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Faith Worth Living

Mr. Ronaldo Celestial

CLEMENTE, Alyssa K. ID 122
A65D February 15, 2023

Questions on Faith Model

1. What faith model would be appealing or attractive for some Christians in your
hometown/country? Why or why not?

With the ever-emphasized function of education, Filipinos, especially the youth, now
strive for productive scrutiny and participation in different social circumstances. Students are
now taught to look beyond the realms of their close surroundings, as they are enlightened to
make choices that benefit the greater good. The great emphasis on one’s critical thinking skills
and community participation molds individuals towards social responsibility with consideration
for the welfare of the most vulnerable sectors, the highlight of the Hands Faith Model. The
Hands Faith Model integrates practice and social transformation into its framework, carrying out
Jesus’s mission in the present. This model unites both theory and practice, where individuals
productively live out God’s teachings within their communities. Further exacerbated by its
“developing country” title, it is without a doubt that social, political, and economic issues are
deeply ingrained within the Philippines. News outlets continue to report never-ending problems
within the country, such as poverty, discrimination, unemployment, lack of education, and many
more (Child Hope Organization, 2022). With such grave issues at hand that need immediate
attention, the Hands Faith Model may be deemed attractive to Filipinos as such model fulfills a
two-fold objective: (1) practice their Christian faith, and (2) positively contribute to the
betterment of society. Individuals are able to bring their faith to good use, as their religious
ideologies synergize them to be agents of social transformation.

2. Would you know of Christians/groups who seem to demonstrate the elements of this
model? What are the good things that you observe from these people?

Studying in a politically-involved Catholic institution in my formative years, I can bear

witness to the initiatives that St. Scholastica’s College, Manila (St. Scho) has provided to the
least, the lost, and the last members of the country. Unambiguously from the school motto alone,
“Ora et Labora” or “Prayer and Work” in Latin, action-based faith is embedded within the values
of the institution. Prayer without work may simply not bring such faith to good use, while work
without prayer may be of action without thought or good intention. Having spent nine years of
my life in St Scho, I was taught the importance of social transformation regardless of religious
background. Though a handful of Scholasticans believed in other theologies, the school’s
curriculum fleshes out Catholicism as a universal morality guide that even non-believers can
apply. Lessons inside the classroom and actions outside of its four walls were never independent
of each other. St Scho would see to it that our lessons did not end at knowledge alone– they must
always serve a greater purpose to the community. The Hands Faith Model is effectively
practiced by Scholaticans as those oppressed and underprivileged are always included in their
discussions and actions. St. Scholastica’s College, Manila, together with other branches of the
institution, has developed sustainable outreach programs that respond to the needs of the poor,
living out Benedictine and Christian values. The Benedictine sisters, themselves, are the
front-liners in these initiatives, and their good work is well-applauded by the Scholastican
community. One of these notable projects is the “Tuluyan ni San Benito,” a shelter for the
homeless and street families of Metro Manila (St. Scholastica’s College Manila, n.d.). This
outreach program upholds God’s teaching to shelter the homeless, as outlined in Isaiah 58:7-8:
“Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when
you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide from your own flesh? Then shall your light
break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go
before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” Good attributes that I have noticed
within these Scholasticans are their selflessness, generosity, and hard work. They are able to go
out of their way to tend to communities that are incapable of attaining their basic needs. Through
their generosity, they are able to create a sense of belongingness for those oppressed as they care
for these vulnerable individuals. These initiatives do not operate on a whim, and it is only
through their hard work and perseverance that these ideas are synergized.

3. How would one who possesses this model respond to a) the problem of poverty b) gender
issues b) popular or folk religiosity and c) non-Christian religions?

Given the community-based outlook of the Hands Faith Model, one is able to ground
themselves as an active proponent of social transformation. The model's sense of participation
and action allows its individuals to go beyond their bubbles, immersing themselves in activities
that address the needs of the less fortunate. It is worth acknowledging the problems of poverty,
gender-related issues, popular or folk religiosity, and non-Christian religions are touched in the
Hands Faith Model, as its framework envelops those outside of its community. In response to the
problem of poverty, Catholics are given opportunities to provide for these marginalized sectors,
addressing their lack of basic needs and accessibility to different social services such as health
care, due process, and others. As written in Proverbs: 19:16, "Whoever is generous to the poor
lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." Through the liberating nature of this
model, individuals are invited to take part in Jesus through outreach programs similar to His
works thousands of years ago. In response to gender issues, those who uphold the Hand Faith
Model would be individuals who educate themselves about the ever-progressing concept of
gender. In a world where sexism and homophobia are rampant, understanding the complexities
of one's SOGIE is the first step in creating an inclusive environment for women, men from
minority groups, and LGBTQIA+ community members. Actions in response to these gender
issues would be the inclusion of women in church services, recognizing LGBTQIA+ individuals
as valid members of the church, and rejecting the inherently patriarchal nature of religious
societies. In response to popular or folk religiosity and non-Christian believers, the Hands Faith
Model is not one that thinks indifferently of those individuals, nor will they see them as potential
subjects of forced evangelization. Instead, individuals practicing the Hands Faith Model would
encourage inclusive discussions and interactions between these communities, abandoning the
possible issues posed by their differences. They will be the forefront members who will create
activities that celebrate the uniqueness of their communities.

4. Based on the lecture, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each model of faith?
Elaborate on your answer.

The three strengths of the Mind Faith Model are as follows: first, the model provides a
clear and rational understanding of faith, allowing its believers to have a solid grasp of its
Catholic teachings. This eventually results in religious clarity between individuals since they are
provided with sound reasons and logic that support their beliefs. Second, the model emphasizes
the value of education and intellectualization. Catholics will be encouraged to impart in the
learning process of theology and scripture reading, creating more room for individuals to pursue
studies related to Catholicism. Lastly, religious texts such as the Bible and other catechisms will
be preserved. With the model’s constant revisiting of these books, avid respect for such literature
will help them withstand the test of time. On the other hand, these three weaknesses of the Mind
Faith Model may hinder the benefits of this framework: first, the model may reject ideologies
outside of their beliefs. Given its by-the-book teachings, there may be a tendency where religious
discussions will turn black-and-black– does it abide by the teachings with the choices of simple
yes or no? Second, the lived experiences of Catholics may be abandoned because of their heavy
focus on rationality. One’s emotions and spirituality may be disregarded as those are completely
deemed as logical or rational. Lastly, epistemic differences may create hierarchies between those
knowledgeable and those not. This is unfair to those who may not have the materials to
rationalize their own faiths.

Three strengths of the Heart Faith Model are as follows: first, the model celebrates
one’s personal relationship with God and their faith. This encourages people to appreciate their
journey as Catholics. Second, its believers may have a sense of comfort knowing that their God
cares for their salvation. With their intense trust in God’s power and will, they find consolation
within the Church. Lastly, they feel loved through God’s presence. They find solace in knowing
that their growing relationship with the creator brings more love into their lives. On the other
hand, these three weaknesses of the Heart Faith Model may hinder the benefits of this
framework: first, this model may forward individualism to an extreme extent since one’s main
focus is their personal relationship with God alone. This may eventually weaken their sense of
Church, community, and society. Second, individuals may put too much trust in God that they
may omit their responsibilities to the Church and community. There is a tendency to the
stagnancy of action since they heavily rely on God. Lastly, there is a lack of sustainable action
between the Church’s teachings. One who follows the Heart Faith Model may not be able to live
out their faith in their community.

Three strengths of the Hands Faith Model are as follows: first, this model sees to it that
there is a positive contribution to the less fortunate. With this mentality at hand, several social
issues can be addressed. Second, there is an emphasized sense of community where individuals
look beyond their selfish wants. Its believers are encouraged to think and act for the greater good
instead of being self-centered. Lastly, members are productive and are able to exercise their faith
in non-abstract ways. There is a sense of achievement for individuals since they are able to come
up with outputs that are measurable. On the other hand, these two weaknesses of the Hands
Faith Model may hinder the benefits of this framework: first, individuals may simply be doing
such initiatives to create an image that will benefit themselves in the future. It will simply be an
act of social marketing instead of actually wanting to contribute to the greater good, posing a
sense of performativeness. Second, church teachings and ideologies may not be as prioritized as
compared to the other models. Given that the Hands Faith Model takes the extra step of
actualizing the teachings, they may not have the time or intention to fully immerse themselves in
the teachings.

Local community problems: Common issues and practical solutions. ChildHope

Philippines. (2022, July 26). Retrieved February 21, 2023, from

Tuluyan ni san benito. St Scholastica's College. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2023, from

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