Listening Book1

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Listening 1

1. The boy’s T-shirt is ……………………………………………..

2. The weather is very ……………. and snowy. It is ……………………

3. Peter is wearing …………. Trousers , a …………………… and …………………….. trainers.

4. The weather is ………………. and …………… The boy like …………………

5. The boy like the ………………… stick.

Listening 2
Boy : Let’s go ………………

Lisa : Coming

Mother :Where are you going children?

Boy : We are going to the …………………………. Mom.

Mother: You should change your clothes.

Girl : Why?

Mother : It’s …………… and ………………. outside.You should ………………………… your ………………… and
……………… your ………………………

Boy : You are right,mom.

Mother : You should change your clothes too …………………

Boy : Let’s change our clothes ………………..

Girl : look mom.I am wearing my…………………. and ……………….

Mother: You look great.

Boy : I am wearing my …………………….

Father : You should also ………………………… your ……………. and …………….

Mother: Go back and …………………… your ………………………………………..

Boy ; Are we good to go now?

Mother : Yes, you can go now.

Listening 3 The world weather forcest

Girl : Mom,do you think it is going to be rainy tonight?

Mother: Yes,sweety.I think it will because there is thunder and lightning. What do you think, honey?

Father: Well I guess so because it was foggy this morning and it’s humid.
Mother : I think we should watch the world weather forecast.

Father : That’s a great idea

W.W.F : Good ……………. Welcome to the world weather forecast. Let’s take a look at the weather now.It
is ………….. and ……… Today in northern Canada.People are staying in their homes for a long winter’s day.

In South America, the weather is …………………………. Everybody is enjoying their summer holidays.

In some part of Europe , the temperature is …………. It will be very ……….. It is like ……….

Today in Asia,the weather is …………................ Everybody wants ……………

Tonight in America, the weather is overcast and ………. Is possible.

And that’s the world’s weather forecast for tonight. Bryan Lander reporting.

Mother : Sweety , have you heard the news?

Girl : Yes,mom.

Father : Tonight,it might ………… Let’s go to bed early.

Mother ; Are you sleepy now,honey?

Father : No, not really.I am just scared of thunder and ………………….

Mother : Alright.Let’s go to the bed then.

Clothes Listening Who am I?

Listen and match.

1. Steve blue pants , purple shoes, green turtle neck

2. Fiona yellow T-shirt , red shorts , green sandals

3. Emily green T-shirt , dark green trousers , blue sneakers

4. Jessica green swimming trunks

5. Rebecca green sunglasses , red polo shirt , blue shorts , red sneakers

6 .Kevin Yellow shirt , pink skirt , yellow socks

7. Jack purple hodie , red trousers , green shoes , yellow cap

8. Edward green blouse , red dress , pink shoes

9. Claude red gloves , red shoes , orange dress

10. Gary gray cowboy hat , orange scarf , yellow shirt , green vest

11. Patrick green shirt , yellow shorts ,orange socks , black sandals

12. Angela red cap , red T-shirt , blue pants ,gray shoes

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