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(1) Today, I experienced how to manage my time because I’m so lazy person in terms of woke

up early in the morning but I believe in the quotes: “The trouble is, you think you have time.”. So
as a student nurses, time is very precious thing, Use it wisely. Make perfect use of your beautiful
During our first day, our clinical instructors discussed the different procedures: Cleansing
a large volume of Enema, Urinary Catheterization, NGT, Suctioning of Nasopharyngeal and
Oropharyngeal Airways and Tracheostomy. I’ve Learned that we should always maintain the
sterility and always establish rapport to our patients.
I feel blessed and excited to do our return demonstration for the next day because it’s is
very helpful for us when we exposed in the clinical settings. And also I’m here taking this course
with Humility and Compassionate to my course. Nursing is one of the most rewarding and
enjoyable professions. It brings with it a wealth of medical information and abilities that enable
you to assist healing and alleviate suffering through accurate evaluation, diagnosis, and
treatment. But always remember that humility should be our constant friend.
I think this RLE ( Related Learning Experience) help me to do more or productive
because it’s the way to measure our performance in terms of performing different tasks/topics.

(2) During our 2nd day , I experienced how to perform a Urinary Catheterization, how to
deal with different people or to socialize other student nurses especially with the PCI’s but
during my return demonstration I’ve learned that Urinary catheterization minimizes the risk of
infection and kidney damage by ensuring that your bladder is emptied, either continuously or at
regular intervals.
I feel happy because I truly appreciate the time and effort of myself to memorize the
different procedure so that I can perform well. I think this Return Demonstration helps me to
motivate myself in dealing different problems that I encountered.

(3) During our 3rd day, I experienced how to perform a Nasogastric Tube Feeding. While I’m
performing the Nasogastric tube I realized that once this tube is in place, they would be able to
administer food and medicine to you. They can also use it to remove toxic substances or a
specimen of your gastric contents from your stomach.
I’ve learned that You may be able to still eat and drink whilst you have Nasogastric tube
as long as you do not have any swallowing difficulties. I feel sad for the patient having a
nasogastric tube because they can eat delicious foods they can only eat full platter of soup or a
process food, oatmeal and banana. Lastly,I think Unless you have prepared yourself to gain from
your opportunity, it will just make you look foolish.
(4) During our 4th day, I experienced how I'll stick to the goals I've set for myself. I Know I
will be more prone to losing sight of what I want to achieve during my college experiences. I
promise I will be more focus this year, and I’ll make sure to work hard to meet it.
I’ve learned how to aspirate properly and how to keep the airway open and enhance
oxygenation by eliminating mucus secretions and unwanted particles. We student nurses always
remember that having the appropriate perspective is critical since it serves as the foundation for
everything else.
I feel bad because of my performance because I’ve set expectation to myself. And I think
I should strive more and it feels wasteful to not try to be my best. And progress feels good.

(5) During our Last day, I experienced how it’s important to organize my daily schedule
because a daily schedule gives you control over your day. It gives you the structure and
discipline required to make the most of the time in a day.
I’ve learned that if you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the
ordinary. As a student nurses, we should do our best so that we can achieve whatever we want.
I feel grate full because I accomplished something that I thought I could never do. I gained more self confidence
and I know now that I can be as good as a nurse as long as I put my heart in what Ido.

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