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You are on page 1of 3 () (JCS 1651 type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1946v08&entity=FRUS.FRUS1946v08.p0187&q1= assumption&q2=formosa&q3=republic%20of%20china type=turn&entity=FRUS.FRUS1946v08.p0188&id=FRUS.

p;id=FRUS.FRUS1946v08&isiz e=M&q1=assumption&q2=formosa&q3=republic%20of%20china () () () the United States Government had no objection to Chinese action confiscating on behalf of the Chinese Government Japanese private and public property physically located in Chinese territory formerly occupied by the Japanese which would return to Chinese jurisdiction; that at the time of final settlement of reparations the United States Government would assume the position that Japanese assets confiscated by China should be credited against the Chinese Government's reparation claims; and that, therefore, account should be kept of the

value of the property so confiscated. 3. In view of the legal opinions expressed in paragraph 1 above, the position of the United States outlined in paragraph 2 above is held to be applicable to Formosa as well as other Chinese territory formerly occupied by the Japanese which has now returned to Chinese control. 4. Above is for your information. The disposition by the Chinese of Japanese property in Formosa and the national status of residents of Formosa (as distinguished from the operational task of repatriation of Japanese) are considered to be political matters which may best be handled through normal diplomatic channels.) type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1944v05&entity=FRUS.FRUS1944v05.p1280&q1= formosa&q2=imperial%20household ( ()) 5. Treatment of Japanese Property The military authorities in their treatment of Japanese property in Formosa, both Government and private, should apply the Rules of Land Warfare of the Hague Convention of 1907.64 Private Japanese interests should be respected. The military government should assume stewardship of all Japanese Government properties pending final settlement. (PWC-187, 188, 196).65 It is recommended that in principle the Japanese Imperial Household properties be treated as though they were Japanese Government property (PWC-191 66). type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1945v06&entity=FRUS.FRUS1945v06.p1021&q1= formosa&q2=imperial%20household I have also made several other recommendations to President Tru-

man, listed below: External assets 8. Deprive all Japanese, including the Japanese Government, the Emperor and the Imperial Household, and the Zaibatsu, of the ownership or control of any assets located outside Japan proper, including Formosa, Korea, the Manchurian and other provinces of China, Malaya, and the Netherlands East Indies, as well as other Allies and neutral countries. All Japanese financial and economic penetration 'of other countries must be wiped out.

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