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Data Analytical tools

Level of Difficulty of use: We would think that Python isn’t hard to learn for most people. In fact,
Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn. While anyone can learn
Python programming — even if you’ve never written a line of Python code before — you should
expect that it will take time, and you should expect moments of frustration.  6.5/10
User Friendliness: If you’re interested in learning a programming language, Python is a good
place to start. It’s also one of the most widely used Programming language. It is user friendly and
Beginner’s friendly.
Ease of use: Python is widely considered among the easiest programming languages for
beginners to learn. Its syntax is similar to English, which makes it relatively easy to read and
understand. Unlike Programming Languages like C, C++ and Java use curly braces to define code
blocks. Python uses indentation for the same purpose. It reduces the additional work of
formatting the code for readability. 8/10
Portability: Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is versatile, portable and
suitable for a wide variety of development tasks. Hence career opportunities are broader and

Level of Difficulty of use: R is known for being hard to learn. This is in large part because R is so
different from many programming languages. The syntax of R, unlike languages like Python, is
very difficult to read. Basic operations like selecting, naming, and renaming variables are more
confusing in R than they are in other languages. R tends to have a steeper learning curve at the
beginning, but once you understand how to use its features, it gets significantly easier.
User Friendliness: Based on a survey of professional developers on Stack Overflow found that
41.6 percent of professionals love R, while 58 percent of professionals dread it. So we would
say that Most of them really find R that difficult to use.
Ease of use: R is not easy to learn, but over time you’ll become more familiar with the rules of the
language. We think that this is the case for all programming skills. At first, you’ve got a long
journey ahead. Once you’ve mastered the fundamental concepts, you have the knowledge and
mindset you need to explore more difficult concepts.
Portability: R runs on several computing platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It is
Portable - Easy to run on mobiles, tablets and gaming consoles. R is highly portable. Many
different programming languages and software frameworks can easily combine with the R
environment for the best results.

Level of Difficulty of use: If SAS is your first programming language then there are hurdles just
learning to think properly about what you want and understanding what you have. SAS is not
any more or less difficult than competing data tools. The learning curve is greatly reduced if you
have knowledge of another data tool, but you need to have an understanding of advanced
math and statistics concepts to master SAS
User Friendliness: SAS Enterprise Guide integrates an extensive array of analytics with the
power of SAS software in an efficient, user-friendly graphical user interface application
Ease of use: SAS is very good when it comes to picking a new tool to learn without any prior
programming language experience. We can analyze SQL code, integrate it with macros, and so
on. Learning SAS can be an excellent experience for beginners.
Portability: Runs on all major computing platforms, can access virtually any data source and
easily integrates into any computing environment. SAS code developed on one platform is
portable and runs easily on others.

Among the 3 Data Analytical tools, We believe that the most appropriate to use is Python
because aside from we personally try to use the python. We believe that Python is easy to learn

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