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Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, the research locale, participants of the study,

research instrument, data gathering procedures and statistic tools.

Research Design

The need to know about the effectiveness of Facebook as a medium in social Media

marketing as perceived by the selected consumers in Marawi City will drive the

methodology of this study. The researchers used a qualitative method and case study

design to explain the research topic.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at RC Al-Khwarizmi International College, Senior High

School, and it is where the data will be gathered and collected. The survey will made

online for easy access for the respondents, and also because there is an ongoing

pandemic. An online survey was made for the safety of both the researchers and the


Participants of the Study

The population of the study includes the online sellers and mainly the consumers of

selected online shops that use Facebook as its main selling platform. Facebook is a

famous social media platform that is used to express the idea of someone and is also

known as an alternative selling application. A major reason for limiting the research

among selected consumers only because of the impracticability to collect data from

the entire population of the study.

Data Gathering Procedures

The participants of the study will be chosen randomly by the researchers. It is only limited to
10 consumers, as having less doesn't measure the efficacy of Facebook as a

medium for marketing.

Survey Questionnaires will then be given to them respectively online. The survey

questionnaires are self-made and answerable by yes or no.

The data will then be collected and gathered. It will be tabulated, analyzed, and

statistically treated using MS Excel application where the data were encoded.

Research Instruments

The main instruments that will be used in the data gathering are self-made

questionnaires which will be distributed to the respondents. Other than that, the

researchers will also use the internet, for some information that will be used as a basis

for conducting a survey and will also be using the facebook app as the medium for the

distribution of the survey. The questionnaire will be consisting of a question that is

related to the study. The survey questionnaires are answerable by yes or no.

Statistical Tools

Descriptive Statistics such as frequency counts, percentage, and weighted mean was

used for analysis. The weighted mean involves multiplying each data point in a set by a

value which is determined by some characteristic of whatever contributed to the data

point, which will then present with the set of effect sizes, and the researchers could

weight each one by the sample size for that study.

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