Bidding Tips

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Work schedule a work schedule shows site

Erich John Y. De La Torre BSCE 3H delivery date start and finish milestones project
duration and other useful information tasks are
Basic contract documents every construction listed and grouped under specific work breakdown
contract must include contract management is an structure levels such as civil electrical and
extensive process that leads from the initiation to mechanical works in a work schedule.
the completion of a project the main purpose of
contract management is to make sure the 7. Drawings drawing illustrate quantities locations
objectives are met and the value is earned there dimensions sizes shapes and forms of the elements
are several types of contacts used in various these drawings can be architectural electrical
industrial projects construction contracts are the mechanical landscape they must include adequate
most complex ones what are the basic contract information for the entire project that's being
documents contract documents include both contracted.
written and graphic elements to define the basis of
the contract including both parties roles 8. Technical specifications technical specifications
responsibilities and detailed description of the describe the materials workmanship and
work here we will talk about nine basic contract equipment required for a task typically technical
documents every construction contract must specifications describe the end product therefore
include the client should describe them clearly before the
tendering stage.
1. Contract agreement a contract agreement
defines the agreement between the client and the 9. List of common types of construction insurance
contractor in which the parties are specified and construction insurance provides coverage for
their responsibilities are defined in the material risks natural disasters employees
construction process. performance bonds specific types of coverages and
all risk insurance should be determined clearly in
2. Scope of work definition scope of work should the contract in order to protect both parties and
describe the project the project deliverables and avoid disputes because contract documents often
the statement of work it must specify all tasks create the basis of any claim additional documents
duties and limitations to get anticipated results in such as master format outline can be added to the
accordance with the project objective. main contract document depending on trade
specification the purpose of these documents is to
3. General conditions general conditions define all develop a system to solve claims and potential
general terms and items such as utilities vehicles problems in the case of any legal action.
organizational structure mobilization and
demobilization but these items are not directly
related to the construction activities obligations of 2ND VIDEO: What do you know about contracts?
both parties general conditions overhead costs How about bid solicitation—submission—
bonuses and some other conditions are included in selection?
this portion.
What about negotiation? And how about the
4. Special conditions special conditions describe delivery process?
specific requirements and instructions for the work If you plan on winning projects, these are just some
mostly they are addendums to the general of the factors you need to master if you plan on
conditions. landing the projects that pay. But, don’t worry,
we’re going to cover just about everything you
5. Bill of quantities bill of quantities is a document need to know, including a list of 10 tips to help you
used for tendering that lists all work to allow the become a pro.
contractor to price the work for which he or she is
bidding it includes quantity and price for each work Before we begin this video, we strongly
and after the bidding phase it will be an attachment recommend that you watch our Building a Multi-
of the contract document. Million Dollar Construction Business: The Ultimate
Guide For Contractors video, because it covers the Low Bid - Often used for government contracts, the
basics and fundamentals to running a profitable lowest bid is selected. A qualifying round may be
business—which, of course, are essential when required before bid submission.
bidding on projects.
Now, let’s get started. Phase 4: Construction Contract
Construction Bidding Process - The contract for the project is drawn up and
There are generally 5 phases to the construction signed by all parties. There are four common types
bidding process… of construction contracts.

Phase 1: Bid Solicitation Lump Sum / Fixed Price - The contractor will be
- The project owner solicits bids for a construction paid the agreed sum in one payment at the end of
project. Relevant documents and details, such as the project. Sometimes incentives are built-in
drawings and specifications, are made available to if the project is completed early – or penalties if it
so-called “interested parties” – including is not. Obviously, this is the highest risk to the
contractors, construction managers, and the contractor. You’ll want to ensure that
general public. The process is often called a all deliverables are clearly defined in the contract.
Request for Proposal (RFP), Request to Tender
(RTT), or Request for Quote (RFQ). Bid solicitations Cost Plus - The contractor is paid for all
typically include a formal Request for Proposal actual expenditures – plus overhead and profit.
document that has all the details and instructions This type of contract can reduce risk to both
for the bidding process. parties. However, it requires detailed and
accurate bookkeeping. Which you should be doing
Phase 2: Bid Submission anyway.
- Bids are submitted before the deadline along with
all requested documents and information. In some Time and Materials - This type of contract is
cases, the project owner has a qualifying round often used when the project deliverables are not
before final bid submission. This creates a 2-step well defined. An hourly or daily rate is
submission process, where those selected in the specified, plus the cost of materials and
qualifying round will submit their bids for review. other expenses as defined in the contract.

Phase 3: Bid Selection Unit Pricing - In this type of contract, a unit

- The project owner selects the winning bid represents a chunk of work, or materials, or a
typically using one of three procurement combination of work and materials. It is not
methodologies: usually known how many units are required
exactly, but an estimate is typically provided. What
Best Value - The Best Value procurement makes up a unit and the price per unit are defined
methodology allows the project owner to award a in the contract.
construction contract on more than just price. A
set of selection is developed that will add value to Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) - A GMP
a bid. Examples include proven past contract guarantees that the project owner will not
performance on a similar project, strong pay more than the agreed upon maximum price.
management approach, a highly qualified team, Meaning that cost overruns on the project are the
etc. responsibility of the contractor. Some protection
can be available by building the cost of
Negotiated - In negotiated procurements, the contingencies into the price.
project owner reaches out to potential builders
directly (rather than soliciting openly for bids). The Phase 5: Project Delivery
project owner negotiates terms and price with one - The contracts have been signed and the
or more builders. A broad agreement is reached, work begins on the project. This is also the
and final details are negotiated before the project phase where all your estimates are confirmed – or
begins. not.
The Project Delivery Method - The project delivery contractor form a contractual partnership (the
method is determined by the project owner prior terms of which are negotiated). With IPD, cost
to bid solicitation. savings and early delivery of project components
are incentivized within the contract. The value of
There are four major methods. the IPD method is that the project owner, designer,
1. Design-Bid-Build Design-Bid-Build (DBB) – also and contractor bear full responsibility of the
known as “design tender” – is the traditional project together. The team often is assembled
project delivery method. An architect is hired by as early as the concept and feasibility phases.
the project owner to develop designs. The bid
solicitation is for the execution of those designs. A Top 10 Construction Bidding Tips
Design-Bid-Build bid includes all material and labor Here’s our list of tips to avoid common pitfalls and
costs needed for construction and project land those projects…
management, plus overhead and profits. A major
advantage is that it is easier to calculate #1 - Bid on the Right Projects Conventional thinking
construction costs from a completed design. The says that it’s a numbers game and that you should
disadvantage for the contractor is that they were bid on as many construction projects as
not involved in the design process. This could possible. However, this is a luxury that large
present as design flaws in the field that increase companies can afford—companies that are large
building costs. enough to have their own bidding department. For
most construction business owners, they and
2. Design-Build (D-B) In Design-Build (D-B) - the bid their small team are preparing these bids while
solicitation goes out for both the design and the trying to work on existing projects. For that
execution of that design. The two phases are reason, we recommend that you focus on projects
priced together. In Design-Build, the contractor where you have the highest chance of winning the
takes on responsibility for the whole project. bid.
Meaning any design flaws discovered in the field
that increase construction costs would be borne by #2 - Takeoff Right In order to develop a precise
the contractor. construction material takeoff, you must
thoroughly review the project plans to calculate
3. Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) - measurements and quantities. You are aiming to
CMAR, like the Design-Bid-Build method, separates be the lowest bidder – but not at the expense of
out the design and construction phases. However, your bottom line. Takeoff software automates
the construction manager is brought on board much of the process. Popular takeoff software
prior to design and acts as a consultant to the programs include Stack (STACK | Construction
project owner. They may assist in selecting an Takeoff & Estimating Software ( and
architect. The construction manager may or Plan Swift (Quantity Takeoff Software
may not handle construction but does work with (
the designer. So, at the end of the design
phase, either the construction manager #3 - Visit the Site in Person Photos and videos of
transitions to the role of a general contractor, or the proposed construction site may help, and the
the bid solicitation goes out to select one. CMAR is authors of the Request for Proposal may have
most often used for complex projects. Selection provided many details about the site. But none of
criteria is usually based on the construction these are a substitute for viewing the site with your
manager’s qualifications rather than the lowest own two eyes and walking it with your own two
price. feet. Document your observations about the
size, terrain, road access, surrounding
Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) - contracts are buildings, power lines, etc. We recommend
typical for CMAR projects. walking the site before you spend any time on
paperwork. After one look, you may even decide
4. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) IPD is also to pass.
known as the Integrated Team Method. So called
because the project owner, designer, and
#4 - Just ask when it comes to bidding, there are no maybe even picky at times—when it comes to
stupid questions. We would argue that it’s “stupid” reviewing and bidding on projects—You don’t
not to ask for clarification on anything that can want to rush the process. Triple check all the
impact your estimate or your ability to follow the documents. Make sure that you have included
construction bid instructions. When in doubt, just everything requested and that each item is
ask. The bid solicitation should include properly completed. If possible, multiple people
contact information. It is best to get your answers should review and signoff on the bid package
in writing to avoid miscommunication down the before submission.
#10 - Past Projects You may have done a
#5 - Double Check the Numbers Math errors can similar project in the past— Maybe multiple
cost you big time. Sometimes, your bid ends up times. That is never a substitute for due
higher than need be – or lower than it should be. If diligence. Consider each project as a new
you are using an Excel template for calculations, experience. You can use historical data from past
ensure that subtotals and totals are being projects to help in the estimation process but we
calculated properly. We hate to state the wouldn’t recommend making too many
obvious—but you should be using a calculator. assumptions.
Consider investing in construction estimation
software to streamline the process. Procore Bonus Tip - Risk Mitigation Planning
(Procore | Construction Management Software) You don’t know if a risk is worth taking if you have
and Clear Estimates (Clear Estimates | not identified and evaluated it. Jot down potential
Construction Estimating Software) are just two of risks as you are reviewing the bid solicitation. Jot
many available construction cost estimating down some more as you are walking the
software programs. site. Brainstorm with your team to identify other
risks you may have overlooked. Then document
#6 - Equipment Requirements You don’t have to the ones that could realistically happen and rate
own every piece of equipment required for the them. A low-medium-high scale is typically used.
project, but you do need to determine cost – and You are rating each risk on its likelihood of
availability to rent or buy – all the needed happening and its impact to the project. Any risk
equipment. Don’t forget to include repair and with a “high” rating should have a documented risk
maintenance costs. mitigation plan. A risk assessment may lead you to
conclude that the project is too risky to take on at
#7 - Prequalifying Subcontractors If you plan on all. Or you may only be willing to take it on for the
regularly bidding on construction projects, you right price.
want to start building a database of
subcontractors. You should consider having your Where to Bid Where can you find projects?
own prequalification process to identify and screen Here are some sources that we recommend:
prospective subcontractors. Even subs who have • BidClerk
worked for you in the past should still go through • Dodge Construction Central
the prequalification process. This is to ensure that • Construction Bid Source
your estimates are based on subcontractors who • Construction Wire
are qualified and available. • Construction Market Data
#8 - Building Materials It is imperative that you • BidCentral
don’t make assumptions about the required
building materials. For example, there can be a Well, that’s all we’ve got for now. Like we
huge difference in price between different types of mentioned before, we recommend that you watch
lumber. When in doubt, contact the project owner our Building a Multi-Million Dollar Construction
for clarification. Business:
The Ultimate Guide for Contractorsvideo, which
#9 - Complete Bid Forms and Documents Yet covers more fundamentals about running a
another reason you should be selective— construction business.

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