sanctuary)

and the statutory(constituted) bodies oversee the table. (Acts 6:2-4)


6.2.1 Definition of Roles

Pastors in the New Testament are recognized as servants of the church.

Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household,
to give them meat in due season?

"Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." Matthew

To this extent every Pastor is a servant of the Tabernacle and is answerable to the
instituted authorities of the Tabernacle.

A Pastor is recognized as a wise servant whose duty is to feed the flock in due season.

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When the Master Jesus came, He took upon himself the form of a servant. Impactfu l
leadership is duly secured through a servant leader attitude.

‘For which is greater? The one who serves or the one who sits at the table?’ (Luke 22:27).
The one who serves. This is why this mission shall continue to recognize pastors as
servants of the Tabernacle. How much of a servant he is shall determine how high he can
fly in the priesthood covenant ladder.

A. The pastor is responsible to serve the Lord first.

1. The pastor must exercise a saving faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (1 Thess.
1:9; Heb. 9:11-14).
2. The pastor’s first priority is to serve the Lord first and foremost, before he serves
people. (Acts 20:19; Gal. 1:10; 1 Thess. 2:4; Eph. 6:6-7; Col. 3:22-24). He serves
God’s people by serving and answering to the Lord first and doing so for the glory of
God (Deut. 10:12; Josh. 24:14, 15; 1 Cor. 10:31; 15:58; Eph. 6:7; Heb. 12:28; 1 Pet.
a) This was clearly the pattern of God’s true prophets, priests and kings (1 Chron.
28:9; 2 Chron. 12:8; 34:33).
b) This was also the pattern of Jesus Christ who always did His Father’s will (Matt.
4:10; Luke 4:8; John 8:26-28)
c) This was the pattern of the Apostles (Acts 4:5-21; 27:23; 1 Cor. 15:58; Col. 3:23;
1 Thess. 1:9; 2 Tim. 1:3; Heb. 12:28).
3. He is to live for Christ
a) Never to be ashamed of Jesus Christ (2 Tim 1:8-11; 2:11-13).
b) His focus is to always be upon Christ (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21; 2 Tim 2:8-13).
c) He will suffer for Christ (Lk. 21:19; 2 Tim. 2:3-7; 3:10-12).

B. The pastor is responsible to keep his life right in relationship to the Lord.

1. All believers are called upon to keep their lives right before God (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor.
4:16; Gal. 5:17-25; Eph. 4:23-24; Col. 3:10; Phil. 2:12-13; 1 Thess. 4:1-12; 2 Tim.
2:19-21; 2 Pet. 3:1-11). They are to be faithful stewards of Christ and are accountable
to Him through a biblically balanced life (1 Cor. 4:1-2; 9:17; Col. 1:25f).

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2. This is also true for pastors (elders) too. The admonition to Timothy is applicable to
those who take on the yoke of ministry: that the pastor must guard and maintain his
life, piety and gifts (Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 4:14-16; 2 Tim. 2:19-21) so that he might have
the proper capacity to serve others through Christ (2 Tim. 2:1, 6, 15; 3:16-17). And
he should practice and devote himself to godliness in Christ so that others will see
progress in his walk (1 Tim. 4:15).

The purpose of taking care of his life in Christ is not for self -actualization or other self-
serving goals but rather so that he may be of greater service to others. While this might
seem odd, a properly oriented life that is saturated with God through Christ is a far better
blessing to others. This is because the greater, more expansive capacity one has for God
the greater his capacity for a fruitful ministry.

Jesus is a model of one who, though sinless, maintained and nurtured his relationship
with the Father, to understand God’s will and to be strengthened from on high in order to
accomplish all that God set for him to do. He always made it a priority to spend time with
the Father before serving others.

3. The pastor is called to train and discipline himself for godliness (1 Tim. 4:7-11) so as
to become more and more like Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:18; 1 Tim. 4:14-16; 6:11; Ti. 2:12;
2 Pet. 1:4). After all, the pastor is to live out and model the life of Jesus Christ (2 Cor.
12:18; 1 Thess. 2:10-12; 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:3), for this is very profitable (1 Tim. 6:6). At
minimum this would include the nurture and improvement of the godly character required
of him according to 1 Timothy 3:1-9 and Titus 1:5-9; but he should also cultivate and
strengthen other qualities God desires of him as Christ’s under-shepherd such as, but not
limited to:

a) Humility (Acts 20:19; 1 Cor. 10:12).

b) Being free of or fleeing the love of money (1 Tim. 3:3; 6:7-11)
c) Being a vessel of honor that is set apart from sin (2 Tim. 2:20-21)

(1) Actively pursuing biblical righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and
gentleness (1 Tim. 6:11).

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(2) Fleeing youthful lusts, pursuing righteousness, faith, love (2 Tim 2:22).

d) Fearing no one or nothing except God (Deut. 10:12; Eccles. 12:13; Psa. 118:6;
Isa. 12:2; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:17; 2:17).
e) Being sober-minded about everything (2 Tim. 4:5).
f) Maintaining a clear conscience before the Lord (2 Cor 11:31).

4. He is to put to use the good gift(s) God has placed upon him. In fact, he is called upon
to fan the flame or rekindle the gift(s) of God in his life (1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6).

5. The pastor or elder is to saturate his life with and properly handle God’s Word (1 Tim.
5:17; 2 Tim. 3:14-16).

a) Always growing in grace and truth (2 Pet. 3:18)

b) Holding fast to and be nourished on the Word of God (1 Tim 4:6; 2 Tim. 1:13; 3:14-
17; Ti. 1:9)
c) Rightly handling God’s Word so as to be approved (2 Tim. 2:15)
d) Contending for the truth of God’s Word (1 Tim. 1:18-19)
e) Guarding the truth (1 Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:12-14).

6. He should bear fruit (Jn.15:8; Gal. 5:22-23; Eph. 2:8-10; Col. 1:10; Ti. 2:7; 3:8, 14)

7. He is to take care of his physical life (1 Tim 5:23).

8. He should not be concerned about the judgments of others (1 Cor. 4:1-5), neither
should he compare himself with others (1 Cor. 3; 2 Cor. 10:12-16). At the same time he
should defend a biblical and righteous ministry in the cause of Christ against false
accusations (1 Cor. 1:6-23; 2:4, 17; 3:6, 12; 4:1-8; 5:14, 21; 1 Tim. 4:12).

9. He must keep his family life in order (1 Tim. 3:4-5; Ti. 1:6).

10. Finally, he and others must understand that his life and ministry is a living sacrifice
to God (Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6; 2 Sam. 24:24; Acts 20:24; 21:13; Phil. 3:7-8).

C. After serving God and attending to his life in Christ the pastor then serves
others, particularly God’s people.

63 | P a g e
1. The pastor serves through self-sacrifice (Jn. 10:11, 15; Lk 10:34,35) as a faithful as
steward of God’s ministry (1 Cor. 4:1-2; Titus 1:7), in a manner like Jesus Christ (Matt.
20:25-28; 23:11-12; Mark 10:43,44; Luke 22:26-27; John 13:1-20).

2. He prays for others (Acts 6:4; Col. 1:9)

a) His priority is to pray, especially for God’s people (Acts 6:4; Col. 1:9)
b) He prays for those who are not believers in Christ (1 Tim. 2:1-8)

3. As an under shepherd to the Great Shepherd, he pastors through God’s Word (Jn.
21:15ff; 1 Pet. 5:1ff); ministering the Word of God (Mk. 6:34b; Rev. 7:17; 1 Tim. 5:17; 1
Thess. 5:12; Col. 1:28; Jas. 3:1) in a variety of ways. In fact, the priority, bulk and main
thrust of his labors is in the power of God’s Spirit through the Word of God. Those ways,
which are aspects of biblical discipleship, are:

a) Publicly reading, preaching, explaining and applying Scriptures (1 Cor. 1:17; 1 Tim.
b) Preaching in season and out of season reproving, rebuking and exhorting (2 Tim.
c) Teaching boldly the Word of God (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 6:34; Acts 20:20; 1 Cor.
12:28, 31; Col. 1:28; 1 Tim. 1:3; 3:2, 16; 4:11-12; 6:2-5; Jas. 3:1; Rev. 7:17) in
these and other areas:

(1) Teaching apostolic truth, particularly to faithful men who would teach others the same
(2 Tim. 2:2).

(2) Teaching godliness in Christ (1 Tim. 5:24-6:6)

(3) Teaching older men to be sober, reverent, self-controlled, sound in faith, sound in
love, patient (Titus 2:1-2).

(4) Teaching the rich to be rich in good works and generosity (1 Tim. 6:17-19)

d) Feeds God’s people in the Truth (1 Pet. 5:2).

e) Edifies or builds believers up in Christ (2 Cor. 13:10-11; Eph 4:12-16).
f) Convicts the contrary (2 Tim. 2:25; Tit. 1:9).

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g) Brings comfort to hearers of the Word (1 Cor. 14:3, 31; 2 Cor. 1:4-6; 1 Thess. 4:18).
h) Confronts Sin (1 Tim. 5:1-2; Gal. 6:1).

(1) Warning of the consequences of sin (Acts 20:31).

(2) Rebuking sin (2 Tim. 4:1-2; Titus 1:13; 2:15).

i) Admonishes wayward believers to obey God’s Word (2 Thess. 3:15).

j) Exhorts or confronts the opposition with sound doctrine in love (1 Cor. 13:1; Eph.
4:15; 2 Tim. 2:24-26).

4. To train them in spiritual warfare, resisting Satan and calling them to their role as
godly warriors (2 Cor. 11:13-15; Eph. 6:10-18; Jas. 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8-9).

5. He delegates administrative tasks of lesser priorities for his vocation to others, such
as the deacons in order to concentrate on the min istries of prayer and the Word of God
(Act 6:1-7).

6. The minister’s godly office is created by Christ (2 Cor. 3:9; 4:6). The minister is
responsible with other elders in the church to perpetuate the office with sound, godly and
faithful men who are gifted, called, and qualified (1 Tim. 1:11; 3:1-7; 4:14). It must be
perpetuated through the laying on of hands, by ordained elders of the church (Acts 6:6;
13:3; 14:23; 19:6; 1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:6)

7. He must always keep before him the Biblical goal(s) of a God-ordained ministry:

a) To equip the saints to do the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-12) in the faithful exercise
of their gifts (1 Cor. 12; Rom. 12).
b) To form Jesus Christ in the community of God’s people through love (Eph. 1:15-
23; 3:14-21; 4:13; Col 1:224-29; 1 Thess. 3:11-13; 1 Tim. 1:5), until that community
is like one mature man who lives:

(1) In the unity of the Faith (Eph. 4:13)

(2) In an intimate full-knowledge of the Son of God, deeply in love with Christ and
becoming more like him in every way (Eph. 4:13)

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(3) In truth that is spoken and expressed through love (Eph. 4:15)

D. The pastor’s duties are enumerated through the many roles he has:

1. As a self-sacrificing servant (Matt. 20:27; John 10:11, 15; Lk. 10:34, 35; 1 Cor. 4:1)

a) Of God (2 Cor. 6:4; Ti. 1:1, 7) and of Christ (Phil. 1:1; 2 Tim. 2:24)
b) Of God’s people (2 Cor. 4:5)
c) Who serves God and his church with diligence (Rom. 12:8; 1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Tim.
5:17; 2 Tim. 2:15).

2. As a loving shepherd of the flock of God (Jer. 3:15; John 21:15ff; Acts 20:28; 1 Pet.

a) Who leads (Mark 6:34) and guides (Matt. 2:6; Acts 7:10, 14; Heb. 3:7, 17, 24)
b) Who protects (Acts 20:28-30; Jn. 10:12; Ti. 1:9; 2:1; Eph. 4:14; 1 Pet. 5:8; 1 Jn.

(1) From enemies within (2 Tim. 2:16-18; Jude 12f).

(2) From enemies without (Mt. 13:24f; 2 Cor. 11:12-15).

3. As a priest, though a believer-priest like all other believers he:

a) Intercedes and prays for God’s people (e.g.: 1 Sam. 12:23; Acts 12:5-9, 12; Rom.
10:1; Eph. 1:18; Col. 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:1, 2; Jas. 5:16)
b) Serves as a leader in worship.

4. As a peacemaker or reconciler (Matt. 5:9; 2 Cor. 5:18-19).

5. As a proclaimer of the gracious Good News of Christ (Rom. 10:14; 2 Pet. 2:5)

6. As a professor-teacher (see above)

7. As a parent

a) Like a father (Matt. 13:52; 1 Cor. 4:12-21; 1 Thess. 2:10-12; 1 Tim. 3:5; Philem.

66 | P a g e
(1) Who sees to it with fellow elders and the deacons that widows in need are taken care
of (Acts 6:1ff; 1 Tim. 3:5-16; Jas. 1:27)

(2) Who also oversees with elders and deacons the needs of orphans (James 1:27).

(3) Who, with the elders through the service of the deacons, takes care of the needy in
the Tabernacle (Luke 14:13; Acts 2:45; 4:35; Rom. 15:26; Gal. 2:10; Eph. 4:28; Jas. 2:2-

b) And like a mother who gives birth (Isa. 66:7; 1 Thess. 5:3) and who nurses (1
Thess. 2:7)
c) A nurturer and disciplinarian (Matt. 18; 2 Cor. 7:8-13)

8. As a model of godliness (Psa. 101:2; 1 Cor. 4:6; 11:1; Phil. 3:17; 1 Thess. 1:6; 2:10-
11; 2 Thess. 3:7, 9; 1 Tim. 4:12; Ti. 2:7; Heb. 12:2; 13:7; 1 Pet. 2:11-25; 5:3; 1 Jn. 2:6;

9. As a ruler with fellow elders over Christ’s church (1 Thess. 5:12, 13; 1 Tim. 5:17;
Heb. 13:17)

a) Overseeing the church of Christ (1 Tim. 3:4, 5, 12; Rom. 12:8).

b) Exercising judicial discipline (Matt. 18:15-19; Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 5; 1 Thess. 5:14;
2 Thess. 3:6-15; 1 Tim. 5:20; 6:3; Ti. 1:13; 2:15; 3:10; Rev. 2:2, 14, 15, 20).
c) With Christ’s authority, but not lording it over God’s people (Matt. 20:25-26; Mk.
10:42-43; 1 Pet. 5:3).

10. As an evangelist (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 20:21; 21:8; 1 Tim. 5:22; 2 Tim. 4:5; Tit.

a) By faithful testimony of Christ in life and lip (Acts 20:21; 1 Thess. 2:2).
b) By giving the Gospel of Christ (Rom. 3:21-28; 11:6; Gal. 3:1-9; 1 Pet. 4).

11. The pastor is also described in the Bible has having these roles:

a) A messenger (2 Cor. 8:23)

b) A good worker (2 Cor. 6:1; Phil. 2:25)

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c) A soldier (Phil. 2:25; 2 Tim. 2:3-4) a
d) An athlete (1 Cor. 9:24-25; Phil. 3:14; 2 Tim. 2:5; 4:7-8; Heb. 12:1)
e) A farmer (2 Tim. 2:6)


a) Preaching and Teaching

The primary duty of a pastor is to spread the word of God and to shepherd followers
seeking spiritual guidance (1 Peter 5:2-4) As SALVATION WORD TABERNACLE is
primarily a word-based ministry.

As part of their duties, pastors lead by example through demonstrating selfless dedication
to others, whether it is ministering at a hospital, in homes or other areas of need. Teaching
responsibilities include leading bible-study sessions, explaining scripture at retreats or
meeting individually with congregants to offer spiritual counseling and guidance.

b) Performing Rites and Holding Services

Pastors perform baptisms, confirmations and marriages. They make an effort to get to
know congregants and work to strengthen family ties. Personal connections are helpful
when praying with the sick and comforting loved ones at memorial services and funerals.
They are required to be available for members in dedicating property and projects, and in
times of emergency or losses.

They have to provide for the regular observance of the ordinan ces and ceremonies of the
Tabernacle. By celebrating the Lord’s Supper and providing opportunities for water

c) Overseeing Administrative Functions

A pastor assumes administrative oversight of operations and facility upkeep. They must
act in good faith and follow the constitution and by-laws of the Tabernacle in carrying out
their executive pastoral duties.

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The Pastor is responsible for local church administration:

1. By overseeing the worship services.

2. By giving direction for the service of the Tabernacle.

3. By doing specific planning and goal-setting.

4. By reporting to the Senior Pastor and submitting annual reports.

5. By keeping accurate membership records.

6. By presenting Discipline in the Tabernacle.

a. To Equip Believers For the work of the service

1. By helping them find their spiritual gifts.
2. By training them to become proficient in the use of God’s Word.
3. By training them in the various aspects of ministry.
4. By allowing them to be involved in personal ministry within the Tabernacle.
b. do and teach the work of an evangelist.

1. By doing consistent personal evangelism in the Tabernacle and the community.

2. By providing for training the believers in personal evangelism in both classroom

and real-life settings.

c. To provide pastoral care.

Caregiving, such as visitation, counseling, comforting, and taking care of the needs
of people

Eligibility: Spirituality is the fundamental requirement for eligibility.


69 | P a g e
All our clerics are expected to conform to scripturally acceptable lifestyles. In addition to
the provisions of the Pastoral Covenant, for the avoidan ce of doubt, these include but not
limited to the following areas;

6.3.1 Dress Codes

As priests, all our clerics are expected to be priestly in their dressing for beauty and glory.
(Ex. 28:2)

I. All formal and informal dressing must conform to Christian modesty.

II. This is without prejudice to our traditional wears
III. For all services, priests shall be decently dressed in a priestly edifying way.

6.3.2 Social Functions

Our clerics may attend or organize social functions as may be required of them by
occasion provided such social functions

I. Are not contrary to Christian beliefs

II. Do not involve activities that negate Christian ethics
III. Are not controversial in outlook

6.3.3 Partisan Politics

Politics here includes active involvement in national governance by way of expressions

and positions. The following are therefore not permitted;

I. Holding of political office.

II. Participating in anti-government protest
III. Press conferences on volatile political issues
IV. Appending signature to anti-government or political declarations
V. Attending political meetings
VI. Public declaration of party allegiance
VII. Public media utterances on behalf of the mission

70 | P a g e
6.3.4 Marital Sanctity

I. Must maintain marital sanctity

II. Shall not be considered eligible to continue in service in the event of divorce.

6.3.5 Intimidation and Harassment of the Flock

Intimidation and harassment of the flock is considered a capital offence and constitutes
gross misconduct with regards to our Administrative Policy

This includes but is not limited to:

a) Open verbal harassment from the altar

b) Intimidation and harassment of members, mission workers and officials on issues
contrary to the mandate.
c) Invoking curses on members, mission workers and officials.

It should be noted that anyone that invoke curses on the blessed of the Lord shall have
those curses returned on their heads – Genesis 12: 1-3, Numbers 24:29, Deut. 23:5,
Proverbs 26:2. Therefore anyone that has the opportunity to minister should bridle his
tongue. Psalms 39:1, James 1:26.


6.4.1 Senior Pastors

These shall be Pastors who due to their service, commitment and years of proven
sustainable impact and possess the spirit of the commission. Pastors with proven
capacity for leadership and undisputable integrity.

a. They shall be members of the Executive Council

I. Must have outstanding service records of spiritual impact.

II. Must have godly character with exemplary lifestyle.
III. Must have unquestionable loyalty and be an embodiment of the traditions of the

71 | P a g e
IV. Must visibly carry the spirit of the Commission
V. Must be physically and mentally fit
VI. Shall have a minimum of 15 years of unbroken and productive pastoral service in
the mission.

b. Special Clause

I. Once elected as a senior pastor, it shall be for a life time as long as the fire and
strength for impactful ministry is retained.
II. While this special election as a senior pastor is for a lifetime, it can be terminated
on the grounds of derailment, abuse of power or apostasy
6.4.2 Administrative Pastor
I. Be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Tabernacle
II. Effectively promote and oversee the implementation of the culture and traditions
of the mission.
III. Have oversight of membership welfare matters
I. Prepare programs Tabernacle covering all specialized services and administration
of approved ordinances.
II. Have spiritual and visionary oversight of operational arms.
III. Embark on growth promotion such as seminars, outreaches, publicity etc.
IV. Oversee collations of the station’s monthly report.
V. Be a member of the Central Management Committee

6.4.3 Assigned Pastors

I. These shall be pastors who are assigned to supervise operational arms

II. They shall have general oversight of the operational arm they are assigned to

III. They shall submit their reports to the administrative pastor

6.4.4 Functions of Associate Pastors

An Associate Pastor shall be pastors who are not assigned over any Arm or special

72 | P a g e
The Associate Pastor shall assist the Administrative Pastor/Pastor-in-charge in the day-
to-day running of the Tabernacle and shall carryout any functions/duties as designated
by the Senior Pastor.


(For all Pastors and Key Officials)

This Covenant is an oath of office made on the ………………………. day of

DOUALA, CAMEROON hereinafter referred to as “The Mission” which expression shall
where the context admits include its legal representatives and assigns of one part AND
………………………………………………….…. which expression shall where the context
admits includes mine Legal Representatives and assigns or Heirs of the other part.


1. The Mission has a Salvation Mandate “through you I will deliver my people
from all sorts of oppressions and captivity for My sake. The dead will be raised to
life and dry bones shall come back to life” “And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” and the same was handed down
to the founder of the Mission from the Lord.

2. The Salvation Mandate is a product of an encounter that the founder of the Mission,
Pastor Nebabilem Justin Ambebi a.k.a Pastor Bilem had on the 14 July 2022.

3. The Mission has its World Headquarters situated in Douala, Cameroon, the
prophetic base of the mission.

4. The Mission recognizes that spiritually, Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd, the
Chief Corner stone, the owner and the builder of the universal church on earth. (Eph 1:22)

5. Our Lord Jesus Christ remains the head of the church universal, while the founder
and the leadership of the mission represent all of His interests as provided for in the
Constitution – the official operating manual of the Mission .

73 | P a g e
6. The Mission has no racial, tribal or ethnic setting.

8. The Tabernacle has statutory/Legal right and authority over all mission activities
across the Nations of the earth where the mission shall carry out activities.

9. No members of the mission shall have or exercise any form of autonomy except
as it may be initiated by the Executive Council and ratified by the Board of Trustees.

10. I am committed to the objectives of the Salvation Mandate as specified in 1-9


11. For the privilege of service in the Tabernacle, I recognize and acknowledge the
following facts:

a) That I subscribe to be a member of the Tabernacle and to serve the Mission in

Cameroon and / or any other part of the world as I may be directed.
b) That I covenant not to aid, abet, subscribe or engage in any act that may tamper
with the spiritual authority of the Mission or subvert its constituted authority.
c) That I covenant to comply with all rules, regulations and directives that the Mission
may issue from time to time.
d) That I covenant not to divulge any official and/or confidential information to the
public without due authorization.
e) That in addition to the authority vested in the Mission , I am required to submit to
the leadership hierarchy at various levels within the provisions of the Mandate
without any reservations.
f) That I shall not convert or divert the Mission’s assets whether financial or material
for my personal use.
g) That while serving as a staff of the mission I shall not reject any assignment or
commission as may be communicated to me by the authority.
h) While in pastoral service of the mission, I shall remain under the authority of the
mission for assignment or deployment to any part of the world as may be directed
from time to time, my nationality notwithstanding.

74 | P a g e
i) That I shall not engage in any racial, tribal or ethnic activities in the discharge of
my duties aimed at polarizing the Mission in any form in order to ensure a healthy
Tabernacle family.
j) That should I disengage from the service of the mission as a pastor, I shall not
engage in any activity and/or campaign whatsoever that aims at break away of
members to the church or ministry I have received from the Lord.
k) That upon my contravention of any of the Covenants contained herein, I hereby
submit myself to all sanctions as may be deemed fit by any other person or persons
as may be empowered to do so on behalf of the mission .
l) Furthermore, I hold myself liable for all acts or omissions, whether criminal or civil,
that I may commit against any laws in Cameroon or any other nation of the earth
where I serve or where I am sent to from time to time being such acts or omissions
committed outside the scope of my office.





(Administrative Pastor, Assigned Pastor, Associate Pastor, Elder, Management Board

Chairman, etc.)

In the presence of

NAME: ......……………………………………………..

75 | P a g e


7.1.1 Preamble

There shall be a Board of Trustees for Salvation Word Tabernacle.

7.1.2 Membership -

The Board of Trustees of the mission shall be a maximum of five members consisting of
the following:

- Chairman (Founder/Mandate Bearer)

- Co-Founder

- And three (3) others


a) The Chairmanship of the Board of Trustees shall be resident with the Founder
(Mandate Bearer) in his lifetime.
b) At the exit of the Founder, the Co-Founder (the wife of the Founder) shall assume
His full responsibilities as the Chair of the B.O.T and the President.
c) At the exit of the Co-Founder, any incoming President shall not be a member of
the B.O.T for the purpose of the oversight role of the B.O.T. over the Presidency.
d) Membership of B.O.T shall be at the discretion of the founder. However, upon his
exit membership shall be largely drawn from retirees who have made outstanding
contributions to the growth and development of the Tabernacle.
e) Membership shall not be limited to pastors only but also to proven ordained
workers and past statutory body members.
f) Membership of the B.O.T is for life and at the exit of any member a suitable
replacement shall be made by The Executive Council nominating two persons for
ratification by the B.O.T

76 | P a g e
7.1.3 Eligibility

a) If a Pastor, must have successfully served Full -Time in this mission for a minimum
of 10 years.
b) For non-pastors, must be an active member who has been in the mission for
minimum of 15 years.
c) Must be mentally and physically fit.
d) No member of The Executive Council may be eligible to be appointed into the BOT.

NB: The Provisions of article 7.1.3 shall be applicable at the exit of the Founder and

7.1.4 Cessation as a member of the Board of Trustees

A Trustee of the Tabernacle shall cease to hold office if he/she:

a) Ceases to be a Christian
b) Ceases to be a member of the Tabernacle
c) Resigns appointment as a Trustee of the Tabernacle
d) Becomes senile
e) Becomes mentally imbalanced
f) Is indicted or convicted for any offence by any of the disciplinary bodies of the
Tabernacle or by a court of law

7.1.5 Seal of The Board

The Registered Trustees shall have a Common Seal:

a) The Common Seal shall be kept in custody of the Secretary or in the office of the
b) All documents of the Mission shall be executed by the President or by the Vice
President and the Secretary.


The following key Offices make up the Presidency:

77 | P a g e
1. The President
2. Vice President
3. The Executive Secretary
4. The Mandate Secretary


a) The President is responsible for the global affairs of the Mission .

b) The Vice President oversees missions and other specified portfolios.
c) The Office of the Executive Secretary oversees General Administration.
d) The Mandate Secretary, who is the Chief of Staff to the President, oversees all the
arms and units domiciled in the Office of the President.

7.2.1 President

The Office of the President shall be the highest spiritual and administrative office of the
Mission worldwide.

The office of the President shall be resident with the Founder all through his life time as
per the provisions of this Constitution.

The President shall have the following functions:

i. The general overseeing powers of the Tabernacle and The Executive Council shall
be vested in the President,
ii. He shall have power to summon or in itiate any meeting in the Tabernacle.
iii. He shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Council and shall be the final
authority over every decision of the Council.
iv. He shall delegate powers to any member of the Council for effective discharge and
performance of his functions and duties.
v. He shall have disciplinary, advisory and supervisory powers in the affairs of the
vi. He shall have such other powers as are explicitly or implicitly conferred on him
either by this Constitution or by his position as th e general overseer of the Mission.

78 | P a g e
The office of the President, on being vacant, shall be filled through the process of
appointment as outlined in the Constitution. Apostolic Succession - ESTABLISHED Procedures

Every mandate like ours is a priestly Commission and because priesthood is for lifetime,
the Presidency in this mission shall therefore be for a lifetime.

The head of a divine mission can be likened to the High Priest after the order of Christ
who is our eternal High Priest. The following examples in scriptures validate this:

i. Moses (Num 27:12-20)

ii. Joshua (Josh. 24 :29)
iii. Aaron (Num. 33 :38-39, Deut. 10:6)
iv. Elijah (2 King 2: 1-15)
v. Elisha (2 King 13: 14-21)
vi. Paul (2 Tim 4: 6-8, Phil. 1:9) and others.

From all the above, Priesthood in scriptures was clearly a lifetime phenomenon. Moses
was there until his departure at 120. Joshua was also there until his departure at 110.
Aaron ministered before the Lord and his son Eleazar only took over at his departure.
Elijah operated as a flame of fire until he was carried to the great beyond through a casket
of fire from heaven. Elisha retained his impact until his death. Paul, the aged, finished his
course, an active soldier of Christ until he drew his last breath.

The exceptions we have to this were in the cases where divine judgment led to termination
of priesthood (I Sam 2:30, 2 king 8:18-21, Num. 12: 1-5).

It should, however, be noted that in each of the examples referred to in scriptures, the
priesthood had competent spiritual and administrative supports around them to sustain
their mandate. The following cases are examples:

a. In the Case of Moses

i. Aaron
ii. Appointment of captains of thousands, hundreds, fifties and of tens (Ex 18:13-26).

79 | P a g e
iii. The seventy (70) elders (Num. 11:24-25)
iv. Aaron and Hur (Ex 24 :13-15, Ex 17 :10-14)

b. In the Case of Christ

i. The 12 Apostolic pillars (Luke 6:13-16)

ii. The Pillar Support of Peter, James and John (Matt. 17:1)
iii. The Appointed Seventy (Luke 10:1)

The Priesthood is propped at all times even as one can observe with Catholic Church.
Therefore, the Presidency in this Commission shall be provided with adequate
administrative and spiritual support that will keep the mandate flying from generation to
generation till Jesus comes.

i. The reason for life Presidency is based on the following:

ii. To perpetuate the traditions or culture of the mission into the coming generation.
iii. For stability of the administrative structure.
iv. To guarantee consistency of the message from generation to generation .
v. It is the Biblical order of Apostolic ministry.
vi. To secure the flow of Apostolic unction.

In this case, anyone anointed as Head of the mission naturally connects with the apostolic
grace of the commission. It should be noted that, there is a difference between Priesthood
and the Levitical order as provided for in scriptures. Therefore, anyone installed as
President serves as the sub–High Priest of this mission under our eternal High Priest who
is Jesus Christ and shall serve for a lifetime. Emergence of a New President

Even though Presidency shall be for a lifetime, the following process shall be followed for
the emergence of a new President:

i. When a President chooses to vacate or be relieved of his office based on Personal,

Physical, Health or Social reasons, he shall after consultation with the Executive
Council file a notice to the B.O.T signifying intention to step down from office

80 | P a g e
ii. Such notice shall be given not shorter than 1 year to the time of proposed exit.
iii. The BOT shall be expected to indicate approval or otherwise, of his notification not
later than 3 months upon receipt of the application.
iv. Subsequently, the exiting President shall submit the name of his nominee into the
Office of President.
v. The Executive Council shall consider and forward the recommendation, if
consented, to the BOT, which shall have a period of 7 weeks to complete screening
of such nominee.
vi. Should the choice after due spiritual consideration not be acceptable, the exiting
President will be given a 2nd chance to nominate another candidate within 3 weeks
of rejection of the earlier nomination.
vii. The Executive Council shall be expected to complete screening in the 4 weeks
that follow and if no objection is raised to the nomination, the recommendation
shall be forwarded to the B.O.T for approval.
viii. Where the 2nd nominee is rejected by the Executive Council, the B.O.T shall in
conjunction with the Advisory Board take full spiritual responsibility for the
installation of a new President.
ix. Whenever an incumbent President has attained the age of 75 and has not signified
withdrawal intention by reason of strength, he shall be expected to identify a
successor, the appointment of which shall follow the established screening
process as above.
x. Where his nominee passes the screening test, if not a member of The Executive
Council, he shall be grafted into the Council and deployed to the office of the
President for special duties.
xi. In the event of the sudden exit of an incumbent president before age of 75, the
BOT in conjunction with the Advisory Board shall take full responsibility of
appointing a new President drawn from two nominations submitted by the
Executive Council.
xii. Vice Presidency in this structure is tenured because it is of a Levitical order and
shall have a seven-year tenure renewable not more than twice.

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xiii. The Executive Secretary under this dispensation shall not be beyond 60 years of
age in office for effectiveness. Exception Clause

a) The incumbent Vice President steps in automatically to serve as the Acting

President while exercising the full powers of the President.
b) Upon confirmation by the BOT and ratification by the Advisory Board, he emerges
as the new President to complete the current tenure of the exited president
c) All processes leading to installation of the new President must be completed within
four weeks from the time of exit of the incumbent
d) The new President shall take on the full responsibilities of Presidency excluding
the nomination of a successor sin ce he could be eligible as a candidate
e) The BOT takes responsibility for the nomination of a successor while the Advisory
Board does the ratification.
f) In the event that the successor identified by an incumbent is not affirmed by the
Advisory Board, then the nomination shall not pass for installation consideration.
g) In the event that the incumbent Vice President is not confirmed as President elect,
then the BOT will undertake the spiritual role of the President in identifying a
h) In this case, the BOT shall submit two candidates to the Advisory Board for
ratification of one of them
i) In all cases, the procedure hereby specified shall remain protected from any form
of politicking until Jesus comes because the mission shall remain the indivisible,
universal body of Christ, tongues, race or color notwithstanding
j) By implication, therefore, the President of the Tabernacle can emerge from any
part of the world as long as the prescribed biblical standards above are upheld, but
the Headquarters remains domiciled in Cameroon.

NB: The provisions of Articles 7.12 and 7.12.1 shall be applicable at the exit of the
Founder and Co-Founder.

7.2.2 Vice President

82 | P a g e
Provision is here made in the mandate for the appointment, by the President, of Vice
President as the need arises over specific portfolios e.g., Education or operations that are
considered too large or due to increased volume of activities in the mission

The Vice-President shall be in charge of missions.

These offices shall serve as vital spiritual props for the office of the President so as to
enhance his visionary responsibilities in leading the mission into the future. Criteria for Eligibility

a. Must have served in pastoral ministry for at least 20 years

b. High level of spirituality (Num 27:18; Acts 6:3; I Tim 3:6)

c. Exemplary Christian Life (I Pet 5:1-3; I Tim 3:8-9),

d. Outstanding family testimony (I Tim 3:11,12),

e. Sound financial integrity (I Sam 12:1-3; Acts 20:33; I Tim 6:6-10),

f. Proven leadership grace (Gal 2:9),

g. Evident carriage of the spirit of the Commission (II King 2:15),

h. Proven and Impactful ministry (I Tim 3:10/ Lk 8:1-13),

i. Evident possession of the Spirit of Wisdom (Deut 34:9/ Pro 8:15),

j. Good human relations (I Tim 3:7)

k. Humility (Num 12:3; James 4:6) Appointment Procedure

These appointment procedures shall be applicable at the exit of the Founder and

i. The President shall present two nominees from among the members of the
Council of Priests to the BOT for examination.

ii. Upon ratification by the BOT, the candidate shall be duly consecrated and

iii. If there is no dissension from the B.O.T, the candidates are slated for installation.

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iv. Installation of the Vice President(s) shall be done at the same time with the
President and this must not be more than 4 weeks from the date of election of
the President.

v. The tenure for Vice Presidents is seven (7) years. Functions of the Vice President

i. Shall have general oversight function of the Mission Network and Foreign
Mission operations.

ii. Shall deputize for the President in his absence.

iii. Shall be responsible for Mission Inspectorate Services where need be at all

iv. Shall approve and coordinate the supervisory schedule for all pastors.

v. Any other function as may be assigned from time to time by the President.

vi. Shall be answerable to the President.

v. Shall be the clearing house for the President on all matters relating to Missions.

iv. Shall have oversight of Salvation Word Academy (SWA), (curriculum

enhancement and introduction of innovative courses as may be approved from
time to time).

v. Shall oversee the operation of The Pastorate (the continuous training platform
for Pastors in the ministry).

ARTICLE 7.2.3 Executive Secretary Criteria for Eligibility

i. Must possess spirit of the Commission (2 King 2:15),

ii. Proven Leadership quality (Gal 2:9)

iii. Proven administrative capacity (Acts 6:3)

iv. Reputed to be highly disciplined (I Cor 9:19-21)

v. Unquestionable loyalty and integrity

84 | P a g e
vi. Commendable Family testimony Tenure: Appointee into the office of Executive Secretary shall have a 5-year
tenure. Functions

i. Shall be responsible for all the activities of the Secretariat of The Executive

ii. Shall oversee issues on policies and reviews as they may arise from time to time.

iii. Shall monitor the feedback on the administrative implementation of the Mandate.

iv. Shall direct and coordinate the Tabernacle’s budget management process for all
units; oversee policy development, budget implementation and control, review of
availability of funding and approval of budget revision requests, an d request for
extra-budgetary expenditures

v. Shall provide strategic consultation to leadership on the effective prioritization

and pursuit of requests and proposals pertaining to general funding and special

vi. Shall serve as primary liaison with regard to external and internal audit reports.

vii. Shall monitor short and long-range organizational goals, objectives, strategic
plans, policies, and operating procedures as they relate to administrative and
finance matters approved by Council.

viii. Shall also monitor and evaluate operational effectiveness and propose changes
required for improvement in consonance with the Central Management Board

ix. Shall interact with other units providing consultative support to planning initiatives
through management information analyses, reports, and recommendations.

x. Shall be responsible for disseminating The Executive Council policy resolutions.

xi. Shall perform any other duties as assigned from time to time by the President.

xii. Shall be answerable to the President.

Note: The Office of the Executive Secretary shall oversee the following Departments:
1. Missions

85 | P a g e
2. Education

3. Finance

4. Project

5. Publishing

6. Social Development Services

7. Corporate Affairs

ARTICLE 7.2.4 The Mandate Secretary Criteria for Eligibility

i. High level spirituality (Num 27:18; Acts 6:3; I Tim 3:6)

ii. Good oral and written communication skills

iii. It must possess spirit of the Commission

iv. Unquestionable loyalty and integrity

v. Must be Information Technology versatile

vi. May or may not be a pastor. Tenure: An appointee into the Office of Mandate Secretary shall have his
tenure determined by the President who has full appointment responsibility of his Chief
of Staff. Functions
1. Shall serve as the Chief of Staff to the President

2. Shall be the Head of Administration in the Presidency

3. Shall be the clearing house for the President on all administrative matters and
issues arising from the following departments and u nits in the Office of the

a. Chief Internal Auditor

b. Legal Services
c. Developmental Projects
d. Humanitarian Services

86 | P a g e
e. Aviation
f. Outreaches
g. Revival Mission
h. Information & Communication Technology
i. Human Resources


7.3.1 Composition

The mission shall have an Executive Council, which shall be the highest decision-
making body. Its membership which shall not exceed 40 shall be as follows:

i. The President - Chair

ii. Vice President(s) - Vice-Chair

iii. All Senior Pastors

x. And others as may be appointed by the President from time to time based on
their capacity, wealth of experience in the Mission , wisdom, expanse of
knowledge, proven integrity, transparent honesty, overwhelming faith and love,
among others.

7.3.2 Terms of Reference

The responsibilities of The Executive Council shall include the following:

a. Shall be the highest policy-making body of the Tabernacle.

b. Shall have the responsibility of oversight in respect of all the operations of the

c. Shall be the final authority in the execution of projects and management of day-
to-day operations.

d. Shall be the rudder for steering the vision and mandates of the Mission.

e. Shall be the regulatory body for the mainten ance of the ethics of the Mission .

f. Shall consider for approval the Mission ’s short- and long-term financial budget.

g. Shall be in charge of crisis management in the mission

h. Tenure shall be for four (4) years renewable as desirable.

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7.3.3 Meetings

a. Shall meet quarterly (once in three months)

b. Any other meeting shall be as convened by the President from time to time to
meet the exigency of service.

7.4 The Central Management Board (CMTB)

The CMTB shall be responsible for driving and monitoring implementation of general
operations. It shall meet weekly.


The Central Management Board which shall have a maximum of 24 members shall
consist of the following officers:

i. Administrative Pastor - Chair

ii. Mandate Secretary
iii. Mission Secretary
iv. Secretary of Pastorate
v. Director Finance
vi. Special Assistant Legal Services – Secretary
vii. All Coordinators of Operational Arms and their secretaries
viii. Elders Board Chair
ix. Levitical Singers Coordinator
x. Head of Intercessors
xi. Other key officials as may be appointed by the President from time to time.

7.6.1 Terms of Reference

i. Shall serve as engine room for prompt implementation of all Executive Council
decisions observing high quality improvement principles.
ii. Shall receive and evaluate weekly performance reports by each Department or
Unit and highlight unmet targets and take appropriate steps to close the gaps or
make recommendations as may be appropriate for Council decision.

88 | P a g e
iii. Shall be responsible for mapping out and effecting logistic support for operational
needs of the Headquarters.
iv. Shall engage in weekly evaluation of Directorate/Departmental targets with a view
to reporting same to the Executive Council.
v. Shall develop, implement and evaluate implementation programs on all matters
left in its care by the Executive Council.
vi. Shall ensure smooth relationship between the various Units and prescribe
hierarchy changes where it will improve operations efficiency.
vii. Shall evaluate policy adequacy as it concerns operations demands.
viii. Shall provide financial efficiency for Council decisions including Audit reports and
cases of fraud that may have been reported or brought before it for deliberation.
ix. Shall appraise from time-to-time human resource management matters including
issues of staff adequacy, capacity development and performance
evaluation/management requirements of the Tabernacle workers.
x. Ensure financial efficiency in headquarters operations and make
recommendations to Council where necessary.
xi. Perform all other duties and functions as may be assigned to it by the Council.

7.6.2 Meetings: Shall meet weekly (every Tuesday)

Article 7.5 Appointed Committees

7.5.1 Finance Management Committee (FMC)

a. Preamble

i. In pursuit of the policy on open accountability, a Finance Management Committee

(FMC) shall be established in the Tabernacle, members of which shall be
appointed by the President.
ii. The Committee will, among other things, ensure an effective on ground oversight
of finance-related matters in the Tabernacle.
iii. This committee shall provide the needed skill in enhancing the process of decision
making in all finance matters of the Tabernacle.

89 | P a g e
b. Membership

i. Membership of this committee shall be a minimum of three (3) and maximum of

five (5).
ii. Availability and professional skills in areas of management, accounting or social
sciences shall be the major consideration in selecting committee members from
the Tabernacle.

c. Terms of Reference

i. The committee shall vet and make recommendations to the Executive Council on
the proposed budget prepared and presented by the Central Management
ii. The committee shall constitute the budget committee of the Tabernacle. It shall
have the right to receive and review the budget performance of the Tabernacle.
iii. It shall have oversight function on all financial operations in the Tabernacle.
iv. It shall be the final authority for the monthly budget.
v. It shall have right to receive the stations’ daily fund position for purpose of control.
vi. It shall have right to receive the monthly bank reconciliation statements of the
vii. It shall receive copies of all audit observations and recommendations in the
viii. It shall receive and deliberate on the station’s monthly report, request for and
receive explanation on all matters as they deem fit.
ix. The committee shall record the minutes of its meetings and submit same with the
monthly report.
x. The committee shall not fail in holding its meetings regularly. Where the committee
defaults in holding of its meetings, such omission shall be treated as negligence of
duty and the Committee Chair shall be held responsible for such failure.
xi. The Committee shall be in charge of audit
xii. The committee shall report to the Executive Council. Tenure is for 1 year renewable

90 | P a g e
Note: All Tabernacle documents must be treated with utmost confidentiality. Such
documents are to be kept in the FMC cabinet within the Tabernacle and a copy of
each with the Executive Secretary. - Meetings and Agenda:

The Finance Management Committee shall hold its meetings in the 1st week of every
month and shall consider the following among other relevant issues in its agenda:

i. Financial reviews and projections

ii. Retirement of cash advance matters
iii. Audit reports and recommendations
iv. Asset management and maintenance, etc.


7.9.1 Preamble

“Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors, they are
established” Pro. 15:22

The posterity and fulfilment of every vision is at the mercy of godly counsel. No matter the
level of the anointing, when compelling godly guidance is missing, vision is disappointed
and destiny is at a risk.

If David had a compelling counsellor when the devil manipulated him to number Israel,
contrary to the law of God, he would have escaped the horror of the implicated plague
that claimed 70,000 Israelites as a result of that unguarded decision (2 Sam. 24:1-25)

If there were mentors to compel Paul against his decision to go to Jerusalem even in the
face of Prophet Agabus’ warning, he would have escaped the humiliation he suffered as
result of that wrong decision (Acts. 21:1-39). If God wanted him to go on the mission, he
would not have sent Prophet Agabus to warn him. His insistence was as a result of the
remote control of hell.

91 | P a g e
The apostleship of this mission will continue to require the spiritu al oversight of the
prophets sent to us and their family tree forever.

It is on this premise that a body called the Advisory Board is set up.

7.9.2 Composition

This board shall be made up of revered mentors of the founder and some selected senior
ministers who are friends of this ministry, have their own ministries and share the same
fundamental values with us.

Members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees.

These shall be men and women of the gospel whom God has used and is using to be a
blessing to this ministry.

The advisory function of members shall be carried out both personally and corporately as
may be required and convenient from time to time.

7.9.3 Terms of Reference

The responsibilities of the Advisory Board shall include but not limited to the followings;

i. Shall have spiritual oversight over the apostleship of this ministry.

ii. Shall provide spiritual guide in the pursuit of the vision as may be required from
time to time.
iii. Shall have spiritual oversight of the leadership succession processes.
iv. Shall provide a life-long bilateral relationship with such individuals and their
v. This church shall continue to require advisory service from ministries whose values
are aligned with ours and who have proofs that inspire us.
vi. In the light of the above, The Executive Council (TEC) shall ensure that at no time
will the mission have less than 3 of such serving ministries serve in such capacity.
vii. Membership of this Advisory Board shall be minimum 3 and maximum 5.

92 | P a g e
7.9.4 Tenure

The tenure of the membership of the Advisory Board shall be for life except the person
resigns and vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Trustees.



SWA is the training arm of the mission. It shall prepare and equip men and
women to fulfill their God ordained assignments.

“The anchor scripture here is If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a
good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good
doctrine that you have followed. Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather
train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value
in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The
saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end, we toil and strive,
because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people,
especially of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:6-10

It takes training to triumph and no one arms a man who is not trained. That is what SWA
stands for; to train and raise men and women for exploits. The Institute is a spiritual
training school where kingdom soldiers are trained and made.


All lecturers are expected to update themselves with details of the teaching gui de shown

8.2.1 Course Outline Distribution

Course outlines shall be made available by the Vice President to lecturers early enough
to facilitate adequate preparations. Outlines should be confirmed to be the one currently
in use. Updated and upgraded copies along with reference lecture notes should always
be made available.

93 | P a g e
8.2.2 Lecture Preparation (2 Timothy 2:15)

Lecturers are to go through the entire course Outline before teaching. This will enable
them to have a grasp of the focus of the course.

I. Preparation is the mother of manifestation and a requirement for effective delivery.

II. What you are not prepared for, you cannot succeed in it.
III. You are expected to assess current materials on the courses allocated and when
required to contact the SWA library.

8.2.3 Preparation of Lecture Notes

One of the most important skills in lecturing is preparing a lecture plan. It is frequently
said that “Without plan, there can be no lecture.” It is important therefore to prepare
lecture notes to cover the 2 hours allocated for each lecture before you enter the lecture
room. You would also be required to submit such notes to SWA leadership after the
completion of your course. In preparing th e lecture notes, the following sh ould be
carefully considered. Fresh Notes

Lecturers are to develop fresh lecture notes using the course outline, recommended
books and other relevant materials. The Aim

The purpose, intention or focus of each subject is clearly indicated on the course outline.
Failure is a product of broken focus (Matt14:29-30). The Objective(s)

There should be objectives for every training session. The objective should be written in
terms of the students and not in terms of the subject matter. It should be expressed in
terms of what you want the students to get out of the lecture and what they should be at
the end of the course.

94 | P a g e
Apart from the overall objective, the goal of each lecture shall be well defined. Each
course is made up of 3 lectures of 2 hours each.

Seek to respond to these questions before every lecture:

i. What do you want to achieve through the lecture?

ii. How will you know if the target is met?
iii. What do you want the students to do at the end of the lecture to prove that they
have grasped the teaching?
iv. What is the feedback you expect?

8.2.4 Final Preparations

Lack of adequate preparations will result in perspiration.

Once the lecture note has been carefully prepared, carry out the following steps:

i. Meditate, ponder, and ruminate over the note to enhance proper understanding of
the subject matter
ii. Create applicable illustrations to drive home your points
iii. Pray over the lecture note to generate the required impact.

8.3 Closing

8.3.1 SWA Impartation

Every edition of SWA is required to be concluded with an impartation service on the last
day. This can be accompanied with anointing, mantle impartation and laying on of hands.

8.3.2 SWA Graduation

There should be graduation of SWA students on the Sunday after the last class. It
should be integrated into the Sunday service

Where two services hold, it should be done in the second service.

End of Document

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