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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

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Contribution of four lifelong factors of cognitive

reserve on late cognition in normal aging and
Parkinson’s disease

Maud Rouillard, Michel Audiffren, Cédric Albinet, Mohamed Ali Bahri,

Gaëtan Garraux & Fabienne Collette

To cite this article: Maud Rouillard, Michel Audiffren, Cédric Albinet, Mohamed Ali Bahri,
Gaëtan Garraux & Fabienne Collette (2016): Contribution of four lifelong factors of cognitive
reserve on late cognition in normal aging and Parkinson’s disease, Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2016.1207755

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Contribution of four lifelong factors of cognitive reserve on late cognition

in normal aging and Parkinson’s disease
Maud Rouillarda,b, Michel Audiffrenb, Cédric Albinetb,c, Mohamed Ali Bahria, Gaëtan Garrauxa,d
and Fabienne Collettea,e
GIGA-CRC In Vivo Imaging, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; bCentre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage (UMR
CNRS 7295), Sport Sciences Faculty, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France; cLaboratoire Sciences de la Cognition, Technologie,
Ergonomie (SCoTE), University of Toulouse, INU Champollion, Albi, France; dDepartment of Neurology, CHU of Liège, Liège, Belgium;
Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium


Introduction. Cognitive reserve (CR) was proposed to explain how individual differences Received 7 February 2016
in brain function help to cope with the effects of normal aging and neurodegenerative Accepted 24 June 2016
diseases. Education, professional solicitations, and engagement in leisure and physical KEYWORDS
activities across the lifetime are considered as major determinants of this reserve. Aging; Brain atrophy;
Method. Using multiple linear regression analyses, we tested separately in healthy Cognition; Cognitive reserve;
elderly and Parkinson’s disease (PD) populations to what extent cognitive performance Education level; Leisure
in several domains was explained by (a) any of these four environmental lifespan activities; Occupation;
variables; (b) demographic and clinical variables (age, gender, depression score, and, Parkinson’s disease; Physical
for the PD group, duration of disease and dopaminergic drugs). We also tested for an activity
interaction, if any, between these lifespan variables and brain pathology indexed by
global atrophy measured from high-resolution anatomical magnetic resonance ima-
ging. Results. Age was negatively associated with cognitive performance in the PD
group. In healthy elderly participants, we observed significant positive associations
between cognitive performance and (a) education, (b) leisure activities, and (c) profes-
sional solicitation (decisional latitude). Furthermore, participants with greater brain
atrophy benefited more from CR. In PD patients, education and professional solicita-
tions contributed to cognitive performance but to a lesser extent than in controls. CR
factors modulated the relationship between cognition and brain atrophy only in
patients with a slight or moderate brain atrophy. Conclusions. Education is the CR factor
that contributed the most to late cognitive functioning in both groups, closely followed
by leisure activity in normal aging and professional solicitations in PD. Our results also
provide evidence suggesting that the effects of CR does not express similarly in normal
aging and PD. From a broader perspective, these results seem to indicate that CR
factors the most consistently practiced across lifespan (education and professional
solicitation) are those that are the more strongly associated to late cognitive efficiency.

Cognitive reserve (CR) refers to differences in cogni- 2008; Foubert-Samier et al., 2012; Milgram, Siwak-
tive processes as a function of sociocultural and envir- Tapp, Araujo, & Head, 2006; Stern, 2003; Whalley,
onmental factors that explain how individuals will Deary, Appleton, & Starr, 2004). Among lifespan fac-
cope with functional impairment in the presence of tors, high education level, job complexity, and leisure-
pathology or other neurological insult (Stern, 2009). related cognitive activities have all been interpreted as
Premorbid factors that contribute to CR include building or sustaining CR.
genetic background, exposure to environmental fac- In normal aging, the influence of CR on late
tors (Mattson, 2000), life experiences and lifestyle cognition was evidenced by the association
factors over the entire lifespan (Anstey & between cognitive efficiency and (a) higher level
Christensen, 2000; Baldivia, Andrade, & Bueno, of education (Fratiglioni & Wang, 2007; Meng &

CONTACT Fabienne Collette GIGA-CRC In Vivo Imaging, Allée du 6 août 8, Bâtiment 30, Université de Liège, Sart
Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium.
F.C. is research director at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS) (Belgium).
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

D’Arcy, 2012), (b) job autonomy and complexity patterns of associations were compared to deter-
(Andel, Silverstein, & Kareholt, 2015; Ansiau, mine whether PD modifies the effects of CR on
Marquié, Soubelet, & Ramos, 2005; Baldivia et al., cognitive performance.
2008; Bosma et al., 2003; Foubert-Samier et al.,
2012; Milgram et al., 2006; Schooler, Mulatu, &
Oates, 1999; Then et al., 2014), (c) a steady engage- Method
ment in leisure activities that solicits mental effort
(Wang, Xu, & Pei, 2012), (d) practice of physical Participants
exercise and/or sustained social interactions Forty-seven healthy older adults and 49 patients diag-
(Wang et al., 2012). Among these factors, there nosed with PD matched for age and gender were
has been longstanding evidence suggesting that included. Healthy controls were recruited from local
education is the strongest factor of CR (Baldivia seniors’ organizations and were paid for their partici-
et al., 2008; Foubert-Samier et al., 2012; Kramer, pation. PD patients were recruited from a local clinical
Bherer, Colcombe, Dong, & Greenough, 2004; database (MoVeRe group, Academic Hospital, Liege,
Milgram et al., 2006). Interestingly, these factors Belgium) and through local advertisement. PD was
also modulate the effect of pathologic cognitive diagnosed according to the United Kingdom
decline resulting from brain damage during Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank (UKPDSBB)
aging. Although most of the studies on pathologi- clinical criteria (Hughes, Daniel, Kilford, & Lees,
cal aging were conducted in the context of 1992). We excluded PD patients with severe motor
Alzheimer’s disease (Okonkwo et al., 2014; Stern, disabilities (score higher than 3 on the Hoehn and
2006, 2012), a recent meta-analysis provided evi- Yahr Scale; Hoehn & Yahr, 1967), dementia (Emre
dence that a higher education level was signifi- et al., 2007), or depression (Hospital Anxiety and
cantly associated with better performance on tests Depression Scale, HADS; Bjellanda, Dahlb, Haugc, &
assessing various cognitive functions in Neckelmann, 2002; Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). To
Parkinson’s disease (PD; Hindle, Martyr, & Clare, minimize the risk of cognitive impairment in our
2014; see however Pai & Chan, 2001, for contra- healthy participants, a total score lower than 130
dictory results). However, the influence of the (max score 144; Manard, Carabin, Jaspar, & Collette,
other factors of CR in PD has not been 2014; Monsch et al., 1995; Schmidt et al., 1994) on the
investigated. Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (DRS; Mattis, 1976) or
These studies clearly established that life experi- lower than 27 on the Mini-Mental State Examination
ences and lifestyle factors are associated to the way (MMSE; Crum, Anthony, Bassett, & Folstein, 1993;
people will be able to cope with physiological brain Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) was considered
changes associated to the aging processes. as an exclusion criterion. Furthermore, prior brain
However, no study has examined the respective surgery and any significant structural brain abnorm-
contribution of multiple lifetime factors of CR to ality on computed tomography scan or magnetic reso-
cognitive performance. Furthermore, it is currently nance imaging (MRI) were also considered as
unclear whether these CR factors modulate global exclusion criteria in both groups. Written informed
cognition as a whole or whether some of them are consent was obtained from all participants in accor-
preferentially related to performance in specific dance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Ethics
cognitive domains (Richards & Sacker, 2003). The Committee of the University of Liege approved the
present study aims at addressing these issues by study.
examining the relative contributions of four CR All participants underwent clinical and cogni-
factors (education, work complexity, and leisure tive evaluations by a neurologist and a neuropsy-
and physical activities) on cognitive performance chologist. Within the patient population, disease
in normal aging and PD patients. Participants per- stage was assessed using the Hoehn and Yahr
formed a comprehensive neuropsychological scale (Hoehn & Yahr, 1967), ranging from 1 to 5
assessment and were administered questionnaires (5 representing the most severe motor impair-
quantifying the four CR factors of interest. The ments). Symptoms repercussion on daily life activ-
relationship between cognitive performance and ities was evaluated using Part II of the Unified
CR factors was modeled separately in the two Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS; Fahn,
groups with multiple regression analyses, and Elton, & Members, 1987), whose score has been

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics.

Parkinson Controls
N = 49 N = 47 t(94) p
Age (years) 66.29 (8.61) 63.87 (8.22) 1.41 .16
Gender (M/F) 27/22 23/24 χ2 = 0.37 .55
MMSE (max = 30) 27.78 (1.49) 28.87 (1.12) –4.07 <.001
HADS 5.71 (3.22) 4.11 (2.52) 2.72 <.01
Hoehn & Yahr (max = 5) 1.60 (0.64)
Disease duration (years) 6.33 (4.29)
UPDRS II 10.16 (6.50)
PDQ39 26.21 (12.68)
LEDD (mg) 432 (329)
N = 43 N = 36 t(77)
Global brain atrophy 0.752 (0.0372) 0.754 (0.0374) 0.131 .90
ICV (ml) 1099 (130) 1099 (100) –0.006 1.00
TIV (ml) 1461 (167) 1462 (155) 0.011 .99
Note. Means; standard deviations in parentheses. HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; MMSE = Mini-Mental State
Examination; UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; PDQ39 = Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire; LEDD =
levodopa equivalent daily dose; ICV = intracerebral volume; TIV = total intracranial volume.

proposed to be sensitive to disease severity (Schrag, last degree they attained. Level of education was
Spottke, Quinn, & Dodel, 2009). Health-related expressed as the number of years at school/college/
quality of life was estimated using the Parkinson’s university to attain the highest degree obtained
Disease Questionnaire (PDQ39; Jenkinson, Peto, (Stern, Alexander, Prohovnik, & Mayeux, 1992).
Fitzpatrick, Greenhall, & Hyman, 1995, 1997). All
PD patients were examined on their usual stable
Professional solicitations
dopaminergic medications. Forty-five of the 49
Participants were asked to report their work
patients were taking a combination of several
experience and how long they had been engaged
classes of drugs. The Levodopa Equivalent Daily
in each employment practiced for more than a
Dose (LEDD; Tomlinson et al., 2010) ranged from
year. Data were expressed in full time equivalence
0 to 1321.67 mg. Four other patients were taking,
(FTE). Psychosocial job characteristics for the
additionally, nondopaminergic antiparkinsonian
three longest occupational tenures (Job 1, Job 2,
medications. Atrophy, intracerebral volume
and Job 3) were assessed using an adapted French
(ICV), and total intracranial volume (TIV) were
version of Karasek’s Job Content Questionnaire
not significantly different between groups (n = 43
(JCQ; Karasek et al., 1998). Two work-related
for the Parkinson’s disease group and n = 36 for
dependent variables were used in the analyses:
the control group; see Table 1 for demographic
decisional latitude (DL, 9 items) and psychological
and clinical characteristics).
job demands (PJD, 9 items). DL represents auton-
omy granted to workers in their job whereas PJD is
Factors of cognitive reserve more related to psychological work requirement
(quantity of work, time constraint, stress, etc.).
Each participant completed structured question- Each item was rated using a Likert-type scale, ran-
naires to quantify the relative importance of four ging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly
factors that could contribute to CR during lifetime: agree). A higher score refers to a high level of DL
level of education, job solicitation, leisure activities, or PJD whereas a lower score refers to a low level
and physical activities. For job solicitation, two of DL or PJD. DL and PJD were calculated in the
measures of CR were used: decisional latitude following way:
and psychological job demand. Questionnaires 82 39
were completed by the participants and next were > ðDL; or PJD; Job 1  years on Job 1  FTE Job 1Þþ >
>6 7>
>4 ðDL; or PJD; Job 2  years on Job 2  FTE Job 2Þþ 5>
checked with the neuropsychologist to clarify >
> >
< ðDL; or PJD; Job 3  years on Job 3  FTE Job 3Þ > =
ambiguous responses.
> number of years worked in Jobs 1 þ 2 þ 3 >
> >
> >
Level of education >
> >
: ;
Participants reported how old they were when they
left school, the highest educational level, and the  total number of life working years

Leisure activities outcome measure was the number of hours per

The leisure questionnaire was created on the basis week practiced over lifetime. For each activity,
of the Historical Leisure Activity Questionnaire the score was calculated as follows to obtain a
(HLAQ; Kriska et al., 1988) and other previously weekly score.
published questionnaires (Hultsch, Hammer, & hyears of practicemonths4hours per weeki
Small, 1993; Hultsch, Hertzog, Small, & Dixon, years over the period
1999; Jopp & Hertzog, 2010; Soubelet, 2009). 52ði:e: weeks per year Þ
Participants were interviewed on leisure activ-
ities that they were engaged in over their entire We summed scores of activities performed during
life. A set of 66 predefined activities was pro- each period. The final score was obtained by aver-
posed but the participants were free to add aging the four period scores. We characterized
others as needed. They were next asked to select activities according to their metabolic intensity
the eight activities (out of school and job) that (metabolic intensities, METs) using the compen-
contributed the most to their personal develop- dium of PA (Ainsworth et al., 2011; Ainsworth
ment in each period of their life (6–18 years et al., 2000); only activities practiced from 6
old, 19–34 years old, 35–54 years old, more METs and over were taken into consideration, as
than 55 years old). In order to decrease the some previous studies indicated that the effects on
number of variables, we gathered social, intel- cognition are particularly evident for vigorous
lectual, and cultural activities in a single score. activities (Audiffren, André, & Albinet, 2011;
Each activity was characterized by two variables: Smith et al., 2010; Warburton, 2006).
frequency and mental solicitation. Subjects had
to report the average frequency of engagement
in each activity for each period on a 5-point Neuropsychological testing
scale: never (0), very rarely (less than once a Cognitive functioning of healthy subjects and PD
year) (1), rarely (less than once a month) (2), patients was assessed with a comprehensive battery
from time to time (from one to three times a including a global cognitive efficiency measure, a
month) (3), often (from one to three times a visuospatial perception task, a verbal episodic
week) (4), and everyday (5). Mental solicitation memory task, processing and perceptual speed
for each activity was also assessed as: very few tasks, and executive function tasks.
(1), a few (2), moderately (3), a lot (4), enor-
mously (5). Leisure activities score for a given Global cognitive efficiency
period was defined by frequency multiplied by The Mattis DRS (Mattis, 1976) quantifies general
mental solicitation for each activity. This score cognitive decline. This scale assesses attention, initia-
was divided by the number of years in the tion, construction, conceptualization, and memory
corresponding period and next by 52 to obtain capacity. The total score on this scale was used as a
a score per week. We averaged scores across measure of global cognitive efficiency (max = 130).
periods to obtain a global score over the life-
time. A higher score referred to a large involve-
Visuospatial perception
ment in leisure activities.
The Judgment of Line Orientation (JLO) is a mea-
sure of visuospatial judgment. Thirty-five stimuli
Physical activity (PA) (five training trials) were presented to participants,
Regular PA was assessed using a French version of consisting in an array of 11 lines around a central
the HLAQ (Kriska et al., 1988). Participants had to point (stimulus card) and two lines presented
select, at the most, eight PAs that they practiced above (target lines). Participants had to identify
the most during their lifetime (among 95 suggested the lines on the stimulus card that are exactly in
PAs), with the possibility of suggesting activities the same location and point in the same direction
not present in the initial list. Then, they were as the target lines. Measure of performance con-
asked, for each activity, to specify how many sists in the number of dual target lines correctly
years, how many months a year, and how many identified (30 stimuli, one point for each correct
hours a week they practiced, for the four periods: answer; Benton, Sivan, Hamsher, Varney, &
6–18, 19–34, 35–54, and over 55 years old. The Spreen, 1994; Benton, Varney, & Hamsher, 1978).

Episodic memory of crosses (XXX); in the color–word interference

The original version of the Auditory Verbal subtest (C) they had to name the color of the
Learning Test (Rey AVLT) was used (Nucci, printed color words (for example, red written in
Mapelli, & Mondini, 2012; Rey, 1941, 1964). A 15- blue). The number of correct responses in each
word list was read out loud five times by the exam- condition was recorded. Inhibitory performance
iner. After each reading, participants had to recall as was calculated by C – [(A × B)/(A+ B)], with a
many words as possible. The total number of correct score up to 0 indicating a good performance.
words recalled over the five trials was used in the
analyses (wordlist learning sum measure). Strategic search in memory. Phonemic (P, R, and
V letters) and category (animals, fruits, and furni-
Processing speed ture) fluency tasks were used. Participants were
Speed of processing was assessed with a computer- asked to provide a maximum of words beginning
ized version of the Choice Reaction Time (CRT) with the target letter or belonging to the semantic
task initially proposed by Salthouse and Babcock category in 60 seconds (Cardebat, Doyon, Puel,
(Salthouse & Babcock, 1991). Participants had to Goulet, & Joanette, 1990; Tombaugh, Kozak, &
decide as quickly and accurately as possible Rees, 1999). Measures of performance were the
whether two letters are similar or dissimilar by average of correct words given for each letter and
pressing the correct corresponding key. Seventy for each category, respectively.
trials were presented; the outcome measure was
the median reaction time (RT, in ms) for correct Cognitive flexibility. Flexibility was assessed using
responses over the 70 trials. a modified version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting
Test (mWCST; Nelson, 1976). This version
Attention/perceptual speed includes 24 cards (used twice) that share only one
The verbal version of the Symbol Digit Modality characteristic (form, color, or number) with the
Test (SDMT) was used (Smith, 1968, 1973, 1982), four target cards placed in front of participants.
which is the reverse of the Digit Symbol Test Participants were asked to match each of the 48
(Wechsler, 1955). Participants had to convert cards (one by one) with one of the four cards that
meaningless geometrical symbols into oral number faced them, according to one changing rule (form,
responses. Duration of the task was 90 seconds, color, or number) that had to be deducted on the
and outcome measure was the number of correct basis of correct/incorrect previous responses, and
responses (Drake et al., 2010; Smith, 1973). this until six categories were successfully com-
pleted or all the cards had been used (for a com-
Executive functions prehensive description of the procedure, see
Updating of working memory. A computerized Lineweaver, Bond, Thomas, & Salmon, 1999).
version of the running span memory task, adapted Perseverative errors across categories were used
from Morris and Jones (Morris & Jones, 1990) was for analyses, as they are considered as a good
used. Consonant letters appeared one at a time on measure of executive functioning (Bowden et al.,
a computer screen. Length of lists was 4, 6, 8, 10, 1998).
or 12 consonants (for a total of 15 lists).
Participants were not warned of list length and
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data
had to remember and recall serially only the last
four letters of each list. One point was assigned for Structural MRI data were acquired on a 3-T
each item recalled in the correct serial position. head-only MR scanner (Magnetom Allegra,
The maximum score possible was 60. Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany)
operated with an 8-channel head coil as part of
Interference resolution. The. Golden’s version of another study (Ziegler et al., 2014). In brief,
the Stroop test was used (Golden, 1978). The task structural and quantitative maps of T1, T2*, pro-
consisted in reading or identifying a maximum of ton density (PD), and magnetization transfer
words or colors in 45 seconds on cards of 100 (MT) at 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 resolution were calcu-
items. In the reading subtest (A), participants had lated from a multiparameter protocol based on a
to read aloud names of colors written in black ink; 3D multiecho fast low angle shot (FLASH)
in the color subtest (B), they had to name the color sequence (Weiskopf & Helms, 2008). We used

SPM 12 (The FIL Methods Group [and Honorary the five CR measures of interest (education,
Members], 2014) implemented in MATLAB decisional latitude, and psychological job
2011a (Mathworks, USA) to estimate global demands for work solicitation, leisure activities,
brain atrophy level from MT maps. The contrast and physical activity scores). As we were first
in these MT images, which is higher than in interested to determine the additional part of
typical T1-weighted images, enables more accu- variance brought by CR variables on cognition
rate distinction between gray and white matter, when noninterest variables are controlled for,
especially for the basal ganglia and substantia we checked whether the part of explained var-
nigra (Helms, Draganski, Frackowiak, iance significantly increases from the first to the
Ashburner, & Weiskopf, 2009). MT maps were second block. Then, we explored the unique
processed using unified segmentation in order to significant variance explained by each CR factor
create masks of gray matter, white matter, and in the second block. For each analysis, we used
cerebrospinal fluid (Ashburner & Friston, 2005). z score (calculated in each group separately) for
Global brain atrophy was estimated on a sub- all variables except for age and gender.
ject-by-subject basis from the brain tissue-to-intra- Percentage of unique significant variance
cranial volume ratio. We used a custom-made explained by each factor is detailed in the text.
Matlab function and SPM12 to compute the All prerequisite associated with the use of sta-
volume of gray matter, white matter, and cere- tistical analyses were met except for multicolli-
brospinal fluid (CSF) from the aforementioned nearity of LD and PJD measures of professional
MT maps. Tissue volume (intracerebral volume, solicitations.
ICV) was obtained by summing gray and white Finally, in order to determine whether the
matter volumes, while total intracranial volume factors of cognitive reserve moderate the rela-
(TIV) corresponded to the sum of gray matter, tionship between neuropsychological test scores
white matter, and CSF volumes. The output mea- and brain pathology, we performed supplemen-
sure for each subject was the ratio between ICV tary linear regression analyses on cognitive mea-
and TIV. sures explained by one (or several) of these CR
factors, with the hypothesis that participants
with the larger atrophy will benefit the most
Statistical analysis
from the presence of a high cognitive reserve.
Statistical analyses were performed with IBM These analyses were performed in the two
SPSS Statistics 20. Mean values of neuropsycho- groups separately, and we checked for an effect
logical and CR measures were first compared of CR at various levels of brain atrophy ranging
between the two groups of participants, using from the 10th to the 90th percentile. The 10th
Student t tests. Second, correlational analyses percentile corresponds to a very important atro-
were performed to examine the bivariate rela- phy and 90th to a small one. Thirty-six healthy
tions between each CR measure. Finally, multi- controls and 43 patients were included in this
ple regression analyses were conducted to analysis.
determine which measure(s) of CR explained
cognitive performance in healthy older people
and PD patients separately. We used hierarchi-
cal linear regression models with the enter
method to assess simultaneously the respective Group comparisons
contribution of confound (or control) variables
With regard to structural brain changes, no differ-
and CR measures on cognitive performance. In
ence between groups was observed for global brain
these models, variables of noninterest (“control
atrophy, intracerebral volume (ICV), and total
variables”) that could influence cognition were
intracranial volume (TIV; see Table 1). PD patients
entered in a first block (age, gender, HADS
obtained significant lower performance than con-
depression score for both groups, and the dura-
trols in all neuropsychological measures, except for
tion of disease and LEDD for the PD group; see,
the interference index on the Stroop test and the
for example, Austin, 2001; Dik, Deeg, Visser, &
number of perseverative errors on the mWCST
Jonker, 2003; Kåreholt, Lennartsson, Gatz, &
(see Table 2). With regard to factors of CR, PD
Parker, 2011), while the second block included

Table 2. Performance in cognitive tasks.

Parkinson Controls
Neuropsychological tasks (N = 49) (N = 47) t p
Mattis DRS 135.10 (5.25) 139.64 (3.48) t(94) = –4.97 <.001
JLO 21.18 (4.68) 24.43 (3.66) t(94) = –3.77 <.001
Rey AVLT 43.63 (10.66) 52.96 (10.57) t(94) = –4.30 <.001
CRT (ms) 886 (183) 818 (141) t(94) = 2.04 <.05
SDMT 42.29 (12.56) 50.51 (10.41) t(94) = –3.48 <.001
Running span 33.13 (13.88) 41.17 (11.10) t(93) = –3.12 <.005
Stroop test –4.18 (8.52) –2.77 (7.87) t(92) = –0.83 .41
Phonemic fluency 35.12 (10.30) 41.23 (11.54) t(94) = –2.74 <.01
Category fluency 41.22 (9.60) 49.02 (9.84) t(94) = –3.93 <.001
mWCST (perseverative errors) 38.09 (19.27) 33.02 (24.41) t(94) = 1.13 .26
Note. Raw data. Means; standard deviations in parentheses. Mattis DRS = Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line
Orientation; Rey AVLT = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality Test;
mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Table 3. Cognitive reserve scores.

Parkinson Min–max Controls Min–max
Cognitive reserve factors (N = 49) (values) (N = 47) (values) t(94) p
Education 11.27 (3.30) 6–20 13.32 (3.33) 6–20 –3.03 <.005
Decisional latitude 869 (451) 0–1750 874 (391) 0–1476 –0.058 .95
Psychological job demands 680 (328) 0–1204 688 (294) 0–1232 –0.12 .91
Leisure activities 0.08 (0.04) 0.02–0.25 0.09 (0.05) 0.04–0.29 –1.13 .26
Physical activities 1.70 (1.85) 0–8.46 2.79 (3.04) 0–12.83 –2.12 <.05
Note. Raw data. Means; standard deviations in parentheses.

patients showed significant lower educational level job demand (7.2%) while significant unique percen-
and lower score of PA (see Table 3). tage of variance in speed performance was associated
positively to education (11.6%) and leisure activities
(8.5%), and negatively to psychological job
Determinants of cognitive efficiency in normal
demand (7.2%).
For executive functions, Block 1 and Block 2
Significant general effects of Block 1 (control vari- were not significant for interference resolution, flex-
ables) and Block 2 (CR variables) were not observed ibility, and strategy search in semantic memory as
for global cognitive efficiency and visuospatial per- assessed by phonemic verbal fluency. However,
ception. The addition of the five CR measures did when the other variables were controlled, age was
not significantly increase the amount of explained significant in Block 1 for interference resolution.
variance either. Nevertheless, when the other vari- The addition of the five CR measures did not
ables were controlled, 13.8% of the Mattis DRS significantly increase the amount of explained var-
variance was explained by educational level in iance in the inhibitory performance but leisure
Block 2. activities reached a p value of .037, accounting for
For processing speed, Blocks 1 and 2 were signifi- 9.1% of the variance. For flexibility, the addition of
cant, but Block 2 did not significantly increase the the five CR measures did not significantly increase
overall explained variance. However, processing the amount of explained variance by age either, but
speed was negatively explained by age (12.1%), and in Block 2, when the other variables were con-
female gender was associated with better perfor- trolled, age explained 13.5% of the variance.
mance than male gender for 13%. Furthermore, decisional latitude was near signifi-
With regard to episodic memory and attention/per- cant (p = .050) and explained 7.2% of the variance.
ceptual speed, both blocks were significant, and Block Finally, Block 2 (even if not significant) signifi-
2 significantly increased the overall explained var- cantly increased the amount of explained variance
iance. In Block 1, age was a predictor of both episodic for the phonemic fluency performance, with lei-
memory and attention/perceptual speed. In Block 2, sure activities positively explaining 8.9% of unique
memory performance was positively explained by variance and psychological job demand negatively
education (14.5%) and negatively by psychological explaining 9.6% of it.

Figure 1. Percentage of the variance explained by cognitive reserve (CR) factors on cognitive functioning in normal aging.
(A) Variance level (in percentages, represented by circles) in cognitive performance explained by five CR factors
(represented by concentric circles): education, decisional latitude (DL), psychological job demands (PJD), leisure, and
physical activities (PA). (B) Percentage of variance explained by age, gender, and depression. DRS = Dementia Rating
Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; SDMT =
Symbol Digit Modality Test; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Block 1 was not significant for updating of Determinants of cognitive efficiency in

working memory and strategy search in semantic Parkinson’s disease subjects
memory as assessed by the category verbal fluency,
Significant general effects of Block 1 (with a nega-
contrary to Block 2, which also significantly
tive effect of age and an effect of gender for visuos-
increased the percentage of overall explained var-
patial perception) and Block 2 were observed for
iance. Education was a reliable positive predictor
global cognitive efficiency, episodic memory, visuos-
for the running span and category fluency perfor-
patial perception, processing speed, and attention/
mance, accounting for 16.2% and 22.5% of the
perceptual speed, but Block 2 did not significantly
variance, respectively. Decisional latitude positively
increase the overall explained variance (p = .054
explained 6.6% of additional unique variance for
for visuospatial perception, p = .12 for processing
category fluency performance.
speed, and p = .31 for attention/perceptual speed).
These results are graphically described in Figure 1
Age explained negatively most of total variance
(see Appendix A, Tables A1, A2, and A3, for a detailed
(20.2% for global cognitive efficiency, 14.4% for
presentation of the models).

the visuospatial perception, 14.2% for episodic In healthy participants, linear regression analyses
memory, 36% for processing speed, and 42% for revealed a significant effect of education at various
attention/perceptual speed). Education explained levels of brain atrophy on global cognitive efficiency
(positively) 12.3% of global cognitive efficiency (effect from the 10th to the 50th percentile), episodic
and 11.9% of the episodic memory variance. memory (effect from the 10th to the 50th percentile),
Processing speed and visuospatial perception attention/perceptual speed (effect from the 10th to the
scores were positively explained by decisional lati- 50th percentile), and executive functions (updating of
tude at work (9% and 7.5%, respectively) and working memory and strategic search in memory
negatively by psychological job demand (8.6% with the category fluency task (effect from the 10th
and 10.9%, respectively). Attention/perceptual to the 90th percentile for the two analyses). With
speed was also negatively explained by psychologi- regard to decisional latitude, the positive effect of
cal job demand (4%). decisional latitude on executive functions (updating
For executive functions, Block 1 and Block 2 were of working memory) is still present but less pro-
not significant for the category fluency task (search nounced (effect from the 50th to the 75th percentile).
strategy in semantic memory) and flexibility. Concerning leisure activities, the only effect that
Nevertheless, when the other variables were con- remains significant from the 75th percentile is on
trolled, age explained part of the unique variance in attention/perceptual speed, and no more effect was
Block 1. The addition of the five CR measures did not observed for executive processes. These effects indi-
significantly increase the amount of explained var- cate, as predicted, that participants with the larger
iance either. Concerning the phonemic fluency task atrophy are the ones benefiting the most from CR.
(search strategy in semantic memory), Block 1 was not In the Parkinson’s disease group, linear regression
significant, but Block 2 was significant and increased analyses revealed an effect of education according to
the percentage of overall explained variance. level of brain atrophy on global cognitive efficiency
Education explained positively 19.6% of the variance. (from the 50th to the 90th percentile), episodic mem-
For interference resolution and updating of working ory (from the 50th to the 90th percentile), and execu-
memory, Blocks 1 and 2 were significant, but Block 2 tive functions (updating of working memory: from
did not significantly increase the overall explained the 50th to the 75th percentile; and strategic search in
variance. Interference resolution and updating of memory with the phonemic fluency task: from the
working memory variances were negatively explained 10th to the 90th percentile). Concerning decisional
by age (25.7% and 20.9%, respectively). Moreover, for latitude, there is an effect for visuospatial perception
interference resolution, female gender was associated and processing speed for a mean atrophy (50th per-
to better performance than male gender for 11%, centile). As a whole, these results indicate that the
while for updating of information in working mem- effects of CR are the most beneficial for PD patients
ory, education explained 5.9% of the variance. with a slight and moderate level of brain atrophy.
These results are graphically described in
Figure 2 (See Appendix B, Tables B1, B2, and B3,
for a detailed presentation of the models).
The aim of the present research was to measure the
Benefits of cognitive reserve on cognitive respective contribution of four cognitive reserve fac-
functions according to brain atrophy tors—education, work complexity, leisure and phy-
sical activities—as predictors of cognitive
To determine whether the factors of cognitive reserve
performance in normal aging and PD. We were
moderate the relationship between neuropsychologi-
also interested in determining whether the occur-
cal test scores and brain pathology, we performed
rence of PD is associated with changes in the respec-
supplementary linear regression analyses. More pre-
tive contribution of these various CR measures on
cisely, we assessed whether the benefit of cognitive
cognition. Although some previous studies showed
reserve will vary according the amount of brain atro-
that PDs’ medication can influence cognition (i.e.,
phy, with participants at the 10th percentile having a
Cools, 2006), in the present study we did not observe
large atrophy. Models showing a significant effect of
an LEDD effect on cognitive performance. Results
CR for one or several levels of brain atrophy are
can be summarized in the following way.
detailed in Tables 4 and 5.

Figure 2. Percentage of the variance explained by cognitive reserve (CR) factors on cognitive functioning in the
Parkinson’s disease (PD) group. (A) Variance level (in percentages, represented by circles) in cognitive performance
explained by five CR factors (represented by concentric circles): education, decisional latitude (DL), psychological job
demands (PJD), leisure, and physical activities (PA). (B) Percentage of variance explained by age, gender, and depression.
DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CRT = Choice
Reaction Time; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality Test; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

In healthy aging, the number of years of education latitude has a positive effect on executive abilities
is the more important predictor of cognitive function- (flexibility and updating of working memory) whereas
ing: People with a higher education level show better psychological job demand influences negatively sev-
global cognitive efficiency, episodic and working eral aspects of cognition (episodic memory, attention/
memory performance, attentional abilities, and search perceptual speed, semantic fluency). Contrary to our
strategy in semantic memory. Leisure activities also expectations, the overall level of physical activity dur-
appear to be a good predictor of cognitive perfor- ing the lifespan does not predict cognitive efficiency.
mance. Indeed, higher implication in leisure activities Importantly, the relationship between CR measures
is associated with higher attentional and executive and cognition does not appear to be influenced by age
(inhibition, flexibility, and phonemic fluency) abilities. and gender (except for processing speed and age for
With regard to job solicitations, only decisional flexibility). Finally, when significant, the CR measures

Table 4. Significant results for healthy subjects from Table 5. Significant results for Parkinson’s disease patients
regressions. from regressions.
Atrophy Lower Higher Atrophy Lower Higher
Percentile b Effect t p SE limit limit Percentile b Effect t p SE limit limit
Education Education
Mattis DRS Mattis DRS
10th –0.050 0.424 2.193 .036* 0.193 0.030 0.818 10th –0.062 0.598 1.318 .195 0.454 –0.320 1.515
25th –0.028 0.422 2.679 .012* 0.158 0.101 0.743 25th –0.030 0.622 1.933 .061 0.322 –0.029 1.272
50th –0.007 0.420 2.628 .013* 0.160 0.095 0.746 50th –0.005 0.641 2.651 .012* 0.242 0.152 1.130
75th 0.030 0.417 1.751 .090 0.238 –0.068 0.901 75th 0.031 0.668 3.079 .004* 0.217 0.229 1.107
90th 0.041 0.416 1.537 .134 0.270 –0.135 0.966 90th 0.038 0.674 2.934 .006* 0.230 0.209 1.139
10th –0.050 1.709 3.112 .004* 0.549 0.590 2.827 10th –0.062 1.152 1.229 .227 0.938 –0.745 3.049
25th –0.028 1.542 3.446 .002* 0.447 0.630 2.453 25th –0.030 1.209 1.818 .077 0.665 –0.136 2.554
50th –0.007 1.373 3.026 .005* 0.454 0.449 2.297 50th –0.005 1.253 2.508 .016* 0.500 0.242 2.264
75th 0.030 1.092 1.617 .116 0.676 –0.284 2.468 75th 0.031 1.318 2.936 .006* 0.449 0.410 2.225
90th 0.041 1.009 1.314 .198 0.768 –0.555 2.572 90th 0.038 1.331 2.801 .008* 0.475 0.370 2.291
SDMT Running span memory task
10th –0.050 1.764 3.813 .001* 0.463 0.822 2.707 10th –0.062 1.807 1.670 .103 1.082 –0.384 3.998
25th –0.028 1.569 4.162 .000* 0.377 0.801 2.336 25th –0.030 1.649 1.957 .058 0.843 –0.057 3.355
50th –0.007 1.371 3.587 .001* 0.382 0.593 2.150 50th –0.005 1.503 2.246 .031* 0.669 0.148 2.858
75th 0.030 1.043 1.832 .076 0.569 –0.116 2.202 75th 0.031 1.255 2.073 .045* 0.605 0.029 2.480
90th 0.041 0.945 1.461 .154 0.647 –0.373 2.263 90th 0.038 1.200 1.874 .069 0.640 –0.096 2.497
Running span memory task Phonemic fluency task
10th –0.050 1.943 3.441 .002* 0.565 0.793 3.092 10th –0.062 2.185 2.210 .033* 0.989 0.185 4.184
25th –0.028 1.930 4.197 .000* 0.460 0.993 2.867 25th –0.030 1.813 2.586 .014* 0.701 0.395 3.231
50th –0.007 1.917 4.110 .000* 0.466 0.967 2.867 50th –0.005 1.523 2.892 .006* 0.527 0.458 2.589
75th 0.030 1.896 2.731 .010* 0.694 0.482 3.311 75th 0.031 1.100 2.326 .025* 0.473 0.144 2.057
90th 0.041 1.890 2.395 .023* 0.789 0.282 3.497 90th 0.038 1.014 2.026 .050* 0.501 0.002 2.027
Category fluency task
10th –0.050 1.883 4.265 .000* 0.442 0.983 2.782 Decisional latitude
25th –0.028 1.749 4.864 .000* 0.360 1.017 2.482 JLO
50th –0.007 1.614 4.426 .000* 0.365 0.871 2.357 10th –0.062 0.0035 1.088 .283 .0029 –0.003 0.009
75th 0.030 1.390 2.560 .015* 0.543 0.284 2.496 25th –0.030 0.0035 1.971 .056 .0018 –0.000 0.007
90th 0.041 1.323 2.144 .040* 0.617 0.066 2.580 50th –0.005 0.0037 2.425 .020* .0015 0.001 0.007
75th 0.031 0.0041 1.622 .113 .0025 –0.001 0.009
Decisional latitude
90th 0.038 0.0042 1.482 .146 .0028 –0.002 0.010
Running span memory task
10th –0.050 0.019 1.383 .176 0.013 –0.009 0.046
25th –0.028 0.017 1.670 .105 0.010 –0.004 0.038
10th –0.062 –0.066 –0.569 .573 0.116 –0.301 0.169
50th –0.007 0.016 2.055 .048* 0.008 0.000 0.032 25th –0.030 –0.106 –1.489 .145 0.071 –0.250 0.038
75th 0.030 0.014 2.127 .041* 0.007 0.001 0.027 50th –0.005 –0.137 –2.199 .034* 0.063 –0.264 –0.011
90th 0.041 0.013 1.848 .074 0.007 –0.001 0.028 75th 0.031 –0.183 –1.772 .084 0.103 –0.392 0.026
90th 0.038 –0.192 –1.668 .103 0.115 –0.425 0.041
Leisure activities
Note. SE = standard error; Mattis DRS = Mattis Dementia Rating Scale;
10th –0.050 122.52 1.165 .253 105.16 –91.69 336.73
Rey AVLT = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; JLO = Judgment of
25th –0.028 112.27 1.364 .182 82.32 –55.41 279.96 Line Orientation; CRT = Choice Reaction Time.
50th –0.007 101.95 1.666 .105 61.18 –22.69 226.58 *p < .05.
75th 0.030 84.75 2.154 .040* 39.34 4.613 164.89
90th 0.041 79.61 2.001 .054* 39.80 –1.451 160.68
Note. SE = standard error; Mattis DRS = Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; visuospatial abilities and processing speed whereas
Rey AVLT = Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SDMT = Symbol psychological job demand negatively influences
Digit Modality Test.
*p < .05. the same variables as well as attention/perceptual
speed. Disease duration, depression, medication,
explain a rather important part of the variance in and previous leisure and physical activity level
cognitive performance (ranging from 6.6% to 22.5%). do not explain cognitive performance in our PD
We observed a different pattern of results in patients. Importantly, age is shown to be the most
our group of PD patients. Indeed, only education important factor explaining performance on most
level and decisional latitude at work were identi- of the cognitive measures. Finally, when signifi-
fied as predictors of cognitive performance. cant, the CR measures explain a rather important
Patients with a higher level of education have part of the variance in cognitive performance
better global cognitive efficiency and higher per- (from 5.9% to 42%).
formance in episodic memory and executive abil- Finally, when brain atrophy is taken into account
ities (updating of working memory and phonemic in our regression analyses, we observed in healthy
fluency tasks). With regard to job solicitations, participants that larger atrophy is associated to a
decisional latitude shows a positive effect on higher positive effect of education on global

cognitive efficiency, episodic memory abilities, 2012; Milgram et al., 2006; Mulatu & Schooler, 1999;
attention/perceptual speed, and executive functions Schooler et al., 1999; Then et al., 2014). Moreover, we
(updating of working memory and category fluency observed opposite effects of two aspects related to job
tasks). Moreover, we also observed an effect of solicitation on cognitive performance, with a positive
decisional latitude and leisure activities on cognition impact of decisional latitude but a negative one for
even if these effects were less pronounced. In PD psychological job demand. This is consistent with
patient an effect of education (and to a lesser extent studies showing that various kind of job solicitations
of decisional latitude) was also observed on these (level of control and autonomy, complexity, stress,
measures, but, contrary to healthy subjects, these etc.) will influence the building up of CR (Li, Wu, &
effects were the most beneficial when associated Sung, 2002; Lupien, Maheu, Tu, Fiocco, & Schramek,
with a moderate level of brain atrophy. 2007; Marin et al., 2011).
To our knowledge, no study has yet focused on
the effect of physical activity over the lifetime on
Cognitive reserve factors explaining cognition
cognition. Here, vigorous physical activity (6 METs
in normal aging
and over) practiced across the lifetime does not show
In agreement with previous studies (Foubert-Samier any significant effect on current cognitive efficiency.
et al., 2012; Ghisletta, Bickel, & Lövdén, 2006; This result is quite surprising in view of the health
Wilson et al., 2003), we observed that education benefits of physical activity (Wang et al., 2012;
attainment and leisure activities are determinants Warburton, 2006) and the tremendous number of
of cognitive performance in old age. These results studies showing a positive effect of these activities on
suggest a protective effect of cognitive stimulation cognition (Chang et al., 2010; Dik et al., 2003;
across the lifespan. The protective effect of educa- Richards, Hardy, & Wadsworth, 2003; Smith et al.,
tion may depend on exposure during a sensitive 2010). A possible explanation could be that positive
period of brain development extending into late effects of physical activity are limited in time, and
adolescence (Knudsen, 2004). Alternatively, it may thus its assessment over the lifespan would not show
be that educational activities at any age are benefi- a positive effect on cognition if the participants
cial (Howard-Jones, Washbrook, & Meadows, 2012; stopped practicing when they grew older. Indeed,
Timiras, 1995; Wight et al., 2002), as structural the few studies that focused on the persistence of
brain characteristics and cognitive abilities can be the benefits of physical activity across time showed
modulated throughout the lifespan (Richards & that the long-lasting effect is around 12 months
Deary, 2005). (Kelly et al., 2014). Accordingly, more than half of
With regard to leisure activities, the second our participants had not practiced intense physical
most important CR factor in our healthy aging activity in the last month, as assessed by the National
group, results are consistent with previous ones Aeronautics and Space Administration/Johnson
(Ghisletta et al., 2006; Wilson et al., 2003) as we Space Center Physical Activity Scale (Ross &
showed a positive influence of leisure activities on Jackson, 1990; data not shown).
attention/perceptual speed and executive func- At this time, very few studies have explored simul-
tions. Nevertheless, no association was observed taneously the influence of several factors of CR in
for our global measure of cognition or episodic cognitive abilities of healthy older people. Some
memory measure, contrarily to earlier papers authors proposed that education is the most impor-
(Kåreholt et al., 2011; Wilson et al., 2003). tant factor of CR (Baldivia et al., 2008), while others
Although further studies are necessary to under- suggested that occupation (job solicitation) could be a
stand these discrepancies, we could suggest that better long-term predictor of cognitive decline than
gathering intellectual and social leisure activities education (Li et al., 2002). Regarding our results,
or assessing simultaneously the influence of var- education, followed by leisure activities, appears to
ious factors of CR could have influenced the pat- have a more protective effect on cognition than job
tern of results observed. solicitation. As the synergistic effects of those factors
Surprisingly, our results show little impact of could slightly vary according to the characteristics of
working occupation, although previous studies have the studied sample, it is difficult to draw firm conclu-
shown a positive impact on several cognitive pro- sions at this time. However, our results underscore the
cesses (Andel et al., 2015; Ansiau et al., 2005; Baldivia importance of examining different factors of CR in the
et al., 2008; Bosma et al., 2003; Foubert-Samier et al., same group of participants, to clearly disentangle their

unique implication for cognitive performance in patients. However, the duration of these benefits
old age. after the program cessation is not well established,
and we cannot reject the hypothesis of a short-term
beneficial impact once the program ended.
Cognitive reserve factors explaining cognition
in Parkinson’s disease
To our knowledge, education, occupation, and leisure
Impact on cognitive reserve and brain atrophy
and physical activities have never been studied simul-
on cognitive functions
taneously as factors of CR in PD. We observed a
positive relationship between educational level and To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first
cognition. These results are consistent with previous studies that compared the interaction between cogni-
findings showing that a high level of education is tion, CR factors, and brain atrophy in healthy aging
associated with better global cognition, memory, and and Parkinson’s disease. Many previous studies are
executive functions in PD (Hindle et al., 2016; Hindle limited in their interpretability because they only
et al., 2014; Koerts, Tucha, Lange, & Tucha, 2013). Job address two factors of a tripartite relationship
solicitation still has a little impact on cognitive func- (Hindle et al., 2016; Opdebeeck, Martyr, & Clare,
tions, and, as observed in normal aging, a job asso- 2016; Poletti, Emre, & Bonuccelli, 2011). There is
ciated to a high level of decisional latitude appears to agreement that a high CR would have a beneficial
have positive impact on late cognition in PD effect on cognition but the primary hypothesized role
(although in a lesser extent than in normal aging), of cognitive reserve is that it protects cognition against
whereas high psychological job demand has a negative dementia-associated neuropathology (Stern, 2009).
impact. Finally, we do not observe a positive effect of Therefore, quantification of neuropathology must be
leisure activities, contrary to what was observed in included in studies of cognitive reserve. To our knowl-
normal aging, and practice of lifelong physical activ- edge, only one study in PD has looked at such a
ities does not influence later cognition in our sample tripartite relation. Lucero et al. (2015) evaluated
of PD participants either (as in normal aging). whether educational level would modify correlation
Interestingly, our results point out that CR vari- between brain pathology and cognition and showed
ables the most frequently practiced in a lifetime (edu- that education could protect PD patients’ cognition
cation and job solicitation were practiced during against cortical β-amyloid pathology. Here, we used
hours, for years) are those that seem the most protec- global brain atrophy as estimated from high-resolution
tive against cognitive decline due to a pathological anatomical MRI as a gross marker of the effect of
condition, and that the relative contribution of these normal aging or Parkinson’s disease. In healthy elderly
variables slightly varies between normal aging and PD. subjects, educational attainment (and to a lesser extent
Moreover, age strongly influences cognitive perfor- decisional latitude and leisure activities) modified the
mance in PD, but not in normal aging (note that relationship between brain atrophy and the clinical
mean age is similar between our two groups). As a expression of cognitive decrease such that those with
whole, these results suggest that the mechanisms of higher education maintain better cognitive function in
CR are not exactly similar in normal and pathological the presence of cerebral atrophy. These findings pro-
aging. In normal aging, most aspects of CR seem to vide support for the cognitive reserve theory during
provide good protection against cognitive decline. In normal aging (Stern, 2009) and suggest that education
PD, a more aggressive advance of aging could override may protect people’s cognition against brain atrophy.
the beneficial effect of the less consistently practiced Our results revealed that the association between atro-
factor of CR across the lifespan—that is, leisure activ- phy and cognition in healthy subjects is not simple but
ity. In that context, we can ask the question of the instead varies mainly according to educational attain-
relevance of time-limited stimulation programs to ment. Specifically, among those with lower education,
prevent the effects of neurodegeneration on cognition. increased atrophy is predictive of worse cognitive per-
Indeed, a positive impact of mental or physical train- formance, whereas among those with higher educa-
ing programs on cognition and the brain was reported tion, brain atrophy is not predictive of cognitive
in normal aging (Valenzuela & Sachdev, 2007; impairment. Our results are consistent with previous
Voelcker-Rehage & Niemann, 2013), mild cognitive studies in healthy aging and in AD in that education
impairment (Buschert et al., 2011), Alzheimer (Groot modifies the relationship between atrophy and cogni-
et al., 2016), and Parkinson (Tanaka et al., 2009) tion (see, for example, Solé-Padullés et al., 2009).

Our study addresses a significant gap in cognitive inferred. Similarly, we cannot exclude the presence of
reserve research in PD. Indeed, most studies on cog- a reverse causality effect, with people with inherently
nitive reserve in PD to date have investigated the higher cognitive abilities (at least in some domains)
association between education and cognition without being more likely to engage in longer education, to
considering the level of neuropathology (Koerts et al., have jobs with higher decisional latitude, and to have
2013; Poletti et al., 2011; see also Hindle et al., 2014, for more mentally demanding leisure activities (but not
a meta-analysis). Our results are in agreement with the necessarily in physical activities). Further studies are
previously demonstrated influence of educational obviously necessary to better understand the relation-
attainment to protect against cognitive impairment ships between earlier cognitive abilities, lifestyle fac-
in AD but very interestingly showed that the protec- tors, cognitive reserve, and late cognitive efficiency.
tive effect of CR on cognition is mainly evidenced for a Data from epidemiological cohort seem particularly
slight to moderate level of brain atrophy in PD (here, relevant to disentangle the relationships between these
from the 25th–50th percentile, and not at the 10th factors (see, for example, Dekhtyar et al., 2015).
percentile as in healthy participants). Even if we do
not have a clear explanation for this pattern of results
at this time, we could suggest that some neuropatho- Conclusion
logical processes specific to PD (such as neurotoxic or
inflammatory processes; Mosley, Hutter-Saunders, Our results indicate that life experiences influence late
Stone, & Gendelman, 2012; Nagatsu & Sawada, cognition in normal and pathological aging, but not
2006) that do not affect brain atrophy per se add exactly in the same way. More particularly, it seems
burden on brain functioning. Consequently, that sup- that the CR factors the most consistently practiced
plementary burden will counteract the protective across lifespan (education and professional solicita-
effect of cognitive reserve when brain atrophy became tions) are the most associated with cognitive effi-
too important. In agreement with that proposal, ciency. Even if these data need replication, they
Lucero et al. (2015) recently showed a significant appear particularly relevant in the context of neuro-
relationship between cortical β-amyloid pathology, plasticity occurring in late life (Maguire, Woollett, &
educational level and cognitive performance in PD Spiers, 2006; Stern et al., 1992). Indeed, as it is difficult
patients. to handle education or job position in seniors, future
Even if the results we obtained need to be repli- studies should be interested to determine whether a
cated, they appear particularly interesting as they continuous engagement (in opposition to short-term
emphasize the relationships between cognitive effi- training programs) in leisure and/or physical activities
ciency, cognitive reserve, brain reserve, and the pre- in older people has a beneficial effect on cognitive
sence (vs. absence) of neurodegenerative processes. changes associated to normal and pathological ageing
Indeed, even if a high level of CR does not prevent (see, for example, Wang et al., 2012).
neuropathology (PD in this case), lifelong positive
stimulations (and more particularly education) seem
to influence cognitive functioning until at least a Acknowledgements
moderate level of brain atrophy. So, taking simulta- We thank Meg Inscoe and Karima Smouk for English
neously into account cognitive efficiency, level of CR, correction of the manuscript.
and importance of brain atrophy in clinical practice
could help to predict the cognitive evolution of PD
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
Study limitation authors.
This study brings some information on how life
experiences and lifestyle factors over the entire life-
span are (positively or negatively) associated to late Funding
cognitive efficiency in healthy and pathological aging.
M.R. was supported by a research grant from the Fonds
However, due to our transversal design, such evidence Rahier, University of Liège (Belgium); and by the
remains correlative, and the existence of a causality Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Pour la Vocation
link between CR and cognition cannot be formally (Paris, France).

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Appendix A

Table A1. Significant results of Block 1 for healthy subjects from multiple regressions.
Block 1 b t p SE correlation2 Lower limit Higher limit
Age –0.036 –2.144 .038 0.017 .0841 –0.071 –0.002
Gender 0.595 2.161 .036 0.275 .0853 0.040 1.149
Age 0.061 3.910 .000 0.016 .2372 0.030 0.093
Gender 0.805 3.174 .003 0.254 .1568 0.294 1.317
Age –0.056 –3.279 .002 0.017 .1954 –0.090 –0.021
Stroop test
Age –0.036 –2.053 .046 0.018 .0835 –0.071 –0.001
Note. SE = standard error; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time.

Table A2. Significant results of Block 2 for healthy subjects from multiple regressions.
Block 2 b t p SE correlation2 Lower limit Higher limit
Mattis DRS
Education 0.434 2.592 .013 0.168 .1376 0.095 0.774
Education 0.446 3.264 .002 0.137 .1452 0.169 0.722
PJD –0.586 –2.295 .027 0.255 .0718 –1.103 –0.069
Age 0.061 2.691 .011 0.023 .1211 0.015 0.107
Gender 1.104 2.789 .008 0.396 .1296 0.302 1.905
Education 0.398 3.098 .004 0.128 .1156 0.138 0.658
PJD –0.587 –2.445 .019 0.240 .0724 –1.073 –0.101
Leisure activities 0.336 2.661 .011 0.126 .0853 0.080 0.592
Running span memory task
Education 0.471 3.272 .002 0.144 .1624 0.180 0.762
DL 0.583 2.078 .044 0.280 .0655 0.015 1.150
Stroop test
Leisure activities 0.344 2.162 .037 0.159 .0912 0.022 0.667
Phonemic fluency task
PJD –0.676 –2.246 .031 0.301 .0955 –1.286 –0.067
Leisure activities 0.343 2.164 .037 0.158 .0888 0.022 0.664
Category fluency task
Education 0.555 3.805 .001 0.146 .2247 0.260 0.850
Age 0.064 2.683 .011 0.024 .1347 0.016 0.113
Leisure activities 0.318 2.024 .050 0.157 .0767 0.000 0.637
Note. SE = standard error; PJD = psychological job demands; DL = decisional latitude; DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; AVLT = Auditory Verbal
Learning Test; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Table A3. Description of model results for each cognitive tests in healthy subjects.
Neuropsychological tasks F df p Adjusted R² Variation of F
Mattis DRS
Model 1 .44 3, 43 .73 –.038
Model 2 1.34 8, 38 .26 .055 F(5, 38) = 1.85, p = .13
Model 1 .58 3, 43 .63 –.028
Model 2 1.16 8, 38 .35 .027 F(5,38) = 1.48, p = .22
Model 1 3.89 3, 43 <.02* .16
Model 2 4.42 8, 38 .001* .37 F(5, 38) = 3.94, p = .006*
Model 1 7.11 3, 43 .001* .29
Model 2 2.75 8, 38 <.02* .23 F(5, 38) = .35, p = .83
Model 1 4.03 3, 43 .013* .165
Model 2 5.61 8, 38 .000* .445 F(5, 38) = 5.33, p = .001*
Running span memory task
Model 1 .67 3, 43 .57 –.022
Model 2 3.51 8, 38 .004* .303 F(5, 38) = 5.02, p = .001*
Stroop test
Model 1 2.52 3, 43 .070 .090
Model 2 1.65 8, 38 .14 .102 F(5, 38) = 1.11, p = .37
Phonemic fluency task
Model 1 .66 3, 43 .58 -.023
Model 2 1.83 8, 38 .10 .127 F(5, 38) = 2.48, p < .05*
Category fluency task
Model 1 1.10 3, 43 .36 .006
Model 2 3.29 8, 38 .006 * .285 F(5, 38) = 4.35, p = .003*
Model 1 1.83 3, 43 .16 .051
Model 2 1.94 8, 38 .082 .140 F(5, 38) = 1.89, p = .12
Note. DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality
Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.
*Significant results.

Appendix B
Table B1. Significant results of Block 1 for Parkinson’s disease patients from multiple regressions.
Block 1 b t p SE correlation2 Lower limit Higher limit
Mattis DRS
Age –0.066 –4.440 .000 0.015 .3025 –0.097 –0.036
Age –0.043 –2.957 .005 0.015 .1274 –0.073 –0.014
Gender –0.633 –2.486 .017 0.254 .09 –1.146 –0.119
Age –0.061 –4.080 .000 0.015 .2570 –0.091 –0.031
Gender 0.531 2.027 .049 0.262 .0635 0.003 1.059
Age 0.069 5.066 .000 0.014 .3215 0.041 0.096
Age –0.084 –6.958 .000 0.012 .4844 –0.108 –0.060
Running span memory task
Age –0.067 –4.214 .000 0.016 .2767 –0.098 –0.035
Stroop test
Age –0.057 –3.713 .001 0.015 .2275 –0.088 –0.026
Age 0.047 2.872 .006 0.016 .1513 0.014 0.080
Note. SE = standard error; DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SDMT =
Symbol Digit Modality Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Table B2. Significant results of Block 2 for Parkinson’s disease patients from multiple regressions.
Block 2 b t p SE correlation2 Lower limit Higher limit
Mattis DRS
Age –0.060 –3.920 .000 0.015 .2016 –0.091 –0.029
Education 0.407 3.067 .004 0.133 .1232 0.138 0.676
Age –0.051 –3.388 .002 0.015 .1436 –0.081 –0.021
DL 0.650 2.450 .019 0.265 .0751 0.113 1.188
PJD –0.713 –2.947 .005 0.242 .1089 –1.203 –0.223
Age –0.051 –3.364 .002 0.015 .1421 –0.081 –0.020
Education 0.389 2.993 .005 0.130 .1189 0.126 0.652
Age 0.081 5.624 .000 0.014 .36 0.052 0.110
DL –0.712 –2.814 .008 0.253 .09 –1.224 –0.200
PJD 0.635 2.752 .009 0.231 .0864 0.168 1.102
Age –0.087 –6.563 .000 0.013 .4199 –0.114 –0.060
PJD –0.431 –2.022 .050 0.213 .0396 –0.863 0.001
Running span memory task
Age –0.064 –3.864 .000 0.017 .2088 –0.098 –0.031
Education 0.295 2.059 .046 0.143 .0590 0.005 0.586
Stroop test
Age –0.068 –3.948 .000 0.017 .2570 –0.102 –0.033
Gender 0.936 2.577 .014 0.363 .1096 0.201 1.572
Phonemic fluency task
Education 0.513 3.473 .001 0.148 .1962 0.214 0.813
Note. SE = standard error; PJD = psychological job demands; DL = decisional latitude; DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; JLO = Judgment of Line
Orientation; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; mWCST = modified
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

Table B3 Description of model results for each cognitive tests in subjects with Parkinson’s disease
Neuropsychological tasks F df p Adjusted R² Variation of F
Mattis DRS
Model 1 4.42 5, 43 .002* .26
Model 2 3.82 10, 38 .001* .37 F(5, 38) = 2.47, p = .049*
Model 1 5.11 5, 43 .001* .30
Model 2 4.18 10, 38 .001* .40 F(5, 38) = 2.41, p = .054
Model 1 4.35 5, 43 .003* .26
Model 2 4.18 10, 38 .001* .40 F (5, 38) = 2.99, p = .023*
Model 1 7.34 5, 43 .000* .40
Model 2 4.98 10, 38 .000* .45 F(5, 38) = 1.88, p = .12
Model 1 11.37 5, 43 .000* .52
Model 2 6.47 10, 38 .000* .53 F(5, 38) = 1.24, p = .31
Running span memory task
Model 1 4.22 5,43 .003* .25
Model 2 3.36 10,38 .003* .33 F(5, 38) = 2.01, p = .10
Stroop test
Model 1 3.54 5, 43 .009* .21
Model 2 2.26 10, 38 .034* .21 F(5, 38) = .99, p = .44
Phonemic fluency task
Model 1 0.81 5, 43 .55 .013
Model 2 2.35 10, 38 .028* .002 F(5, 38) = 3.65, p = .009*
Category fluency task
Model 1 1.13 5, 43 .36 –.02
Model 2 1.01 10, 38 .45 –.06 F(5, 38) = .91, p = .49
Model 1 2.28 5, 43 .063 .12
Model 2 1.61 10, 38 .14 .11 F(5, 38) = .94, p = .46
Note. DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; AVLT = Auditory Verbal Learning Test; JLO = Judgment of Line Orientation; SDMT = Symbol Digit Modality
Test; CRT = Choice Reaction Time; mWCST = modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.
*Significant results.

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