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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 3
REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 4
VALUES OF A VAGO ................................................................................. 5
ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................... 6
PRINCIPAL OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE CABINET............................................. 6
ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................... 6
ELECTIONS .......................................................................................... 6
DUTIES AND AUTHORITY .......................................................................... 7
PRESIDENT .......................................................................................... 7
VICE PRESIDENT .................................................................................. 7
SERGEANT AT ARMS ............................................................................. 7
SECRETARY ......................................................................................... 8
TREASURER ......................................................................................... 8
ROAD CAPTAIN .................................................................................... 9
ENFORCER........................................................................................... 9
TAIL GUNNER ...................................................................................... 9
MEMBERS ........................................................................................... 10
PROSPECTS ........................................................................................10
OFFICER CHALLENGES AND RUNS .......................................................... 11
EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................11
RULES ENFORCEMENT ..........................................................................11
REQUIREMENTS FOR A CHAPTER ............................................................ 12
GENERAL PAYMENTS ............................................................................12
FINES ................................................................................................ 12
PENALTIES ......................................................................................... 13
BAD STANDING ...................................................................................13
GENERAL BYLAWS ..................................................................................14
COMMANDMENTS OF A VAGO ................................................................ 14
CHURCH PROTOCOL .............................................................................19
CUTS AND ITS CARE ............................................................................21
FUNERALS – THE LAST RIDE..................................................................21
SPECIAL CLUB STATUSES ........................................................................22
NATIONAL OFFICER .............................................................................22
FOREVER BROTHER..............................................................................22
VETERAN ............................................................................................ 22
NOMAD .............................................................................................. 23
PROPERTY .......................................................................................... 23
On May 18th 1965, in San Bernardino, California, the Vagos' patches
were used for the first time. Its thirteen founding members, known as
the "first thirteen," were Rudy "Puro" Esparza (President), Gil Carrasco
(Vice President), Whitey (Secretary), Lucky (Sergeant at Arms), Freddy
Ruiz, Harley Hog, Animal, Crazy John Estrada, Tom Tom, Moose,
Squirrel, Alex Estrada, and Little John Bocanegra.

Since then, to the present day, Vagos Motorcycle Club has expanded
around multiple states along the United States and even other
countries, which is why we call ourselves a nation today.

Our club was founded under the ideal of belonging to something, a

united group of brothers. The desire to belong to something much
bigger than ourselves, to do something different, and most importantly;
to be free and enjoy the feeling of a motorcycle vibrating beneath us as
we ride down the road with no worries.

Vagos Motorcycle Club is a club that falls within the one percent scene;
however, that statement does not make us criminals despite society's
prejudices. We maintain our own rules as a club, outside of those
imposed by the AMA, but we are law-abiding citizens doing our civic
duties. We sit on juries, pay our taxes, and live with our families along
with the rest of the community members. We are not monsters. We are
not a gang.
You must be male to qualify for the prospect stage.

• Be at least 21 years old.

• Own an American-made, cruiser-cut motorcycle in good condition.
• Must have a valid driver's license.
• Must be a mentally healthy and motivated person.
• Qualify as Caucasian or Hispanic on the birth certificate.
• Must have been considered a supporter and must assist the club
on a voluntary basis in its activities.
• Understand and appreciate the history and deep meaning of the
patch and the brotherhood.
• Maintain a respectful attitude; respect is the key principle in our
• Must be promoted in the church by a member who has been
actively involved in the club for at least two years.
• Your documentation and ID must be presented to continue with
your prospect stage.
[1] Club first - The club should always come first. This may be difficult
for some, but those who are serious about joining will always put the club
first before anything else in their day-to-day lives. Joining the club is a
lifetime decision and should be viewed with as much concern as deciding
to have a child or get married.
[2] Brotherhood – Second to the club, come the brothers who are part
of the club. It is the brothers who ultimately make the club what it is. It
is important that the brotherhood is always maintained and protected by
all members.

[3] Respect - The club, your brothers, your family, and the road you
drive on are all worthy of respect. However, respect goes both ways. It is
important to be sensible and respect the people around you and the
community, but do not let anyone undermine you or try to disrespect you.
To become a brother one day, hangarounds and prospects are meant to
show respect to the patch no matter what.

[4] The road - The road is what we all live and sometimes die for every
day. Do not treat the road as something you can own or dominate; it is a
passage through which you are simply riding. We are a non-sporting
motorcycle club; do not forget your mortality.

[5] Honor – Honor is an important part of belonging to any group or

even living as a productive member of society. Do not make promises you
cannot keep and do not try to fool anyone. We are men and we will live
and die by our word and honor. If you cannot honor your word or cannot
hold to it, then you are not what we are looking for.

Within each chapter there shall be a total of five officers. President, Vice
President, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary and Treasurer. Only those
members who have been active for at least five years shall be eligible
for election. It should be noted that the vote of each of them shall never
have more relevance than that of any other member of the chapter in
the church.


During elections, any active member for at least five years of unbroken
service is able to put his name up for an officer patch. Nominations are
not required to run for any principal position at the cabinet. A member
may not run for more than one patch at a time.

The President, once in functions, has the right to revoke an officer patch
if the member is not performing its duties and temporary grant it to
someone else until an official vote takes place.


Elections are the way the club governs itself. It is the way it can remain
the same or have a peaceful change of leadership. Elections shall be
held annually for all chapters and every third year for the Mother
Chapter. This rule shall be omitted only in the event of a patch run,
resignation, or death of an officer, resulting in a vacancy for the patch.

Any officer, regardless of the length of time he has served, is eligible for
re-election unless he explicitly declares in church that he does not wish
to serve any longer. There is no limit on how many terms a member
may serve as an officer.

In case of an officer challenge, resignation or death, the executive

cabinet shall hold an interim election to choose a member as a
replacement for the remainder of the term.

The President is the spokesman for the executive cabinet and the chief
executive officer of the club’s chapter. All matters related to relations
between the club and any outside person or organization should be
directed to the President for action. He is responsible for controlling the
church and maintaining order. If necessary, he may utilize the services of
the Sergeant at Arms. He shall not act or second any motion. He shall
vote only on matters where his vote will drastically affect the outcome,
such as breaking a tie vote or when dealing with a matter of utmost


The Vice President shall coordinate the executive cabinet on a day-to-day

basis and oversee that everything is carried out properly. He shall act as
an intermediary between the President and other non-executive cabinet
members within the chapter.

All questions or comments concerning club business that are not

specifically related to the duties of other officers should be brought
directly to his attention. Additionally, the Vice President is the second in
command after the President and shall assume all responsibilities of the
President in the case of the President's absence or indisposition.


The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for ensuring that club bylaws are not
violated. He shall ensure that the orders of the executive cabinet are
carried out as intended. He is also obligated to monitor and maintain order
at all events in which the club participates. He is the only member of the
executive cabinet entitled to act of his own volition without consulting the
church if he deems it necessary and if it does not affect the President or
Vice President.

He has the right to nominate a member as his Enforcer, who shall be his
right hand. The Enforcer shall have at least three years of active service
in the club, and shall be subject to his direct orders, only surpassed by
the President and Vice President. He may also request the assistance of
any other member if required.
As part of his duties, he shall report to the executive cabinet any strange
behavior or incident. He is responsible for collecting the patches and
colors of any member who resigns, retires, or is expelled. He is
responsible for the security of the club at all times, as well as the
protection and defense of its members and prospects.

If at any time he detects any real or perceived threat to the club, its
members, applicants, or events, he shall immediately report such
information to the executive cabinet for action.


The Secretary is responsible for the preparation and management of all

club information. Membership lists, chapter bylaws and records of each
meeting. He will be fully in charge of representing the club to other
organizations and organizing the events that will subsequently take place,
assisted in functions by other patches, such as the Road Captain.

He is responsible for keeping the bulletin board up to date, as well as

making the appropriate calls for meetings. The Secretary shall also notify
active members of emergency meetings, and the entire chapter in the
event of any appointment or election in his absence. The Secretary shall
also be the person in charge of collecting votes if a member is indisposed.
He shall keep the club patches and be responsible for their integrity,
including any patches that are surrendered by the Sergeant after their
removal. As part of his duties, he shall also be responsible for
ensuring that the club colors are not used for profit by others. He shall
notify the cabinet in case of possible replication or plagiarism of patches.

This officer will also act as the Sergeant at Arms' left-hand man. He
oversees gathering all kinds of necessary information from outside the
chapter to later provide it directly to him or to the cabinet.


The Treasurer keeps all the funds of the chapter. He shall keep a record
of all colors and patches issued for collection of dues. He shall disburse
funds to pay expenses as it may be required at any given time. He shall
be required to report the fiscal status of the club at each meeting to keep
all chapter members informed. A written report shall be submitted
annually to the executive cabinet for presentation at the annual meeting
of the national officers. The Treasurer may also issue loans to other
chapters, as well as to supporter clubs after a vote.

The Road Captain is responsible for all club routes. He shall research, plan
and organize all trips. During the road trip or in the middle of a stop on
route, he is the officer in complete command, only displaced by the
President or Vice President if either is present, and even then, the latter
two being only representative in the event of any matter involving persons
outside the club.

He must provide the Secretary with the required information so that he

can notify any external agencies that may need it, either for an event or
for permits. The Road Captain is also responsible for ensuring that all
motorcycles are in optimal condition.
As the Sergeant at Arms, he has the right to appoint a member with at
least three years active service as his right-hand man. He will receive the
Tail Gunner patch. He must also meet the requirement of being a skilled
rider, preferably with first aid knowledge, for together with the Road
Captain, he will be the first to assist injured comrades in the event of an

Additionally, he may issue fines to club members in cases of indiscipline

within the formation or according to the seriousness of the damage
caused. The Road Captain is responsible for interrupting routes due to
inconveniences, particularly if one of the companions has suffered a
collision or an altercation has occurred.


The Enforcer ensures that the club's bylaws are followed by all members.
He protects all patched members and protects the reputation of the club
in any kind of conflict. He is nominated by the Sergeant at Arms and
should be considered his right-hand man. He has the ability to fine other
members if rules have been violated, under the Sergeant at Arms'


The Tail Gunner performs similar duties to the Road Captain during the
road trip. While he is at the front of the formation, the Tail Gunner keeps
his distance at the back of the caravan and is in charge of offering
assistance to any companion who has suffered an incident or has to make
a temporary stop due to a technical failure. He is expected to have first
aid knowledge, so that he can provide immediate care.

Members are those who have passed through the prospect stage and have
been accepted. They shall uphold the standards of the club and its culture,
as well as attend club meetings and activities. They shall always take the
initiative and try to guide prospects. Members are brothers to the club;
they should take care of their fellow members and applicants. They should
also recognize their value and importance in the club, as they have a voice
and a vote in the club’s decisions.

Prospects are those who have gone through the hangaround and
supporter stages until finally reaching the proving ground after a member
decided to sponsor them. They shall respect and recognize the patch; do
as they are told and stand up for the chapter members. They shall never
let another member walk alone and shall always watch their back. They
are subject to the bylaws and regulations.

Prospects must be educated and instructed by their sponsor prior to

becoming members and are subject to penalties if they violate the club's
bylaws. They must stay for a minimum period of eight months prior to
obtaining their patch, and in the case of a positive vote for their patch,
they must pay a total of $5000 to the Secretary to obtain their colors.

Failure to pay the required amount for the patches on time will result in
the immediate disqualification of the new member and the withdrawal of
their newly acquired colors.

In order to assure their commitment with the club, their motorcycles

belong to the chapter during all of this phase. If someone fails to
become a brother when the time comes, its motorcycle will become club
property without the right to claim it back.

As a tradition in the club, prospects will also have to learn the “Prospect
song”, and they’ll have to sing it loud and proud every time it is
requested by a patch holder. The lyrics of the song are as follows:

If a member feels that a cabinet officer is not performing its duties

properly, or thinks that he could perform a better role, then he may
openly request in front of the cabinet a challenge/run for the patch. To
do so, he must obviously meet the conditions stipulated for membership
of the executive cabinet. However, approval for the challenge is under
President’s discretion and it may be denied if he doesn’t see it fit or if
there’s a underlying reason for the challenge.

If approved, the member shall state his intentions during church, as well
as his reasons. Under this circumstance the President shall ask for the
rest of the chapter’s opinion, to see if dissent is collective. In case it is,
the terms of the run will be determined by the executive cabinet.

Subsequently, after the run has started and the terms have been set, the
vote for the outcome will be held no later than two weeks afterwards. If
the officer who held the patch is the winner of the vote, he will keep his
position until the end of the period, without the possibility of being
challenged again.

A member may not request a run for more than one patch at a time, and
if he failed on his first attempt, he may not call for a challenge again
until one year has passed.


Enforcement of the rules is under the jurisdiction of the Sergeant at Arms

and his corresponding Enforcer. There is also the possibility of the
Sergeant at Arms assigning a member outside the cabinet to enforce his
orders. Complaints regarding cabinet members shall be passed directly to
the Chapter President. If the complaint is about the President, then the
voice will be passed to the Vice President instead.

The Sergeant at Arms, the Enforcer, and the Secretary/Treasurer have

the right to impose fines on members who have failed to comply with the
bylaws, depending on the severity. There is no possibility to appeal any
fine imposed by the above officers.

• Five (5) members minimum, considering one (1) previously

patched member in another chapter/person in whom an officer has
full confidence and has been approved by the sponsoring chapter's
• In the case of a previously patched member, he must have been
an active member for at least ten (10) years.
• In the case of trust being placed on a person approved by the
cabinet, the sponsoring chapter shall set the terms and conditions
and subsequently communicate them to the national officers.
• Maintain up-to-date pictures and information on all patched
members, applicants, and official supports.
• Hold weekly meetings.


 The $4,000 per member shall be paid monthly to the

national treasury (on the 1st of each month).
 It is mandatory that once a year, members of all chapters must
donate $2,000 to fund national route events.
 Prospects, upon receiving their patches, must make a payment of
$5,000 to their chapter’s treasury.
 Upon obtaining their patches, new members will be required to
 make a second payment of $5,000 to their chapter’s treasury.
Probationary (new) chapters must pay a one-time donation of
$10,000 to the national treasury.
 Members of probationary chapters must secure their motorcycles
and titles to the national chapter during the first year.


• There may be general fines, not necessarily set forth herein, which
will be assessed at the discretion of the Sergeant at Arms, Enforcer
and Treasurer. The penalty will be according to the severity of the
offense and may range from $1,000 to $100,000.
• For a member, failure to attend weekly church without notice will
result in a $5,000 fine.
• Failure of a prospect to pay for his colors will result in the loss of
the right to a sponsor and, consequently, the right to continue as
a prospect.
• Failure of a member to pay for his colors will result in a fine of
double the original value of the patches, i.e- $10,000.

• Physical punishment to a prospect may be imposed by any

member, at their discretion, regardless of whether they are the
prospect's sponsor.
• A patched member may be suspended from their colors in three
different time periods:
o Short term (2 weeks to 1 month).
o Medium term (1 month to 3 months).
o Long term (3 months to 6 months).
• A patched member may have his colors revoked according to the
severity of the penalty. For this to happen, there must be a
unanimous vote by all members in good standing present at the
table. Once his colors are lost, he will be restricted from returning
to any Vagos MC chapter and will be placed in bad standing.


 Excluded members will be restricted from maintaining contact with

other members, prospects, and properties.
 Under no circumstances will any prospect, member or property be
allowed to maintain communication with the excluded individual.
 Excluded members will be required to return any apparel, flags,
pins, designs, accessories, and jewelry displaying the club’s
logos/name, as well as cover up any club tattoos that may be
copyrighted. Failure to do so will result in legal action.

1. Vagos will be your only MC. It is forbidden to be in another club

while you are an active member.

2. Brothers shall not fight each other with weapons; any conflict between
members shall be one on one. Breaking this rule will result in a penalty.
Only exception to this will be if the member committed an infraction and
Sergeant at Arms asked for his Enforcer or any other members’ help in
order to assist him in the punishment. However, weapons won’t be
tolerated in this particular case.

3. No prospect / hangaround shall disrespect any member of any chapter.

4. Missing club activities or using the club solely for personal gain shall be
grounds for termination of membership.

5. There will be no unnecessary drama between club members. Any major

disrespect to officers or other patched members will result in severe

6. Any individual who has lost the right to show his colors through
suspension also loses the right to vote in the church as well as his status
against any prospect.

7. The Treasurer shall keep a clean record of all funds paid in and out at
the weekly meeting and shall have a balance of the same available before
all meetings. The books shall be reviewed, if necessary, at the weekly

8. All member fines must be paid within two (2) weeks from the time they
are imposed. They shall be paid to the Treasurer. If you are unable to pay
the fine, speak directly with the Treasurer and come to an agreement.

9. If there is a need for legal representation, the club will support

members with an attorney appointed by the chapter.

10. All members/prospects must have a valid driver's license, which

includes authorization to operate a motorcycle.

11. Every member must have an American-made motorcycle, without

exception. However, there will be the possibility for applicants to join the
club without one, under the risk that if you do not have one, you will not
be able to get patched in.

12. Club business remains with the club. No club business shall be
discussed with anyone who is not a member.

13. No club member is exempt from the bylaws. From prospects to the
President himself.

14. If the Road Captain determines that your motorcycle is unsafe to ride,
you will be prohibited from riding it until it is proven safe.

15. Club events are mandatory for all members. Colors are required to be
worn for them. Secretary will notify members of all such events in
advance. Missing more than three in a row without a valid justification will
cause your case to be taken to the church for a sanction.

16. All club or club-related business vehicles shall be returned in good

condition. Maintenance of such vehicles shall be the responsibility of the
Road Captain.

17. Prospects are expected to watch motorcycles during meetings,

events, parties, or any situation a member deems appropriate. They may
also be exempted from this task if explicitly notified by a member.

18. There will be at least one ride once a week organized by the Road
Captain. All members will be notified in advance to ensure their

19. All members shall attend club rides with patches, unless explicitly told
otherwise by the Chapter President.

20. All members shall always wear patches when riding a motorcycle
accompanied by two or more brothers. Otherwise, they are expected to
wear no colors.

21. Respect is earned, not imposed. This applies to all situations that may
occur in your daily life.

22. Severe physical punishment of prospects will only be in circumstances

that require it. For the most part, they will be fined, given assignments,
disciplined, reprimanded, or forced to exercise.
23. Members must honor their word if they make an agreement, promise,
or deal. They are expected to be faithful to this, or they will be severely

24. Chapter properties will be treated with respect. If any is out of line,
they will be verbally corrected with discretion and the member who has
his colors on her will be informed. The only man who may touch a property
is the patched one who has her under his protection.

25. No member shall go against decisions that have been voted in the
church, and that have been approved.

26. Debts may be collected by the Treasurer during the next church
after they are due. This is mandatory to be done by the Treasurer, and
in case of non-payment, the penalty will be openly discussed with the
rest of the chapter.

27. If a brother becomes a drug addict, the club will help first. If the
addiction continues then the member will be brought to the executive

28. If you are doing something not sponsored by the club, then do not do
it as a club member. Do not wear colors or support gear. This applies to
everyday situations; do not be an iron butt.

29. If you borrow anything, you will always return it in the same condition
in which you found it or even better.

30. You shall not steal from any other member, prospect, support, or

31. If a member or prospect intentionally drops their colors, then they are
automatically out. No disrespect will be shown to our club.

32. You must notify the executive committee if you will be absent for a
period of time, as well as the situation.

33. If a brother is confronted by an individual, he is expected to be

defended by his brothers. The Green Nation does not abandon. This
might apply to prospects depending the situation, but it never applies to

34. No member shall intentionally vandalize or destroy club property.

35. No member shall have the mentality that he is on his own and does
not have to support the club, or that the club has to support him.
36. No separate group of members shall get together on their own and
plan something. It shall be brought to church for the entire chapter to be
aware of, and for the club to participate in whatever is decided.

37. The club will always stick together on routes, parties, meetings, and
will not fraternize with any rival club. The only way a member will be
allowed to leave the main group is with the permission of the highest-
ranking officer present, if the Sergeant at Arms or his Enforcer is not
nearby. Leaving the rest of the chapter without valid justification or
without prior notice will be subject to penalty.

38. The Sergeant at Arms has the right to act without the explicit approval
of the President in situations where decisions must be made quickly for
the benefit of the majority. His word shall be respected by the rest of the
members present, without hesitation.

39. Taking money from the club’s funds without informing the
Treasurer and writing it on the books will immediately result in severe
punishment and possible expulsion.

40. Any action that may have a collective impact on the chapter must first
pass a formal vote. In the absence of such a vote, the Sergeant-at-Arms
or his Enforcer must be consulted. Failure to do so will result in severe
punishment and possible expulsion.

41. No member shall intentionally cause tension between other clubs or

groups unless previously provoked.

42. No other man is allowed to ride your motorcycle; neither is he allowed

to have another man on the passenger seat of your motorcycle except in
an extreme emergency.

43. Safety equipment must be worn when riding the motorcycle. If a

chapter member or acquaintance in the formation falls while riding, the
entire formation will stop to assist him and make sure he is safe.

44. As a prospect, you should not let any member or property be alone
and unprotected. If they wish to be alone, give them more space, but be
sure to maintain eye contact with them.
45. Requests to leave or join the chapter or the club itself (patch
in/transfer/nomad/veteran/retirement) must be brought to church. The
vote must be unanimous to be granted.
46. Prospects vote will only need majority to pass.
47. If all of the members are sponsoring prospects at a time, a special
vote can be requested by the club, making the whole chapter sponsor
that prospect. However, it is not recommended and this vote has to
pass unanimously in order to do it.

48. If your property rides a chopper-type motorcycle, she is not allowed

to ride it in public in front of other chapter members or ride it in club

49. For a property to wear her vest, her man must always be present and
close to her. If not, she will only be allowed to wear support gear.

50. The set of patches to be used on the back will be the top rocker,
bottom rocker, club logo and MC. On the front, the standard patch shall
be a 1% diamond located on the side of the heart. All these patches shall
be visible from a distance of 150 feet.

51. Your vest and 1% patch will never be taken by anyone, especially
members of any other club. The only ones authorized to remove them
after they are issued to you are your chapter officers.

52. If you lose your colors at the hands of another individual, they will not
be reinstated under any circumstances. You must recover them by your
own means to be reinstated as a chapter member. You may request the
support of the cabinet, but the assistance will be optional according to
the conditions in which it occurred.

53. Suicide will not be tolerated. Anyone who chooses to do so will no

longer be entitled to receive a funeral a Vago funeral.

54. Do not say “Sorry” – if you were sorry, you wouldn’t be here.

55. If you are told you are too drunk to drive, you will turn over your
keys to a brother. You and your motorcycle will be taken care of.

56. If pulled over or approached by LEO, you must notify your Secretary
within 24 hours regardless of warning or ticket. Get the officer's name
or badge number, including plates if possible.

57. If busted or in jail you have 12 hours to notify your Sergeant at

58. Cuts will never be worn in a cage.

59. Prospects can not touch or hold another full-patched members cut
at any time.

60. Prospects can not drink or do drugs while in patches.

61. As a Vago, you will not call anyone outside of the club “Brother” or
any variation of the word. With all respect others deserve, they are not
your brothers. We are.


Club meetings, commonly referred to as church, are weekly groupings of

chapter members to discuss issues concerning the chapter. Churches are
designed to be the place where all the issues and thoughts of the
members concerning the club are expressed. They are not the place to be
shy and reserve opinions; here you should speak truthfully and express
aloud any problems you may have with something or someone.

All meetings are conducted under parliamentary rules. Only one person
will speak at a time and no other arguments will be allowed. You are
allowed to be civilly discerning and express your opinion when your turn
comes, but you will never speak over other members or shout in the
middle of a meeting.

Votes may only be called for by the President, or in his place, by the Vice-
President in his absence. However, if it is an emergency meeting, votes
may also be requested by the highest officer present.

1. There shall be one meeting per week, on Sundays. There will also be a
large annual meeting with the rest of the officers at the national level
marked on the calendar, on a date established by the mother chapter.

2. The Sergeant at Arms is in charge of seeing that protocol is followed

for the duration of church, as moderator. He may call to order if

3. Secretary is in charge of attendance control.

4. Decisions of minor significance, as considered by the President, shall

require only a majority vote of the chapter to pass. Decisions of major
significance, on the other hand, shall require a unanimous vote.
5. If a member is unable to attend church, but is excused, he has the
right to pass his vote to the Secretary to make it valid during the
meeting. If he is not present, his vote shall be cast to the Vice-

6. Meetings are closed to all except club members and anyone there by
special request of the chapter president.

7. All meetings shall be conducted in a parliamentary manner. Members

may be removed from the church if they do not follow the established

8. If no justification has been presented for non-attendance at church,

the member's vote shall be annulled and those present shall proceed.

9. Members must wear their colors in all churches.

10. All members are expected to arrive at the meeting on their

motorcycle, unless they have a valid excuse for not doing so.

11. Members must have a clear mind and be sober when attending
church. Failure to do so may result in a penalty.

12. During the meeting there shall never be any conversation among
members. The speaker in turn shall be respected. The only exception will
be if the opinion of all members is requested at that time.

Cuts are the vests on which the patches are sewn. The vest or jacket as
such belongs to the member, however, the patches belong to the club as
an entity. It is strictly forbidden to keep your patches after you have left
the club or after you have been expelled from the club.

The vest is a sacred part of our club; it shows everyone who sees you that
you have the right to wear it. You have passed your stage as a prospect
and earned your place at the table. With that being said, the vest must
be protected even with your own life if necessary. No one is allowed to
take your vest unless it is your old lady or another brother. No prospect,
hangaround or anyone outside of the club must hold it. No enemy of our
colors shall remove your patches; doing so would not only bring
disgrace to you, but also to the entire club.

The cut and the patches on it must be treated with the utmost respect,
they are what you are and what all of your brothers represent. Wear
your colors proudly

Patches will wear out as time goes on; this is expected. If your patches
are too damaged, you can contact the Secretary and get a new set for the
same price you originally got them for. Old patches can be kept and
framed, or they can be given to the chapter’s Secretary for safekeeping.

Non-club patches are allowed on the vest. However, they are subject for
approval of the Secretary. It is best to consult with him before sewing a
new one.


The loss of a brother is a pain that very few individuals outside the club
can understand. It is a burden you would not wish on anyone. To honor
those we have lost we perform "the last ride".

It is led by the Road Captain. The club gets into formation and starts their
motorcycles. Everyone except the Tail Gunner will rev the engines three
to five times. After everyone is finished, the Tail Gunner will do the same
three to five times. Afterwards, the club will start the memorial funeral
During this last ride for the deceased member, no other member will carry
passengers during the trip. The point of arrival will be the cemetery,
previously agreed upon with the funeral services. If another type of
funeral has been decided upon, then the club will proceed to the place
where the ceremony will be held.



National officers are the executive committee of the Mother Chapter of

the club. They have a term of office and are responsible for managing the
overall activities of all chapters in the various states. They may choose to
make use of representatives, either from the Mother Chapter, forever
brothers or nomad chapter to monitor other chapters and ensure order.

A national officer has the power to remove members of another chapter's

cabinet, if deemed fit. They also have the power to sanction other officers
directly if they are in breach of their duties. All national events, as well as
the corresponding dates, must first go through the Mother Chapter.


A forever brother is one of the most prestigious members among the

Vagos and must be treated with utmost respect. Forever brothers can be
active members in a chapter, nomads, ride on their own or even assist
national officers in their duties. They use a bottom rocker stating
“FOREVER” instead of a regular one. To become a forever brother, a
member must have at least thirty (30) years of unbroken service and be
granted with this status by the national cabinet.


When a member has been in the club for a long period of time, there will
come a time when he needs to take a break from the day-to-day actions
of the club. This position is called "veteran". With this position, the
member is allowed to be less active in official events, while still
maintaining his chapter and his vote at the table. To obtain veteran status
a member must have been active for at least twenty years. A vote must
be taken in church.

Nomads are prestigious and experienced members of the club who are
not settled; therefore, they do not belong to any chapter. In order to
attain this status, members must have spent at least five (5) years as an
active member and then apply to resign from the chapter.

Nomads do not have a vote in the affairs of established local chapters but
are welcome to attend their meetings. No has the right to directly aspire
to become a nomad.

Reasons for becoming a nomad can range from something as complex as

an interest in serving the club's national officers as a diplomatic officer,
or simply wanting more freedom, without the need to be bound strictly to
the policies of a chapter. That being said, nomads can fall into one of two
categories: nomads belonging to the official nomad chapter and
independent nomads.

Nomads from the official nomad chapter are usually used by national
officers to assist chapters, orient them, reinforce them with other nomad
chapter members or connect them.

Independent nomads are usually only members who, for personal

reasons, because they have moved to a place where there is no chapter
nearby, or simply because of a certain circumstance, find themselves
under such status.

Nomads are authorized to apply for transfer to a chapter at any time, as

long as they are accepted by the chapter’s cabinet. However, for those
belonging to the official chapter, they must first apply to resign from it.


Wives, long-term loves, and girlfriends of members may be granted the

"property" patch under certain circumstances. Such woman must have a
positive reputation with the club. She must have assisted members,
volunteered for activities, and established a good relationship with the
majority of the members.

Eligibility for this patch will come after one (1) year being in a
relationship with the member, and majority of the active membership
shall agree to it.

Similarly, a woman may also be granted a property status to link her to

the club without necessarily being related to a specific member.
Properties are never directly involved in club business; they cannot attend
or vote in church. They must not attend rides on their own motorcycles,
if they have one, and are subject to the bitch-pad or cages.

Members shall not touch or flirt with another member's property and shall
never raise their hand against them. Failure to do so may get the patch
stripped. Any problems with another member's property will be solved
by whoever has put their colors on her.
The properties are linked to the club and shall be cared for by members
and prospects alike. The member who put the colors on her is obligated
to defend her under any circumstances, with the backing of other chapter
members if necessary. However, in the event of an unnecessary fight, the
property will simply be escorted to safety.

Properties should never cause intentional fights with club members and
should guide other properties newly added to our colors to adapt. Under
their status, they will have the ability to dispose of prospects from the
chapter, as long as they are not under the orders of another patched,
always asking it as a favor.

Properties should always respect a member's decisions and agree with

them publicly, despite having a different opinion in private. They should
have a respectable status in the eyes of everyone; this means that no
property patches will be granted to those with a low lifestyle.

Children of members may also be considered club property; in this case

through t-shirts, hats, or other clothing indicating a higher degree of
support. The son of a member shall have the right to ride his father's
motorcycle; however, his wife shall never ride his motorcycle.

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