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Macabebe, Pampanga


(Language/Literature , Araling Panlipunan, Science, Math)
Resource Teacher: Graciella Leannie Gonzales School: Macabebe High School
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area: Grade 7 Mathematics

Concrete Examples for each domain of

Domain of knowledge knowledge from my Observation ( What did
your teacher teach? What was the focus of
your teacher’s lessons?
1. Cognitive Domain- Information
(Declarative Knowledge)- Facts, The resource teacher opens his discussion by
vocabulary, terms, concepts, introducing the integers to his or her learners.
principles, hypothesis, theory She manages to take all the explanations of all
the aspects of the topic and put them together
so the learners can understand the discussion.

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural

Knowledge)- eg. Mental skills such as
writing a paragraph The resource teacher asks the student to
answer the activity on the television by raising
their hands and letting them answer the
question. This may include their participation
in the class.

Blooms Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor - skills The resource teacher make sure that all of his
student understand the lesson, after she
finalize his lesson, she make an activity to help
the student understand more the lesson, by
arranging the number to decreasing and
increasing of numbers, in this method all the
student understand very well the lesson that
the teacher discuss.

4. Affective- Values, Attitudes The Learners can use integers to their daily life
by describing temperature above/below
freezing point, debit/credit of money, a
geographical level above/below sea level,
elevator level when it is above/below the
ground level, as a bonus and penalty in
quizzes/games, and many more, in this
process the learners can be special by
understanding this topic.

Macabebe, Pampanga


(Physical Education, ICT, TLE, ESP)
Resource Teacher: Ana Rose Cabrera School __________________________
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area________________ Date_______

Concrete Examples for each domain of

Domain of knowledge knowledge from my Observation ( What did
your teacher teach? What was the focus of
your teacher’s lessons?
1. Cognitive Domain- Information The resource teacher takes his/her student on
(Declarative Knowledge)- Facts, the covered court, she assigns the student to
vocabulary, terms, concepts, take their weight and height to get their BMI,
principles, hypothesis, theory after that she assign the student to divide
their self into three group.

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural The Resource teacher provide all the task that
Knowledge)- eg. Mental skills such as they need to task regarding to their skills and
writing a paragraph health, in this task most of the student takes a
lot of time to test their self, so that after all of
those tasks they can get the result.

Blooms Domain of Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor -skills The Learners indicate the possible result that
regards on the task that they need to do,
some are tired, because some programs are
not eligible to them but somehow some
student shows some improvement to their
skill by doing the task that is provided by the
resource teachers.

4. Affective- Values, Attitudes The learners indicate all the programs that are
useful for our daily lives, this can be a good
concern regarding to their health, in this
method the learners can be a good example of
showing the right things to do by maintaining
a good health, and providing all the exercise
program that the resource teacher indicated.


1. Where the lessons focused on information? Cognitive domain only or mental

procedures only or psychomotor procedures/ physical skills only? Or were the lessons
combinations of two or three. Explain your answer.

The lesson that provided by Ma’am Graciella Leannie Gonzales and Ana Rose Cabrera
indicate the Cognitive domain and the Psychomotor procedures, because by introducing
their topic they manage it very well so the learners can provide the understanding and
the participation of each learners, in this method they can focused on the certain stage
of each lesson and as a additional the leaners prefer to this lesson by indicating those
domain and procedures.

2. Where the lessons focused on cognitive content only or psychomotor content only or
effective content only? Or were the lessons combinations of two or three. Explain your

The lesson focused on two, the cognitive content and Psychomotor content, this both
are the most normal focused when it comes to this kind of lessons, for example on Math
lesson the cognitive is the main focused then the Physical education lesson the
Psychomotor is the normal focused on it by using the skills of the learners.

3. What was the effect of learning when teaching was focused on only one domain?

The effect on using one domain is different by using the three domains, in this method
the teacher can simplify the certain topic by using a single domain, but in indicating the
other domain can be much more interested.

4. Is it possible to teach only in one domain like affective only or cognitive only or
psychomotor only? Or based on Kendall’s and Manzano’s taxonomy, information only or
mental procedures only or psychomotor procedures only? Explain your answer.

Yes, it was possible because on a certain lesson we can apply a single domain for
example base on my observation, Ma’am Ana Rose Cabrera use the Psychomotor
domain to his learner because his subject is about Physical Education.

5. Do Kendall and Manzano’s knowledge taxonomy and Bloom’s taxonomy of learning

activities contradict each other. Explain your answer.

No, because both of their taxonomies emphasized the students' personal growth and
development while assisting students in obtaining a standard quality education.

Based on your observations, in class and on your understanding of the the domains of
knowledge and learning activities from Bloom, Kendall and Manzano, how can you make your
teaching-learning activity more meaningful and more relevant? Is lesson more relevant when
you teach only in the cognitive or when you teaching the cognitive domain combined with the
affective or psychomotor combined with the affective?

Based on my observation the three domain are very important to indicate to our
knowledge and also it was important to understand, as a future educator those three would be
effective to my lesson by indicating it, as a matter of fact those three are very useful and
effective that’s why the educator now a day use it, The students can acquire whatever they need
to know by using these knowledge domains, and it will also fill in any gaps in their performances
or other activities. To help the students better understand the lessons, all of these domains must
be interwoven.


Refer to the K-12 Curriculum Guide. Based on the competencies, formulate SMART lesson
objectives/intended learning outcomes”
1. In the cognitive/affective and psychomotor domains (Bloom)

Cognitive Domain
- Provide the introduction and explanation of the certain topic ( Introduction of integers)

Affective Domain

- Indicate all the important detail and providing the learners a task to understand the

Psychomotor Domain

- Help the learners to understand more the lesson by providing them more example and
giving them some task to do.

2. For Information (declarative knowledge) mental procedures (procedural knowledge)

and psychomotor procedures/physical or motor skills.

Information (Declarative Knowledge)

- Identifying all the important task and program to the learners so that they can understand
and know the procedure of the task.

Mental Procedures (Procedural Knowledge)

- Let the student do the task by their own, but just to make sure all the learners
understand and know what are they doing.

Psychomotor Procedures (Physical or Motor Skills)

- Ask the student to perform all the physical education program, doing all the task may
help them to know their skills and this can help them to increase their knowledge and
improve their skills.

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