Module 3-Assessment

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Pledge to be part of a positive culture. Write an essay about your little steps on how you will
impose positive culture within your school.

The underlying assumptions, expectations, conventions, and values that give a school its
identity, impact how a school works, and shape the conduct of principals, teachers, support staff,
and learners are referred to as school culture. Through the establishment of a good school
culture, you may cultivate a spirit that will be able to boost teacher performance in carrying out
their duties, thus improving school quality. School culture is a factor that influences the
advancement of school quality and can even influence the level of the school. Individuals at any
level and in any field are driven by motivation, success, and a sense of worth. It is crucial in the
educational context to celebrate and recognize the exceptional things that our school community
accomplishes, both within and outside of our facilities. We can create a positive culture in your
school in our own small ways. Establish meaningful parent participation first. Clear, honest
communication with your students' parents can help you prevent misunderstandings and
eliminate sentiments of mistrust or anger. Give parents a platform for input on classroom
activities or school programs to engage them in your school's culture. Inquire about their hopes
and concerns for their children's schooling. Organize workshops where teachers and parents can
discuss homework, study techniques, and tests in addition to parent-teacher meetings. Then we
must invest in individuals and cultivate relationships. Relationships are possibly the most crucial
aspect of developing and breeding a caring school culture. Staff and students alike are more
likely to work harder, stay the course, and love their jobs when they feel valued. When kids feel
liked and respected by their teachers, they achieve greater academic and behavioral success.
Every school employee should strive to build and promote strong relationships with students and
among peers. This can spread and become the school's credo, promoting and celebrating
kindness among all students. Next, acknowledge personal accomplishments and excellent
behavior. This is more than just saying "good job" now and again; complimenting children
makes them feel as if they are valued as individuals. This facet of your school's culture is heavily
influenced by both you and your personnel. Setting targets for the number of praises each
member must provide over the course of the day or week is one method to promote more
positive reinforcement from your staff. Urge them, among other things, to deliver precise
remarks that highlight what each individual student has done well.

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