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wr ; eect FEATURES 1 Look at the photo and describe w nat you can see. Use some of | thgye words to help you. St saps to ow + owioon « 142 What if ...? Phie's a. tomado and us mov a) ow bright cloud dark evening fall * light move ain 1 he som ety, qheote hugh dof. ab te A a ue emma Ths Tornado and sm Discussing the impossible with real science rs 144 Nature in one cubic foot 2. CAE Listen to part of a documentary about storm ch ange the ye pns, Photographing a secret @ ire diwchon. Wik Aimost note ie dd When a tornado is com world of animals and plants 2 What type of people are storm chasers? Sama | 3 What do storm chasers do? Se i clay 3 tordado 4 What isa common time of day tos 5, Why are Cass 2 j Me qiinkss we abou Parned » fohaentpmy T ae To these questions. Then tell the class people wart ty gob arod oe 146 Living with chimpanzees The life of Jane Goodall w 150 Cambodia animal rescue 4 video about the work of an organization to save 1 Why do you think pdt want to be sd chaser 2 Would you like to be a storm chaser? Why? / Why not? animals 4. Betnaue 4pm and a : ah un poste foble Aneta? Aousor and = ee utng Carscamer 3 What if, Ocabular Y extrem these ese We, © Weather rather wo, “er words with the photos (a : a snowstorm, wy 2 Discuss the questions Which parts of tht Behera cuteme eather nia as) reise 1? tout tall As INBICH types of extome weathers tit AS 1 YOUE country? Do you hayy extreme water Fycettain times of the year? Thee ate wa Shon ui What's the Weather like today? Is j nornfal for rutile one this time of y. i couday Noh Tih!) {kind of questions do« Randal} answer on his blog?tvaiy wath abort a planddll quate oe aly vpn Read the articlhpagain and answer figse questions ts ith yes or no. 5) ong Toxdall ae secontific. 1 Does Randal AYP: NASA? plo Go used to war Do people send in questions about th , really happened? Nol wa hi yo si Does Randall use sente swler the questions? Bs Condall gang aciaethre ans 1 ‘Are you saferirom lightning onk seomacinb than ona boat? Bs ¢ beeaus.c you'd be wear 5 Can the electricit . Enna OM lea mony <, fl thunder and lightning 5 9 Reading 3 Read the article. Whai Randall Monroe is a scientist and he fase se 4 3 ted a blog called What f. fe ify ns above | Pevioc oe Sener unlikely Water. Lightning might hit you. And ifthe light Brine aginse and Randall gives scientific answers. hitthe water near you, the electrical energy spread outwards across the water. Here are some What... f...? questions about weather and nature, re Sav ire The rain would break the glass if submarine, you'd be safe because you'd ek ing usually hits the tallest eo ns ein But if you did that, GramMar second Conditional of sound. he alossf you drove at the speed Would I be safe if | was in a swimm ‘understorm? 'mng poo! during » What would happen if lightning hit you in a submarine? in a sut or further information and practic ye 178, eri and practice, see pag Look at the grammar boy, Then choose option (a-b) to complete these : 1 the correct sentences We form the second conditional with 2 f+ past simple + ieould + verk b if present simple + will + verb. We use the second conditional to talk about 2 teal situations b_ impossible or unlikely situations. The second conditional refers to situations in a the past. b the present or future. A comma separates the two clauses when: a. the first clause begins with if b the second clause begins with if 6 Put these words in the correct order to make second conditional sentences. The first word is correct. Ls +05 1 ify “fhe youd homework Ad 4. 2 Yoxt/ nog / se / wouldn't / listened / clack / if y A s+ 3 Would yop'/ fone ask {triehts/ sai / mpnet /if 7 didnet / yet J have jah /? 4 1} apcicltt / Rate / 7 visit / if? time” trav¥l / possible / wis / 2 5 Tw / use transigtor /gt / wouldn't / ENulish / they Git ? spoke / L 6 It Abusing, MV nes 7 stntta? you / would / produce / what / yu 2? 7 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. 8 Complete the second sentence using the secon conditional, Describe the opposite situation to the frst sentence 1 Thdocsn't rain here Wit the land is very dey the land vsdry The river never floods, so we don't ur hon ‘wed PL xe Wo don't get hot tempe ee oad ernest 7 vont’ t tures in my country, se ire country, we youd air conditioning Were tactek the weather forcast every da Deca threaresndln temas at this timo TWthere wars? sudden gornadoes at thistime of year, we Would Yt Wade check the sweater all he time Itc snow here in winter so we ae able to drive to work every day: Afi Sy here in winte i a He tps wrkenery das Pronunciation would / wouldn't /‘d LAGE Listen toa short conversation. How many times douse wots se 287 ous tab Look at te Aik ee BEERS al eck your answers. Then work in pairs. Practise reading, the conversation. Speaking 410 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions | Would you live in another country it you could? Where would you move to? Why? I you could meet someone famous, who would it be? What would you ask him or her? 3. you wona lot of money, would you stop working studying? How would you spend the money? 2 Ta lke o live in another country if Leould. Ua prob rmooe to Canada, because thas beatiful places The Gulf Stream is a stream ‘of warm water which begins in Florida and travels across the \ foods Atlantic Ocean. Asa rest t, countries on the west coast of Europe have warmer climates. If a 4 as the Gulf Stream ' Ht stop (stop) flowing, Europe? (be) Ja ty very different. Countries ike Great Britain? beet pgm auch colder, } especially in winter. Ifthe ea was coldet 9 ing and sunfner 7s (not/ ee iu last) as long, Farmers? wort ei (not / beable to) produce cergain types of =~ \ food and heating costs* ps up (wo ey we” don Tous! ra (not have) the Gulf treanf, aot of Europeans’ _W| jb (have to) change 2 the way they live. Treat) > MEIEEUEEREM > avesnions wrt any PAN INTERVIEW > FINDING A SOLUTION ee utng Carscamer Nature in one cubic foot pulary nature y question 1 po yeu like taking photos? a, {hat kinds of photos do et you take? youu ever take photos of 2/ Why not? sins. Discuss the in pai “gy voca k wh nature? Why ook at the photos (AD). Which tot nese places (18) can you see in the photos? Which three places are man-made? 1 forest Bf; 5 Barden, 2 mountain — 6 ocean 3 field 7 park Parenor 8 desert # 1 iver Work in pai in Exercise 2 do you se log, deol Cae Listening 4a a aren dite about [ photos photos ot metal frame? waorhy | b rs, Which of the places w id Liittschwager, the ropher, Why does he take f wildlife in the green u See ual square sides (ubic= ad)” 4 aus quo awd 5 ESE Listen to the documentary wi again. Are these sentences true (T) alse (WY? F aye a vite rade 9 0 1 GANEny people think they don, live near nature ohn a 4 T 2. David Liittschwager wants people to ngtice the wpldlife wi near them. (wants wt David took his green metal ¢@% i 5 ' frame tg different parts of the» world. (pe eondv I & He spent three wks taking photos around the world: ( He 5 He only photographed wh things that are smaller than OP ¢ etre in size. a a Gi rammar anywhere, everyone, nobody, Something, etc. ‘ANYWHERE, EVERYONE) NOBOI ee oa ODY, S¢ firmative OMETHING/ etc Daud Litschwager wants ind nature, ee ants and animals are always someWHi@I® nearby gative q ‘hore’ nol to look at nature “ou don't se anthing excep people waking ther dogs reston ave you photographed anythiAg ir 85 interesting? ote: -body and -one mean the same: a fnane / Everybody can find nature 5 that every@iie can or further information and practice, see page 178 Look at the grammar box. Look at the parts of the words highlighted in yellow. Then complete these rules with -thing, -where, body or -one. 1 Weuse + or =O totalk about people. 2 Weuse ~,Whiy — to talk about places 3 Weuse. thang to talk about objects Look at the parts of the words highlighted in blue in the grammar box. Complete the sentences with any-, every, Some- OF 0. 1 Boy body loves taking photos. It’s very populed. 2 Ne terrible in it. 3. ‘Did gona] ary body take a photo of me?” "No, don’t thidk body did.’ 4 Sqmq, body tookmy photo. It’s today’s newspaper. body likes that photo. We all look Read about the places in the photos A-D. Choose the correct options. answers in four 9 Complete the questions and Fee ne de ion, Use the highlighted words different conversations. Use from the grammar box. A: Did you go! ony yesterday? Be No, stayed in, L wanted to watel ‘gon thing on TV about plants and animals in South Africa. where interesting, A Sorry Fm late, Has’ 89m@ one phoned for me? Be! No, body phoned but ‘some Jeft this letter at reception. A: Imstarving,'vehad* 1M thing to eat all day. Bs Well, why don’t we go and get something to eat? ‘There are cafés” where in this part of town. } A: Have yoy seen my pen? | left it ‘eome whoa on my desk B: No, I haven’t. And °no ‘hog. moved any Lay ten youre ot ife | Speaking ~ 10 Work in pairs. Complete the questions with words starting with any-. Then take turns to ask the questions and answer in your own words. Try to use words with aty-, cvery-, some- oF no-in your 1 Are you going nice on holiday this year? interesting last 2. Did you do weekend? ¢ mg, 3. Have you ever met ‘you know while you were on holiday? ee utng Carscamer 12¢ Livin Reading Te always ilo nals? EAP 2 Read the rict a Satout Jane pooh gue Paragraphs (1-5) descrits fee Fy a Me, her early lite in Attica? X 3 fe in Atrica Leen, 5° how she became well-anow/4@emaat 3 s Me as 1 What a re yo do itel na b thy bath e af Pach her current life and work? PML O95 Read the year or dec , own’ article again, Put these events PM “4 a order they happened and write the wad a The human popu, & She becameadocton 3- Ag War started in Gombe. § ~ 19¥0s a She saw her first chimpanzee. 17960 She started writing adiary. 2 A9G0, {She goes back to Gombe every years 8 apy) 8 She published her first book. @= 4 9 h She left Gombe to travel and give talks F-13930 4 Match the words from the article (1-5) with the definitions (a-c). 1 tool (line 17) 2 natural habitat (line 34) 3. survive (line 35) LY 4 lecture (line 42) 5 conservation line ss) aan object for making and doing things b the protection of nature and wildlife €aplace where you find a certain type of animal or plant da formal talk to people about a specifie subject © continue to live Critical thinking close reading 5 Read the article again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Or is the information not in the article (N)? N17. Jane and her mother hadn't enjoyed life back in England so they moved. ¥ 2 They didn’t arrive with man 1sses: y y Pe + 3. Jane had studied chimpanzees at t 4 N'5. Some scientists didn't believe Jane's at first, T 6 During the seventies and eighties, humans Ah 7_ (abst the problems in Gombe 7 Fora while Jane stopped helping chimpanzees. F8 Jane has retited fom her job. ons. versity. No one knew that chimpanzees ate meat before Jane discovered it. search mate. Which hee smayt ation in the see" increased 6-480}, § with chimpanzees Word focus start 6 Look at the wores in bold in the sentences. Majeh, FO the users af the word start to the forms (a-d), ane Goodall andl her mother started their ney fe in Africa on July 14, 1960. we eNO Je aed 3 During, the soventios a war started. 9 wm How 1 jane started running towards the forest § verb + 10 4 infinitive b- verb + -ing form verb + noun phrase verb (not followed by an object or verb) 7 Mate the questions (1-4) with the answers (a-d), e! 2 3 Why did you start to learn Chinese? What time does the football match start? Hf you started a new life, what would you do? Why did you start working, here? a Thad a part-time job in the summer and then they offered me a full-time job. b thought it would be useful in the future. ¢ Idon’t know. Maybe I'd go and work with animals somewhere. d Atthree, Speaking “my fife 8 Work in pairs. imagine you are Jane Goodall Answer these questions with the information from Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the article. 1 When did you first arrive in Africa? 5 What possessions did you have with you? 3. When did you see a chimpanzee for the frst time? ‘4 What three discoveries did you make about chimpanzees? 9 With your partner, writ Jane Goodall using the 3,4and 5, 10 Work with another pair answer your questions, Ai Wheat happened to you in 19662 Bs Tbecame a Doctor" 1966 11 that’ down five important dates in your life. Give at OUF Partner. Ask and answer questions four more questions for information in paragraphs and take turns to ask and about your dates, pe ut ng Carcater and her aera July 14, 1960. The © Tanganyika in the of men met them ted their new nd carried their lu: Much: a tent, a fe u Later on the same day, someboy himpanzee. Straight ds the forest, dy Said the y. Jane started where she saw a _had always dreamed of vi panzees, but she didn’t know, she had no scientific qualific: arrived in Gombe, ups of these sted to write id much about nths of difficult work, she made three impo gettood and they also made tools She began to publish articles Journals such as National Geographic magazine. After a while, s started reading her studies and Jane was offere place at university. Finally, in 1966, she became life in arrived on the east sho e re Gombe National Park. A ggage. ew clothes and §:@ ey had) running chimpanzee for the studying them ations, However, after she spent many months watching animals and learning about them. She about them in her diary and after many d ed tools 5.4 Scientists da 6 Doctor Jane Goodall, Her work also made her famous..There was a film documentary, Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees (1963) and then the first of many called My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees (1969). books, 8 During the seventies, there was a war in the region and Gombe became a dangerous place. Many foreigners left, but Jane stayed Eventually the war ended, but there was another m at the 38 is the human population increased in Gombe. more trees were cut down. With fewer trees, thetmmmpanzees Tost their natural habitat and it became difficult for them to survive. By the end of the decade, only about a hundred chimpanzees were living in Gombe. At this time, Jane started working with local people to grow more trees in the region. After 1989, Jane left Gombe and started travelling to other parts of the world. She gave lectures about her work and she organized safe places for young chimps whose parents had died or been killed. Now in her eighties, she spends about three hundred days a year giving interviews, talks and lectures, meeting with government officials about animal conservation and raising money for the Jane Goodall Institute which continues her research. And she still spends part of every year in the forest in Gombe, watching her chimpanzees.

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